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Posts by Vesko Vukovic  

Joined: 26 Sep 2017 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 149 / Live: 140 / Archived: 9
From: Belgrade, Serbia

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Vesko Vukovic   
12 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Stalin, Hitler

Hitler's figure is complex and contradictory. But Hitler came to power legally, unlike the Communists in Russia. Hitler was supported by the greater part of the German people. Not only was Hitler an ingenious orator, but overall he possessed unique personal qualities. Hitler was a very well read man and had a good understanding of history. In addition, when he wrote «Mein Kampf» in the year 1924, he was confronted by a figure of Russia, which had been eaten and nibbled to the bone by Jews. So Hitler had a great grasp of the essence of jewish games. The experience of Russia was before his very eyes.

Yet, had it not been for Hitler and World War II, the Russian people would no longer exist. Hitler forced world Zionism to weaken the rope around the neck of the Russian people. Initially, Hitler and Stalin made friends and made common plans. But the backstage was able to seduce Hitler and Stalin and start World War II. Thanks to that war, the Wall Street bankers in the United States made a huge amount of money.

One should not bother and make Hitler the figure of the ideal hero, but for the sake of justice, some comparisons of the red regime with the grey one can be made. The Communists lost the elections in Russia and seized power by force. Hitler won the election and came to power in Germany quite legitimately. The Communists hated the Russian people, and the Russian people hated the Communists. The Communists had to wage a long civil war and deal with the most terrible genocide of the Russian people until they succeeded in turning the Russian people into Soviet «people». Hitler loved the German people, and the Germans loved Hitler. Hitler was supported by 95% of the German population. Hitler did not wage any civil wars against the Germans or deal with the German genocide.

The phenomenon of Hitler's Nazism did not originate in an empty place and was the result of a concrete historical process. Note that in the emergence of the ideology of Hitler's Nazism a major role was played by Polish emigration (Friedrich Nietzsche). Information about what Hitler's Nazism really represents was closed in the USSR. Already, this leads to the idea that Hitler's ideology is not as stupid as they portray it. Hitler's ideology can be acknowledged or denied, loved or hated. But every smart person realizes that fascist ideology cannot be destroyed by force, it needs to be broken ideally. And since they can't break it down ideally and simply forbid it, it immediately confirms the strength of that ideology. That is why all the jewish cries for the destruction of »fascism«, concealed by false slogans such as the struggle for »democracy«, can provoke nothing but abhorrence in a thinking man.

Imagine the situation. The peoples of the USSR lost over 20 million inhabitants in World War II. Lost in the battle with Hitler and his ideology. And what is this ideology? In the fight against what kind of ideology have nations lost tens of millions of people? Where could they get to know this ideology? In which stores did the USSR sell Hitler's book »My Struggle«? Not in any. Not only could this ideology not be known. For the very attempt to get to know it, the man was automatically imprisoned in the USSR. All attempts to find out the truth, to find out what the Soviet people were fighting for and against were banned and severely punished. The Soviet man was an absolute slave and had no right to know anything. He didn't even have the right to ask questions. He was sent to war, and he had no right to know what and against who he was fighting. Stalin and his successors did not allow the Soviet people to know the simple truth that Hitler had fought against the Jews and that the Soviet people had fought on the side of the Jews. And that's all true, as simple as 2 x 2.

Today in Germany, where is allegedly a democracy, and in fact it is a jewdocracy, Hitler's book is banned. And that is your freedom of speech. In USA, Hitler's book is allowed. Republicans are pressing the tail of the Jews and not letting them to completely stifle the freedom of speech. In the USSR, people were fed cheap jewish propaganda, the most primitive of all Soviet-era demagogy. Hitler was portrayed as an idiot, mentally ill, Germans as miserable scarecrows, and Soviet warriors as rarely brave fighters, who themselves defeat a hundred Germans. Yet this jewish propaganda by no means explained how these miserable, idiot-led scarecrows conquered half of Russia and reached until Moscow. All the Soviet films that brought to life this propaganda did not fit into real reality. The first Soviet film to feature the objective elements of Hitler's Nazism was the movie Seventeen Moments of War. The Soviet people saw that the leaders of the Third Reich were not at all foolish, but powerful and strong figures. Although Hitler's figure was virtually absent in that film and it did not portray the ideology of Nazism, the success of the film was astounding. To date, there is virtually no objective information about Hitler and Nazism in Russia. There is a mass of cheap jewish falsifications.

