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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

A SLAVIC union is build on racism you dumb nut!

IT IS NOT. Racism breeds in ur kinds of minds BB ... you cannot think beyond it ... nothing to do with you.

ethnic kin alone

Its not only Ethnic ... we are around each other. Slavic Union is not to be based on racism and thats for sure Seanus. I hopefully clarified it many times till now.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Just dont think of our Slavic Union as some superiorist master union in the process. Its an economic and cultural union ... with joint defences and a helpful nature ... with its neighbors and other nations ... ITS ABOUT PROSPERITY =)

Crow and £ódź are here together

I respect him for his feelings for a Slavic Unity ... but our versions of the Slavic Union is not exactly same maybe ... or I dont know, he will be the one to decide on that.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

The Brits and Germans gave you some of the best inventions in the world

I am not against inventions ... Inventions were given by Poland too. Hell a few years ago I was reading a book about Britians Imperialist past where I read about a certain TIPPU SULTAN who invented the rocket armory which the British used aswell. Inventions can be given ... its good ... but racism is bad.

know the main history but what's your point here?


so Albanians are to get favourable treatment, right? They are the dominant group in Kosovo now.

I am not against anybody. I told you, its not CROW version, its my version.

Poland has a lot of racists too and I've met some. There are quite a few purists amongst Slavs

And I tell you this is not natural among us. Its a foreign import. We were never racists even in the most racist periods of history. We are farming people! FARMING!

Unemployment, helplessness ... lacking in confidence ... these are some of the factors which push them to try and take help from misleading ESCAPIST feelings such as racist. It helps them to escape from their own failures ... like a drug ... its all bad and need to be removed. The youth need to be give a better direction.

Why you meet racists anyways ... there are 1000 good Pole for 1 racist.


Seanus ... if you read my exact previous post u'll see that no all unions are for segregation .. just dont see it from the glasses colored by Brits and Germans.

white Russia treats those with coloured skin now

What white Russia? ... How many are really white there? ... (apart from the fact that white doesnt even make any difference).

Russian youths are much more mislead ... they need stability. Russians are much more into your "interacial" things than anywhere. Oh yeah I know this well ... I dont think of them as racist ... but then again, as I said, escapists are there - the more desperate the economy and the more broken the family structures - the more racists will churn out of it.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

But I always knew

You cannot think beyond your racist self you attention monger.

Maybe you can convince some Kashmiri to vote for you?

It was an example as I cleared before ... but ur true racist self as all over it can be seen on the thread will always want to pump the racist subject. Disgusting and sickening to the core.

less friendly and excluding other non-Slavic nations, sounds racist

You certainly didnt read the part which said about working with other nations aswell didnt read how we welcome other nation citizens for education and even integration. I am in favor of immigration ... I am also in favor of the Polish mixed marriages and the mixed Children as OUR CHILDREN. How less racist can it get?

There are commonwealths ... there are small regional unions ... there are regional support systems. THIS IS ALL THAT I AM LOOKING FOR IN A SLAVIC UNION.

Its not that we are superior to others ... or that

Us Vs Them

thing. No absolutely not.

Problem is that you all only know about the version of Imperialist Britian and Nazi Germany or the Soviet extremism. You have no idea about anything that can work beyond wars and racism ... thats why you think everyone who talks about a union either wants it for racist purposes, or war or etc. It is exactly what the Slavic Union WILL NOT BE ABOUT.

TO address Kosovo

They are to be treated as brothers ... their economy supported ... their universities supported ... their children be welcome in our universities ... cultural exchanges ... everything constructive.

It was not an insult but a wake up call to you. Many times I've seen some people get obsesses with racism spread by the likes of BB and southern and jar ... its unfortunate. Think outside the "racist" box and then we will be talking. Take this plain and simple that the SLAVIC UNION WILL NOT CARRY ANYTHING RACIST.

You guys are not slavic mostly ... but ofcourse I welcome everyone. But so unfortunate that you desperately want to blemish a Slavic union as racist because the Brits and Germans have the most racist past ... but we are neither Brits nor Germans. We have something else to give to the world and Europe which they have never seen before.

First you guyz remove your racist hearts and then u'll know that true Slavs are never racists =). Its not a part of our culture tradition or history.

WWIII is coming.

Why do you start thinking from racism POV ... havent you heard of teams working together ... our union is not for war but for peace and progress. Keep racism out of it please. Definately we are not racist, and I'll be the first to walk out of anything racist.

