The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4431 / Live: 2753 / Archived: 1678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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9 Jun 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

Badgers are not aggressive towards humans , and will leg it at the first smell or sign of a human....They do however have some pretty fearsome teeth and claws and would use them if you were silly enough to corner one and grab hold of it.....

Around my home i have seen lots of badger tracks , but not been lucky enough to see one of them as yet...
4 Jun 2009
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

I suppose you are aware that the original poster has no interest in helping children in any way , but merely wants to run a shock horror story in their newspaper about Polish kids being abandoned by their parents in order to work abroad....After being cotacted by this person and finding out the facts i have no wish to help them sell trashy news stories....
12 May 2009
Travel / Mushroom picking in spring in Poland? [35]

If you are not 100% sure its edible don,t think about eating them....some of the really deadly ones taste quite nice apparently....
9 May 2009
Travel / Mushroom picking in spring in Poland? [35]

Of course you can...its perfectly legal....I suppose what you mean is , are there any to be found in the spring...? Autumn is the traditional time for hunting them , and i am not sure if you can find them in the spring , but hang around , one of our Polish country experts will give you the information....
3 May 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Hi Dave , will email you as well , but yes i would be happy to have you come and stay at my place if you are passing this way....I could meet you in one of the bigger towns near me , and show you the way to the farm....
30 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [451]

There was the guy who went to see his doctor wearing a pair of transparent trousers and no underwear....The doctor said..........I can clearly see your nuts....!
27 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

Is there a group in Poland that organizes a trip to go to Chernobyl? I've been trying to do this for some time now but I always get side tracked.

If there isn,t perhaps i could organise one....? I have friends over there that could act as guides and whatever.... Have a look at the website created by Elena filatova , she has some amazing pictures and stories about Chernobyl....
26 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

China Syndrome.
What does that actually mean.

It means the molten radioactive mess melts its way into the ground...and keeps contaminates the ground water , and causes an even bigger disaster....I think its called the China syndrome because somebody said it could in theory melt its way to China...
26 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

Today is the anniversary of the worlds worst nuclear accident , the explosion in the reactor at Chernobyl nuclear power station....

It was this accident that first brought me to Poland in 1997 , on route to Belarus to take aid to the children dying from this disaster , what i saw there will live in my memory forever , no words can ever describe the sadness of a generation so devastated...

Later i went into the dead zone , the area deemed to dangerous for people ever to live there , to see whole towns , villages completly deserted , homes that can never be returned to....

When i first moved to Poland i met a girl called Aneta , a teacher , who was only a child when Chernobyl made its mark on the world , she remembers being taken from school to some clinic where she was made to drink some kind of medicine...

None of the Polish children understood what was going on , and many parents were afraid , but not exactly sure what of.....

What are your memories of that day in 1986 when nuclear power showed what it can do if you are not carefull with it..?????????
25 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

Is that's why the farm house is falling apart?

Yep....seems they can,t make concrete in Poland , but they do make nice food , ...i guess you can,t be good at everything....?

And they have nice BISON....
25 Apr 2009
Travel / A Night or Day In to spend the time?.. [9]

but not a place where there was much to do.

I thought as , can anyone recommend a good bar , maybe with some soft rock , or Polish folk music and a nice atmosphere....?
25 Apr 2009
Travel / A Night or Day In to spend the time?.. [9]

may enjoy crowd, noise and the rush.

I don,t mind a bit of noise and a crowd for a few hours , it will make a change from my quiet farm where i sometimes do not see any people for days....
25 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

I have nothing against Polish people , in fact i like them , but i did object to paying the Pole tax when i didn,t have any Poles living at my house......

A few years later i had eight of them sharing my house , but by then the Pole tax had been silly is that....?
25 Apr 2009
Travel / A Night or Day In to spend the time?.. [9]

I shall be spending a wednesday night in Gdansk , before wandering off to the airport to have a little sleep ready to catch a plane at 6am the next morning.....

Anyone got any suggestions as to what i can do to entertain myself for the evening in Gdansk , or can i find some place to amuse myself at the airport...?
25 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

they are concrete based

Polish concrete has exactly the same properties as a Mcvities biscuit....but does not taste as nice.....
25 Apr 2009

is this about male and female teenagers? is this in poland or the u.k?

Both male and females are doing it apparently.....and the story is about teenagers in Poland.....
24 Apr 2009

I read on that more and more teenagers are turning to prostitution in order to fund buying designer clothes , concert tickets , and mobile phones , as they see this as essential to earn respect from their friends....
23 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

When it comes to car safety , size matters.! Its a fact , that if a small car , and a big car hit each other , the people in the small car are likely to die.... If you can afford to fuel and maintain a big car its the much safer option...

Somewhere on this forum there is a thread about what exactly it costs to import a car , and the rules and regulations for doing so...From what i remember you have to pay a percentage of the value of the car , and you have to own it for six months before import , but all the information is on here somewhere....

Another thing to consider is spare parts , some models , like Chrysler for example have dealers over here , might be worth while to check out where is the nearest dealer for the car you choose to the place you are going to be living...
23 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

or if that would just stick out too much

There are plenty of big 4 x 4 cars in Poland , so its size would not make it stick out too much.....I think the American registration would be likely to make it stand out more...

You would have to be carefull where you parked it in big cities , as somebody might think you are a rich tourist with lots of goodies on board that might be worth stealing....
22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

Yeah ,i have seen the tricks they do...! I think i would feel safer in a Jeep if some mad Polish driver decides to use the same bit of road as the same time...!
22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

they are still an expensive vehicle for most of Poles -

True , but there seem to be plenty of them about , driven by the richer Poles , and in any case she is bringing this vehicle over for herself , not to sell to somebody in Polska....
22 Apr 2009
Life / Popular and Practical Cars in Poland [49]

A jeep cherokee would be popular in Poland , and you can get parts for them over here , Poles don,t like automatics too much , so a stick shift would sell better....I just bought one myself in the UK , but i guess they are much cheaper in the USA....

If you look an alegro the Polish car site , you can see what it would sell for in Poland , might be a good idea to check out how much its going to cost you to import it , taxes and such , there is a thread about this on Polishforum someplace....
20 Apr 2009

These days you can get killed for looking at somebody , it could be there is nothing more to it than that....