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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

and in the 2000s there was a big consensus among the German public and government that Russia was no longer an enemy,

....yeah....that too!

but Merkel's departure is bad news for the Bundeswehr and Germany's role in NATO.

I really don't think it could become worse....I don't want to!

And since the most pro-Putin party in Germany barely made it into the new Bundestag I have hopes we are not really THAT pacifist and appeasing anymore....
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

Buying gas and oil from Putin (Norsteam) to put Billions into Russia's military complex sure isn't helping either.

I can't disagree with that....

An own army would be much more expensive for Germany too, come to think of...

16 years of Merkel definitely left their bad mark! I wonder why Obama loved her so much though....he must have known too that she did sh*it for NATO and had no qualms to work with dictators!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

If the cause is just, we should draft the sons of the politicians and the rich first.

In the end that would mean the US would have no army anymore....I guess in consequence the US would be to busy somehow defending itself, without an army, than thinking about defending peoples from another continent.

Maybe then the Euros would need to come over to help? ;)

But the idea is nice...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

It doesn't mean sh*it to that widow and her kids

It will....especially if it's poor families....they will still be alot better off than many others who lost the father and the husband and the sole breadwinner!

And me...

No Euro decides if and when it's time for the soldier to uphold his part of the deal....if that consoles you!

Defending idiots in Europe - again - is not a good cause.

PS: I'm a German, that argument doesn't wash with me....just imagine the US would had Europe left alone already in WWI.....there is an argument to be made that there wouldn't be a Hitler....and no WWII.....but that would be off topic!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

The difference between all of you playing generals and me is that I see only the widows receiving neatly folded American flags.

Thing is it's a voluntary army.....nobody was gang pressed into it as it was during Vietnam....alot of them are immigrants, alot of them poor boys grabbing the chance of a regular income, a good education, good medical services and a future generally they would otherwise never have with both hands.

It's a deal....hopefully done with both eyes wide open and a clear mind!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

An interesting analysis here from yesterday's newspaper:


That leads me back to my post from a few days back after the german election....Putin had quite a good and comfy running with 16 years of Merkel....but if Baerbock only keeps half of her political statements concerning Russia and China true we are in for a big change...but that was the opposition speaking, now she is part of the gov....we have to wait and see!

(One must'n also forget that the new Chancellor will be SPD Scholz...not Baerbock)

A total dependecy on Russia as a main energy source is not very pragmatic.

Na ja....from a german viewpoint....the russian gas had been always trustworthy....even during the high times of the Cold War the Russians always delivered! So, in many ways keeping that gas vault open was a sure, safe, pragmatic thing to do!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

A new Bismarck she is not.

That is clear.....but everything else is possible....for the good and the bad!

A cheap Russian gas is pivotal for that green German plan to work.

That was clear as day for power-pragmatist Merkel....but that would make our idealists in the new government look real bad....they will likely prefer to end that dependence!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

the sanctions imposed after the novichok poisoning have not deterred him.

Because Putin has still to many friends and supporters also in Brussels....politicians who still prefer "talks and trade" with Russia (Nordstream 2 anybody?) But that would all end after a real invasion of a peaceful foreign country!

(And this time it would be a real framed "liberation" of homies)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

Putin knows that Russia without Ukraine won't be a real power.

How will it help his power invading and ruling over an hostile country? Longterm that always ever meant unending strain on the resources and tanking of the international standing....I'm not even mentioning the economical price to pay.....the EU might have no army but an economically totally sanctioned Russia will be a poor Russia very soon. And the moment his disgruntled while suffering followers start to doubt the intelligence of Putin's decisions it's only a matter of time till he's gone....
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

And he's thinking about his legacy.

Yeah....and getting his country again isolated and treated like a pariah is his goal, you think?

He could and did book Crimea under "successes" because of the Russians with the Sudetenland and Hitler....a felt huge injustice got straighened out.

But Ukraine? The Baltics? What beef have the common Russians there? How should war there help him? Don't forget the powerful russian oligarchy which wants to trade and to travel and enjoy the nice life in the West...

History has an unfortunate habit of repeating itself.

Only if the environment and the variables are the same (or at least still similiar).....but they aren't! The hot spots have moved global player have come up....
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

And thus he's going several steps further.

I doubt it....he is no Hitler....if something Putin has enough its territory and "Lebensraum".....and besides the Crimea there isn't anything else really disputed, or is there?

At least the UK and France are relatively safe,

I really don't see the future default lines between Russia and the EU or anywhere in Europe for that matter. We had our time and that is history!

The real future wars will between China and allies and the West and allies.....and in that conflict all need to chip in or all will lose....geography won't save anybody then!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

...okay guys....come down all....there won't be any nuclear war in Europe....

Crimea was alot like the Sudetenland....the West hesitated to call Putin out on it because it always has been a disputed territory with most of the people living there not especially unhappy about coming back to Mother Russia.

But that was it! Any other land grabbing will not be disputed at all...

And economical sanctions and political isolation hurt alot have seen it with Lukashenko. The only thing he will get out of it is making the EU rethink real high real stable outer borders!

PS: China wants to get back Taiwan, they will have their hands full with that soon too...
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

Heh:) That's an idea.....

And it is actually not far from the truth! No migrant dreams of living in Germany to live a green life....they dream of fast, loud, stinky cars.....they want to buy lotsa nice things in our temples of consumerism, not caring if that stuff is "fair" produced by people with acceptable wages....they want to eat meat, at least three times a day without a thought for the animals......they don't care if the groceries are "wholesome" Bio....

Living "sustainable" in accordance with nature without to much CO2 and electricity and consumption, a life full of abstinence, they could also live in whatever backward sh*tholes they just left...but thats not what they the contrary!
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

A lot will hang on Germany's new totally inexperienced foreign minister Baerbock....she is no Merkel....I hope she will end Merkel's "diplomatic style" of shady backroom deals and "phone calls" with dictators over the heads of our neighbours....

Baerbock is still more european idealism and yet alot less Merkel-power-pragmatism....that will be interesting to watch...Putin will for sure like to test her mettle!

I hope she has a plan...
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Lukashenko helped show Western pussies

Well....he showed the West how pissed off he is about those sanctions...that he did! :)

They must work, the EU would be stupid to end them now!

Poland holds the line and Lukashenko blinks:

Congrats and THANK YOU Poland! :)

Lukashenko is in an awkward position now.

I read today that he offered to help them to go home but many said into the international cameras they don't even think about leaving....really awkward!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What happened to you, BB?

Winter is gets colder by the day....I really really really wish they would go home now to avoid worse....and that Lukashenko lets them...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Could be!

It seems that the green politician Annalena Baerbock is set for the position of foreign minister (till now Heiko Maas). Beside that she has zero experience in any kind of important governmental job and isn't that close with telling (or writing) the truth generally, she is an outspoken adversary of Nord Stream 2 and not a friend of Putin at all.

Of course, being part of the government brings always some changes to some positions compared to the time in the opposition (Realpolitik!) but I could believe that Putin did put away the Champagne unopened as the news of this came out of Berlin yesterday...

'We can't allow ourselves to be blackmailed' by Russia, Annalena Baerbock said.

...The green co-leader also believes that providing Nord Stream 2 with a regulatory approval would be contrary to European rules.The Nord Stream 2 AG company, which will own and operate the pipeline, is wholly owned by Russian giant Gazprom, which goes against the EU's gas directive. "As long as that is one and the same corporation, the operating permit must not be granted," Baerbock argues. ...

Could become interesting! :)