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Posts by ZIMMY  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Mar 2022
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From: Chicago,
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: critical thinking

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14 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

zimmy, do you open doors for your woman? do you buy her gifts? do you pay for dinners and other dates?

I offer the same courtesies to women as I do to men. No more special treatments because I give women the "equality" they claim they want. Due to my lifestyle I'm aware that many women consider me a "security object". Because of that you'd be surprised at how many avail themselves as "sex objects". It's funny that they throw away their feminism when it's something they personally desire. As to the rest Rozumiemnic actually explained it quite well. She seems to live up to her name.

ItsAllAboutME, you have not responded to the questions asked of you in post #229. Instead you once again regurgitated some childish projections of how you behave. Since you wished Poland to be attacked please enlighten us as to how that should be done. Also, please elaborate on how Polish men will be transferred to Siberia. I'm certain that I'm not the only one who is interested in how your devil's heart works.
14 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Looks to me like there is still a lot of inequalit

You listed a few of the unequal policies that hurt men but you won't find feminist women admitting or even discussing them. There is a long list of programs that hurt men but favor women. For instance, you won't see feminists wanting women to register for the draft because that's too equal. You will however, hear them whining about the "pay gap" even when it's shown to be false when all the factors are evaluated. Instead feminists will still believe in their self-serving rhetoric. Logic does not intrude into their agenda because feminists have no temporal consciousness. They live in the moment. Consider how few of them are genuinely able to see the potential consequences of their actions. It's always all about them. That's why more and more men are learning to tolerate women rather than love them. ... and of course these same women will complain about that too.

As feminist Susannah Breslin stated about dinner dates; "We lied. We don’t want to pay half." That's feminism.

"I'm the woman, so open my doors, pay my way, pay for dates, buy me diamonds and give me a house and affirmative action in white collar power careers BUT TREAT ME LIKE AN EQUAL!"

As "the lady of the lamp" Florence Nightingale, a true hero of mankind said, " Women have no sympathy . . . And my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. And it is so intimate too. Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so."

I can only thank modern feminists who constantly remind me of this.
13 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You're so dumb...

Spoken like a little girl

...if you're so worried about the invasion I proposed...

Ah yes, the invasion you proposed. Could you elaborate as to how you would like to see it done? A massive army assault? maybe germ or nuclear warfare? Try to be specific.

As to your idea that Polish men should be shipped off to Siberia (is that sexist?), I would like to discuss the logistics of what that would entail. Would women run the railroads all by themselves while herding men into boxcars? Would a few men be allowed to stay in Poland to deal with impregnation issues?

Will that propeller beanie on your head stop spinning?

from my own neck of the woods:
"Women, Minorities Largely Absent from Fortune 500 Corporate Boards"

"Women, Minorities Largely Absent from crane operator, welder, oil rig worker, roofer, flight engineer, electrical powerline installer, long-haul trucking, garbage collection, coal mining, bomb technician, hazmat work, and auto mechanic jobs." News at 6pm.

Tomorrows headline: "Earth to be destroyed by giant meteor; women and children are the most affected"
13 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

lol, Oh, well then, that makes it 41 professions where women get paid more than men for the same job. You did however, correctly point out that men do most of the 'work' (as usual).

By the way, the new slogan is, "women get paid 82 cents to a man's dollar for doing just 41 cents of the work". Everyone, raise your hand if you like it. No, not your middle finger, your whole hand.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

now that young unmarried urban women outearn men (despite men still doing the dangerous jobs)

This is a crock, firstly most young unmarried urban women earn the same as cleaners and waitresses this aint Friends

Those waitresses earn as much as waiters and female cleaners make more than unemployed men. Of course, young men working in dangerous jobs get paid more than female retail clerks but shouldn't they? Anyway, my point was that "unmarried urban women outearn men. Your next comment more-or-less agrees with that.

