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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7540

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11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

These numbers represent the totals of murders in 2023!!!! hahahahahahahaha...Eat shyt, Euros...

Trust me...they do have guns in NH, Vermont, and Wyoming...all in white hands...All legal...all registered...never used to murder because it's Saturday ...

New Hampshire 15
11 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Oh,well. You never stop learning.

OK, please teach me...

Why are Jews hated in so many countries?

Please list the top three reasons. One line of text per reason.
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The American obsession with guns has always confounded me.

Looking back is a waste of time unless you are designing a new country. I am not. I have to deal with reality as it is today. Quoting:

... some 2.5 million burglaries still happen every year in America. Of those, 1.65 million are considered home invasions. Many of these burglaries occur during the day at a rate of every 30 seconds.

If you lived here, how would you protect your family and yourself? Please do NOT tell me what you wouldn't. I want specific, legal, and practical steps to minimize a bad outcome.

Second question: Would you pull the trigger when an intruder breaks the door to your upstairs bedroom?

1. If you lived here...
2. In the UK...

Assume that you have a legal gun at both locations and that only you and your wife are in the house and she is with you.
10 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

How can you possibly assume that a moron like Poloniusz is always right?

Because he and I agree 99% of the time.
That makes him a genius.

Now, if you have any evidence that Poloniusz is not a genius, please tell him.
9 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

you have no idea at all!

Lacking the proof to the contrary, I assume that Poloniusz is always right and go from there...The same rule applies to PAK and the Russians.

BTW, I am always open to the evidence that they are wrong. That's how open-minded I am.
9 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

It is very much on point. It explains why he is doing what he is doing.
I troll for other reasons, not for laughs...
9 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

He nominated himself to be the class clown regardless of subject. Few here find it funny...Just like the faggot's "r*SSIa".
9 Apr 2024
Work / tram driver foreigner [31]

Poland will not let you in. To them, one must out of his mind to move there to be "a tram driver".
9 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

You see some interesting stuff you'd never come across if you weren't lost.

I like getting "lost" in new-to-me cities. Being a guy, the first question on my mind is where is North. Then everything falls into place.
8 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

do you have any hobby that doesn't make people squirm? lol

I like cruising the US on country roads and talking to random people.
All I have to do is say how is life here and people will talk revealing the most private facts.
Did I say I love Americans and that I never felt so much at home as here?
8 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Making leftists squirm. Priceless.
7 Apr 2024
Classifieds / London Polish Reverts (Muslim) [10]

BS. They claimed to be "dyktatura proletariatu", not a democracy.

That "Democratic" in the name was to fool Western idiots.

Just as today, gender-affirming butchery of kids Mengele would be too embarrassed to perform, we call gender-affirming health care. Cutting off healthy breasts on a healthy girl is "health care". Did you know that we refer to killing a child during abortion as reproductive health care?

I think I mentioned that I hate everything Western, love Putin, and that Russia knows of only two genders. Right?
7 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Jewish culture is exclusionary...

...discriminating, non-DEI, and all other things Jews accuse Christian whites of.
Strangely, Christian whites are the most pro-Israel group in the US.

Hey, stupid, cut that Polesess crap out. "Poles" includes both genders. Americanesess? How about Jewesses?
What an idiotess...
7 Apr 2024
Classifieds / London Polish Reverts (Muslim) [10]

The USSR didn't have referenda, either. No difference.
Actually, the USSR was better. Commies never lied that they are "a democracy".
7 Apr 2024
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

Have you ever heard of a Muslim SS division called 'Handżar'. Hitler appreciated them very much....

He used them. He didn't invite them to live and multiply in Gemany. He was not THAT stupid. That came later. See the stupid bit*ch.
7 Apr 2024
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

My bait method never fails. I wrote this:

Weak men create yes societies.
Today, the US is a yes society of biblical proportions. We are unwilling to say no to the millions who just walk in and demand that we take care of them.

A boy says he is a cat and instead of telling him to STFU, the school puts a sandbox in his classroom so the azhole feels better.

I like NAZIs more...

...and you noticed this:

I like NAZIs more...

...a throwaway bait...

But if you want to discuss Nazis, I am good.

Nazis were German patriots and would never allow hordes of Muslims to invade Germany. How is that for an opener...
7 Apr 2024
Classifieds / London Polish Reverts (Muslim) [10]


I don't recall when the Brits had a referendum and decided to invite them in.
When did Germany have its own?
In a democracy, with everybody having a smartphone, it would be so easy to find out what people really want.
7 Apr 2024
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create bad times
Bad times creates strong men

Weak men create yes societies.
Today, the US is a yes society of biblical proportions. We are unwilling to say no to the millions who just walk in and demand that we take care of them.

A boy says he is a cat and instead of telling him to STFU, the school puts a sandbox in his classroom so the azhole feels better.

I like NAZIs more...
6 Apr 2024
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [380]

That was not fair, Milo... Quoting:

Men who have pets are known to typically be more kind, compassionate, and of course more responsible.
Men with cats also show they are willing to put work into a relationship, as cats make us work for their love, trust, and affection more than dogs.

On the other hand, men with dogs have a better chance to get laid...
6 Apr 2024
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [380]

I love cats because cats would never go to Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq to kill and die for "freedom and democracy". They are too smart for this bullshit.

Dogs would because they are obedient azholes who always trust their owners and, just like women, stick around even if abused.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

A misunderstood one, like all geniuses.

I know the feeling...

Every man needs a reason to exist. I did my part as a sperm donor so it's time to pursue the other reason why I am on this earth and PF:

To make sure that logic, facts, and reason win over feeeelings and bullshit nonsense every single time. That's why I am in constant conflict with women and pussified "men".

That is why I chose engineering, not Feel Good Arts. I like black and white more than gray. Gray and dilemmas give me a headache.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

such troglodyte views.

You didn't point out to one. Instead, you play games.
Name one view of mine about Jews (not Israelis!!!) that is a "troglodyte".

I bet that overwhelming majority of firemen, policemen and EMTs in Israel are Jewish.

No shyt! You are a true genius...
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

I bet that overwhelming majority of firemen, policemen and EMTs in Israel are Jewish. The same with Israeli farmers.

I asked you not to play stupid.

I am smart enough to know the difference between Jews and Israelis. Two different everything...
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Sure or guessing?

there are

"There are" is pointless. What matters is "how many" as a percentage of the total. How many Jews are firemen, police, and EMTs? How about farmers and coal miners?

How many Jews are pro-abortion? Try 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 99% percent...