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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

you were searching for pics of doners from Germany and inadvertently posted one from the UK

NO WAY!!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

I found that interesting and quite actual report about european youth with alot of data:

European youth will not bridge Europe's divides

Contrary to Western stereotypes about progressive youth, young Europeans are quite polarised and disunited.

...Therefore, the idea that Europe is moving towards a bright progressive future under the leadership of its young people is a delusion at best....

But that still seems to a cherished hope by many lefties! :) The latest shock for that belief came just recently in Germany as at least the half of the young voters didn't care for socialism or anything green at all....

Do you think a chat forum is an essay?

I just think it gives a statement more value if its not just written, like a personal opinion....or wishful thinking! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Do you have some links to support that statement?
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Hmm.....I dunno....this place in central Europe now called Germany has historicall always been a destination for immigration....I don't remember much fear about them.

To put the muslim immigration at the same level ignores the big differences, cultural, social and religious....that is not helping at all! Also the naive wish that their assimilation will work in time in the same way as with the millions of Europeans which have become bonafide Germans over the just won't work that way, it is just not the same!

I guess this ignorance, this willful putting the head in the sand, will be the downfall of the european/german left at one time in the one time they just will be unable to shove that growing problem away anymore!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Just a matter of time.

...yeah....till the "old Germans" have died out, you mean...the youth will embrace Islam...suuure! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Na ja....there is still a great divide what "knowing Muslims" concerns....Wessis know more Muslims than Ossis....but it doesn't help that much.
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Nun ja....the surveys and polls don't make that distinction....the majority who thinks the Islam doesn't belong to Germany says so across the country.

Only 5% would agree with you!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Is Switzerland not one of the most boring countries in the world in?

It's also expensive and not easy to settle in, even for Germans....

But boring hasn't mean to be something is boring too! :)

As a kid/youth I spend most family holidays in Budapest, I have fond memories about Hungary.....but the way!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

I like Germany....doesn't have to be Berlin....baltic coast maybe....Erzgebirge.....Heimat halt!

Still one of the most peaceful, well off, safe places on Earth. Elsewhere to hot or to cold or to many foreigners :)

California, New York...or New Zealand....all great places for holidays....but not for settling (for me that is).
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

The reformation was a break off, which also lead to calamity and massive dreadful wars.

Yeah well....if you want to put the death count as an decisive factor if something is good or bad then already the import of Christianity was an error....since then mass killings in the name of god became part of Europe's history for nearly 2 millennia....for centuries it was like "conversion or death"! Followed closely by "death to the unbelievers"....
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

There are no greater vermin on the face of God's green earth than g*rmans. are doing great! :)

I always loved the stories about the sacking of Rome! My barbarians....*polishes helmet* :)

Hach ja....the good 'ol times...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Yeah....that's great...I don't want to take that away from you....but could you maybe try to differentiate between the EU and us Germs?

No matter what you believe those two are not congruent....
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

For Poles honest to God war would be preferable.

Really! Economic exploitation without additional billions....without cheap access to european markets......ask the chinese to allow your laborers to go in and look for work...

Look for Ukraine when you want an idea of Poland without the EU!

Muslim refugees are not among them.

So nice that sounds...I really doubt the money saved on refugees would get to our never does!

In the big picture it's purely an investment,

I know....that's what we get told all the time too...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

EU is a means of economic exploitation, nothing else.

So what? You say that is if that's a bad thing....

Better than wars anytime.....and better than the Chinese too!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Na ja.....

The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks.

I would say the german construction industry.....the german machine industry.....the german truck industry......

But since so many of them have relocated into far away countries (or not so far like Poland) I'm not so sure anymore...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

This interview is amazing from start to finish and can't be posted enough times.

Nothing new for a German! That's what we get told whenever there is some wondering why we have to pay so massive to everybody else to support their economies, their poor, their whatever whereas we have so many own problems and will never get any support from them....

Latest examples supporting the rent systems of Greeks and Italians....both countries whose population is comparable richer than Germans (more residential property etc.)

Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Yeah....I don't recall any GDR leader whose popularity survived the loss of party power....

It isn't that the common GDRian was ever asked for their opinion I think we can throw them safely all in the bin of history.
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Adenauer....Brandt.....Schmidt....maybe it's the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia but people tend to glorify these leaders (now)....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Even alleged tokenism is a small step in the right direction, as is anything which breaks down the barriers

A Turk wanting to become a Chancellor in Germany has to be more German than a native....not a chance for a turkish identity!

It's abit like with Merkel....she never, during all her 16 years in power, has done sh'it for East-Germany....Germans totally forgot about her eastern german upbringing. For the integration of East Germany she was a total loss!

The moment someone is seen as "breaking the barrier" for his or her minority he/she looses all the chances to become the leader of all Germans...*shrugs*

For a leader, a Chancellor in Germany, he needs to be seen as a unifier for ALL Germans, not a presenter of a sex or a skin pigmentation or a heritage or some identity or the other....I doubt Germany will ever work that way. Just my personal opinion.
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Understood....but wasn't that the idea also behind the cheers and the joy after Obama's election?

A honest serious question....did it work?
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Why not?

Just because someone is of turkish or chinese origin doesn't make him a good Chancellor....isn't that racism?

Why not start at the top as we did with Obama?

Do you think the US is now better off thanks Obama? Less racism and more unity thanks to more diversity and all that?

Somehow it doesn't look like that at least from afar as in Germany....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Hopefully sooner,


Always had my money on Cem Ozdemir,

Özdemir blew his chance....there is a reason (actually two reasons) the GREENS didn't even nominate him for their current team...!5769735/
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

and so fewer and fewer people find anything interesting there.

....and the whole topic about Doping! To many winners had been later found out to be cheaters....or the men who win womens competitions....and countries buying foreigners to win medals for them etc.

It just isn't the same anymore...the only ones who still "feel the spirit" of the Cold War are the Chinese, who still seem to believe producing winners and records en masse in their children-torture-camps is somehow winning them international respect and sympathy! 🙄
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Would that not have prevented the referendum happening.

Everywhere else....of course! (There isn't any)

But we are talking "red Berlin" here...where the crazies have taken over the asylum....they are even talking about to go to the Bundesverfassungsgericht about that.

On the other hand with Berlin the whole country can see what happens when red-red-green gets to rule in reality....I nurture the thought that was a reason for the massive underperformance of the GRÜNEN and the LINKE party's during the recent election....