The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7541

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18 Apr 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

Thousands in the US think about coming back to Poland to die. Many read PF. For their benefit, please name the top five benefits of coming back to Poland.

I would never give up the joy of seeing my four granddaughters so there is zero chance I will ever leave "America".

Say hi to yours...
18 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Opinion has been consistent here for a long time.

No, it has not.

Memo to bootlickers: With a gun, you can always keep it unloaded if you are concerned about statistics. Or remove the trigger.

When the moment comes and the cops are only 15 minutes away, you can quickly reassemble it, load the mag with ammo, and shove it up your gun's butt. While you are busy doing all this, your wife will be happy to entertain your uninvited guests in your bedroom. Tell her not to scream or she will wake up the kids.

How do you like my plan?
18 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The guy was totally correct to blast her away with no questions asked

Hey, stupid, he shot her when they were outside.

The Uber driver, Loletha Hall, was found shot multiple times near 81-year-old William Brock's South Charleston home...

"near" is not inside...Duh!

The sidewalk is not home, idiot...Home is where we sleep, eat, shyt, and watch teevee...In Europe, where you take a shower once a week...
18 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Europe are not advocating for the gun laws to be worsened here.

Because bootlicking is in your DNA. The obedience training by kings' goons, Gestapo, and UB did not go to waste.

In the US, the average response time after we call 911 is 11 minutes. In winter on a bad day, it's infinity.
This makes cops 100% useless. They are just body counters. So it's just you and the bad guys...Good luck with that, Euro bootlickers...
18 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Another mistaken "home invasion"

No, moron, that was not a home invasion. That was an old fool killing a woman who posed no threat to the idiot.
Home invasion is when some azhole enters your house without your permission to commit a felony. Duh!

Stupid like a Polak...Things never change...
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Just repeat after me: Your gun endangers you and your loved ones.

Repeat after me: My gun never attacked me. My steak knives never stabbed me. My cars never tried to run over me. My tie never choked me. My bathtub never drowned me.

Euro morons, on the other hand, get on my nerves. This will not sound good, but Germans should never give lessons to anyone on the proper use of guns.

Do you have a set of pointy knives in your kitchen?

Hotheads like joker would be denied ownership of a weapon for sure.

Have you ever met Joker? Did you see him at a gun range? The coolest guy I have seen...
Do you think I would go shooting with a hothead? I am old but I am not suicidal.
17 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn
...and totally useless.

I stayed in Poland for two weeks and spoke English 90% of the time. My daughter and her husband - neither one speaking Polish - spent 3 days in Warsaw without any problems.

In one generation, American will be the second official language in Poland thanks to the US troops there. That horrible British version will be nothing but history.
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

That is, approximately 1/8th of one percent.

We are replaying your experience with the LGBT freaks...
0.1% of transgender azholes have effectively terrorized 99.9% into submission and suspension of common sense, science, and tradition. They even imposed their perverted English on us.

Do you believe us or your lying eyes line is as applicable as ever when looking at a girl with a big dick and a pair of balls.

Sorry, but I couldn't stop myself...
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

In case they see you?

Are you, morons, capable of not being cute clowns for a moment?

strategy sets a global standard for empowering citizens while fortifying national security.

In 1917, 10% of Russians were Bolsheviks. They were armed. The 90% were not. They kidnapped Russia and didn't let go until 1990.

That bullshit would never happen here because we have 420,000,000 guns.

Dear Second Amendment, America loves you...As far as crime, restore the death penalty and the problem will be solved very quickly.

As for prevention...Stop and frisk plus 25 years of hard labor for illegal guns will fix that...
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

claimed but were not supposed to.

I didn't shoot anyone I wasn't supposed to. When you decide to break into my house at 2 am you will be committing suicide. Your decision, your consequences.

Guns make the life of their owners and all others more unsafe.

Talk to them. I am me, not them.
Now pay attention because this is the last time I saying this responding to your lessons on statistics...

Where a cop needs a gun, I need a gun.

Did you get it or did I use words too complex for you to understand?
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

And Rich, how many times a day, week, month or year does that hypothetical scenario come up ?

Frequency is irrelevant. How many times do we choose our mates for life? How many times do we watch a loved one die from cancer? Yet, when that moment comes, your true character will reveal itself to you and everybody else. Hence my question...

Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?

