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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
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Interests: Books

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10 May 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

the police will send a pipe off for analysis to try and find a few micrograms of residue

That is interesting. As far as I was aware smoking pot wasn't illegal. Possession is. So residue would be useless
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

You make it sound as if that all situation was clear cut and only PiS's greed is at fault.

They are the ones in power for Pete's sake! Who is at fault if not them? They knew from the beginning there is no support for postal elections yet they pushed with all their might. They made all the preparation on the cost of Polish taxpayer.

And after all that they have the cheek to tell the public that it's a secret! Iron, seriously,you cannot defend that!

There is no, or ever was, more opportunistic political party in Polish parliament than PSL [

True, but it will do you no good to mix the party with the individual.
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

We can do but one- you don't post any arguments and two you were responding to my post about something different trying very hard not to address the points I made. If you want my opinion Kosiniak-Kamysz seems to be the best candidate atm although his wife is extremely annoying imo.
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Yawn...The same nonsense over and over again..
Don't you think it's quite pathetic if your only line of defense is 'they did the same '? For Pete's sake, we are not in kindergarten. ..

Can you please explain what opposition candidates have to do with PoS not saying how much this mess cost?
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]


Like messing up the election crisis and even better- not telling the public how much that mess cost them.

And it's quite funny to always blame opposition. PiS is in power for quite few years now and I think it's time for them to realise that being in charge means you are the one responsible when people don't like what is happening. And guess what? People didn't like this election mess
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

prob one of the above would have happened in the 2000s with PO and oligarch mates in charge.

Yyyy, no.

And I love how every time PiS does something bad it's 'but PO...' Grow up.

Any defence from the PiS supporters here why the public shouldn't know how much they spend on those failed elections?
4 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Konfederacja has jumped from "non existent before Dec 2018" to 11 MEPS in the Polish parliament in 2019.

Even I they doubled their support it would be around SLD which is (sadly for me :) ) hardly a major player.
And as you know yourself this presidential elections are hardly representative. The situation on the country is too weird.

If PiS collapses ( which probably will happen at some point, after the death of Kaczynski at the latest ) and Konfederacja plays smart they might gain but in my opinion it's their only option.
3 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

If that was the case they could leave the EU and have their beloved death penalty. The problem for you is that that is not the case which is shown here:

Not always we had a government which was defiant against the EU.

Those were chosen by Polish people so it seems that is what was ok with them

new government with a much prominent presence of Konfederacja in Polish parliament

LOL Do you seriously believe that will happen? They will jump from 'barely visible' to 'major player' in few years?
22 Apr 2020
Law / Poland's Inheritance Law Without Will [21]

are usually governed by the law of the country where they are located, so you have a chance to make a claim on the flat.

If that is the case the OP has more than a chance and for a bigger part. The mother's part and 'zachowek' after father as you can't completely disinherit a kid by a simple will in Poland
10 Apr 2020
Life / What is Poland going to be like in the 2050s? [72]

Parents with kids maybe but people will still be moving more towards the cities, especially the young ones. More to do, easier to meet with people
9 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Hmmm, I don't think she will have a big impact but it is true a lot of people are annoyed that she is so mute.Even Maria Kaczyńska took a stand few times.

When it comes to the First Lady/Gentelmen Hołownia wins hands down. His wife is a freaking jet pilot :)
Bosak's one is a liability to more moderate electorate as she works for Ordo Luris.

While the spouse of the president is not the one in office they do represent the country so people tend to take them into account.
7 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

So I doubt anyone is paying. So it is being subsidized in this way due to some or other EU regulations.

That was always a problem. Yet previously TVP managed to even put some money aside for rainy days. That surplus is gone, loans are taken and now this. And that is outside of the normal government subsidy. So if you want to stick to your 'everyone would do the same' go ahead but it doesn't have a lot to do with reality.

The thing is- it's not about TVP getting government's money. It's about financial disaster in running it while being so politically biased at the same time.

Such a mud slinging is appealing only to people whose wouldn't vote on Duda anyway.

Have to agree with that. Plus I think things like that give him an image of 'swój chłop' appealing to part of the electorate.
26 Feb 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

should I go on ?

No, it's quite enough showing the difference between a knife and a gun. Thank you for making my case for me.
Btw- I wasn't the one who brought up the guns into this conversation

what gives you the right to tell your law abiding neighbor

I don't stop them. They are free to apply for a permit according to the rules of the country they live in. As to what those laws are (for example in Poland) is decided by the society. If gun lovers manage to get enough people on their side and change the law I will have to accept it and live with it.

The funny thing is that while I believe US gun laws are stupid I leave you to it. It effects me only in the way that I know I would never move there. Yet Americans on this board seem obssesed about changing the minds of citizens and the laws in countries the never even visited...It's not like Poles started campain 'let's take the guns away from Americans' it's just that we have no desire to follow your, quite scary, example.
25 Feb 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

can be done with a knife that is one inch long.

Wouldn't be very comfortable in use not to mention that it would require changing tools in a process that only needs one.

