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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Actually something like the HRE isn't that bad a goal...It was multi-ethnical and totally decentralized. About 500 independent statelets...flourishing, free (as these times permitted).

.......evolving instead into a decentralized, limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of sub-units: kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, Free Imperial Cities, and other domains.[6][15] The power of the emperor was limited....

Alot of Germany's finest traits were developed back then...

If the EU would evolve into an Europe of Regions I wouldn't be averse to that.

It's the centralistic view of the Frenchies with one powerful seat to rule them all which I don't like...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Now they turn around and pay billions upon billions of dollars to Russia for their gas.

Not started in 1973.

Some of the elite Germans are thinking more and more about the Holy Roman Empire

Who does it?

My prediction is that the next (7th) will come out of the E.U.

An Empire is historically a monarchy or an authocracy...never a democracy.
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

By the way PiS was elected by the people!

Yeah...I agree with that. That is very unlucky communicated. I remember as Austria elected once a far-right Jörg Haider. It was even tried to punish Austria for that election.

It was dumb back then and it is dumb now.

Since then Brussels has gained more experience now and/or has learned to sit out some problems and/or has just resigned. As long there is democracy politicians and govs change all the time.

PiS in a government ist not the problem!

But Poland as a country has subscribed to some plain written rules as it became a member of the EU. Without subscribing to them it would not had become a member in the first place, inclusive enjoying all the support and the advantages.

If there is a case that some of these rules are broken will now be reviewed. If that's the case there will be repercussions.

If they think they did nothing wrong they should be on the safe side, right?
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Yes, there was talk. That all was BS. Just empty slogans.

Without PiS Poland could be a huge number today in empty slogan!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

From your perspective Poland and such like Hungary are a disturbance.

Now that's just not true.

Before PiS Poland was well on it's way to a leading member of the EU, there was talk of a new axis...not only Berlin and Paris, But Paris-Berlin-Warsaw. Poland was the up and coming rising tiger.

Thank PiS for isolating Poland, putting it on the fringe of the EU map again! But hey, for you all these polish politicians involved in Brussels had been traitors from the start anyhow, right? All slimers, brown nosers, commies even..

But it's like in real life, also in the EU you get only back that what you put in first...many countries are more involved in all things EU today than Poland...and their voice is in consequence bigger. Even countries much smaller than Poland...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

You would like to think about yourself as an idealist but your are not.

Idealism? What for?

Leftist idealism? That we all are equal and dance together Kumbaya around a tree in some rosy future? You know as well as I do that this ideal can only ever end in a nightmare.

Authoritarian idealism? That somehow a strong leader will save us from all the headache and solve all our problems? Been there, done that..not thanks!

What idealism do you mean?

The only idealism I can accept in my position is actually the green variant! I can't stand the green party in Germany, because they are much to leftist for my taste, but to invest in and build a green tech industry to free ourselves and the planet from the yoke of the raw materials is a thing I very much support and are very much idealistic for.

So, what idealism do you think I'm lacking?
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

your take is very naïve for a dude from DDR. As if you were taking seriously all those slogans and propaganda rather than scrutiny it and look at the way the EU really works.


Iron, I can compare!!!

I live in a rich country, I live a good life, and even if it wouldn't be that good anymore in the future because of a crisis or whatever I would still live better than the majority of this whole god forsaken planet.

I can be active politically without fearing a knocking in the night. I can live my individualist dreams, do what I want. I was never as free and well off as now!!!

Do you honestly think I would risk all this with sawing on the foundations of my good life?? To go back to what???

I remember and compare to the DDR...the difference to now is that everywhere else it's worse!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

They should done away with that Franco-German bureaucracy and put some clear rulers for everyone to follow and let competition and market regulate EU economy.

Who is they?

Poland is invited to shape the EU as every other member state ist. But of course, for that they would need to work hard diplomatically to gain support though, meaning becoming a valued and trusted member of the many commissions.

Pouting in a self made corner, threatening the unity, stomping their feet and playing the opressed victim of mean Brussels is not helping with any that. PiS only ensures that Polands voice in Brussels remains small and often enough unheard, if not ridiculed or plain ignored....

...which in turn serves of course PiS narrative of Poland the victim, oppressed by the meanies in the's a vicious circle, but information is a way out!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

The Polish zloty would de-value drastically if Poland left the EU, it would be virtually worthless, for a time at least.

In Polands case, because of the economical connections, the Zloty would be most probably pegged to the Euro.
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

That doesnt mean they cant strike deals with respect to eu tariffs.

I don't think so....all things trade will be negotiated in Brussels, as one! That's the reason for being a trade union...the reason for joining a trade union.

Trump has problems to accept that too...he always wants to talk with Germany. German insider said it was extremely difficult to explain to him how the EU works...and it is doubtful he has understood that yet seeing how he singles out Germany for economical attacks...
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Sep 2018
News / Poland's Future in the EU under PIS [51]

Chances are that Poland is then in a similiar way interconnected with the other EU countries as Germany and France are. And as the Brexit just shows it's very hard if near impossible to cut all these fine and thicker strings. People will live all over the continent by then, they will study in other EU countries, work there, make business there, will intermarry, will enjoy their pensions in the warmer south etc...

