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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 20 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11632 / Live: 3887 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

I completely disagree, BB. It's the very opposite of shock and awe

That's what I said Seanie..hence my was surely something special back then as information about the scale of the massmurder and the "hows" and "whys" were still fairly unknown.

How can you take a hack at real life accounts?

I didn't take a a "hack" I only observed myself, compared that quite famous docu to other holocaust stuff and wondered abit, that's all!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

I recommend Shoah

I sat all these hours through it and don't find it recommendable....maybe it was news and all shock and awe but for today's people there is nothing new innit and it not even provoked emotions...

Or people today are more thick skinnied than earlier generations? Or just spoiled by tearjerker blockbusters ala Spielberg...I dunno..I was abit disappointed.
Bratwurst Boy   
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

That was totally uncalled for BB is a nice guy, I mean bloke ;)

Essi adores me...but he is just still in his official denial stage! ;)

to me French, Russian and Japanese sound really cool.

Japanese sounds really cool! But Chinese not....hmmm...
Bratwurst Boy   
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

So asking a German, how does it sound to you? how's it different from British English?

I can easily differentiate between them...;)

God is black..

What God!

Swahili is widely acknowledged to be the language that sounds the most beautiful,

A link to that survey please!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

I like the sound of English...english English that is. Somehow I found the american english not as nice on the ears.
Is it just me or is it really abit twang? I'm puzzled about that difference for years now....especially listening to the news anchors of CNN.

I like the sound of spanish too...ever since I learned it for a few years (all already forgotten now of course).

I don't like Italian and French....
Bratwurst Boy   
16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

As you say, in the future, I agree.

It's all about the put in place the right reforms NOW to make the country work in the future.

8 years back the Schröder government put in place hard fought reforms Germany today profits from. We very probably wouldn't be the "economic powerhouse" that we are today without them.

(Didn't stop him from falling out of favour with the electorate though who begrudged him the said reforms...)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Education reform is extremely important...when you plan to achieve industrialization, that is.
Where should the skilled worker, the inventors, builders, developers, do'er come in polish future when the education sucks? They can't work all on farms...

...Poland now ranks 9th among all countries in overall reading scores on PISA,the only transition country to go from being below the OECD average on PISA to above average.

You can also downtalk a country without need...especially when there are no alternatives present.
Bratwurst Boy   
16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

See Bratwurst your German... typical german scum that Poles..myself included do not like. Mind business of your own country. would like me better when I downtalk and ridicule Poland and it's achievements? I can do that too..
A polish joke maybe?


Tusk is too soft and afraid of losing popularity.

What about that?,,contentMDK:22767787~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:258599,00.html

Education reforms

Pension reforms

Healthcare reforms

....reforms everywhere....
Bratwurst Boy   
16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

I think its only a matter of time til the bubble bursts. A false economy being propped up by EU funding.

EU-funds are not automatically used wisely, we learned that the hard way...
When they are used to prop up the consumerism (buying stuff, welfare etc.) instead to invest in infrastructure, industrialization, building of an economony it ends bad (Greece).

But do you really think that is what happens in Poland? And what would Kaczinsky do differently?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Try living here and see for yourself.

Compare Poland with other european countries....not stable, no growing economy, begging for help, broke, ridiculed leaders!
I'm fairly sure they would be happy to have a Tusk instead of their own chaos.
Bratwurst Boy   
15 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

The title of this thread " achievements ", of which no one can elaborate, other than the govs propaganda reports.

The economy is it not?

The Economy of Poland is a high income economy[6] and is the sixth largest in the EU and one of the fastest growing economies in Central Europe, with a yearly growth rate of over 3.0% before the late-2000s recession.[7]
It is the only member country of the European Union to have avoided a decline in GDP, meaning that in 2009 Poland has created the most GDP growth in the EU.[8] As of December 2009 the Polish economy had not entered recession nor contracted. According to the Central Statistical Office of Poland,
In 2010 the Polish economic growth rate was 3.8 %, which was one of the best results in Europe.

Propaganda only???

That in itself is a huuuuge achievement in the current crisis...and everything else stems from that. If the economy sucks you can forget about everything else.

Well why doesn't Tusk build a missle shield. He's a jerk off thats why.

Why? Who is threatening Poland with missiles???

It seems your gripes with Tusk is military spending only....he on the other hand seems more concerned with the economy. We here in Germany would vote for him as Chancellor anytime...believe me.

We have the same priorities!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Germany has nukes

Nope, we haven't....

Euro rules of non nuclear building.

The WHAT??? Didn't Poland just decide to build a new nuclear plant???

why doesn't Poland have right to defend herself

If you need nukes for that then there isn't a Poland anymore to defend..

waddle over to Merkel and kick her really hard in the shin.

There is steel under her trousers....beware! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Tusk is a failure for Poland . He's too nice to Russia and the EU.

Yeah...antagonizing the big neighbours worked so well in Polands past....he definitely should try that again!
Isolating Poland from Europe will bring so many advantages...
Bratwurst Boy   
8 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

But when push came to shove and clever Germanic nationalists came along to unite the Germanics with the notion of "us" (Germanics) against "them" (non-Germanics), the Germanic tribes started to unite.

Well...I wouldn't call it like that.

The French under Napoleon trampling across german lands, occupying it, helped by the many fractioned and disunited german kings and princes, did do alot to drive the point home in the minds of many Germans that there is only one way to avoid such things in the future...
Bratwurst Boy   
8 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

I agree ethno-centrism of European groups back then was not as bad as the years leading up to WWI and WWII, but it was still there. Its true that people of a given nationality may have liked a king of another nationality but that relationship was tenuous and fragile. Deep down, each European ethnic group always had the "my people vs your people" mentality vs another ethnic group.

I disagree.

Till the unification of Germany under Bismarck it was usual that the different german counties and duchies would see themselves on different sides of warring parties...despite common language, culture etc.

Political reasons only...Europe was much more fragmented till the upcoming of the nation states and every ruler had different ideas and their subjects had to follow. That was not only true for the Germans.

It's not always a numbers game's more about smart alliances (or the lack of).