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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Those guns magically turn into playdough in civilian hands.

As under KGB and Gestapo, the EU will allow only their brown shirts to be armed. Soon, they will be registering men with big fists.

Without a permit, you will not be allowed to use them.
12 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

She's got the posture of the woman in the green shirt

Do you know how to define "a woman"?
I am asking because you just used the term.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

From school shootings? We don't really have them. Unlike you.

Our school shootings are 100% caused by pussified azholes who look up to pussified Euro scum for guidance.
Real men and women solved this problem easily with a beautiful wall and teachers like this one:

On the other hand, do you see how terrified those kids are? Israel should disarm everybody. Especially teachers, police, and Hamas.

Talking to morons is a great exercise in patience...

12 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

F*ck off and don't waste my time then.

If you, Euros, don't play stupid, I won't ask questions I already know the answers to.
For future use...I never ask questions I don't know answers to. I ask them to nail azholes I don't like to the wall and watch them wiggle. See "jon" and guns.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

gun control laws are about to be tightened further.

Fine with me. Just don't call DC when you get into another one...We really hate guns and shooting people so DIY.

I will ask the DoD to stop buying tanks and artillery. Even they know we have no use for them other than to save Euros again...

Now, if you decide you need help, call Hassidic Jews in NYC. They all carry AR-15s under those disgusting black robes.
12 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Old prejudices die hard. If people considered Jews to be "Christ killers"

BS. Nothing to do with Christ.

Make a list of the top 20 worst crooks in the US history and see how many are Jews. I assure you it will be more than 3%.

Then who pushes all that woke crap - from abortions to p0rn to mutilating kids to multiculturalism - and you will have a true picture of Jews' "contribution".

No, I don't give a fvck if they are "assimilated" or not.

Adrian, we miss you.

Also, Jews tend to be good with money (earning, saving, giving to charity etc.)

Yes, it takes special talent to steal billions - from other Jews, no less. See Madoff and the crypto scumbag...

Or to create the Federal Reserve in the dead of night...
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

I am not done dealing with the Euroscum yet...

I have two at home to be able to protect my wife and myself when two drugged-up morons decide to break into my house. If that should happen, I have 10 seconds to lock the door to my safe room - if I am lucky and quick enough - and shoot the first azhole who breaks it. No, I will no ask about his childhood or if he wants coffee. Or retreat upon the roof.

You, jon, and other Euroscum can only pray and beg for your life. France did it - and waited for the cowboys to come to the rescue.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Memo to all: For the first time in the history of PF, jon does not have opinion.
My 10-year-old granddaughter knows why American cops carry guns. Jon is clueless or shy...

...or he knows but won't say because if he did, he would be admitting that wasted all that time fvcking with our brains...lying his ass off to push his idiotic anti-gun agenda...

So, jonnie boy, in your opinion, why do cops in Poland carry guns?

why do you think repeating a pointlessly inane question

That question, little boy, is a nailer. It's in the check-mate category and you know it. And so does everybody else here.
The reason why you didn't answer it is that you, just like the rest of Euroscum here, are just another obedient Euro bootlicker.
12 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

The original reason was the Jewish religion.

I didn't ask for a history lesson.

My question is why Jews are hated NOW almost everywhere?
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The laws regarding guns in Poland are fine as they are.

The laws regarding guns in the US are fine as long as they are in the hands of white people. See New Hampshire.
When guns are in the hands of black people, bad things happen. See Washington, DC.

The mystery: Why cops in Poland carry guns.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

They don't grasp that European cultures are different and are not interested in doing the same as them.

We know very well that European cultures are different...Here are your achievements:

1. Feudalism
2. Colonialism
3. Totalitarianism
4. Dictatorships
5. Fascism
6. Communism
7. WW1
8. WW2
9. Gulags
10. Death camps
11. Holocaust
12. NKVD
13. Gestapo
14. Hate speech
15. Islamization

Not necessarily in any special order. You can sort it yourself if you wish.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

I read somewhere that begging to be spared works as well as shooting the intruder. He is a good guy who just made a mistake...

Also...Cops do not protect. They just come over to count the bodies and write a report. This makes me feel so much better...
11 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

I am only asking questions in response to the claims of anti-semitism.
I really want to know where it's coming form and why it is so universal in the opinion of a Jewish guy. I already know what their haters say.

As a reminder, my first love and my best friend back in Warsaw were both Jewish.
11 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Hey, Lyzko, are you planning to answer my last question:

Why are Jews hated in so many countries?
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Just don't try to push it on us.

Nobody cares what you do about guns. We are ecstatic that you don't have home invasions, rapes, and murders.

Since tanks and artillery are 100% useless here, would you want the US to stop making them?
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Then they get voted out. That is going to happen this year.

...and nothing of substance changes...Would you want me to quote the definition of insanity?

we don't want your gun problems.

You are at it again...Nobody gives a shyt what you want.

Did Germans, Brits, and Swedes want the hordes of smelly human garbage by the millions? Before, like a perfect brainless bootlicker, you say yes, find a link to a referendum or a poll. Please do not insult me again with that BS about voting. I voted in "communist" Poland, too, for party hacks.

At least then I knew it was a theatre for the obedient and the stupid. Today, you are both.

So what is your advice for us, Mr. Vote?
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

And you can sue and lose.

You can vote and lose since these actors you elect are under no obligation to follow what they lied to you about to get your vote.

Many Americans are suckers. Euro suckers operate at Santa level...where reasoning is viewed as child abuse...

So what is your advice for us, Santa?
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

In Europe we prefer to walk the streets at night without having to wonder if someone is hiding a gun.

Drop that "prefer" crap...

In Europe, nobody gives a fvck what you prefer.. You are told what you prefer and you have no recourse.
We can sue and win. That's what happened in Illinois, the last state to allow concealed guns because the fed court told the state to do it or else...

So what is your advice for us, Mr. Prefer?
11 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

So what is your advice for Americans, Euros?

I want 5 legal and practical steps, not moaning or history lessons.

Don't forget that we have that document aka the Constitution.

It is a God given right to protect yourself from deadly threats by the bad guy.

What God gives, the king can take away from the bootlickers.

In Europe, you are supposed to retreat to the roof after he refuses to have a cup of coffee with you. Wife and kids? Fvck wife and kids as long as you are safe and follow the laws.

Man, do I hate Euros...It's hard to describe...
11 Apr 2024
Work / tram driver foreigner [31]

Speaking the language of any country you settle in is a no brainer.

...unless you are Chinese living in Chinatown...Then you are exempt.