I myself am in an interracial union ... !
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Me being white

U r too confident about your whiteness my friend. Too much confidence is not good.

hen why didn't that Slavic love work in the Balkans, £ódź?

What are you a sadist? There have been artificially created reasons PLUS ...the racism is not innately slavic and it never will work in any of the Slavic lands, specially not in Poland (I reckon not in Russia either ... they are far more mixed).

Will be interesting to watch! That's for sure :)

Oh yeah ... so your desperate skinhead lunatic brothers be help loose? ... No! ... Law and order will protect civilization ... no skinhead can be let loose to bother our citizens.

Try that in ur country BB ... no one is stopping you. You keep stooping low and come here to try and fill with some of ur racism and maniacism and what not ... trying to make us look incapable of having our prosperous union. You have said "bye" several times now already. But look at you =D .... insecure as hell with the prospect of something far more respectable and constructive rising from Europe and that also from the Slavs eh?

stance on Kosovo

Are you a 2 yrs old child sean? ... pardon me, but you should already know as i put this thread on, as well as from my topic post.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

if the Kashmiri approve of your idea then nothing can go wrong anymore! ;)

It was an example how acceptable and soothing is the idea that someone from nowhere (atleast people we dont come across with everyday) also finds it wonderful. Its not something that makes people feel unwanted or low, something which some other European state thought of ... like demons.

But then how can you understand that ...

Our union is something even the little girl and the eldest or wisest in Poland would prefer ... considering a good heart and a beautiful future to walk together with.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

When are you starting your movement Lodz?

Movement started when I first entered university. My movement always have been towards racial harmony ... cultural exchange and understanding ... and also to build a harmonious slavic sentiment which have been wonderfully greeted even by the unaware Kashmiri (a name of a place many Poles dont even know). Such is the attractiveness of our union ... its nothing like past demons have made you see... .

What's your next step?

Build more awareness.... share our thoughts with other Slavic brothers and sisters ... which is already in motion ... A bigger and combined voice, direction, proper mission-vision-strategy ... and u will see the rise everywhere ... a rise supported by even those who just love unity, prosperity and goodness!

We are the right ones to come forward and give that push to the world to move yet another step forward. We have the HEART!

As for changing the attitude of skinheads, good luck. If that is love then I'd hate to see hate :)

I didnt understand this? What is love and what is hate which you would hate to see?

Skinhead issue will be resolved. I have seen skin-heads turn real multi-culti even =D ... ha ha ... I could post pics in loads but its not right or safe.

See Sean ... things change only if the elements of change are properly utilized to the proper subject, as every subject is different.

Yep, there are those who are too stubborn and really very difficult. For them we'll have the law and jail. I dont want someone to hit you for being irish or scottish (there are ppl who would do that even ... there are various levels of extremism).
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

just ask Crow or Natasa

Natasa is "you know who".

Well as for Crow ... he has his own stuff to say. For me, I would say that the reason was bondage. If you read my topic post, and other posts (specially the topic post) you will see no bondage. Bondage doesnt work anywhere, specially with Poles it never works.

Among all Slavs, Russians and Poles are the most romantic. Romantic groups dont like Bondage, and thus they keep on having uprising and revolutions. As for the Yugoslavians ... the problem arises when someone becomes too powerful and tries to oppress others into listening to him.

We believe in a fair Slavic union. Why are you trying to invent or concentrate on problems only? Did I not mention equal representation from all big or small nations on the table? One representative from each of the states. Secular ... respecting religion ... democratically elected from each of their respective states!

Every structure will have one thing very common ... the LOVE and the HEART of the Slavs.

Equal male and female participation ... and for the world to see our diverse nature, we will have even the German Slavic or the Turkish Slavic or the Asian or Indian or American or Brazilian or British or Irish + Slavic representatives working in our important departments as heads even.

Its not a regressive AXIS which many of the other European neighbors are renowned to create which spreats facism and hatred and racism and what not ... all foreign and non-Slavic imports ... we are better than that. Our skin-heads are unemployed in-confident and aimless bunch who need to be groomed into values of ours so that they can understand the distinction and work together for a flourishing future!
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

What a version ... where r u from anyways?

Germans are not in ... the whole union thing is then useless. They are not in in any condition. Yea we can work together on projects and stuffs ... but they are not in the Union ... not in the Slavic land where I live in ... nope.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

That's why I like Crowie

Thats his version ... this is mine. =)

adding Germany into it if they want to!

I wonder if its his version ... but its not mine.