Young unmarried urban women professionals earn the same as the equivalent group of males,

From the link: "The earning power of young single women has surpassed that of their male peers in metropolitan areas around the U.S., a shift that is being driven by the growing ranks of women who attend college and move on to high-earning jobs.

In 2008, single, childless women between ages 22 and 30 were earning more than their male counterparts in most U.S. cities, with incomes that were 8% greater on average..."

I'm always happen to straighten you out. We seem to have a tradition of that. By the way, author Warren Farrell notes 40 occupations where women are paid more than men for the same job, merely because they are female (he doesn't even include modeling where the gap is humongous). Of course this sort of discrimination is 'politically correct'.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Britain in the late 1970s - right after the "Sex Discrimination Act"

I had a neighbor who was a manager for Sears. One of his assignments was to train two women to take over his job. That's when affirmative action was kicking into high gear. I asked him how he felt about that and he said something to the effect, " I will be working for them in a couple of years". I then asked him how his wife felt about that. He replied that "she doesn't understand this".

Now that there are more women in colleges than men; now that young unmarried urban women outearn men (despite men still doing the dangerous jobs); one would think that we should stop affirmative action for women. Nah, when I've suggested this I've been called names and as usual my opponents never addressed the specific issue at hand. One cannot respect such madness in women.

A couple of months ago during polite conversation, one woman emphatically stated, "we don't need men". (We hear this refrain now and then). I asked her if she was willing to give up her computer or her auto or the building she lives in. I reminded her that these things and virtually everything around her were invented, created and built by men especially the dwelling which put a roof over her head. As usual when I do this I receive a stunned look. These women never think beyond their entrapped agenda or beyond themselves. They don't even know how foolish their comments make them look.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I have personally met quite a few, they usually seemed nice until I contradicted them for the first time or said something "wrong" from the feminist point of view.

That's unfortunately standard behavior. Once you deviate from their "politically correct" positions than you are considered the enemy.
I've met and known the so-called academic feminists who over populate universities and colleges. I meet them at parties and on occasion and by request I've lectured in specific classrooms (Univ. of Chicago, Loyola, DePaul, Univ. of Illinois). These gender crusaders are polite at first......until you prove them wrong on some point or issue. Internally, they seem to be an angry and sad bunch.

One actually (I am not making this up!) smacked my hand because she was angry at me.

That can't be true; don't you know that feminists are always non violent? Actually, if a man did that to her she would charge him with assault and possibly some sort of hate crime or sexism.

She had obviously never heard of intelligent discussion or realized not everyone read the same leaflets she did.

As to "intelligent discussion", you see how some of the women post here. Not one could refute the 3 fundamental reasons why women in general earn less than men so they instead pivot away from the premise and emotionally attack the messenger. They are like children who are told "no".

It's also interesting that the woman who wants to see Poland attacked is given a pass by the other female posters. I can only imagine the vitriol that would have ensued if I had said that. My daughters, thankfully, have seen and even experienced the hypocrisy and the meanness of spirit exhibited by these half-women who seem to base their opinions on emotion. They look to be offended and of course always find some transgression, real or imagined. What man wants to have anything to do with such women?
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Zim you can say that about almost anything

Buy and read the book I recommended. You'll be very surprised.

carpooling have their roots in communism:

Only if your car-pool partner also doctrinaires about communism. I recommend you do some research first.

One young womans view:
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

God blessed us with communism ;)

The origins of modern day feminism have their roots in communism. I highly recommend the book; "Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation." By Kate Weigand. It is academically well written with tons of footnotes. Many feminist leaders like Betty Friedan were admitted commies (my daughter told me that her gender studies class omitted this fact). So was/is the feminist philosophy.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

To the women who are upset at me for proving that the "pay gap" is a false issue; grow up! I'm not sorry that I ruined your erroneous illusions. Truth sometimes hurts, yet two of you even admit that you don't want to work certain dirty but higher paying jobs. Perhaps, instead of calling me names and inventing fictitious scenarios about me you might at least try to be consistent in your arguments.