Even more than GB because Poland isn't an island with dreams of getting back to a world spanning empire, they are as core Europeans like the others in central Europe.
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2018
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

More revived than survived.

Wow! That is new...

Have a good day BB!

*waves back*

I dunno why I care here in Berlin, but somehow it's nice to know that some german-silesian has survived (or is revived) and didn't die with my grandparents and their folks...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2018
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

The question of Silesian language is thus a political rather than a linguistic one.

That's interesting...some german has survived in Silesia after the expulsions? Awesome. But I wonder how that happened. The german Silesians were supplanted by Poles from farther East after all..they must have brought their very own dialects and traditions with them...
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Jul 2018
History / Is there a list of those in the Polish Army during WWII? [193]

It was ok for Freiwillige (foreigners) to fight in the German army.and hundreds of thousands did was as I confuse

Nazi Germany's armed forces during World War II

with the german army. There were a gazillion foreigners in the "Nazi forces" in support units and foreign legions...or whole armies like Vlassovs and what not...but the regular german forces like the Wehrmacht were german citizens only!

(Or whoever was declared as ethnically german like Volksdeutsche from Poland)

There were lots of those support units especially since the war in Russia from 1941 onwards...they were needed. I read that it were russian helper which showed the Germans how to keep their tanks going even in deep frost.

PS: In German these foreign volunteers were called "Hilfswillige" the height of WWII every third soldier for the Nazis was a foreigner.

As the number of the Wehrmacht during the war decreased to about 2,5 million the number of the Hilfswilligen actually increased by another million.
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Jul 2018
History / Is there a list of those in the Polish Army during WWII? [193]

and forced into the German army

Excuse me but only Volksdeutsche were eligible for the german forces. For that he had to register before in the "Deutsche Volksliste ". That was for sure an purposeful act, nobody would had been forced to. To the contrary it got the subscribers alot of privileges, but one could even be scratched from that list if found "unworthy". One of the drawbacks had been the possibility of conscription into the german army though.

The german forces had been generelly for german citizens only. Not to confuse with the support units made up of foreign personal or the foreign legions of the Waffen SS...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

the US did both and is doing fine,

Then why is it that the Whites in the US are feeling threatened so much by them mooslims and illegals? Australia even closed itself off totally.

I think it's the underlying bad conscience and the fear to see the tables turned one day...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

That was the end result.

Yeah exactly....fool me once!

Had he stayed within tolerable limits

Who should have defined these "tolerable limits"? The Jews?

Czechoslovakia, Austria and even Poland under his control would not start the WW2.

Well, besides the fact that Hitler himself had been an Austrian, the Austrians had been as enthusiastic as the Germans.

But the Czechs and the Poles are another matter altogether. One lesson of the Nazis is that you just can't build something lasting on the ashes

of murdered's an illusion to think there had been ever a different outcome possible than what was. It might have taken longer if one cog

or the other would had been put differently...but this way could and did only point downwards.
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Was Hitler wrong?

Because the answer is clear....besides the women and girls raped by the Russians in Berlin, Hitler did cost us masses of territory, people, whole cities and our whole history. He ruined Germany...and that's purely from a german perspective, the Holocaust against Slavs and Jews not even part of it.

No enemy of the german people could have done worse! Not a patriotic thing to do if you ask detailing of history can change that.
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Definitely not the only one!

It's an easy thing...that hating...the object might change during the times, adapted to the most actual scape goat, but it's quite easy to whip up otherwise totally normal people into a frenzy. But it's all okay as long one still wants nothing to do with the Nazis, after all "we" are sooo different...we have real reasons to hate....Hitler meant well but he got it all wrong....that with them Jews was just a misunderstanding....them Mooslims on the other hand... yeah...sure....
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Just exchange Jews with Muslims and maybe you get an idea how people could be made to stand cheering at the sidelines watching their neighbours getting first jailed into camps and then murdered, believing they "had it coming". The hate is all the same, absolutely no difference!

You would not be the first adamant Nazi-Hater who wishes secretly for another Hitler to do it again (hence the longstanding obsession with all things Third Reich), only this time to them "mooslims", after all they deserve it, right?

Oh and it's "Wurst", not sausage!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]


And now ask yourself if your continous asking for "love" between Poles and Russians is helping with that! ;)

Shouldn't you rather greasing the wheels between Germany and Poland to help with the recapture?
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Money and vagina have enormous gravity force. But, its not always love.

Without our Poles we wouldn't be Weltmeister! :) is not required, not necessary, maybe not even possible. Love between nations, whole peoples, is a romantic thing, not a pragmatic realistic thing which survives the day-to-day workings.

Yes, Poles didn't immigrate into Germany for love of Germans or the german culture, I'll give you that. Nonetheless millions of Poles have become Germans over the last centuries, working hard, integrating well, assimilated. So much so that many Germans waving the german flag, supporting the german team, have now polish DNA in them.

Where do they fit into your love/hate scheme?

People decide still mostly with their feet when other means aren't working...not so many Poles immigrated into Russia, didn't they? There you have one answer...
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Heads up Iron, as the things go neither one of our leaders will be forced to sit beside Putin in the final in Moscow! :)

That has to count for something in these times..