The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Threads: 4
Posts: 7543

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20 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

Hey, Lyzko, I am still waiting for the proof that your English is better than mine...

BTW, knowing words that were invented 500 years ago and used the last time when Napoleon attacked Russia does not count as "better English".
More annoying...but not better...
20 Apr 2024
Language / Should I learn Polish or she learn English? [83]

Obviously there must be a rational explanation

My bitterness was 1500 zl a month with an MSEE degree in 1966 in a prison called Poland.
My happiness was 80 grand a year in today's money as my first US salary in June 1967.

No, I didn't come here to study English lit or experience the joys of voting for one of two corrupt parties. I had that back in Poland.
20 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

You must be more careful.
Being that I respect you I will not post the name of the book.

Why not? Authors spend time and money to let people know about their books. A book is not a diary...or a confession transcript...

but it wasn't mine.

Did you publish your book? If so, what is the title?
20 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Let the record show that Poles here don't know why cops in Poland carry guns.

This means that Poles are stupid or don't know what guns are. That would explain why the Polish ruling class doesn't want guns in the hands of irresponsible morons. One day, one of them will think that a gun is a can opener and somebody might get hurt.

We, on the other hand, know very well what guns are for and why American cops carry them. We also know why we have the Second Amendment.

What I personally don't know is why the US makes tanks and artillery, but that's an entirely different subject. Strangely, Poles are too fvcking stupid to explain why their cops carry guns, but they are world-class experts on why the US needs tanks and artillery. A really weird dichotomy...
20 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

yet they are in favor of abortion that intentionally kill 120,000 kids a year in Poland.

With the restrictions as they are now...

Imagine abortion on demand, for no reason, up to the day of delivery...Then all the statistics about depression and medical complications would be out...

If you cite them, you are a women hater...

It's late in Poland...I am really curious what you are going to get back from them for this post...
20 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

I wrote a book called, "How Feminism ruined Men."

I love that book already. I have a subtitle for it:

...and why women don't go on dates anymore...

Chapter 1: Why Women Lie
Chapter 2: Why Women Should Never Be Trusted
Chapter 3: Unequal Pay Is a Made-up Bullshit
Chapter 4. Why Men Should Demand Proof of Pregnancy

Just trying to be helpful...

In another thread, did you just want to be a juror?

Only in Trump's case to hang the jury with extreme pleasure and prejudice - even if he said he did it. I would ignore that, too, and vote not guilty.
20 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Rich is not comparing like with like.

Rich is comparing options.

In the US:

1. Pray
2. Beg
3. Call 911
4. Do nothing
5. Kill the POS

The beauty of the US system is that you may have four fully loaded guns on you and still act like a Euro or a Hassidic Jew. See 1 - 4. Your call...

The disgusting thing about the Euro system is that you can't act like an American and blow the mother fvcker's head off. See 5.

I like the US system more.
19 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Yeah but Poland is not in the same league as the USA when it comes to murders.....

Ten seconds before they are murdered, they are in the same league. See Sydney.

Death feels exactly the same way everywhere and so do the regrets that you were not armed.

Americans need guns,

Everybody needs a gun ten seconds before he is murdered.
JR is right.

Make murders illegal and I will dump my gun.
19 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

I wrote this:

Before You Do Something Really Stupid...

...or how to stop being your own worst enemy

Chapter 1. Don't trust anybody
Chapter 2. Don't ignore the stranger-danger rule
Chapter 3. Don't hook up with an Arab or a thug
Chapter 4. Don't try to save the world
Chapter 5. Never say "yeah...but I love him"
Chapter 6. Don't let them hurt your kids
Chapter 7. Don't let them rape you
Chapter 8. Don't buy death insurance
Chapter 9. Don't serve on a jury
Chapter 10. Never talk to the police

Then America went fascist on me so I had to pull it from Amazon Kindle ...

I intended to prevent harm to girls and women. The problem: It is an impossible task without including "black thugs" somewhere in every chapter.
19 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

35 gun deaths last year means that is literally a one-in-a-million chance for your average Kowalski

Hey, stupid, did you know that five seconds before a knife is plunged into your gut statistical probability quickly morphs into an absolute certainty?

