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Posts by ekrzycki  

Joined: 19 Nov 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Nov 2010
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From: Omaha, NE, USA
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Interests: Pinball

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19 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Information on family name, Krzycki [23]

Thank-you Patrycja19. My friend grew up in Columbus, Nebraska. I'll try and get more information out of him as far as parents names, grandparents, etc.

Just finding out where other Krzycki's live in Poland or other parts of Europe would be great. Plus any famous (or infamous ) figures in his family line would be interesting as well.

I'll do some asking around here and get back to this post. Thanks again!

Ah, I may be a little late on this one... ok, a lot late.
But for those of you using google - here's a bit of history on the Krzycki family in Columbus.

There's still a lot of Krzycki's in Columbus and several of us that moved to Omaha (mostly decendents of Anton Krzycki).

From what I have found - John Krzycki was born in Uscie, Poland in 1847. Married Barbara Borowiak who was born in 1851 in Posen, Poland. Immigrated to US in 1871 - ended up in Nebraska that year. Had several children including my grandfather Anton. Anton died when I was a kid... about 40 years ago.

Good info at www dot usgennet dot org --
Can get there through google -- search for: platte Krzycki 1871

Selkie -- the above link does mention one of John Krzycki's children moving to Elba, Nebraska.