To the poster who wishes Poland to be invaded again, well, that loathsome comment pretty much speaks for itself and for the disgraced author who wrote it. Shame must be a thing of the past.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

have you ever hit a woman?

No! The fact that you would even think in this manner because my factual comments upset you says a lot about how backward you are when it comes to the issues here. ... and by the way, on one occasion a woman hit me because I said "no" to sex. She was fortunate that I did not retaliate. Many women use this 'guys don't hit girls' leverage'.

This all began with my post 44 on "slut walks". which reminds me, perhaps you would like to participate in a "slut walk"? There are many planned for this summer. I have another link in the post noted above for your enjoyment.

We then moved on to the phony "wage-gap" issue, post 93. It's all common sense with a few figures thrown in.
But it does surprise me that a poster here can say; "...leave that excuse for a country as soon as possible or pray that you get invaded again, and all you guys get shipped off to Siberia" and you don't even blink an eye. Not many comments can be worse than wishing something like that. Are you that well trained that you fear offending a woman?
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Here is what I read from your post, Zimmy:
drama, drama, drama, death gap...

I gave you facts; and some common sense, you gave no answers to them...and you still don't.

people who say that
many women are not good managers because they reason through their womb

Did I say that? Check again!

The last time I threw facts at a feminist, she tried to veer off the subject or use "straw-dog" substitutes instead of addressing the specific issues at hand. After being unable to withstand the weight of evidence, not to mention 'common sense', smoke began to come out of her ears. When I continued to enumerate on the many hypocrisies in feminism her head couldn't take any more and it blew up. As evidenced by the above quote Ms ItsAllAboutME has begun to fume, and lose it.

Stand back.

P.S. This always happens when feminists use emotion instead of logic.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I can't comment why there aren't many women at your place

You seem to be afraid to comment on the most obvious things. So it's never entered your mind that in general, women don't apply for the most demanding jobs because they prefer to work in safer (often air-conditioned) jobs?

The reason there aren't any (or so few) women filling the aforementioned positions is because the work is ******.

They don't teach that reality in gender studies classes so understanding your answer does not compute with feminist damaged people like ItsAllAboutME who seems to live up to her name.

Yes,with women everything gets confused.They have this sticky attitude.With men everything is simple,linear no conspiraces half words etc.

Um, ah, ahem, well, actually, there is much truth in how you put that, hmmm

please, no more "death gap" stuff, as I said before, a small sliver of the whole spectrum of what people do

I'm still waiting for your answer as to how millions of dangerous jobs are a mere "sliver". I I don't think she is woman enough to admit how uneducated her comment was.

Even though ItsAllAboutME uses autos, bridges, elevators, high-rise buildings, oil & gas,
computers, assorted appliances, etc (well, you get the picture); somehow all these man-made conveniences escape the feminist indoctrinated mind. Even the existence of tens of millions of men working in the "death-gap" jobs is minimized. A "sliver" indeed!
11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

men pay for their dates? (which is just such an asinine thing to say)

I must be mistaken. Evidently women pay for dates. (what planet do you live on?)
Gentlemen, this woman cannot even acknowledge that men pay for the vast preponderance of dates; that's the insanity you are up against.

LOL!!! find me the guy who'd rather collect garbage than be in management...

Once again your denseness shows through. It isn't a question of wanting to collect garbage or be a coal miner. It's men trying to take care of their homes as best as they can. Men usually take these jobs out of necessity.

You've yet to explain how tens of millions of men who work in these occupations are merely a "sliver". I am so accustomed to brainwashed feminists who attempt to ignore questions they prefer not to answer.

The result of feminist societal brainwashing with all their books, articles, programs, etc, has led to a couple of generations of women terribly stunted in their emotional development and maturation, and given to the most unbelievable excesses of behavior under the rubric of “empowerment”. Any observation of this has been attacked by women, feminists, and feminist apologists twisting legitimate criticism of socially destructive and pathological behaviors into ridiculous strawmen arguments. The fact that men are 93%-94% of work related fatalities doesn't register with them. These women are the true sexists.
11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I am a woman, but absolutely 100% THIS.

