The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PolskiMoc  

Joined: 15 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2011
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7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]


There are still enough Poles in Zaolzie.

There is a higher percentage of Poles in Zaolzie then there are Silesians of silesian nationality in Polish Silesia.

So Poland has a better claim on Zaolzie than anyone does on Polish Silesia!

Which was the point I was trying to make.
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Russia and Germany are not historical enemies actually, quite the contrary...

Germans killed 23 million Russians in WW2
I believe about 2- 6 million in WW1 ( I am not exactly sure)

Germans bought the Bolshevik revolution to Russia & Lenin who made about 28 million Russians die in the Russian Civil war + the Volga Famine by the half Volga German Lenin.

Now that is friendship. Well I guess as close as German Maniacs get to Friendship.

About as much as 50 - 60 million Russians died in about a 25 year period thanks to German swine.

All Slavs should be united against the Germ Worms
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

If you were seriously concerned about the fate of the Serbian population of Kosovo, you'd fight for recognition of the Silesian nationality, as the principle of protecting minority rights.

Kosovo was the heart of Serbia.
Then when Ottoman Turks invaded then alot of Albanians ended up spreading into Kosovo & with Albanians having higher birth rates soon Albanians became the majority.

If Turks become the majority of Berlin & decide to become a new Country? Then should Nato Bomb Germans & Say that Berlin is a Turkish country because it is majority Turkish?

Seems to me you are a German bootlicker. The Serbian crow guy said he would stand up to Germany over Silesia. Silesia is Polish lands.

It is not Germany. Germans took over Silesia in the 1790's!

Even alot of Border Silesia Towns in Czech like Ostrava much of Ostrava considers themselves to be Polish & Not Czech!

Pardon me? The Deluge ended in 1667, and the Vienna victory happened in 1683, with the peak of Polish military power ever.
Alliance with Russia was never sought throughout the history of Poland.

The Deluge was the begining of the end for Poland!
It had weakened Poland.

The Battle of Vienna Poland was still powerful but falling fast.

To look at the Partition of Poland.

You can see that it starts with the Deluge. That the wars of Poland vs Russia & Also Sweden lead to the demise

Then Prussians & Austrians while Poland was fighting Russia also attacked
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

The reasons of the fall of The Commonwealth of Both Nations are so simple if we look at the Poland of today:

Not true.
The true fall of Poland was because Poland could not quite conquere Russia. That lead to the Deluge where both Russia & then Sweden lead to Poland's demise.

If I could turn back time I think Poland & Rusisia should have been allies. Poland & Russia through out history fought the same enemies.

Poland & Russia fought Mongols, Tatars, Ottoman Turks, Vikings, Germans, Austrians, ect ect together.

I think that Poland & Russia could have united.

If I could go back in time I would have Poland attack Prussia & Teutons & Austria instead of attacking Russia.
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Germans are mix of native Proto Slavs (read- Sarmatians) with new arrived semitinized population of what was antic Rome. That`s how Germans were created as ethos

It is more that Germans are a mix of Celtic with Slavic & slightly Germanic.

But, Slavic types are the original Inhabitants of Germany!

Sorbs are indigenous to East Germany they are 63 percent R1a Genetic Haplogroup vs 56 percent R1a Haplogroup for Poles & 46 percent R1a Haplogroup for Ukrainians

East Germans are 24 percent R1a while West Germans are 9 percent R1a haplogroups

Burial Remains from Saxony 4,600 yrs ago were all R1a

So It seems Sorbs are untouched Original East Germans. The Genetic evidence suggests people from France, Spain / Italy ect R1b people moved North into Germany & Over took the Original R1a Sorb types

So to me I think the most vile & disgusting Western Europeans moved East into Slavic lands. That is why Germans are so vile.

Poland fell because we were fighting everyone else in the East
It is Amazing Poland even did exist fighting off Turks, Tatars, Mongols, Germans, Swedes, Cossacks, Vikings, Austrians ect ect
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

are u serious or just flaming and trolling ?

It is a fact that Humans have strong sexual differences.

It is a fact that Apes have a lack of sexual differences.

Germans have a strong lack of sexual differences.

Which I think questions if Germans really are Human. Sure Germans are mixed with human. But, You can tell Germans are not fully human.
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Thankfully, Germans also showed what they thought of racist Poles - they got rid of them ;)

Most of the Poles killed weren't racist.

It was the German swine who were Racist talking about a Blonde haired race. While they worship muslims, Turks, Albanians ect. LOL Even did business deals with Zionists.

While killing Poles & Russians who are more Blonde than Germans

Something is wrong with Germans.

