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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
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Interests: Books

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1 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

social moderates are going to get behind Konfederacja's

Hard for me to believe that. For now Bosak plays it smarts and avoids controversy. I read an article with him the other day and he cut social questions very short and focused on less questionable things. His true colours were coming out when asked about abortion for example or left wing people (apparently I'm a bad person because I'm lwft wing...) I don't understand why other candidates don't frill him more about it.
1 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Did you guys see the poll on who was the best First Lady? Almost 50% said Kwaśniewska. I don't see any of the candidates wifes doing that well in let's say 10 years. I think Kosiniak-Kamysz is the most annoying to me (but maybe it's the pregnancy :P)
30 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I'm afraid Iron might be right here,

He might but I need more compelling argument than 'because I say so'.

You can take it or not.

Of course not! Why should I? For one- it's a discussion and not a trust contest . Two- I don't know you so why the hell should I trust your judgement?

Did you miss the part when I said 'even if he was the right candidate ' and'I don't think he is'?
30 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Sorry, but there is no discussing with you.

on knowing stuff about things...

Which basically mean 'I have nothing'

That is not an issue

I just love your ability to shrug off anything you don't like. You dismiss anything that doesn't agree with your world view as either nonexistent or not important
30 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Told you Biedron stand no chance from the beginning

I never said he did. Even if he was the right candidate (which I don't think he is) I don't think an openly homosexual candidate could win atm. I think he reached the top of what he possibly can do.

he is too lazy, and he doesn't really want to be a president.

And you make such statement based on what?

As one of the supporters of Razrm told me: He is too good to make him run for president, it would be a waste.
28 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

@ PolAmKrakow
I think you are overestimating and underestimating Poles.
Neither Poles (as a majority) will pay attention to reports nor those that do will put full blame on PiS. I'm definitely not a supporter of that party but the economy will crash everywherr
22 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Because I am the only left winger here I decided to picture the emotions of part of that electorate with a real conversation:

A: Co myślicie o rezygnacji Kidawy-Błońskiej i wystawieniu Trzaskowskiego?
What do you think about Kidawa-Blońska resignation and putting forward Trzaskowski?

B: .W sumie za mało wiem, żeby to serio oceniać.
All in all I know too little to seriously judge it

A: A na kogo będziecie głosować?
And who will you vote for?

B: Ale wydaje się, że ona ostro traciła. W pewnym sondażu była poniżej Bosaka. Biedroń też zresztą poleciał w dol
But I think she was losing badly recently. In one poll she was below Bosak. Biedroń but the way went down too

A: Biedron mnie wkurwia a chciałam głosować na niego
Biedroń is pi**ing me off recently and I wanted to vote for him

B: To ja wiedziałam od początku, że mnie będzie wkurwial
I knew from the beginning he will be pi**ing me off

A: No ja jakaś naiwna byłam. Rodzice na Trzaskowskiego będą glosowac a ja teraz nie wiem. Jestem całą sobą za Razem, oni poparli Biedronia a Biedroń odpierdala teraz jakieś maniany

I was naive.Parents will be voting for Trzaskowski and now I'm not sure. I fully support Razem (political party), they supported Biedroń and Biedroń is being silly/stupid

B: No szczerze to chyba też bym wolała Trzaskowskiego
To be honest I think I would prefer Trzaskowski too

A: No i właśnie mi ten Trzaskowski namieszal. Wydaje się być rozsądnym facetem
Yeah and that Trzaskowski messed with my head. He seems to be reasonable guy

B: Lewica kolejny raz zjebala
The left fu*ked it up again
21 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I believe he is independent. Kind of centrist. It seems while religious himself he understands that not everybody is. He is winning young people with this I believe.

He is former TVN presenter so I hope that answers that question. He also run a show in Religion TV.
16 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Trzaskowski will be more natural option for them to vote for.

True. He may even steal some votes from the left considering how bad they are doing.

Kosianiak-Kamysz was on the rise and considered to be a Duda-eater...

I still believe in the end he would have the best chance in second round.

Hołownia stronghold is internet so doubt it
10 May 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I don't know if that counted against him.

I meant something personal. Like sleeping with the Police Chef's wife/husband etc
10 May 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Haha lenka you sound so colloquial

Oh thank you my dear lady ;

waste of police time?

And resources. All people involved (the policeman, prosecutor and judge would have to have an axe to grind

Silly and often unjust prosecutions happen daily

True and they happen everywhere but a residue is not possession so in my opinion it's not within the law. And I can see that happening only if someone had a problem with that indiidual
10 May 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I would expect to read about something so silly in the papers

And at least in my neck of the woods it's not a common practice