The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by osiol  

Joined: 25 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 55 / Live: 2 / Archived: 53
Posts: Total: 3921 / Live: 342 / Archived: 3579

Interests: Not being on this website when I'm asleep

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19 Feb 2008
Life / Cannabis / Weed in Poland... How much does marijuana cost per gram and how easy is to get it? [355]

I crashed no motorbikes (or even pushbikes), I lost no family as a result of smoking, and I never lost my job. I did get thrown out of university, although that might have happened anyway. I did suffer from depression, but that also might have happened anyway. I do look back at it with varying levels of fondness, but usually as a waste of time and money. But you've got to waste your time and money on something, and it's not as if it was the only thing I did waste time and money on.
10 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

in Britain there have been some pogroms against Jews

That was quite a long time ago. It was the year 1290 when the Jews in England were expelled.
Since they began to overtly return around the time of Cromwell, there has been very little of this kind of thing.
There were riots and trouble in the early part of the 20th century, but also some interesting alliances between British Jews and others, most notably the Battle of Cable Street.

Does this do anything to answer the 'Who are the worst baddies' question?
No, I thought not. It just shows that nobody's perfect, but not everyone can be blamed.

Not England

Ever heard of the United Kingdom? You're pissing off the small percentage of me that is Welsh.
10 Feb 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

he is a chav

In Scotland they are called Neds.

red headed

That's not usually a crime.

go to your scottish forums

Do you think anyone would want him there either? Because I don't.
9 Feb 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I had better go and learn some nice Polish instead.

Just because my flatmate has gone away this weekend, someone will have to make up for the vocabularial gap he has left behind:

Kurwa, kurwa, kurwa

Multiply that by 10, and that'll do it. I have spared everyone the rest.
9 Feb 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Someone thinks that you're not 'masculine' enough then, eh ?

Co ty pierdolisz? Ty jebana pizdo!

Am I getting the hang of this?
9 Feb 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


I thought it was something more horticultural. I hear this word quite a lot when potting plants, rootballing trees and so on. It's not usually just the one word. There is usually a handful of adjectives to accompany it. Many of them found on this thread.


Stronger than coffee?
7 Feb 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Europe as a continent, by world standards, is pretty small. However, we all seem to think it's too big, so we break it down into Eastern and Western, then even East, Central and Western. Some prefer a North-South split, but we'll ignore that for now.

I propose to divide it even more into the following categories:

West Western Europe, Central Western Europe, Eastern Western Europe, Western Central Europe, Central Central Europe, Eastern Central Europe, Western Eastern Europe, Central Eastern Europe, Eastern Eastern Europe. In this system, I propose that Poland should be within Southern Northern Western Eastern Europe (Central).
29 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I'm looking for some polish swear words!

What? The last thing you wanted was some nice words to say to a girl.
If you want Polish swear-words, listen to Polish people.
It only takes a few seconds before someone says 'Kurwa jebana pizdu!' (Do not repeat this - she might not like it).
At work we have two Poles at the moment, they swear all the time.
28 Jan 2008
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

I can't even find rye flour in my neck of the woods. White, Wholemeal, Brown, Barleycorn, Kamut, one or two others, but no rye. Apparently they don't even sell it at T.E. Stockwell & Cohen (a shop I refuse to give my custom - I'm doing my bit to save the world from Supermarket domination).
22 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


I must add that I censored myself there. I'm sure you realise I was thinking of another 4-letter word beginning with F.
22 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

'Gon sie'

I have just been told it means something slightly more like 'Flip off'.
Either that or my questions about swearing are becoming somewhat tiresome and this is the best response my 'teacher' can be bothered to give.
21 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

does that make me the wiry old teacher

You have been so many things, ranging from being English, being a Scotsman, a hairy man...
So why not a wiry old geography teacher?
You have already proven yourself to be the mistress of mystery.
21 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

I forgot?


But also:
... not! You're wrong. Au contraire! False. I beg to differ. No chance. No way! YOU LIE! Never. Never ever in a million years. Isn't!

(Why am I imagining all these answers as if they are being given to a wiry old geography teacher in corduroy?)
21 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]


Indeed, forsooth.
Yeah. Yep. Yup. Oh yes! Ooh yes! Ah yes! Why, yes. Why aye! Totally. Yes and no. Kind of. Sort of. A bit but not quite. No, not really. Nah! Nope. Nay (donkey does horse impression - would that be an inhorsination?)

The one I really can't stand is 'affirmative'. Get back to your Star Trek bollocks.
21 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Personally he's starting to remind me of Chris Eubank!

Vewy intewethting point.

On a forum, some people tend to type differently to how they speak

I type almost exactly the same way as I speak, only I don't talk with my hooves and I don't type with my tongue.

Or do I?

Some people touch-type, other people struggle with their index fingers, whilst donkeys use their tongues to press the keys.
20 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Sometimes I do my shopping at Morrisons, where everyone - customers and staff - are ugly. I even fear that when I set foot (or hoof) in the place, I myself, become ugly. I prefer to go to Waitrose where everyone is good looking. I went there today and it made life feel just a little bit better.

But then I went to B&Q. (Exciting all this stuff about my day's shopping, eh?) The girl who sold me my new angle-grinder was Polish (the name badge 'Kasia' was probably the second clue - the first clue being she was attractive enough to have got herself a job in Waitrose). I wondered to myself 'What would happen if she went to Morrisons for her shopping?'
20 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

blow up trains and buses in London

Including one at Aldgate, in a predominantly Musilim area, killing Muslims. I don't remember entirely, but I didn't think they were all of Pakistani origin. The 'shoe bomber' was half English, half Jamaican and converted to some sort of 'Islam'.


Apology accepted.
19 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]



Co ty pierdolisz?

But which one of you am I saying that to?
The sentence I just put is the one I'd understand if someone said it to me.
19 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

the focus is on keeping clothes looking new

It used to all be about whites being whiter than white - bad news for Gothics.
They eventually came out with a Gothing Powder - makes your blacks blacker than black.
19 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

so white that I glow in the dark

Do they still have those washing powder adverts where the whites are so white, they are a kind of bluey-white?
19 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Georgians (for people form USA it is country near Russia).

Lots of Americans claim to be Caucasian!

after WWII it was very dangerous thing to be Pole in England

I'l agree with Isthatu - that statement is bollox.
19 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

It is derived from and is a diminunitve form of Michał. Pretty interesting, isn't it?

If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you were taking the mick.

You could say it was a shit-hole

I knew there would be something.

Still, why would you want to use one swear-word when seven will do?
19 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

'Piździ jak w Kieleckim na banhofie'

Other than the last two words, I knew this one. I asked an 'expert' if piździ has anything to do with pizda.
'Is it rude?'
Somehow, especially as you've posted it here, I get the feeling it is at least slightly rude.
Still, I did ask someone who told me there's nothing rude about zajesbiscie/zajebista. (Have I got these two right? Any more forms of this rather positive swear-word?)
19 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

"pizdowaty chuju" in one sentence?

I'm still wondering about this one.

Some contribution to the thread


Actually, rather than bookmarking the main page of the forum on my computer, I have bookmarked page 17 of this thread, so every time I come to the site, I get to see Krysia's latest avatar along with one of your (Bartolome's) contributions about 'Psia krew'.