Germans are not human or white. Humans & Whites have more Sexual dimorphism differences than non whites. While Poles & Slavs have exessive Sexual dimorphism.

German men like Bill Kaulitz are typically more Feminine than Ugly Manly German women like Claudia Schiffer

Germans are not Humans. Humans have a strong sexual dimorphism compared to Apes
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

How did that happen??? How could worthless little Germany "steal" Polands power and wealth???

While Poland was already fighting Russia & Sweden & other wars.

The Germ Worm Many Douchelanders along with Austria also Attacked Poland.

Funny that Friedrich the UNGreat was becoming friends with Turks while Slaughtering & Stealing Polish land.

Even more funny that Germans in the 1600's thought Ottoman Turks were going to take over Europe & cause the end of the World in the Apocolypse.

So Germans cried for Polish Jan Sobieski to save them from Turks in 1683 in the Battle of Vienna.

Germ Worms by the 1700's were already repaying Poland with slaughter & already becoming friends with Turks

Then Germ Worms side with Turks in WW1 while killing Whites'

Then Germ Worm Hitler loved turks & Killed Whites in WW2

Now Turks destroy Germany

IDIOTS. Germ Worms are sick. Germans don't deserve the right to breathe. Germans only deserve the right to be killed.
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Yes Poland was one of the most powerful in the middle ages while Germany was one of the most worthless places in Europe at this time.

German power only comes from Poland.

Germans are worms. Germany NEVER Once took on Poland by it's self & was able to Conquere Poland. You disgusting worms always needed help from Austria & Russia.

You should change the name to Wormany or perhaps just ManyGerms WormGermMany the land of the Virus & the Worm
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Catherine the Great was a German Kurwa. She pimped out Russia to millions Volga Germans. of course Volga Germans later went on to become Lenin.

Lenin was half Volga German & Not Russian at all!

Catherine the Great is the one who first started mass genocide & land stealing against Poles in Russia

Before Catherine the Great there was a time period where Russians & Poles could have united under the Tatar & Turk threat even Russia stood up to Tatars & Turks a few time saying they should not mess with Poland.

Catherine the Great may have improved Russia
But her German blooded Tsar descendents kept Russia in prolonged feudalism.

Then when Russians rebelled Germans gave Russians Model Feudalism A.K.A Communism

Communism is nearly indenticle to Feudalism. In both Communsim & Feudalism people don't own land, work as equal slaves, are told how to live, are given rations of food & shelter ect
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

The Polish power vanished to Germany, Russia & Austria.

Mostly Germany.

Because Russia was under German Kurwa Catherine the UNgreat when Russia took over Poland.

The Russian Tsars were German.

It seems German Tsars purposefully also kept Russia in prolonged fuedalism to keep Russia from being able to keep up with Germany

Then Germans invented Communism & Sent the Bolsheviks to Russia to destroy Russia when Russians started to hate German Tsar Nicholas II

So most of the Polish Power & Wealth went to Germany.

Poland collapsed because of the Deluge period when both Russia & Sweden were attacking Poland. Although at First Poland destroyed both Russians & Swedes in the Battle of Klushino.

Poland could not handle constant wars with Russia & Sweden

Then Austrians & Prussian Germans invaded & That was the end
16 Mar 2011
News / Donald Tusk's Government of Poland Continues to Oppress Poles [161]

That is what happens in market economies you ...... so and so.

Yes, Market Economies are terrible Poland should become Communist again so we can stagnate the Polish Economy again & Make the people practical slaves to the Government.

Libertarianism is the anwser. Government is not the solution it is the problem. Only a basic government should be there. Large government corrupts.
15 Mar 2011
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Iq is Real Intelligence.
What you are talking about is more along the lines of Emotional Intelligence. Which is not very important.

White males score lowest in Emotional Intelligence while black women score highest in EMotiinal intelligence.

Who has been more successful? So it seems the opposite people who score low on Emotional intelligence & High on Iq are most likely to go far & are the ones who drive our society.

Iq is generally important people with a higher tend to make more money & are less likely to divorce & less likely to go to jail.
15 Mar 2011
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Isn't Saint Patrick's day an insult to Irish people to begin with?
Saint Patrick was Likely English who the Irish hate & Was certainly not Irish at all. Then Irish people themselves get drunk & celebrate leperchauns?

It would be like if Polish made Pope Ratzinger day & then got drunk over a German Pope when most Polish people hate Germans.
Of course Polish people are not stupid enough to do something like that LOLOL

I live in the U.S & I have gone out on Saint Patricks day & almost everyone going out getting Drunk is Irish. So wait who is doing what?

Polish people are bringing Intelligent Life to Ireland.