Slavic union with Slavic states =) ...
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

It's about Milosevic, Slobodan.

Those have no place in the hearts of majority of the Slavs. These are issues we need to come in terms with for the greater good of the Slavs. I hope Slavs, for the greater good of a unity, will come to realize how wrong these people have been.

not fairytales.

I am not talking fairytale either. Why should it be fairytale? ... Its very logical.

I have an opinion of having a Leader Parliament ... of a bench with representatives of all states ... one representative from each state, no matter how big or small the state is ... it creates a fare chance of equal voice.

We all must come to terms with ourselves ... unions are not easy. Even a marriage is not easy with the absence of an all encompassing love.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

see if crows head explodes:)

Why should his sister make out with a Muslim Albanian? ... Why are you trying to enforce extremism and hatred here?

If his sister genuinely loves someone, who happens to be a muslim or an Albanian, I am sure Crow will know better what to do ... no matter how much he shouts or screams in here, I think he will do something surprising ... and that would not be ugly at all. Unlike some innate racists who wish for blood and sadistic things to keep happening all the time.

Atleast Poles would never go to extremes. I've seen Polish girls go for Muslims, and even the granny gives way after some grumble. But there've been conversions/adjustments from the other way round aswell. I am not saying people must convert to Catholicism, but they need to make little adjustments ... and its always possible and keep happening. Tons of examples, but in a public forum filled with perverts its hard to post.

Plus Slavs by nature (atleast I can say about Poland ASWELL AS RUSSIA) very accepting people, not innately racist.

s but we should follow the lead of the Germans in the EU

Sorry Sean ... I guess thats your wish, you cannot think everyone would wish the same.

Poles tend to ignore one another?

Those little igoring doesnt prevent the general sentiments of a union

. 'My Polacy' would have to change to become 'My Słowianiny'. I don't think that would be easy given Polish people's constant striving for their own identity.

She would be happy ... talk about it with her in an unbiased way. By the way, she would be sad with your ideas about the incapability of Slavs. Be careful there Mr. Sean.

As for our self identity, it is strong and the states would remain ... there will be an Alliance/Union of its kind but it doesnt mean we become one big country.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

First of all I am appalled how some of you are asking "what and how" questions to SOUTHERN! ... You guyz really sick or what? Neither is he a Slav nor is he the logic king of PF. He is a pervert and a complete racist package, something which does not bring the complete picture of Slavs.

As for those who are not serious about Slavic union (Borrka), then why are you joking aimlessly? Dont you think its a shame for someone who have so much faith in EU and so much against the capability of Slavs to build a prosperous Slavic Union/Alliance to even talk?

Well ... Slavic union would have a lot of give, and a fresh new perspective of love and unity, with economic alliance, and military would be a nice beginning. JUST READ MY TOPIC POST AND THERE I HAVE EXPLAINED ABIT.

BB - you really couldnt stay away could you? Sometimes Crow seems to speak logic when he talks about some Germans who would do anything to spoil anything Slavic, even if its a discussion like this. Just to try and prove we are incapable, dream-kings and nothing else, German slaves ... just reading through the thread about your pathetic comments and sentiments for Poland and the broader Slavic population makes it evident. Why cant you atleast be optimistic or encouraging to our high ideals are real potential? We have something more to give the world which your FAMOUS RACIST SELF is not!

Slavic union is not necessarily going away from the rest of Europe or the EU. We would like to be a separate regional power, which can operate apart from EU.

We have a progressive, forward looking, logical agenda with which we can move forward.

These are Slavic lands and no one is a half-anything (as BB said) ... they are Slavic enriched or mixed individuals ... born out of Slavic elements ... and will rise to aide the Slavic purpose and a future where Slavs contribute with positivity.

Racism was never Slavic ... its something imported from the DESPICABLE people in the neighborhood. Even it carries name with are derived from foreign books and languages.

In any ways ... very disappointing how some people (usually foreigners) in PF see the Poles and their capability to share with their Slavic brothers and sisters. Very unfortunate.

underneath it all Slavs really hate each other.

We dont ... but differences have been created. We dont have an innate hate for each other. Unfortunately we are not helped by absolutely any well-wisher to remove the misunderstandings.

Specially, the Polish Slavs are much more liberated ... they think differently. Sometimes alot more romantic than the other Slavs. While the Russian Slavs are far, and they are not as interested in the Slavic identity. I welcome their diversity (The Russian Slavs are very much more mixed and diverse) ... but they just don't realize that they are born and raised on Slavic lands and they have the Slavic genes, with which comes a responsibility towards these neglected people of Europe who actually had alot of good to give, and may have a leadership capability in them.

