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Posts by guesswho  

Joined: 17 Mar 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Jul 2011
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1 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

I wish there were more details to the census.

Of course you're right as usually, :-)
The only thing is that I believe that it's time, after 234 yrs, to make us finally one big nation without all these differences so a German and a Polish American will finally sit down at one table, drink an ice cold corona with a slice of lime in it and will be able to say...we are Americans.
1 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I do believe that those who moved or have parents that moved and are "first gen" then they should keep in touch.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing with keeping in touch even if you're a 3d generation Pole but I was just trying to excuse those who just feel Americans and nothing else but that.
1 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

You are what you want to be.

I like that statement.
As far as the rest of what you said, I agree with some of it too however I strongly hope for huge changes soon to happen in the US. I believe that 234 years should be enough for us to become one big unit without all these differences.

What special perks and privileges are available to those that are non-White?

Maybe I can help you this time. For example, when you're a business owner, the law tells you to employ so many blacks or Hispanics (etc.) so in some areas it's easier to get a job when you belong to one of these minorities than when you're white.
1 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I believe you can count on most of the young immigrants, the ones that came here about hundred years ago are simply Americans with all they got and it would be unfair to expect from them more than keeping in touch with Polish culture but even if they don't, that should be accepted too.
1 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Born in Poland and now live in the US, in your case having mixed feelings is absolutely normal.

couldnt shrink in my chair, so I just sat there thinking of what /why kids are making fun of my last name..

yep, kids can be cruel but it's like this anywhere you go.

All I can tell you is that not all of you seem to have very close ties with Poland. When we lived in Germany in the area of Ramstein, we've met people from Chicago with an obvious Polish last name. He was a captain of the US AF (air force) and when I asked him if they have Polish roots,

he said that he doesn't know. Going by the name, I was strongly assuming it but obviously the name itself is not always showing one's origin and if then it's going so far behind that the person really doesn't know of any connection whatsoever.
1 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Well, then make sure that next time, your expression won't give the reader any chance for speculations. I like that you used the word loyalty in your post. You asked, how many of them would fight for Poland in case of war? Actually a great question. I hope that at least the ones of them who were born in the US, would stick to us. I believe, the same you would expect from anyone who's born in Poland, right?
1 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

unless when faced with the decision of poland or america having chosen america. Even by some definitions they are still polish, but I would say somewhat traitorous.

As I can see, you live in Canada, so "you're still Polish" but somewhat "traitorous"? LOL
1 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

What happens with me is people see or hear my name and say "Ah, Polish last name!

You mean, just because of your Polish last name they say you're Polish?
Strange, I'd understand it if you also spoke with a strange accent or so but only because of your name?

You can be Polish and be from America, just like you can be American Irish, Italian, German, Vietnamese.

Polish from America or American Polish? Don't get me wrong but I associate Polish from America with someone who just came to the US and lives there for a short period of time. If you say, I'm American Polish, it makes me feel more like you're an American now but used to be Polish and if you call yourself an American and mention that your ancestors came from Poland than I see you as an American regardless. Of course you guys can see it anyway you want it. It doesn't bother me as long as you're good people.

unless one's last name is Polish

to be quite honest, only in connection with your English level. If you sound like an American, most likely no one would really care about your last name unless you point it out somehow.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

And it makes me feel sad when some are so angry that we have a sense of connection.

First of all, great thanks for your sensible contribution to this topic. You don't need to feel sad about it, there will be always people like him anywhere you go.
31 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Merged thread:
American born and still Polish?

Usually when you ask someone where he's from and the person is from the states, the answer is: "I"m an American but my ancestors came from ........."

This being Polish seems to be still very important to many of you, to how many I can't tell as where I live, I've never met anyone with Polish roots. I'm sure there are some of you around but I've just never met any. I'd love to ask you how you guys manage to live with those split feelings of being both, Americans and Poles at the same time? It's probably easy for those of you who were born in Poland but I wonder how the American born feel about it. I can imagine, it must be pretty confusing. I'm defending you on PF because I believe that Poles should really appreciate your position toward Poland and everything Polish instead to bash you all the time. As an American, I'd love to ask you where you actually stand?
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Very often those names don't have anything to do with ones origin at all. I've met a guy in Germany with an obvious Polish name and when I asked him if he's Polish, he got mad at me. Same in Poland, many people have German names but claim to be Polish.

Besides, in the states when the immigrants entered America and had hard to pronounce, last names, they were given English names very often, for example, a German guy who's famous in NC for gold digging, Johannes Reith, was named John Reed etc.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

In America people have two or more countries, America and whatever countries their ancestors came from, unless they are Native American.