So far, only Milo, to his great credit, said yes.

How many times does a man have a chance to save a drowning child he never met before?

About zero but the question of what you would do if you saw one is still valid as it is meant to reveal your character.

You is editorial.

One of my hobbies is finding lying weasels and nailing them to the wall. I will never stop doing it here so please don't mention it anymore.

I didn't start this thread but will continue until I get bored with the subject of guns and protecting those I would risk my life for. We learn a lot about people in such discussions.
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Yup and what has that got to do with Polish citizens having pee shooters against drones, missiles, tanks and trained soldiers ?


Guns save lives or nobody would have them, azholes. The size does not matter because the concept is the same: Kill them before they kill you.

In doubt? Talk to your U brothers and ask what they think about guns. Don't forget to give them a lesson about grenades and the statistics of getting hurt by your own. I am sure they will immediately throw them away...

Curiously, out of the last three posts of mine on the subject, you ignored 90% of what I wrote and latched onto a sentence that actually attempts to show that idiot the hypocrisy and the paradox of liking being disarmed as a virtue and happily calling us to the rescue when things go wrong. Or their own cops...

FU, stupid Polaks, your pacifism, and bootlicking toxic feminity...I guess you forgot 1939 and beyond...

PLEASE let this one go.

I won't until I get an answer to this question from a Euro:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

I know you would. Please let me enjoy this moment with spineless weasels...

We never met so I can only know you from your post. On that basis you have met my number one spec a man must check off or he is a male cvnt: You are capable of hate.

A man who is not capable of hate is not capable of killing the enemy of his tribe or family. We disagree on who to hate more but at least you are able of it. That's good.

If I wanted to be around pussies, I would choose the real ones. Hence, my total contempt for Tacitus, pawian, and all the other gun haters.

With that gun hate comes impotence to act when the moment is right. And those moments do happen...

In Sydney, every single person who got stabbed thought: Man, I wish I had that gun my fascist government took away from me...
16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

...his opposition to being "jabbed", for one...
16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Hey, guys, JR was right about Covid as the first and only one here.
All the Euro bootlickers were on his ass...You that...we trust scientists...shyt like this...They never said oops...Forget "sorry"...
16 Apr 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [366]

you seem to hate America and love Russia.

I love "America" and the Americans who meet my specs.

I hate NATO and love Russia because Russia hates NATO. You know...the enemy of my enemy...

Now why do I hate NATO?

1. Becasue Euros love NATO
2. Because NATO is the world's worst thug
3. Because this thug may one day drag America I love into a conflict we would never get into without NATO and Euro parasites
4. Because America I don't love - aka MICC - spends money we don't have on crap that is none of America's fvcking business

Want more or is this enough for now?

Now you can tell me if you are proud of the UK government and why.
16 Apr 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [366]

I would gladly give my right to vote for a closed border, balanced budget, and zero debt - the three crimes perpetrated against this country by the ruling American fascists - aka Demoplicans.
16 Apr 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [366]

After they stole from everyone...

And now we, the unwashed, owe 35 trillion bucks - one million per good guy who actually works and creates.

Except for one tiny detail...No Socialist Nazis here...only "freedom and democracy" loving "democratically elected legal representatives"....hahahahahahaha...

That was, as always, beyond brilliant, Novi...
16 Apr 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [366]

National Socialist

Sounds good to me and a lot better than Stateless Thieves.

But he didn't....he lost it all and more...

For two reasons:
1. He didn't call me
2. He ignored the cardinal casino rule: Stop while you are ahead - not when you are broke.
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Why should we?

Then shut the fvck up. And don't call the White House when your Euro asses are in trouble because we will likely send guys with guns...Oh my God! Guns??? Guns are evil...

Now pay attention, azholes,...Your Polish cops need their guns for the same reason why I need mine. I have this weird aversion to dying too early...Duh!

Hey, Euros, would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
16 Apr 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [366]

Can you imagine peace talks between Ukraine and Russia without alcohol?

They can drink whatever they want - antifreeze included - just stop killing each other and unite against the true evil - the Western warmongers and NATO. he really seen as that much of a great leader???

He sure was. Had he stopped at Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, and joined Stalin in carving up Europe, he would have a monument on every corner in Berlin today.

The only salvation of Europe today is the NAZI party. Nothing else will save it and the whites there.