It's always a pleasure to meet a woman who uses logic and is objective when it comes to these issues. So many women today rarely

even want to see or hear the total perspective and merely scream "discrimination" or claim "victimhood". Feminists made that socially acceptable. When reasons are brought up explaining a fuller picture these same women, usually feminists, are the first to stick their heads in the sand and begin name-calling, just like children.

Feminists claim they fight for "equality" but in reality they fear it. Instead they playing PICK-AND-CHOOSE FEMINISM. They demand to be managers and supervisors but don't want to be refuse collectors or oil rig workers. They are totally hypocritical and cannot see anything beyond themselves. The jobs that kill men are ignored or dismissed by feminists even as they use all the products that these men sometimes die to give them.

...and as you aptly noted, men spend much more money on women than women spend on men. To feminists, this is "equality".
11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Nice job Z_Darius;

I wanted to add one more thing. Who spends more on the opposite gender? Who is still pressured to pay for dates? Where is the emphasis on gifts for Valentines Day? ...or any other holiday? Who usually drives the car (gas=$)etc. and, here is the big one.............women in households are involved in 75% of all spending decisions. Also, lets not forget this; check any household closet and who owns more clothes, shoes, not to mention cosmetics, etc.

Somehow, those who embarrass themselves by claiming a discriminatory yet fictitious "wage-gap" ignore the above realities where men spend more on women than vice-versa. How could they in ignorance or intention forget that?
11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

please, no more "death gap" stuff, as I said before, a small sliver of the whole spectrum of what people do (i.e. jobs in hazardous conditions) does not explain the whole phenomenon.

You prove how ignorant you are and how easily you dismiss reality. That's what I meant by people being brainwashed. It is not a "small sliver"! When you add up all the construction workers; oil rig workers, professional fishermen, welders, crane operators, long-haul truckers hazmat workers, cops, miners, etc, etc, (many other dangerous professions) than you will find that tens of million of men work these dangerous jobs. One has to be mentally blind or intentionally jaded not to know this. Virtually every thing you use; buildings, autos, bridges, etc were put up by men. It's all around you. Yet you 'feel' that millions of men who work these jobs are a "small sliver" of society? I'll await your explanation of this. Amazing!

women don't earn more money not because they're less capable or don't need or don't want money or because they can't work as hard, but because they're not given an equal chance to do so.

You must be living in 1955. Women today are not only given opportunities to work in any field they want to but sometimes standards are even lowered so that they can fill the 'quotas' that EEOC demands. Women are also given promotions over more qualified men in many instances and I, myself regret that I've had to do this! People like you constantly cry "victim status" and it's sickening.

Going back to the pay gap question, however, I'm very much concerned that inequality like that is explained away by some people by the "natural order of thing,"

1/Dangerous professions pay more and few women seek them.
2/Men work more overtime.
3/Women take more time off from work for family reasons and for 'sickness'.
No gender discrimination; just facts.

In case of children playing with toys, there isn't much difference in the value attributed to playing with dolls versus playing with buses or logs.

Even as children, it is noticeable that girls gravitate to dolls, etc. while boys go for toy trucks, soldiers, etc. Many feminists have a problem with this because human nature opposes their bogus theories of "social constructs".

Feminism has only destroyed the Western Family.

Yes indeed, and the result are coming in; especially in single parent households.

I would disagree with that. When you look at the girls toys, you will see ovens, babies, strollers, cooking pots, dolls (someone to take care of), vacuum cleaners, etc. When you look at the toys for the boys, you will see some super heroes, cars, space ships, etc

When I gave my little son a doll he tore the head off and used it as a baseball.

BTW, I used to be a little girl and I can still remember how I totally LOVED playing with dolls. If you tried to interest me in cars or other boy stuff, I would just yawn.