Poland scored a 106 iq in the most recent iq test vs 97 iq for Ireland.
The Iq test from the 1970's showed Poland scored a 99 iq (Under communism) While Ireland scored a 93 iq.

Which is pretty bad. In the 1970's Polish Americans scored a 109 iq. African Americans scored a 85 iq in the 1970's. There is a reason the Irish are called the N*ggers of Europe ;-)
12 Mar 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Germans are much worse.
When Poland fell in 1795 it was Prussian Germans, Austrian Germans & Russia which was ruled by a German Prussian Catherine the Ungreat.

The German kurva Catherine the Ungreat was the biggest genocide against Polish people done by Russians at that time & it was German Kurva Catherine who ordered these genocides against Poland

Also Communism was invented in Germany with Engels & Marx & Germany supported & Backed the Bolshevik Revolution.

The Reason Russia had any support of Bolshevishism was because the German blooded Tsar Nicholas II was so ****** that Russians wanted to rebel against it & they thought Communism could work against it.

So then Half Volga German Lenin who was not Russian at all created the Soviet Union.

The German people are the most vile & disgusting people to ever live.

The biggest mistake Poland made was we should have made the Germans go extinct during the 1600's when we could have.
We should have formed a bond with Russia & Attacked the true enemy of Slavs & Humanity which is the German filth.

Nazis claimed to be anti Communist. But, Goebbels said Lenin was the 2nd best man only 2nd to hitler.

While at the same time hilter & Goering & Hitler gave respect to Josef Pilsudski for fighting against Soviets.

But, Germany backed the Soviet Union & Volga German LEnin & Helped create the Soviet Union with German gold backing it.

So, Essentially Germans supported Lenin & pilsudski because they fought each other & killed Slavs in the process. Germans want to divide Slavs.
That is why Germany backed the Bolshevik Revolution with the Russian Civil war which 28 million Russians died. the Germans love it when Slavs die.

The German people deserve only extinction from the planet.

WW1. WW2 & the Soviet Union were a Slavic Genocide. As much as 100 - 200 million Slavs may have died just in 30 years.

I am actually for creating a Slavic Union with a DECENT RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.

Because Clearly Germans , Jews & Western Europeans have been trying to make Slavs go extinct.
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

come a Jew it wasn't as unheard of for a Jew to become a catholic. That's why there's a higher chance for Poles to have Jewish ancestors than for Jews to have Polish ancestors.

I highly disagree. When you look at Jews. They are much lighter than Arabs & Khazars. So they are highly mixed.

While Genetic study only shows 1 - 2 percent of Poland's overall genes are Jewish.

While I am betting even as much as half of Jewish genes of Polish jews are Polish & or White

It can work the other way too. Considering that there were Fewer jews. Jews would have an easier time finding a Catholic mate. Than a jewish one.
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

if you publish in Polish alone, your reach will be limited. Limited to the ppl who can read Polish

Interesting you say that.
It has already detrimented a Pole & Likely others by only publishing in Polish!

Such is the Case with Walery Jaworski

In 1899 he described bacteria living in the human stomach that he named "Vibrio rugula". He speculated that they were responsible for stomach ulcers, gastric cancer and achylia. It was one of the first observations of Helicobacter pylori. He published those findings in 1899 in a book titled "Podręcznik chorób żołądka" ("Handbook of Gastric Diseases") but it was available only in Polish and went unnoticed.

His findings were independently confirmed by Robin Warren and Barry Marshall, who received the Noble Prize in 2005

This is very Impressive! Because this Pole was about 100 years ahead of his time in his studies! But, Went unnoticed for only publishing in Polish.

But, Very sad.
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

The Main Jewish Haplogroup is J1.

Poland is only 1 percent J1.

Which means that Only likely close to 1 - 2 percent of the present Population of Polish Catholics have a Jewish Male Ancestor.

But, I question how much of Polish Americans who came to the U.S Pre WW2 have them. Considering the Genetic profile of Poland likely significantly changed.

I think that Poles in America who are Pre WW2 seem to have a little more often Jewish & Tatar Looks than Poles in Poland today.

I really wish they did Genetic sampling of PURE blooded Polish Americans who are Pre WW2 vs Polish in Poland
& See if there are SIgnificant differences in genetics.
15 Mar 2010
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

What do I think of Turks?

Well let us just say.

Polish Jan Sobieski is my hero.

Because Jan Sobieski with the glorious Polish Winged Hussars slaughtered Ottoman Turks at the battle of Vienna saving Central Europe from Turks.

As well as Jan Sobieski saved Central Europe by slaughtering Turkish Tatars.

Come on? Millions of Poles, Slavs & Europeans were all murdered, raped, tortured & enslaved by Turks.