The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Posts: 7540

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25 Mar 2024

Those types of weapons took many decades of trial and error to create.

Danny, why would you waste time on this lunatic...
25 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

God (def.): the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.

Miracle (def.): An event with three basic components: (1) It must be an unusual event that can be perceived by others. (2) It has no natural explanation. (3) It appears to be the result of an act of God.

Genius (def.): An atheist who can teach the faithful the basic elements of Christianity.

Hey, Novi, you are an amazing guy...
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [290]

Whinge to the manufacturer about the name they chose,

They should be charged with false advertising. Just like the guys who claim to be "women" to commit fraud on the real women.
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I only planted the seed in you, it's someone else's job to water it.

I am trying to water it by learning from the believers. Somehow, they evade and avoid...
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [290]

White Lightening 'cider',

1. It's ain't "white". It's clear. Milk is white.
2. Judging by Brits' teeth, it's not working. Switch to water.
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

if you give me your definitions there is still a chance that I will repent and become a believer again.
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

No matter what definition I give you, it will not satisfy you

Give me the definitions that satisfy you.
24 Mar 2024
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

Seen a man give birth lately? Menstruate?

Even trans freaks agree that there are only two genders: men and women.

In the history of this madness, no guy ever ever asked to cut him up to be gender #7. It's always a man to a woman or in reverse.

The problem with the reverse is that there is no payback in the form of scholarships and medals for winning a swimming competition, for example.
24 Mar 2024
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

The fake woman who sunk Bud Light Beer.

I wish the azhole would drown in it...

The scary part of this trans crap is not that there are moron men pretending to be women. The scary thing is that otherwise sane people are going along with this idiocy.
24 Mar 2024
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

transwomen rather than transmen...

There is no such thing as trans women. It's guys masquerading as women.
Just as I am pretending to be a woman. You can check my profile here.

I know you are slow so let me explain this bs this way:

If a guy grows his hair long, puts on lipstick, and buys a bra is a woman, then a flat-chested woman with short hair and no lipstick is a man.

Got it?

What are "all the facets"?

There is only one: Being a female. Only females can be women.

Men can be "women" the way my granddaughters are cats on Halloween.
24 Mar 2024


Before nukes, Poland should have more public restrooms with toilet paper, water, soap, and towels.
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

What is "God"? Define it without using the word "God".

Also, "miracle". What is a miracle?

Let me give you an example...Woman - an adult human female.
24 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

since you have yet to mention a single

I don't trade because I don't have to. I don't punch the clock, either, because I don't work.
I don't pray for the same reason.
23 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

. Unless you take a trip to Poland you'll never have to address any Poles anyway, so why are you whining?

I went to Poland twice in the last 7 years and it was "ty" no mater who was in front of me - a student or a priest.

Here, we have Polish delis and restaurants. Same story. No exceptions. I met Adrain's parents. "Ty" again. They send me a card and asked if we could meet again.

I don't tend to engage with strangers because I've got better things to do with my time.

Let me guess...You are not married and have no kids.

I am married and have kids becasue one day I was at a party, saw a drop-dead gorgious woman, like three grades better than I deserved, I walked up to her and asked her if I could have her phone number. That was in August 1969. We are still married and I would put my life on the line for her. That's why I have two guns.
23 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

I feel nothing but pity for you because you can't appreciate good Rock Music

Don't. Maf is right. Not every random cacophony is music.

Music by my definition is what I can catch and repeat. What I would like to hear again when the first presentation is over. What cannot tolerate random distortions. What requires talent.

What does not require jumping, smoke, and idiotic costumes... Like this piece:

The very definition of perfection. Also Enya.
23 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

So Poles should change their form of address just to suit you?

Poles should join the civilized nations that know how to use "ty" without causing heads to explode.
In the meantime, I use "ty" in all situations. Don't like it? Tough sh*it.

But don't feel bad, though...I don't refer to blacks as African Americans, either, because they never call people like me European Americans. Just whites or whitey.

I don't say "she" when a transgender "woman" is the subject. It's a "he" or FO.

We are more reserved and we like our privacy.

Because you are scared. Those hate speech laws are not fun...So don't ever try to sell fear as a virtue. That's why you love talking in metaphors and riddles.

I know because I was there for many years so I know your mentality and that fear of being reported to "the authorities".

Nothing has changed from the days of communism to multiculturalism, and now wokism.
23 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]


Only 13% of day traders maintain consistent profitability over six months, and a mere 1% succeed over five years.

Among those who work, 100% are profitable over five years. 1% vs 100%. Also, working is more fun than sitting at home and drinking Pepto-Bysmol.

Stress kills. No, thanks.
23 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Polish socializing will not improve until Poles stop addressing people in front of them as if they were somewhere else.

Memo to Poles: Drop that crap and say: Czy ty... Not: Czy Pan...Just imagine that I am 12.

The best cure for this mental disorder is three months in the US. You will feel liberated in a week and will switch to ty back home. It's like taking handcuffs off...
23 Mar 2024
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]

What do you call a bossy and stubborn woman?
Mother-in-law, if you are lucky.
Wife, if you are less lucky.
23 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

Was he supposed to come to the border?

Yes. And then say: Oh, fvck, what have I done?
Next day, resignation, trial, and execution for treason.

There should be no reason to come to the USA to apply for Asylum.

Danny, you just made it to my most favorite poster list.

Under the UN rules, NOBODY crossing our southern border qualifies for asylum. Not a single person.
22 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Stop running ahead of the train.

Pawian proves that even clowns can be entertaining.
22 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene in some futuristic apocalyptic movie...

Where the fvck are their AR-15s? Do I have to go there to protect this country? Where is the US Army? Where is the president? In Ukraine?

@Rich, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Nicaraguans and so forth are all part of the sad history

I don't give a damn about their history - sad or not.

What do we do about the invasion TODAY?
22 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

I feel for those people, but it's a complicated issue.

No, it's not any more complicated than any other mental disorder. We no longer torture the mentally ill with cold showers and electric shocks but we cut off body parts and chemically castrate them. In 2024! Children who are not allowed to consent to sex can legally agree to irreversible life-altering procedures! BTW, the suicide rates before and after are the same.

Where is Mengele? He deserves an apology.