True, however usually what people say here is "I"m an American but my ancestors came from ........."
This being Polish seems to be still very important to many of you, for how many I can't tell as where I live, I've never met anyone with Polish roots. I'm sure there are some of you around but I've just never met any. I'd love to ask you how you guys manage to live with those split feelings of being both, Americans and Poles at the same time? It's probably easy for those of you who were born in Poland but I wonder how the American born feel about it. I can imagine, it must be pretty confusing sometimes. I'm defending you on PF because from the Polish point of view, they should be actually proud of you for fighting for everything Polish in the US instead to bash you all the time but from the American point of view, I'd love to know where you actually stand?
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Where did I claim to be a "patriotic, proud Scot"?

I bet, "Braveheart" and quite a few Scots out there, would kick your butt for your opinion..
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

If you're true to Poland, you live here and contribute to the country. End of story.

If you're true to Scotland, you live there and contribute to the country. End of story.
30 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Their children wanting to be Americans would accept the americanized version of the name.

Of course, they are Americans and I don't see any problem with that. It's amazing how they still feel for Poland being born here so they should be appreciated in Poland and not bashed.

There are quite a few people who ***** and moan about Poland.

Just like there are few people who ***** and moan about the US too :-)
30 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Just the other day he said "its easy to find bad things in Poland" or something like that. BUT YET, he CHOSE to live in Poland

Well, adult people make adult decisions. He hates it in Poland so he stays there. (lol)

He is either a total moron for CHOOSING to live in a country he hates

There are more cases like this on PF. No matter where one lives, it's no point to stay in your host country if you hate it, go back home and be happy again.
30 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

but the fact remains - the vast majority couldn't hack it in Poland

Hm, is that why you live in Poland now because you couldn't heck it in Scotland?
29 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Ive heard most/many "Plastic Poles" don't know proper Polish, I find this sad as the same happens in Norway where Polish parents tries to learn them Norwegian but forget to learn them proper Polish making them into Norwegians with Polish heritage.

I have to take up for the parents a little bit again :-)
I've heard that in a very young age, it's not good to teach children 2 or more languages and since they live in Norway, obviously it's very important to learn Norwegian. Later on however, ti's not a problem to teach them some Polish too. Actually, as many languages as possible.

Yeah, I guess that's why elected Obama and Liberal Congress the last time around, huh?

Besides, nothing's wrong with voting for Republicans, lol
29 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

That must be Crow ;)

I can't tell you right now who it was and I don't really feel like looking for it but yes, crow would be definitely a good possibility :-)
28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I feel sorry that he is so upset about those in Polonia.

You don't need to be sorry about anything. Polonia deserves respect for many reasons. Not only because they were always helping Poland where they could but alone the fact that being born in another country and showing that they still care for Poland is more than anyone could expect from them. They could just as well say, hey I'm American (or anyone else) and why would I waste my breath by spending my precious time on PF constantly having to fight people who deny me the right to feel a part Polish or at least to be connected with Poland. They live in a country where the live standard is way higher then in Poland and they still fight for everything Polish and this should be deeply appreciated by the rest of you here.

I'm defending this people even though I personally don't have anything to do with Poland but I can imagine how they feel. Come to this forum, hope to make friends with Poles in Poland and then what they get is nothing but hatred and being ridiculed all the time.

I won't be surprised if one day they'll just give it all up and start living as Americans and nothing else but Americans.
28 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

How am I supposed to even think that Poles and Lithuanians are ethnically close?!

I only mentioned it because someone on PF said that Lithuanians are Slavs.

Poland never had any right to Vilno and after ww1 Pilsudski taking it by force cause the hate towards Poles that is understandable

Wow, it looks like first time we fully agree to something.
28 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

One should really know Lithuanians and Poles aren't that much different...

I guess it depends on what you go by, ethnically for sure.
28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I know it, and I'm not Polish.

You sound like one. Actually, you come across like a pretty much, peed off Pole living in Poland. I hope it doesn't sound insulting because it's not my intention. To be honest, why would a living in Poland foreigner, be mad at Polish Americans the way you are? Just a question.
28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I never heard the phrase "Plastic Pole" before coming to this forum either.

Well, I could imagine, to someone of Polish origin it sounds kinda derogatory.
27 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Tell me guys, what does the "plastic Pole" really stand for, a Polish-American or a green-card Pole? I'm asking because before joining this forum, I never came across this description.