Case closed!
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

i was laughing at you.... lol

Now, now, now; I've retyped the sequence in my post 109 and there is no getting out of it. You laughed at men who die because of the dangerous professions they work in. You noted they weren't "careful". Your failure to explain it or at least to own up to it is here for all to see and read.

the awesome thing about Zimmy is that he takes it all so seriously.

Well, I've been called "awesome" many times but usually it's in the bedroom. But yes, when women (and some manginas) talk about the "wage-gap" they do so in sound bites and with little knowledge of all the facts which get in the way of their skewed agenda. Indeed, our society has been so brainwashed that even pointing out facts and figures bounces off these people who are immune to truth.

we get it, the death gap... nothing to laugh at but it doesn't explain EVERYTHING.

So you'll fight for gender equality and demand that women occupy 50% of all the "death-gap" jobs? You'll also point this out to your fellow feminists who ignore this rather important aspect, right?

women tend to work more p/t jobs than men, another example of gender separation.

Exactly, that's another reason women make less money than men.

Has he said anything constructive or intelligent in the past six months?

Aha, couldn't help yourself eh? But I won't come down to your level. After all, even the most feminist brain washed here can't deny

the 3 fundamental reasons I've pointed out as to why women earn less.

I'll recommend the book: "Why Men Earn More" by Warren Farrell. Even Karen DeCrow, past president of the National Organization for Women writes the foreword in it.

Edit: Oh, one more thing;
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

just admit you fail, simple... :)

I'm afraid that any failure is yours. You may not believe that men dominate the "death professions" but then it takes common sense and objectivity to realize truths even if there is discomfort in them. For example (one of hundreds I can give), long-haul truckers are 98.6% male and every year some die on the highways. The failure to comprehend this is yours and yours alone.

i was laughing at you, lol

You are hanging by your own petard. Here is the sequence;

ZIMMY:men are year-after-year 93%-94% of all job fatalities.
PGTX: well, if they aren't careful, who's fault is that? lol

Here you claim that men are not careful and therefore die, then you laugh. You keep digging deeper holes for yourself and it's very disappointing.

There are limits. If you continue name calling, you'll get suspended. That's the last warning.

While I disagree with Sokrates methods of discussion you are not much better laughing at men who die on the job.

lol... I found the statistics page: it just makes Zimmy's own argument irrelevant.

Actually it doesn't. It shows a narrowing of the overtime gap (and I have other figures which do not). ...and of course you might comment on the "death-gap" while you're at it; right? Is that irrelevant too?

'm sure zimmy would stay home and take care of a newborn if only his lactating faculties were a little better

Are you trying to milk me for a comment?

At a cocktail party one woman was lamenting that Bill Gates was so rich. I asked her, "why was it Bill Gates and not Betty Gates?".

She looked confused.

t's man's choice because in a handbook, it's written equally for men

Are you really so unaware that you are making my point? That's right, it's a man's choice (or a woman's) as to what jobs and careers they undertake. That's why men make more money. Get it? Phewww, and somehow you became a moderator?
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It's true that that the pay gap has narrowed since, say, the 50s, but it's still there.

I've explained in common-sense fashion the reasons for it: employment seniority, overtime, women taking time off and professions that men do and women don't.

women tend to work disproportionately in lower-paying fields.

True, and it's by choice. Women self-select the jobs and careers as do men.

t's true that more women graduate from colleges - still, why is it that they're a minority in management

Perhaps women should get into fields that have traditionally been male? No one is stopping them but as you know, women select the 'pink collar' jobs (teaching, store managing, nursing, etc). Many of these types of professions discriminate against men.

you have it all wrong.

So, when I pointed out that men work more overtime, take fewer sick days, have more seniority on the job, work in higher paid dangerous professions you claim that I "have it all wrong". Are you claiming those are not facts?
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

they ain't accurate than...

I feel like a professor teaching advanced physics and one of my students is still fumbling with addition and subtraction. You don't have to believe facts and figures if you don't want to. Many people prefer to live in their own world.

prove that no women work as such...

