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29 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

its former territories now hate Russia.

You must be Polish or a woman...

There is not such thing as love, hate, or friendship among countries. Only common interests.

Germany was buying gas from a country that lost 27 million people because Germany decided that the Soviets were lesser people who should be killed.
29 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

Russia invaded dozens of countries Russia invaded even its own allies.

Russia invades buffer zones that are critical to Russia's existence. The US invades places thousands of miles away to justify NATO and a 1 trillion dollar "defense" budget - a taxpayer ripoff that has nothing to do with US security.

without the USA we in West Europe would be in deep, deep sh*it and Ukraine wouldn't even be fighting anymore.

That's your problem. If that's the case, you should pay the US for being your cops and bodyguards. What would be a fair annual fee?

Without the US, that war would last a month, and 500,000 Ukrainians would be alive today.


Americans don't give a fvck about America or they would be demonstrating in front of the Out House every single weekend to close the damn border.

They would rather watch sports.
29 Feb 2024
Life / Poles speaking English - examples [245]

After all, Henry Kissinger was born in Germany and Madeleine Albright was born in Czechoslovakia.

The US was soooo lucky...Without these two, the position would be open and the country would not be able to function...

Here is an idea...Putin for US President! Or at least as the Secretary of State and Stasi as the Wall manager and Border Guards. They sure would be better than our diaper service.
29 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

You would want Poland to remain without NATO.


I want the US to become NATO-free since NATO is a US parasite the US needs like I need another prostate cancer. Useless, expensive to deal with, and can kill you...

And if it wasn't for NATO, the Baltic States would have probably fallen victim to the invasion already.

Americans don't give a fvck about the Baltic States - including those few who can find them on the map.

We didn't when they used to be Soviet republics...and the sun was rising in the after day...

Russia invaded dozens of countries Russia invaded even its own allies.

Russia invades buffer zones that are critical to Russia's existence. The US invades places thousands of miles away to justify NATO and a 1 trillion dollar "defense" budget - a taxpayer ripoff that has nothing to do with US security.
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Rich, you need to wise up.

I am very wise and that's why I don't want even one American to die for some azholes outside of the US. Or for their "democracy" because we don't have it at home.

Great post!It's all about America isn't it?

Because nothing else matters to me.
28 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

People like you would advise us to be weak and defenceless.

Just the opposite...Be strong, be brave, and kick ass all you want...on your own.

it will embolden Putin to go for more invasions and the Baltic states are prime targets.

1. The Baltics were part of the USSR for decades and the US was fine with it.
2. Russia had the Baltics and gave them up as useless. Getting them back would serve no purpose.
3. Russia will not go for the Baltics because Europe has two nuclear powers, money, and armies.

They received such beatings from the Finns that they had no choice but to stick to this treaty.

There you go...

So no fear that Russia would attack Finns, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Brits, Irish, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Albania, Andora, and Monaco.

The US would be very happy to advise you on how to make your armies LGBT-friendly to improve the morale of your troops.
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

without the USA there is no NATO. Hating NATO is like hating the USA

No, moron. I hate NATO because NATO makes the US weaker, not stronger. With every additional member the US exposure, obligations, and expenses go up but not the benefits.

NATO is for your defense, not ours. We don't need NATO. That makes you parasites and US dependents. And I hate it...

I know you are slow so let me try this...

If NATO is such a great deal for the US, we should ask 100 more sh*itholes all over the globe to join. Why stop at Europe? Because you are special?
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

one of those Russian lovers.

I never met any Russians but as long as they hate NATO they will be my best friends. Nothing unites as a common enemy...

you can F right off back behind the sea with your patronizing attitude

If it was up to me, every single American soldier would home shooting the invading scum from the South.
I would also cut all phone lines just in case you need adult supervision and protection again.
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

are you being paid by Russia are you a Russian troll?

No. I do it for free to pis* Russia haters off.

Poland pays its due to NATO.

Hey, moron, NATO is not a country club. Nobody in Europe pays anything to NATO. Only the US pays for its bases and troops in Europe because you, Euros, are irresponsible azholes in need of adult supervision to keep you from starting WW3.
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Simple. I live in Illinois and I pay fed taxes.

The world is such that no matter what happens - like a sewer overflowing in Nepal - American taxpayers are fvcked.
There is nothing where we don't dump our money on...including frogs in Kenya, defending Poland from its imaginary enemies, fixing Polish roads...

Germany can afford to have Poland on its welfare through the EU only because we relieved them of the expense of maintaining a credible army. Where is Hitler when we really need him...
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

What Poland owes Germany, we, the US taxpayers will pay. Somehow...That's the connection...

Children, a reminder...The world consists of two parts: The US - 95% and the rest - 5%.
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

I pray for you to be right. My money is that Illinois will be one of the very few states that will go against Trump.

If Trump wins here, I am buying...
28 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

You better vote !!

In Cook County, I feel like I am back in a communist Poland. Voting is pointless...Even Republicans are a joke...
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

and therefore deserves membership!

Membership in NATO is not a reward for good behavior. The only consideration should be if the next country serves the US defenses well.

The answer: Not a single one!

We don't need Europe to stay safe. Europe is that irresponsible moron that can get us AIDS.
27 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

That's why I quit voting. That ratio, BTW, is especially high in Illinois - a sanctuary state that is now scrambling to find money for migrants.

If you want to say that I am one of the morons...I agree. If I had any brains I would be out of here a long time ago...
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

I only answer questions AFTER a poster states his position - clearly and without ambiguities - and only if I see this symbol: ?.

Probably, maybe, and perhaps are weasel words.

Here is an example of a weasel-free sentence: I want NATO dead and all foreign Muslims deported from Western Europe.
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

Without NATO, Sweden feared for its very existence day and night and that's why the ruling mob decided to open the floodgates to migrants.

That poison pill in the form of black Somali scum has been very effective against Russian invasion so I am not sure how NATO added to Sweden's sense of security.

Hey, Alien, Is keeping borders open to the world's worst garbage released from South American prisons a policy or insanity?

Children, this is how you know you won - when the enemy has no answer, responds with hahahahaha, or wth "no, it is not".
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

If you have any idea about your country's foreign policy,

My lovely "democratically elected" government has no idea about my country's foreign policy because it does not exist.

Is keeping borders open to the world's worst garbage released from South American prisons a policy - or insanity?

What an idiot...
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

...back to the US wars...

What did we get from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine for killing millions, bringing home 100,000 body bags, and adding 8 trillion bucks to the national debt?

In comparison, the USSR and now Russia are pure genius and symbols of peaceful coexistence...Before your heads explode...How many foreign bases do China or Russia have to be secure?

When a celebrity hires bodyguards she pays them with money, blow jobs, or something...

What do we get from protecting Europe from an imaginary enemy besides lessons on the evil of guns...

Now, but you didn't have it then.

Specifics or STFU.
27 Feb 2024
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

At a time when Putin openly seeks to redraw borders in Europe

He already did. C, D, and, L are Russia forever - just as Eastern Germany is forever Poland.

Trump presidency that may prove fatal to NATO

You can keep your NATO without the US. Just rename it to North Baltic Treaty Organization and ... viola ... you are finally free to liberate CDL without our permission and interference.

Am I a genius or what...