Is this good? ... Certainly not.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

widespread in the Union? English?

English can be second language, 1st language can be Polish =) ... I think the Slavic lands would agree... besides Polish and English they can learn their own state languages too ...

Apart form Slavic mysticism, what ideology will bond together the diverse lands?

There are many ...

The idea of the Slavic union is not even a part of lunatic fringe projects.

What do you mean?

Its part of many projects and its in everyones heart!

Its in the heart of a man like me who is very much in a relationship with a the heart of the woman who is the mother of a Kashmir-Slavic child and happy with a non-Slav man ... in the heart of a woman married with an American .... APART FROM ALL THE SLAVS who are in Poland and other Slavic states aswell.

Yes, it is that strong...

Slavic sentiments are not same as the sentiments usually known by the racist ideologies of racist people and states.

Even Russians are mixed ... highly! I think the most in all the Slavic lands ever! ... But they are our Brates, even with the bitter history ... I believe that their sons and daughters are ours and can contribute towards a progressive Slavic union!

The feeling is strong ... and we understand what our union is to be like ... which is not the usual as you guyz have come to know. So as long as you think from the point of view of some of our neighbors, you cannot get even an inch of the concept.

Best joke ever LOL.


We dont need German anything. We can work together, and we can be of mutual benefit. There is nothing more the German can give us than what we keep giving them!

We are a group of people who are much more fit for the world's future icons ... much more fit even from USA I feel!
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Economically it is very difficult for a slavic union to survive.

Absolutely not. We are very strategically placed with great minds. A united Slavic Union is capable to survive without the hideous ideas you mentioned Southern for heavens sake ... you think we are some loonies?

We are a peaceful people, and Slavic union will reflect that diverse and beautiful, promising, rich peace of which people will look upon and see with a smile ... even pray for our success because we are always supporting for everyone!

We would celebrate love in its purest form. INFACT ENCOURAGE IT! .. The world is to be closer to us NOT BY GUNS but by love ... unity ... economy and security =). The future holds here.
25 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]

Seanus ... you are outsider in this discussion.

No ... he is married with a Polish woman. She is our sister and he is not an outsider =) ... he lives in Poland too I guess.

Could we have a Slavic Alliance but with Germany as the Slavic Alliance's favorite non-Slavic partner? :D

you may feel it ... for me the favorite non-slavic partner can be France too. They are nice ppl!

Why so much obession with Germany. OFCOURSE we can work together on matters, but there is nothing special about them. They are there and its all good... fine!

There are nations like China and India who are interesting and growing ...

There are nations like Japan...

USA is there we can work together with too.

In todays world, and as the world progresses, logistics isnt a matter.

Russia has a significant Slavic population, but not all Slavic they are. Infact their Slavs are mixed too mostly ... BUT HEY ITS ALL GOOD ... they are our equally slavic brates =)... thats the beauty of Slavs ...we celebrate our diversity ... our hearts are not like others...
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Slavic Union besides the obvious that they all be Slavic?

Progressive, looking forward ... peaceful, happy, cooperating ... flourishing group of states with a common identity!

In other words what DO these Slavic nations have to do to be in the Slavic Union?

Swore allegiance! They must realize that our defence and economic interests are in being a complete block together. Cultural Centers will work for a united cultural body too.

The leaders of our states will sit under one roof and work together for the benefit of the whole group =).

My brate, it will be a full functional union =)

Do participating Slavic nations give some kind of economic breaks or advantages to other Slavic nations? Do they create a joint Slavic military?

Ofcourse =) ...

Slavic nations have not been too united.

There are reasons and schemes and conspiracies for it ... its a long history my friend.

Slavic nations should work with non-Slavic nations like Germany, Mongolia, China ect.

HEY ofcourse ... as I said ... we are progressive.


To tell you the truth, you cannot evaluate a Slav with examples from other European nations. They are not us, simply.

Apart from the neo nazis or the skin heads (all foreign imported ideologies) ... we are a peaceful people. Actually very diverse ... we have our own muslim population as Tatars who are known as the most peaceful ones of their kinds in the world! Speaks volumes of the Polish heart.

See my friend, we are tolerant. NEVER RACISTS ... we love diversity! We have men and women from other cultures as far as you can think, in love relationships with Polish or other slavic men and women ... we respect our impulses. WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLANETS FUTURE.

