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Posts by zollla  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Oct 2009
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From: New zeland
Speaks Polish?: dobry polski
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10 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I d,ont know in this subject the pb is immigrant or Muslim

But for who speak about 3rd world i will tell him some things :

1 With all my respect for poland but this country is true 3rd world from Politique to infrastructure....

2who have pb with immigrant (i know the pb is with ppls from south) he can look in the occupation for Africa and Arabic country from spain,italy,Uk,france and how much they torture ppls and how much they rub b,give back what u rub b then we will back for our country's

3 d'ont tract ppls like you europeens u are 1st categorie and others they are slaves or 2scd categ,

4 who speak about Islam and religion : now we see good who practice terror,every subject Islam,OK is not USA who nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki it's Ben laden and Muslims...i don't know why nobody speak about sionisme and terror white (blood & honour,angels hell....)

5 who said Muslims they are rubber's,Mafia,killer's...i Think European's and American's they are god in this thing's

In the end immigrant's where they living : they speak language,they work,they pay Tax like everyone...why they can't have 20% from them rights ?



......was a rapist and a paedophile.

Allah = God = Bog = dieu...i hope next time yr read littel to be a cultural befor start speak like i..