And that one in million probability is insignificant when you place a ten-buck bet in a casino. When you bet your life, one in a zillion odds are still too high...

Why do Polish cops carry guns? Statistically, they will get hurt by them before they can use them. Right?

Is every statistical Polak a moron?
19 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

It's called the state monopoly on violence...

It's a very well-sounding term but how does that keep me alive in a country with murders? Poland has murders. Right?

Am I a genius or what ?

Yes, you are and you are not alone...

My research revealed that every single person without exceptions, before taking his last breath after getting stabbed, said this...Quoting:

Man, I wish I had that fvcking gun my gun-hating friends talked me out of buying...

...except for gun-hating Polish idiots. They, in the last seconds of their gun-hating life, were so happy to die by the no-guns rules. It must be very comforting...I have to try it...
19 Apr 2024
Language / Should I learn Polish or she learn English? [83]

In the last 40 years here, nobody said to me: What did you say? so I must know English pretty well. Did you notice that I said "well", not good?

English is King. It actually made my speech fluent. Polish is painful ... especially when contaminated with idiotic traditions like Prosze Pana or Niech Pan...I have to be paid big bucks to suffer with this crap.

Here is a short list of things I never say:

Prosze Pana
African American
Transgender woman
Democratic party
Illegal immigrant
Polish American
Peaceful looters

I will add more later...
19 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

Protestations to the contrary, one's mother tongue remains one's mother tongue for the rest of one's life!

I didn't like Polish along with many other things so I left.

BTW, my English is better than your ability to write clearly and to the point.
19 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

I find it funny how deep that paranoia is

Paranoia is better than being a moron who ignores history and logic.

What you, Euros, are doing here is trying to make impotence into a virtue because you are the world's most obedient bootlickers. See Londonistan, Sweden, Germany, and France.

After a prayer to God, you read Civic 101 manuals and pray again to your "democratically elected legal representatives".

Back to guns...

When a statistical Pole with a bloody face and bruises all over calls 911, does she want cops with guns or social workers without guns?
19 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Islamists and the Woke Left are uniting to topple the West [30]

Woke is another name for communism.

No, never.

That's what they said in Russia before 1917.

The problem now is bootlickers like Barney and Tacitus. They assist the Islamists and the Woke morons by being obedient bootlickers - Hitler's favorite cannon fodder.
19 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

I somehow can't believe that you had zero comprehension issues not speaking Polish in Poland, f

I never said I had comprehension issues except once.
At Gdansk RR station, she was behind the glass, spoke fast, and the noise was awful. Out of desperation. I switched to English so she would slow down and stop using the words that were new to me. Duh!

BTW, what the fvck is the matter with you and others here marveling over my language preferences...I lived in Poland for 24 years. I lived in the US for 57 years. 57>>24. English is now my primary language. Accent is a different matter. As far as ease if use...English >>>>>> Polish.
18 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

You are not in Europe. Have a whole arsenal to your heart's content!

You are in Europe. Show me a guarantee that nobody will ever need a gun in the next 10 years.

OK, since predicting the future can be tricky...

Did anyone in Poland use a knife to murder in the last 10 years?

If not, your gun laws are fine.

If yes, victims might be alive today if they had a gun.

See the difference or is my English too complicated?

You really do need to update and educate yourself on these facts, jon357.

...and admit he was wrong all this time??? ...hahahahahaha...I will first deliver twins before that happens...
18 Apr 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

I think it's general consensus that the British accent is more charming.

...if one is a dumb royal "princess". Real men speak American.

It's fascinating how leftists, woke morons, and Euros turn shy...

If somebody asked me why I chose the US, I would ask how much time do you have...

What a bunch of bootlicking idiots...
18 Apr 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

OK, I tried to find them...They just don't exist.

On the opposite side, Poles are taught the British perversion of English. Yuck!

But it's changing fast...Soon, you will be learning Ebonics and how to say "aks".