Our heart is what we have the strongest ... and we will prevail.

There are many ideas working ... and ofcourse we have space for more good ideas from our brates and true friends =) ... for the benefit of all, we Slavs have alot to give =)

Only pure solutions can work.Serbs tried to keep Yugoslavia united with their teeth and nails.You need a brutal force to consolidate slavic nations into a major power.

What is not innate Slavic dont work ... even whoever tries it. We must understand the Slavic mind to be able to rise with it. This is what some handful of leaders keep mistaking and we Slavs dont attain peace even among ourselves.

One ugly worthless muslim man is enough to make a slavic girl

First of all no one is ugly.

Secondly, your description is nothing but fallacy. I've known better examples. You know a worst one and then keep on blabbing.

Our men and women are smart and know how to handle their lives very well.

The muslim who is not ready to be a part of Europe and our civilization, is not a part of Slavic union and the Polish woman must make sure he (with his dignity) learns to be a part of Poland/Slavs ... Their Children are OUR CHILDREN for sure... we need them.

No way we can attain success by suppressing the feelings of our men and women in matters are delicate as love. We are not looking for a German style or other suppressive style of union.

Thats why its a Slavic thing to understand by a Slavic mind ... not any other mind. Thats why Slavic union must have Slavic states only.
25 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]

Russia and replace it with Germany?

Why are you so much for Germany? ... I dont understand.

We are not anti-Germans ... its just not a fit for a Slavic Union.

I love the Japanese or the Korean ... but how do they fit in a Slavic Union?

I like Indian food, have gr8 Indian friends... friends from Kashmir ... how do their states fit into Slavic Union?

Yes.... Germans with slavic blood is there ... then there are German Slavic children .. they are OUR CHILDREN .... there are children of many kinds of mixes nowadays in Poland ... they are also OUR CHILDREN ... but even they will SHOUT OUT LOUD the name of our Slavic Dream ... and they will work for us and our RISE!

We are to work together with other nations ofcourse ... for common good. But I hope you dont confuse the concept of a SLAVIC UNION.

Oh well ... =D ... I'm not usually in this mode but in anyways ... felt strongly today... although I do everyday and I've worked with Slavs on it, talked with them.. seem the strong wish in their hearts!

25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

reality and asking some hard questions!

Ur racism is your reality ... ours is not =)...

You know what ... u will not understand. As you are sadly not supposed to.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

How about you starting to think at least for once?

U r an insecure German =) ... why dont you concentrate in ur Germ-ic ideas? ... Its a place for Slavic solidarity from a Polish perspective. A place for a possibility for Slavs. Why are you were trying to mislead and derail a constructive discussion? ... You are trying desperately ... because you are insecure.

I have thought of it well ... and I have worked for it in Poland, and there are many like mindeds here. MANY ... we even connect in dialogue with our brothers and sisters slavs...

There is something in us that does not match with a bunch of racists in our neighborhood. We all know who is one of the most vocal racists in this thread ... we Slavs generally cannot relate to such people... neither is the future of the world there.

brave, forgotten Germans

What brave forgotten german? =D

They should just read their history more unbiasedly ... but I could care less. I am not interested. Let em' live ...

About alliances....yeah there can be health or other joint ventures or works.... researches...yeah...

Slavic Union is SLAVIC.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Is it your wishful thinking again?

Wow BB ... its our wishful thinking right? ... This makes our task more urgent to tell ur kinds that SLAVS ARE THE FUTURE ... and its the German Wishful thinking that we cant. I dont understand than WHY the hell are you commenting here with your pessimist and hatred? ... If you dont believe in us, you dont have to insult our capability.

In one place you say you know about our capability, and in another place you say we cannot rise... whoa!... If I didnt believe there must be some good Germans too as human beings ... I would've made some remark of a life-time here.

A "slavic union" needs an enemy to work

We dont need enemies ... thats the German way of working. WE HAVE NO NOTHING TO DO WITH GERMANY.

Yes I know many go to work ... but give a better choice, they'd readily tell you what they are worth.

By the way BB, note this down .... the day is not far that we rise, we will let you get some work in our Borders aswell ... hopefully it will help your economy ... and the Slavic heart is bigger than you can imagine =).

OMG Lodz the Boat is for Slavic Union

I've always been from day 1. My perspective is not same are crow on all departments.

I just thought I would think outside of the box :)

Good thought =) ... where r u from?

In any case ... we welcome to work together with nations as far as New Zealand even ... Mongolia, India, China ... so why not Germany? ...

