The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 939 / Live: 202 / Archived: 737
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
28 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Here's the sort of stuff he's spouting on his "history" tours...

Controversial British historian David Irving praised Adolf Hitler as 'a great man' and his Gestapo as 'fabulous policeman' on his shocking tour of former Nazi death camps in Poland.
Irving said Hitler was not 'immoral' but was let down by lesser people in the Nazi regime
trener zolwia   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Dariusz Telka

Killer post, man.
Indeed, PC to silence their critics gets their camel's nose in the tent and from there Lib legislation... next thing you know their savage, primitive world becomes the law of the land and civilized society is stoning women and cutting off heads...

Wake up, folks.
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Ok, so let's recap...

So some nutjob with a long history of Jew-hating decides he wants to run "history" tours of concentration camps.
Given the guy's personal history, I think it safe to assume that he is intent on offering his own twist to the history of these places as he builds his own little mosque on the sacred ground zero that is Auschwitz. At the very least such is grossly insensitive, and more likely his motives are indeed sinister.

Presumably his narrative will be along the lines of "Why, it wasn't 6 million, it was only like 10 peeps total! And they didn't get gassed. No, they merely bumped their heads and fell while leaning down to pet a kitten as they were putting cookie trays in the ovens for baking. See, a tragic baking accident is all it was. That's all that happened here."

We have established that research and history revisionism in of themselves are not bad... but presenting intentionally distorted history as "historical fact" is a problem that should not be ignored, dismissed nor accepted without challenge.

Me, while against this sort of abuse of history for ideology purposes, I am also against any speech codes that dictate jail time in an effort to silence even wacky or ugly viewpoints. I say let the hateful kooks speak for all to hear. Heck, they do our jobs for us, better than we ever could! Like Ahmadinejad making himself look like a complete denier douche-bag on the world stage, better than anyone else could ever have done to him! I say let him run the tours! :D
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

his right to do and publish his research is undeniable to me.

This is where we get into sinister revisionism. I don't consider it a right to present to others one's warped, ideologically driven views as factual history (as someone like this guy would no doubt do with his tours).

If someone did that here on PF you'd jump them yourself! :D
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Depends on what is considered racist and antisemitic. Not so long ago somebody here accused another PF member of antisemitism, for stating that there are 2 mln Jews in the NYC.

Yeah, that term gets recklessly tossed around anymore as much as "racist".
But after seeing his background, I think it safe to call this Irving guy a antisemite.

the context in which something is researched is irrelevant

I disagree. Motive matters. And more often than not it predicates outcome. Therefore context is everything.
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Cripes. They may as well hire Ahmadinejad to give the tours... :s

" Irving has for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence;

I think it is now safe to conclude just what his motives are here.

Good work, S.
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

either the new facts and theories are faulty or not is a matter of discussion...but revisionism is neutral.

Sure. Isn't this the whole point of this thread?
I think we need to closely examine this guy's motives.
For having a Holocaust denier running history tours of Auschwitz is like having a KKK dude giving history tours about slavery and civil rights...
They may as well hire Sokrates! :s
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

If new facts are found the sight of events needs to be revised...revisionism is actually needed and happens everywhere all the time..nothing inherently bad about it!

Only if the corrections are correct of course

Of course you are right...

that is the duty of the scientists and historians

Provided they are acting with sincere and not sinister intent.

Over here when we hear the term "history revisionism" it raises a red flag because we generally see it as an intentional distorting of history. We get a lot of that over here. :s
trener zolwia   
16 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

there is nothing inherently bad about revisionism.

Yes there is.

Can't this guy find a job doing something else?
Clearly some despicable folks want to revise history to their twisted narrative and feed it to others... Ugly stuff.

Not exactly the same but last year there was uproar in Philadelphia because "history" tour guides were tinting our Founders' history. Some were merely uneducated idiots while others clearly had an anti-American-patriotism ideology and agenda.

Exactly the sort of people you don't want -who shouldn't be- "informing" others by twisting and polluting our history.
They tried to cover their misinformation and lying by saying it was their free speech right. Can you believe that?
trener zolwia   
15 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

her English is great...
how about me? how about me?!! how about meeee??!!

You stink. I can hardly understand anything you write.

trener zolwia   
14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

Americans don't know foreign languages...

We just don't care. Why should we adapt to others when we can expect others to adapt to us? :)
trener zolwia   
13 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

If very few people speak your language, you can have a very trying time and can feel isolated.

You get this a lot here in the states, huh.

trener zolwia   
8 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Are you seeing what you want to see?

Well, I don't live there. But what I am seeing is a general consensus here that he shouldn't have any problems.
And like Seanus just said...

1 case doesn't change much.

trener zolwia   
8 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Then with your firsthand knowledge you prolly should have been the first to reply to the OP's questions. Before all the baseless fear mongering started...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

negroe diskjockey who stabbed a few drunk Polish guys because they said some things he didn't like.

Yeah, calling someone a nasty name hardly justifies murder.

There may be hundreds or thousands of white ppl that kill black ppl, but if one black individual kills a bunch of whiteys, you will remember only that one single event and not the other events.

You'd have to switch the races for what takes place over here regularly...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Don't yell at me. You're the one who wrote your post in a way that made it seems as though you were calling the other guy a racist when he was merely pointing out... Oh, never mind...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

meaning there is racism in Poland, kind of the gist of my previous post...

Right. But it doesn't make the other poster in question a racist for merely pointing this out...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

thats one weird thing to say

I've heard this secondhand from college girls explaining why some of their fellow coeds elect to get with minorities. Additionally, their is psych research to support this view...

I'm not saying it is but a great start i think, its also something i made up on the spot, perhaps you could rephrase something a little better.

It mirrors a common refrain over here that "all racism stems from ignorance". The implication being that only folks who don't know minorities hate them. This simply is not true. I have personally known open-minded people who did their best to be accepting of blacks... only to change their view once being exposed to what takes place regularly in black urban areas after they moved there. So it would seem that some racism does not stem from ignorance but from exposure, from education, from experience...

your'e quite an easy person to beat verbally, a victim if you will, prey maybe.

Hardly. You mean how I just schooled you here? ;)
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I saw 5 black ppl today on my way to the bus stop :)

Why does this make you happy?

its interesting noting the reactions of the fathers and brothers of the girls at the airport knowing that Poland is quite a racist country.

Maybe the girls do it for shock value or to punish their fathers? Happens over here...

Racism is ignorance extreme.

This is a catchy phrase but not necessarily based in truth.

His message - You'll be all right as long as you don't date a Polish girl - racism pure and simple.

No it's not. It is a warning of racism.
trener zolwia   
2 Sep 2010
Law / I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen [44]

should be just up your alley

A funny, hot and rich Polish chick?! You're right, that's my kinda thing! :D

On a similar note: Someone was just asking about your NAMBLA membership in another thread. :s