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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 1 hr ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7545

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23 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Set borders in the west bank, Got ready to hand over statehood to the west bank, move into Gaza

Actually, it's a very sensible plan.
Here is the problem...Just as our MICC needs an enemy to justify its existence, Hamas would fight against your plan for similar reasons.

An unemployed freedom fighter will very easily become a terrorist. The solution: restore the death penalty and kill them faster than they hatch.
23 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

By the way will you condemn criminal actions of Isreal;'s gov in Gaza?

What would you do as Israeli PM after 10/7?
23 Apr 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

and the US.

Because the US involved itself in what is none of its damn business.
Ukraine used to be the USSR and "America" was fine. We will be fine with neutral Ukraine just the way it was before that NGO-CIA-Soros revolution.

My question is: Why the fvck am I wasting time on another imbecile here?

Those who want to kill Israelis want also to kill Europeans, USians...Westerners!

No, they don't. Who is going to be paying taxes and their welfare?
These m-fers want to refugee themselves to Europe
23 Apr 2024
Language / Should I learn Polish or she learn English? [83]

My post count is over 8000. Show me one that points to Poland as my place of birth.

Hey, Lyzko, I am still waiting for the proof that your English is better than mine.

BTW, you forgot a comma after "Naturally".

Also, "My own ..." is redundant.
23 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The US will save our asses attitude permeates throughout Europe and includes their reliance on cops. That's why these bootlicking parasites would rather buy Danish-style happiness instead of weapons.

That is why the Euros don't want to answer this simple question:

Would you pull the trigger to defend your daughter from being raped?
23 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

They may have to enter dangerous places etc.

Hey, stupid, there is no such thing as dangerous places. Only people and animals can be dangerous.

Do you know why cops often go to "dangerous places"? They go there because people who were in danger called them. Ususally too late. See JR's post 2642 above...

Memo to stupid Polaks:

If cops have a reason to have guns to pick up your dead body, you had a reason to have a gun before you became a dead body. Duh!

Got it? Or was I too fast?
23 Apr 2024
Language / Should I learn Polish or she learn English? [83]

Most people lose their foreigner accent before or up to no later than the age of twelve.

What the fvck is your point? That Americans with an accent are lesser Americans?

Learn English before claiming superiority...It should be:

Most people lose their foreign accent before...
23 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

So, I am very happy that America finally pulled its head out of its ass

You slimy piece of crap...This is your fvcking war that means shyt to "America". If Poland became part of the Baltic Sea and everybody died, that would be news for one day here.

"America" protects Poland and has troops there because you, Polish azholes, are not good enough to protect yourself. So what does "America" get in return? An entitled moron on PF and his snide comment about how "America" finally wised up and "pulled its head out of its ass".

Fvck you!
22 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

if you want to know then ask them...

I know everything so I don't have to ask.
I asked you and other anti-gun idiots to justify police guns in Poland. I can justify police guns in the US.

But, since every Polak here goes out of his way to tell us how guns are not necessary, it's only logical for me to ask:

If they are unnecessary, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
22 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

do you really think the Germans wanted that?

No. Do you think Americans want 10,000 smelly scum invading their country every single day?

Oppressive regimes may be doing different things but that does not change what they are.

Actually, more oppressive is better because the push-back will come sooner and will be more violent.

Dying slowly by a million cuts is what is happening in Europe and the US right now.
22 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

In Nazi Germany, Germans supported the things you listed - plus WW2. Therefore, Germany was "democratic".

Which country is more "democratic"? A or B...

A: No elections but the government does exactly what people want.
B: People vote and the government does the exact opposite of what people were promised.
22 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Asked and answered.... and in legalese force = violence.

You didn't answer.

if you resist arrest, for example, the arresting cops have no right to shoot you. They must use force or tasers but not guns.

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
22 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

to carry out duties that may require force

Bullshit. Duties that may require force need force, not guns. For example: evictions, breaking up a fight between two drunks, or resisting arrest.

Is every Pole an evasive retard or just the few here?

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
22 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Quoting in response to: How many police officers are in Poland?

100,000 police officers

The Polish Police is a centralized, armed, and uniformed formation. As many as nearly 100,000 police officers, backed up by almost 25,000 civilian employees take care of the safety and security of citizens and maintain public order.

Is every Pole an evasive retard or just the few here?

Other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
22 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Are you trying to convince us that the USA is now less democratic than Germany under Hitler?

Democracy (noun) - a system where citizens can overrule the government by a legally binding referendum. "Democracy" is binary; either they can or cannot.

Democratic (adjective) - a system where the ruling class acts according to the wishes of the governed but is not legally required. "Democratic" has grades.

On the "democratic" scale, the US in 2024 is near the bottom. The US ruling class doesn't give a damn what people want. See open borders, anchor babies, immigration, asylum, NATO, foreign aid, and LGBT freaks as examples.

In the thirties, Germans supported Nazis and Hitler on many issues, including expelling Jews. In that sense, Germany was more "democratic" than the US is today.
22 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

That mother and child would not have died if there hadn't been a gun available.

Mothers and children don't die where there are no drunk drivers, pointy kitchen knives, and men with fists, either. Now what?

when she doesn't know what she is talking about.

To women, feelings are facts. Debating with them is like trying to nail jello to the wall. Pussified men are not much better.

On top of that they are stupid. That's why they don't see a gun as the great equalizer and their best friend. They are also too stupid to see the trans movement as their enemy.

Instead, they support transgender "women" in women's spaces and sports to show how nice and progressive they are. "Are you fvcking nuts?" are reserved for their husbands.

To their credit, they are still smart enough to send their men to check if anybody is in the house when at 2 am they wake up because they hear noises downstairs.

They never say "Honey, just sleep...I will go and check..." Never.

Hey, Feniks, other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
21 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Abortion and the right to own guns are two completely different topics.

They are the same.

If a pregnant woman has a right to kill a live human being who is a threat to her lifestyle, I have a right to kill a guy in my house who is a threat to my life.

She needs a doctor. I need a gun.

21 Apr 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

From Novichok

Another Polish clown trying to be cute.
So far, the score is 5 to zero for clowns.

Clown (def.) - a moron who ran out of arguments but insists on having the last word, no matter how stupid.
21 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

The USA is one of the oldest democracies

The US is not a democracy in any sense of the word.

If the US was a democracy, it would have legally binding, Swiss-style referenda and the border would have been closed a long time ago.

But, since the US is not a democracy in any sense, the American Hitler ordered his goons to keep the border open for the waves of scum to flood the country unabated.

To Hitler's credit, when he was expelling Jews from Germany, Germans cheered. Today, even illegal aliens are against migrant invasion.

So which country is more democratic? The US in 2024 or Germany in 193x?

And then there is this retention in Congress of 96% vs. the Soviet 99%.

Numbers are a bi*ch...aren't they...

Next time, leave that used condom at home...Get a gun, poor naive by-the-book boy...
21 Apr 2024
Language / Should I learn Polish or she learn English? [83]

Once a Pole, always a Pole.

I never denied that I was born in Poland. It says so on my US passport. So what?
How does this prevent me from preferring the US, English, and Americans?