Ofcourse... the Union would consist of Slavic States only. However, if you read my Topic Post you will notice that we welcome all cultures and knowledge ... and celebrate peace, happiness and progress. This is the reality of the Slavic lands and Poland ... we have a tendency to be better than others =).

There is also other-race slavic mixes happening in Poland and Cz or other places where you can find Slavs. They are our people and our children. A sustainable future is to be constructed ... which is not to copy from stupid failures that some of our neighbors are so renowned for.

100% Muslim color in these two wanna be Germanic locations.

I dunno whats with this one German BB guy to really indirectly attack the Slavic concept?

In any ways ... Muslims can be groomed like our good ol' Tatars. Its called the ability to control people who are in your land. With some of our neighbors are totally incapable to do =D.

Infact one Slavic girl is enough to make a Muslim turn to a lover of Slavs and work for them and the unity of people of his likes for better understanding and development.

We are a powerful group ... we just need to think intelligently and wisely. We can win and win big.



25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

We ARE concentrating on our union

I am not talking about EU here ... =)

What is your heart saying about that problem Lodz?

I wish to see the knowledge of Russians working together with the rest of the Slavs.

I would love to see Russia let Chechnya go =)

When we, the members of the Slavic union rise in strength, and show love and compassion to Russians ... I am fully confident that Russia will have to join what is their place ...among us.

Russians have many other races and cultures too ... we would love to be brothers to them ... and instill Slavic values.

Its not a foolish union ... its a union which aims to be the NEED FULFILLER of the world ... they will look up on us ... and we will accept them and be brothers with them. Not be anyones master.

Actually this is how a Slavic heart will think which maybe different then some of our HARD MINDED neighbors =) ... we dont look to be a MASTER to anyone ... but a group of men and women who holds the hand of the world and takes it another step forward in love and evolution.

Our union will guard the value of love and unity ... progressive economic independence ... and security (by security i dont mean the traditional HARD MINDED steps ... but a balanced step with heart and mind working together for the good of all).

help you one yota in the real world, with real people and their real problems.

German sentiments keep helping the world you see ... so much ... I think we Slavs have something else to offer which the world might like for a change.

U've had your chance ... now we will SURELY WORK for ours. =)
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Heart is for dreamers!

Heart is for those who know LOVE - we Poles still know inside of us that LOVE IS GOD =) (its in the Bible too ... and I found the same in other Books of God ;-) ).

Changes can come through strong and committed hearts ... mind can help ... hearts to magic =).


I LIVE the Slavic life ... I am born in it. In my family I'm the first man from whom there came a non-Slav in the house ... all are Slavic ... =) ... and happy to be warm hearted Slavs who know the beauty of us lay in our heart and our diversity! ...

hard, determined, gritty ground work.

Hard work ... without love and care in it ... is useless.

Atomic energy, without knowing its proper use is useless.

Having a baby, without knowing your responsibilities and carrying those out with love is useless.

Having power without having a heart which discusses with the mind on equal terms for salvations is useless... and dangerous =)

These are the values on which a progressive union of Slavs can stand ... and show the world including our hard-working neighbors too ... what the Slavs are all about ... and how we are the natural fragrance which can make the world look alittle more livable =)
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

any other non-Pole will lead over them.

Its called a joint leadership ... a bench of elected leaders from each of our states.

(Southern has a point here)

Why do you think you being a German or he being a Greek will know the Slavic mind better than a Slav? ... No offence but, dont you think you should concentrate on your germ-ic union?

Slavs always ruled the dreamworld

Ignorant =) ... we have capacity and capability, more importantly what many others visibly dont have = HEART! =)
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

germanic union

Not my headache ... you think about it. =)

Russia being led by Poles or Serbs

Why not? ... Russia actually is not all about Slavs ... they are one big diverse community. Which is not bad either... its good, they can add to our power. There shouldn't be a problem for them to be with us and mutually accept leadership ... their common people can I am sure.

And why do you think that only Poles will lead? ... We can have a structure of members ... a Table where the leaders sit together and decide ... leaders of all Slavic communities. The sense of unity is what will bind us all ...

German-Russian union

If it makes the Russians over-joyed ... then I guess everyone is free. It doesn't concern us then =).
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

common enemy

The Slavic Union of mine is not like that. We have friends ... and the enemies of peace and prosperity are the only enemies we have.

For a sustainable, progressive, and loving union - which cares for the impulses and feelings and rights of its people - we need to think beyond the stone age ways.