The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Olly  

Joined: 29 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2010
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Speaks Polish?: Learning

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17 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up! [453]

I was in Poland last weekend to visit my Poland to visit my girlfriend. We went to a bar with some of her friends who I had met on my last visit who wanted to drink Vodka with me. We had a great night night, but I was not used to drinking that many shots, and stupidly drank pints of Tiskie at the same pace as if I was in England. Suffice to say I had a few gaps in my memory the next day and a new respect for Polish Vodka and not mixing drinks alongside it.

Polish beers (mocne) have a much stronger affect than english beers as well. After 2 you will feel the effect much more than a couple of English beers!