In general, when mud is poured on Hitler, it makes sense to think and discuss a little. Let's take a look at our life experience. Probably everyone was dealing with people's conflicts. For example, you are analyzing a couple's conflict. You listen to one side, - one picture turns out, you listen to the other side - the picture is completely different. And only after hearing both sides can you form an objective opinion. If they convict someone in advance and do not justify him, then it is not a court but a judgement. When and where did we listen on television, on the radio, in other MSM protectors of Hitler? When and where? Never and nowhere. Doesn't that say anything? That says a lot. Doesn't that say that those in power fear Hitler's protector as a fire. Why are they afraid? That means there is truth and strength on the side of the protector of Hitler. No one is afraid of lies and weaknesses. Turn on today's American or British television (Judeovision), where some pitiful commentators brandish someone angrily. And do they give a word to those who they brand as (fascists, extremists, nationalists, etc.)? No. Is that not a court? Is it a democracy? No - it's a jewdocracy.

Official historians completely falsify the causes of both World War II and World War I. The most important thing is to understand one thing: not all revolutions, and not all wars are due to some objective causes. Wars and revolutions - these are the means of remodeling the world at the hands of the worldwide jewish-masonic mafia and their occult masters. Who was Hitler fighting against? Against the Communist (Zionist) USSR, against the Zionist USA and Zionist England. Hitler did not want to make war against England, but to his detriment (and to the unluckiness of the English) came to power Winston Churchill, who was in a strong personal financial dependence on jewish financiers and pursued policies in favor of world Zionism. Many historians have written about it, especially David Irving. That is, Hitler fought against world Zionism. This should never be forgotten. There is a version that Hitler was ¼ a Jew. It may be so, but that doesn't change anything in Hitler's view of the world and his behavior. For the Jews of the whole world, Hitler is - enemy number one. And the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition (including the Stalinist USSR) - the main protectors of Jewry.
Vesko Vukovic   
11 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Hitler came to power in 1933. Germany was practically lying in ruins. It was the most severe economic, political and spiritual crisis. There was terrible unemployment, crime, moral savagery. In 6-9 years (a negligibly small time-frame), Hitler made from Germany the most powerful state, easily brought to its knees Europe and nearly broke the spine of Soviet Judea. Of course, Western investment played a major role in the economic miracle of Hitler's regime. But no investment can be compared to the decisive growth factor - the state of mind of the German nation. Hitler gathered the Germans and elevated the state of their spirit until the heaven.

It is very characteristic that Hitler, when he came to power in 1933, restored the law against homosexuals, arrested most gay people and burned their literature. And that is why Jews also hate Hitler.

The Illuminati were the creators of the red regime in the USSR. The USSR was their permanent instrument in the realization of their plans for the establishment of a «new world order». That is why the USSR was financed on a completely astronomical scale. After the war, not only the USSR, but all the participating countries became enslaved to the Levite financial oligarchy.

For example, that war cost the United States $ 400 billion.
After the war in the year 1946 The Rockefeller Fund approved $ 139,000 only for that through the FMI (Federal Ministry of Information) to suggest to the public opinion a false official version of World War II.
Vesko Vukovic   
10 Feb 2020
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Wrongfully accused and denounced, John Amery should be instead celebrated as a hero of the nation.
Vesko Vukovic   
10 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

People are getting fed up with the destruction of their culture, the traditional family unit, and this cultural marxist bullshit

As with regards to the West, Hitler tried to save whatever could be saved?

In Sweden they are already planning to start teaching history beginning from WWII onwards and removing ancient history and older medieval Swedish history from the curriculum.
Vesko Vukovic   
18 Dec 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

He was a nazi sympathiser.

Can you find a single sentence or a paragraph in the book of Arnold Leese and at least try to, by using arguments other than labeling people as a "Nazi", prove that it is untrue?

