USA, Canada /
Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York [107]
Smokers should be taxed more than that...
I was never prouder of my dad when i found out that he finally stopped smoking. And now, he bought a brand new 08 Pathfinder, and the money he saves from not smoking ciggarettes is enough to pay for his monthly payments of his car. He basically just got a free car for quitting smoking.
We SHOULD legalize marijuana, however that will probably never happen because the feds would have no way of controlling it. Why legalize something they cannot tax effectively? Sure they could tax the large farmers and stores that sell it, but lets be serious, Americans have been growing weed for a very long time, there's no way we are going to stop privately growing just because its legal now, and the government knows it. It will be an impossible nightmare to regulate and tax, which means no benefit to their pockets, which means it ain't gonna happen any time soon.