Once again, no one suggests that no women work in any of the dangerous professions and your infantile attempt to veer around the premise ihat men dominate the "death professions', often by percentages of 98%-99% is surprising. It's difficult for me to lower myself to this level of discourse.

Now, why do you laugh at the 93% death figure for men who work in dangerous professions? Please explain.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

it's not like that at all where i work...

That's a Department of Labor statistic.

so raising children is not work?

I didn't say that! ...and incidentally, I raised 3 children mostly on my own!

and women work in occupations that men don't! lol

Glad you agree that men work in the dangerous jobs sometimes referred to as 'death occupations' and get paid more because of that.

ell, if they aren't careful, who's fault is that? lol

So, our moderator laughs at the fact that men work in dangerous professions that sometimes kill them? Perhaps women who have lost loved fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, and lovers feel differently about that.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Eurola: "About time we stop making 76 cents (I think that's the latest) on your dollar. We are better than you anyway. Viva feminists!"

I'll try to explain this to you without insulting you but I would have thought that clear thinking people know that the "pay-gap" issue is feminist agenda driven and false, and indeed, it's been debunked for 20 years now. Evidently, feminist groups keep this fiction at the forefront because some people like you still buy into it without looking at the full facts.

There are primary reasons why women earn less than men. . The so called "pay gap" is nothing more than a lumping of all jobs worked by men and women. It's a snapshot of all current full-time workers. It does not reflect relevant factors which I will now briefly explain to you.

Men work longer hours than women: Women in full-time jobs work an average of 42 hours a week, compared to 45 for men. Men are also far more likely to work more than 50 hours a week. (Dept. of Labor). Additionally, a decade after graduation, 39 percent of women are out of the work force or working part time -- compared with only 3 percent of men. Family and children are the main reason for this. Full time working women also take more sick days than men. Seniority in jobs therefore favors men.

Men work in occupations that women don't (or very few work in). If 50% of all long-haul truck drivers, hazmat divers, electrical powerline installers, oil rig workers, welders, crane operators, roofers, cops, firefighters, etc,etc,etc, were women than there would be no pay gap. These kinds of jobs pay more. Women prefer to work in the safer jobs, less dirty jobs and in cleaner jobs. Here's a "gap" for you. Because of the kinds of work that men do and women don't; men are year-after-year 93%-94% of all job fatalities.Funny, that feminists who constantly shriek about pay discrimination somehow ignore this one-sided statistic- isn't it?

Now, in urban areas, young women are out earning young men (more women in colleges) despite the 'dirty' jobs that men do. I can easily make the argument that women are overpaid especially after factoring in the above reality.

About 40 fields of work pay women more than men and the reason is affirmative action. Women in traditionally non female work environments are sought after so that they can be numbers that are eventually submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This obviously discriminates against men (and I've regrettably had to do that myself in the past). For example;

female sales engineers are paid 20% more than men (for the same work). ... and on it goes

The "Federal Programs Benefiting Women" book is 121 pages thick. There is no such book for men. I hope this helps explain the 'fuller facts' about the bogus "wage-gap" but I would think that 'common sense' would have done that.
9 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

we could also stone a few.

No need to. These women have a 'herd' mentality and are easily swayed (weak minds). They don't understand how this kind of nonsense plays out in-the-long-run. History will judge this stuff harshly and future sisters will be embarrassed by these historical (hysterical?) actions.

The future? Picture a romantic setting, candlelight, mood music, etc. The man whispers in the woman's ear; "I love you slut".

"Slut Rights"; what a concept. Thank you feminism.
9 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

...the Toronto Police Force whose spokesman claimed women who get raped are culpable for "dressing like sluts".

There are several "slut walks" planned this summer in various cities. Seems like the new feminism has found something to march for.
Just one question: Since these women advertise these protests as "slut walks" and they dress accordingly; is calling one of them a "slut" still oppressive?