Who are the real Tratiors? A rare interview by John Amery a son of a cabinet member of Winston Churchill who defected to Germany after Britain allied itself with the Soviet Union and went to fight against Stalin and the Communists. He talks about the betrayal of Poland.

Who Was John Amery?
Vesko Vukovic   
16 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

dr. William L. Pierce - What Started World War Two

Churchill and Roosevelt did everything they could to suppress the truth to come out about the Katyn Massacre in order to not offend their "gallant" Soviet ally. Władysław Sikorski had incriminating evidence he was determined to publish.

WW2 Massacre at Katyn
Vesko Vukovic   
16 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

I think the UK being willing to go to war over Poland

Well, only the UK didn't go to war over Poland, it never had any plan to liberate Poland at all, this was the real reason why the UK went to war:

Chapter I of this book is about Poland.


This is a written account by a Arnold Leese a true British patriot who among the "official" lies and deceptions tried to reveal the truth to the British people.

He was unlawfully imprisoned and held without charge for the duration of WWII along with many other British patriots under the undemocratic and dictatorial regulation 18B.
Vesko Vukovic   
15 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]


Churchill's Betrayal of Poland

The Sikorski Case
Vesko Vukovic   
6 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Czech Republic, Poland & Hungary are breaking EU laws


European Court of Justice lawmaker Elenor Sharpston says the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland violate EU law by refusing to comply with the European bloc's migrant quota.

In her view, the EU's highest court should rule that the three countries have not fulfilled their obligations under EU law, the AP reported.

In 2015, European nations agreed to resettle 160,000 refugees from Italy and Greece, overwhelmed by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants.

The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, however, have refused to accept even a single migrant in the two years since that agreement.
Vesko Vukovic   
22 Oct 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

At the treaty of London in 1915 which was organized by the Brits, when King Aleksandar of Serbia was given a choice by the Brits (who wanted to compensate Italy for changing sides during WWI by rewarding them with territory and giving them northern Dalmatia, the city of Rijeka "Fiume") to form Greater Serbia or Yugoslavia he chose the latter, despite hearing several warnings from his advisers not to do so... Serbia would have received southern half of Dalmatia, the whole of Bosnia, Slavonia... but no he chose instead to go on and liberate "fellow Slavs", what a huge mistake that was. In the end it costed him his life.
Vesko Vukovic   
15 Aug 2019
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]


At the same time, the EU is precisely the mechanism that allows free trade to spread with as few side effects as possible. Implementation of uniform, mainly Western, standards in all countries (Poland and Romania must meet standards on employee rights, environmental protection, etc., which China or Bangladesh do not have to). Structural assistance to poorer countries to reach the level of the richer over time. Fully opening the markets of these poorer countries (which is not the case, for example, with China, India) to the western richer ones. Finally, free movement alone makes the Eastern European workforce more expensive - when large numbers of workers go West and the economy grows, wages go up locally.

But now that under Blair alone, Britain decided not to apply a 7-year restriction on the free movement of people from the new member states in 2004, that was just her problem and her sovereign decision, no one was forcing her.
Vesko Vukovic   
6 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Whatever they may say,

We East Europeans are the healthiest part of Europe today!


In Poland there is a similar saying:

Co kraj to obyczaj,
co rodzina to zwyczaj.

Piękne przysłowie, które mówi nam,
że każdy kraj i region,
posiada swoją unikatową kulturę
i tradycję w obrębie świata.
Vesko Vukovic   
14 Jan 2019
News / WOSP in Poland [161]

I agree with Ironside, the question remains, where was the security?
Vesko Vukovic   
20 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1080]

9 Mexican players were caught partying with 30 prostitutes

Teambuilding :)
Vesko Vukovic   
20 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1080]


The members of English government are pathological Russophobes. They will stop at nothing in their attempts to discredit President Putin and Russia as a successful World Cup host nation.


Perhaps you were not awared that unfortunately Poles again have to prove themselves to be "bigger Catholics then the Pope" and they succumbed to English demands and joined the few nations in the English led World Cup boycott.

How nice it was of Vladimir Putin to welcome personally all the World Cup 2018 participants. In fact it's the first time I ever saw him speaking in English.

Which group are the Americans in again? ;)