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Posts by BGallard  

Joined: 13 Jan 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 13 Jan 2010
Threads: 1
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From: France, Arles
Speaks Polish?: no

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13 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Looking for people (or relatives) who have shared my mother's WW2 experiences [5]

My mother has quite murky past, but I am trying to build up a picture that would explain some of her later behaviour. I know that she was Polish and had to leave German occupied France, where her father had been working. I suspect she was Jewish, but was never prepared to admit it. Like many others she and her family went through Hendaye, then onto Lisbon and Lorenço Marques, where they boarded a boat for Mauritius. As far as I understand it, they went there because of family connections, but it is also clear that they were working for British intelligence, though I am not sure what this involved. I know that this is a fairly unique story, but I am anxious to speak to anyone who has themselves experienced at least a part of it, or more likely has a friend or relative who might have.

Any leads gratefully received.