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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Someone clear up for me the private gun ownership situation in Poland. Cannot a private citizen own guns for hunting? Can they keep sidearms in their homes? Does anyone have a permit to carry? Is target shooting a sport there? Are there no gun shops where one can buy guns and ammo? Any guns at all in society? What are the penalties if one runs afoul of the no gun laws?

What exactly is the situation presently?
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

The USA are an exception, so there's something going on there.

And I already addressed just what this something is. Gotta love all that 'rich diversity'...

Every kitchen has a set of sharp pointed knives, often in full display on special stands, and every house has a drawer full of sharp tools.

Clearly these should be next on the banny (ban+nanny) list.

But if there was a big possibility that passerby you are trying to rob takes out a gun and starts shooting, now bandits would be affraid to go out in the night...

As it should be.
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
News / Polish in vitro treatment fully refundable - bonkers! [62]

I just read something today about this in vitro controversy in P-Land. Much like the abortion debate, both sides seem to go too far here. The RCC wants to ban it completely while the Far Left wants to make it available to everyone and even have the state pay for the procedure.

The article also said this:

Poland has one of the lowest birth rates in the EU and the state has been struggling to find ways to encourage families to have more children.

Sounds like all the Polish girl abortions are hurting Poland's population (as discussed in that other thread).

But bringing children into single parent homes would lead to other expensive costs to society.
So making in vitro available only to married couples seems reasonable. And as it is no "right", peeps should have to pay for it themselves.
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

don't confuse what you perceive to be a "homie" mindset with the general populace.... Don't become a racist **** just because that's what you see.

It's a simple un-PC fact that 'America's gun problem' is thanks almost entirely to the uncivilized urban homies. Doesn't make me a racist for noticing.
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

my close friends. He just bought her a nice Glock (she immediately posted a picture of it on a lovely flowered bedspread as her facespace profile). So, if he ever decides to break up with her, we both know which gun is going to be used, we're just not sure on whom.

Seems a bit of conjecture. And by the sounds of things the gun is the least of their problems...

guns. For many people it seems to be an instrument of power.

This is the homie mindset. Very primitive, childish even today. Angry children with guns... :s
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Convex has been held up at gun point!!!!

Can we play 'Guess the Race of the Perp'?
That's enough to send one out to buy a gun.

At least P-Land doesn't have to deal with this problem... Meh, maybe they don't needs guns after all since they have no Injuns or homies to deal with... just the occasional Nazi or Rushkie...
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

They're really getting brazen. Now you're not even safe in your own home. The new homie thing is 'home invasions'. This is relatively new term that we hardly heard until just a few years ago. Now you can't open a newspaper without reading about another one. Yep, worse than Injuns...
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

As far as Americans, it's too late for this question. We need guns just to stay safe

One of the stock lines of the grabbers is that we no longer need guns to protect ourselves from Injuns. But the truth is that we now need guns more than ever to protect ourselves from the homies.

It is irresponsible to not have on hand the means to protect your loved ones. Any cowardly, anti-gun Lib males should be ashamed of themselves and can hardly call themselves a man.
trener zolwia   
19 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Our current problem here in Europe is that guns are illegal for law abiding citizens, but accessible to criminals.

Crazy. Backwards. This is where Lib gun-grabbing leads.

It's the last line of defense against intruders, opposing forces, and most importantly, the government.

Guns are the last line of individual freedom.

""A free people ought to be armed."
- George Washington


Peeps can't own guns in P-Land at all? Even only keeping them in their homes? How about for hunting?
trener zolwia   
16 Oct 2010

it would be so much better if no one had them at all.

Too late for that.
trener zolwia   
16 Oct 2010

Now Russia is going to help Venezuela nuke up.
Just what we need, another nutjob with a bomb...
trener zolwia   
16 Oct 2010

Israel having them could be the biggest danger.

No more so than Iran having them.
trener zolwia   
15 Oct 2010

Good stuff, Kondzior. Sounds like what we're dealing with over here now. All this government "help" is killing us...
trener zolwia   
15 Oct 2010

What's the use of a health care system in the face of Russian invasion?

who has nukes will not get invaded

Poland needs nukes that be the best health system.

Yep, yep, yep...
trener zolwia   
14 Oct 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

The hottest and the most explosive one! I think we can even talk about a "Boom!"
on Israeli real estate market.

Meanwhile, Palestinian real estate is in the dumps...

The topic is starting to wander.

Just chill. From the very opening post this thread has been about comparative wealth of other places as related to Poland.

So how does this real estate boom in Israel compare to the market in Poland?
trener zolwia   
14 Oct 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

Israel real estate market hottest on the planet:

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel, despite perennial fears of war, has emerged as one of the hottest - and least likely - property markets in the world: Since real estate collapsed around the globe in 2008, at least one industry watchdog lists it as the fastest-rising property market on earth.
trener zolwia   
14 Oct 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

Any comments?

Those are some very interesting stats. Particularly the disparities.
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

Obama's little concession to the Russians saved everyone lots of headaches.

Like his concessions to Iran...
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

The may have lessened a little with Obama dealings with them.

No one fears us with Obama in office.
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

I don't think Iran is the eager to do anything to be honest.

I'm not so sure.

The Russians don't really hate anyone except Muslims

At least we have this going for us.

They just don't want Poland to be able to defend itself. Why might this be?
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

In Harry world they were helping poor neighbours from other neighbours! THat's not invading right?

That's like the armed mugger was just helping relieve his victim of the burden of his money! Lol...
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

Hopefully the one born from democracy

As it should be.

given that Poland shares a border with Russia, I can't see her ever getting nukes.

Russia doesn't want any of their potential future subjects to have the capability of self defense. They threw a fit when the US was going to provide P-Land with a missile shield...

It's like criminals complaining that their potential victims are arming themselves for self protection from the criminals...

The crazy thing about nukes.. have the stabilized things to a degree?.. lessened the chance for large world wars? The ironically have.. so probably worth the money.

This was indeed the case for a long time. But now, as nukes spread and more and more rogue nations get them, they will likely become an destabilizing force.

When you're dealing with enemies who are willing to destroy themselves in order to advance their cause, it's tough to defend against that.
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

What do amateur political dabblers really know about nukes, Poland and its needs? Are you gonna take part in decision making as nukes for Poland are concerned?

Well, pretty much, yes. Isn't it up to The People in a democracy to select leaders who share their views? So when it comes down to it, it should The People who ultimately decide this and every other issue, in a roundabout way. Yes.
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

how many times in the last 100 years Pakistan, Russia and Poland have invaded their neighbours?

Suuuure, others need to protect themselves from P-Land! Hahahaha... Leave it to you, Harry... Always anti-Poland... No matter how ridiculous you have to sound in order to be so.

Hey, didn't Russia just invade Georgia a couple years ago?...
Who has Poland aggressively invaded and conquered lately?

The genie left the bottle a long time ago.

Pretty much.

opposition within the country

Let me guess, you're anti gun ownership too?
trener zolwia   
12 Oct 2010

Well, since Pakis and Ruskies have them and Iran will soon too, it only makes sense. It's like keeping a gun in the home for self defense when all the criminals are armed. It only makes good sense; it's the responsible thing to do.
trener zolwia   
7 Oct 2010
Travel / Jazz in Poland [27]

pierogi ruskie

Gasp! You mean all Poles don't sit around eating pierogies when they're not Polkaing, either??!!
WTH is this world coming to?... Is everything we believe in false? Is today really even Thursday?...