The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 17 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 May 2010
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22 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

devil will go mad one day`

Or ''the devil has no work,he bangs his children'' as we say.
22 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

Poland was already sold in 1943 as part of the agreement with soviets for post-war control.The issues which were decided in Teheran were the fate of Yugoslavia and Greece and the fate of Germany was decided in Yalta.
22 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

for what price was Poland sold?

For 1 million dead soviets in eastern european theatre,Austria,Finland and half of Berlin.In fact Poland was sold in a package with Hungary but Poland was a special case since it was an allied state while Hungary had actively participated in Wehrmacht operations so its fate was sealed.

For Poland Stalin threatened to freeze the eastern front and cause hundreds of thousands of western soldiers to die,so really UK and USA had no alternative.
22 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

It is simple.There were some options.For example they could say:''Every teritorry which our troops enter first will develop the according system that is if soviet troops enter first,the country will become communist,if westerners enter first,the country will become capitalistic.''

But we see soviet troops entering Austria in 1945 and conquering Vienna and Austria entering the western block while US troops enter CR and CR becomes free to become communistic while soviet troops conquer Berlin and give half of it to Westerners and they do not invade Finland to finish Scandinavia.
23 Jan 2010
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

Yes,Czechs deep inside like the Russians although not admiring that openly but their behavior shows other things.And Russians like CR.
24 Jan 2010
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

For example a Czech woman told me that her daughter dislikes German and wants to learn Russian instead of German in school.
24 Jan 2010
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

Moravans like Poles.They told me most fashion comes to CR from Poland.The greatest difference between Poland and CR are religion issues.
4 Feb 2010
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]

I remember in 2002 in Poznan disco I was stunned by the dozebs of gorgeous girlfriends of Polaci sitting in their laps.What happened since then?

But I agree now polish girls go more for the money dope.
4 Feb 2010
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]

guess they all gone to work abroad where they can have more from life

My impression is that more polish men have gone to work abroad than polish women.The latter are now widely available in Poland since there are not enough men(present because some have their husbands abroad).
5 Feb 2010
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]

Nejhezkejsi věci jsou zadarmo.However if you want economical package,hit Belarus or Ukraine and you won't be dissapointed.Tell them you are a US based Pole who wants to expand his business to Ukraine.
6 Feb 2010
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

Older polki have another quality.They ooze eastern Europe.Ah,how I miss these times.
6 Feb 2010
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

Slavic women age very quickly except czech girls who are more germanized(this is one of the reasons they tend to marry as young as possible since they know their value falls at least 20% every year from the age of 18).
10 Feb 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

First of all Poland has no Blacks or Latinos who are the fatter on average.Second Poland does not have cheap food unlike in America where they want to make you eat as much as possible to make you buy the most food you can eat.I mean there are no offers like 1 kilo salami one euro or anything like that and advertising is different.Third communism produced slim people due to state control calory intake.
12 Feb 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

I hope the crisis will help US women to lose weight.
14 Feb 2010
Love / About Polish sex - are Polish women made for love? [48]

Today I had again a polish triole and I have to admit I am rather satisfied.My only complain is why do Polki leave you with the condom on?Anyway such a sweet feeling I now beginning to understand what was the reason for this explosive expansion of Slavic genes.