So shooting genius-what other use did you find for the guns? I'm all ears (or eyes if we are being literal
25 Feb 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

For my dinner I was slicing the tomato and made small cuts with the pointy tip so the blade goes in nicely. For lunch I was preparing chicken and was removing 'błony' and traces of blood with the tip as well as cutting out oczka (black spots) from potatoes. Enough or do you need more?

Btw- why fixate on the pointy top? The knife is dangerous all around...
25 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Kidawa-Blonska is an eloquent orator and Kosiniak-Kamysz posses a great charisma.

But Duda is no better. It's not like they are standing against some great statesman .

Does anyone here truly believes that A. Duda is not going to win the upcoming presidential elections?

His lead is not that big so who knows? He might win he may not. The fact is he is in harder situation as he has to defend his position.
25 Feb 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

American schools to be "gun free zones" - NEVER virtue signal that their homes are gun-free zones. NEVER.

And you think it's normal that someone has to make a school a gun free zone?

The fact is that I have been on this forum for quite a while now and it was always the same merry-go-round. I was always told to wait and see because real soon people will demand the guns etc. Well, it's been 10 years already- anyone has any estimation or shall I forget ir for my life time :)
23 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

at least you listen to both sides, Lenka

It's easier when you do not support either side :) Besides my views are so far from PiS that I do not have to distinguish myself from them with such things. PO and PiS have the problem that they more or less share core beliefs. PSL too of course but they have the advantage of never actually being in position of power plus the benefit of being outside of that PO-PiS duel

In 1999 she said:Important positions like President should be held by males

I never said she's smart. And such comment won't hurt them too much in PiS voters eyes and the undecided probably won't notice. All in all while a proof that PiS attracts certain type of people I don't think it will do much.

The elections are ahead and if that's their only "strategy" they'll loose a big time.

Let's make few things clear: all this is not PO but Gazeta Wyborcza stories. While GW might be on the side of PO it still is not the party's or campaign body. Supporters like Pawian may well take pleasure in it, after all their oponent just showed what stupid people they have around.

a report by the bitten man with photos:

And? It's still a possibility she was defending herself... I doubt it but it's an option. I'm surprised anyone would care enough about 'voting silence' to get into 'szarpanina' over it.
23 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

What? Nobody (almost) wants to eat dinner with Krzysztof Bosak?

That is funny but even funnier is that PSL seem to think they have to cut out the winner (and his much bigger number) to make it look more impressive for their candidate

Only someone who is already scared would react the way you did

Oh yes, I'm shaking so much I can't hold my phone :D On second hand it might be the laughter
23 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Yet, I let you be without having a emotional meltdown

Oh my, now we are all scared...:)
Try and see who cares.

later on translated into 7% of votes and 11 MEPs for Konfederacja in a parliamentary elections

And yet left got twice that...
I wouldn't celebrate just yet Spike. Big plus for Konfederacja at the moment is of course that they will get their subsidy soon and that should allow the party to pay it's way for a bit. If it won't be able to substantially increase their support than I doubt they ever will.

It happened on 6 February. Where has Konfederacja been since then? Enjoying the honeymoon???

To be fair Bosak criticized it but the problem is he is invisible.
23 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Grzegorz Braun is a fearsome opponent

Hey, that is not fair, I didn't know you are a comedian...;)

Duda has chosen a female lawyer for his campaign chief. Now it turned out she is a nasty biter

I didn't report on that because I didn't make my mind up. I'm not sure I trust either side. She however added comical element to it by talking about her 'little son' (15 at the time) and asking Kidawa-Blońska to condemn Gazeta Wyborcza (what she has to do with it? The only comment could be 'I have no idea what happened at the time so I cannot judge')
22 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Anyway in the world that any haft-wit has one it doesn't say anything about a person.

And what does it say that he tried 4 times and never finished? Again, even if we forget intelligence it reflects badly on his character. Especially since he is not a free spirit art person but theoretically a conservative candidate for a president.

the media exposure during the elections will later benefit his political party.

Well, my whole point was that he is invisible at the moment.
Of course it may change but judging by the situation right now people will forget he is even a candidate.

Btw, just read that Konfederacja wasn't granted a loan for the campaign. Of course explained as the hostility towards the party. Anyway, they are still talking to some smaller banks and count on some donations.

Meanwhile Kosiniak-Kamysz is talking about 1000+ for students now...Smells of populism....
22 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

He is an educated man without a formal degree.

Ultimately he has a high school diploma. He might be smart but educated is a stretch. Not finishing even one of his courses says something if not about his intelligence than about his character.

It would be lack of substantial funds to run a large scale campaign

That ultimately takes him out of the race then...A candidate with such tiny support has no chance without making a big presence.

soft ban on Konfederacja in public media.

Would matter if I followed it. I don't. So that is not the factor. The thing is all the other candidates are reported to do stuff (scandals, signatures etc.) Bosak nothing since the wedding. If it carries on people won't even know he's running let alone vote for him.