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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
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Interests: Books

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4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Oh ok so you have a big garden and a ride on mower!

It must be such a heavy task. I assume a women wouldn't be able to do that and would take her man back just for that.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

He said he could have handled being sliced open perfectly well and so should she...

What an as*... how did she came up with him? Love is seriously blind.

Probably she should have refused to get out of bed for six weeks

That wouldn't be good for her but he should have taken almost all things on himself save breastfeeding and some cuddles with the baby. I remember seeing women after cc (that didn't go completely up to plan it seems as she was out for a long time) and the midwifes were training the dad in taking care of the twins.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

unemployed young man in his early 30s is treating my daughter like a domestic appliance while he sits and plays C. of D.

What does she say about it? And is he at least looking for work?

Not a king

But you try to tell others what to so. If a young girl came here and said 'I'm not in a relationship because I don't want to clean and cook for a man, even my man' her opinion would be as valid as yours if not more considering we are talking about recent changes
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

mothers have to engage their sons into housework more - even while cooking, why not?

Those pictures of a kid making uszka in Dyrdymalki were of a 4 year old boy. He also bakes and cooks, likes to clean (to a certain degree) . He also helps with repairs, screwing furniture together and small maintenance of the car. So hopefully one day he can be a fully independent adult that won't have to rely on a female
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

his wife leaves him coz she has had enough of being a servant, he is oh soo much surprised

Funny you said that. I have 3 couples around with small kids and one is splitting right now and 2 others are in serious troubles. Mostly due to women having enough of all the work.and I'm not talking about silly flings but 17 years together, 10 and 7
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

right yes being in favour of women's rights makes you equivalent to a psychotic organisation

You should be used to it by now. It's not like it will convince this young girls to suddenly accept the situatuon
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

That's woman's work I am afraid altho I have seen that some exceptional men can be trained to do the washing up .

If that was the case we would have to come to the conclusion that man are actually beneath women and as a true feminist I refuse to accept that:D
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

mother who was born in 1933 worked all her life married or not, in fact all our neighbouring women of that generation had jobs.

Same here. My grandma too btw.

But this is not about women going to work but guys doing their share around the house.
4 Jan 2021
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

Its even more weird how Eurps obsess over American politics!

I couldn't give a rats ass about Europeean politicians

And yet it's you on a forum about Poland, an European country and not us on as American one
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Are you undergoing some kind of teen rebelling or you are just naturally contrary?

No, I just believe that if a guy feels so strongly that having both parents working will destroy his family I completely understand and support 100% him quitting his job and taking care of his family. I'm all love.

Western world is dismantled coz males are at a loss what to do with independent women

It's actually amazing to see. It starts to look as if the two sexes will keep on separating more and more as women won't be willing to go back and man seem unwilling to adapt to the new reality. In the end it will be cooking and cleaning that will destroy modern family

The biggest part is the disbelief that women actually said fu*k that I would rather be on my own than agree to that. Up to then the shame of being single was stronger. Not anymore
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Send women to work, and the family will very soon be dysfunctional with the cute little boys morphing into unsupervised teenage thugs.

Well if men feel that way nothing stops them from staying at home and taking care of their family
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

That's why you are so miserable

The thing is I'm not.

We don't hate women

I don't care what your attitude towards women is as I simply don't associate myself with guys like you and I wouldn't get into a relationship and start a family with a guy like that either.

The problem is women in general don't seem to agree with you and don't won't to go back to the old days arrangements. Rant is all that is left to guys like you.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

The irony is that being a woman was better in traditional societies as well.

Says who?
Thank you but I would rather choose myself what is better for me
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It is high time to teach males since a very young age that helping in the house is sth normal not only for women

Women expectation certainly are growing in that department. One article I read recently gave that as one of the reasons of growing number of incels
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Physical pain or public humiliation would be a lot more effective.

We had that and still there was crime. It's not some new idea but an old one that didn't work that well
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

If punishment was all it took there would be no crime.

Btw, it always baffeled me why would you beat your kid instead of blocking access to the stove or electrical socket ?
22 Dec 2020
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Similar to our with few exceptions- no 12 dishes as we simply wouldn't be able to eat quarter of it. Unless you count moczka and cakes as dishes.

And we didn't go to midnight mass so the gifts were given after the meal
16 Dec 2020
Law / Advantages of getting married in Poland. [13]

Pawian explained the mortgage. Now as to the health insurance you don't have to have one (as a citizen, foreigners have different rules I believe) but of course it's advisable to have one
16 Dec 2020
Law / Advantages of getting married in Poland. [13]

paying taxes, health care, government assistance, insurance and etcetera

Married couples can fill their tax reports jointly and have some perks there. They cannot also sign someone to their health insurance (e.g. you work and your husband stays at home he can be still insured ). Of course you also gain the right to get the medical info and consent to treatment in case your spouse is in hospital (although not like on american movies :)). Obviously inheritance.

It's also easier to get mortgage.

nd in case I want to divorce my spouse in the future how difficult it is? What are the disadvantages?

It's not especially easy. Not that hard either. Everything acquired during marriage is split in two. If the marriage broke up due to one side fault that person can pay dearly.

P.S. Don't pay attention to the idiots
15 Dec 2020
Work / Teaching English in Poland - better opportunities for an American? [20]

And how many languages do you speak?
Your English is so sloppy it's barely coherent. How do you expect to be taken seriously when all you do is moan because you're still but* hurt that employers don't want to hire you. Get over it.