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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 11 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 3 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3497 / Live: 2630 / Archived: 867
From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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27 Jun 2022
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

but I really wish things were back to the way they were before WW2 you know. And I wish it stayed that way.

I assume you weren't alive in that time so please remember you are only fatisizing On it.
But what exactly appeal to you in those times?
26 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Advanced incubators for really premature babies can help stop the falling birth rate

Can't fight with your logic, if only Tlum had your creativity :)
26 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Baby born at 22 weeks atm has up to 10% survival rate.

Still off topic though- those rules are here for a reason you know:)
26 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Well, you see, the thing is at the early stage of pregnancy it's not a child. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to have as few abortions as possible

As part of the left ( you should really try to be more precise) I never ever heard about lowering the age of consent. Would you be talking about USA by any chance?

But please be careful, your post has absolutely nothing to do with birth rate in Poland so you are a bit off topic here
26 Jun 2022
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

Many Silesians spoke German fluently if not as mother tongue. My own grandfather could only read in German for a long time. However he refused to teach his kids after the war. A big part of Silesia is people from Wołyń (my other grandparents) etc.

People seem to forget the part of Chech is Silesian culture.
26 Jun 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [144]

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz zmieniłby z pewnością swoje nazwisko w Niemczech na Gregor Klinger po prostu aby normalnie funkcjonować w tym kraju.

Ja tam jestem uparta i nazwiska nie zmienię!
23 Jun 2022
Language / Best books to self-study Polish? [30]

Not even that. Similar is all. The spelling, pronunciation and meaning are all different. I don't know any term that would apply... Maybe someone else does as we have really knowledgeable people here
23 Jun 2022
Language / Best books to self-study Polish? [30]

homophones in Polish, f. ex. "kat" vs."kat"

These are not homophones as far as I understand it
22 Jun 2022

This is the absolute worst part of this conflict. What it is doing to families.

I would say that people getting mimed, raped, killed etc I considerably worse
22 Jun 2022

Polish-Ukrainian friendship, long term, opens the door for Polish-Russian friendship.

Nothing further from the truth. It only brings the memory of being attacked closer.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

How do you view the man/ woman relationship?

I see any relationship as ideally complementary. If it's competitive there is not much sense in it.

Do you think femininity and masculinity have distinct characteristics?

Hmm, I would say there are certain traits that go across the board and that are usually more pronounced in one of the sexes. I'm not sure however how much is nature and how much is nurture
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

if there is a word that needs its lexical sense to be ever so slightly expanded, it's definitely "spinster".

You are not expanding it- you are changing it.

First I would have to see any proof of being sexist. As it stands all there is is a guy who throws insults here and there whenever he disagrees with someone
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Stop being a dictionary nazi.

She is not. Words have a meaning for a reason. If you start calling stairs blue it has as much sense as you calling a married women spinster. Btw- is a single women with kids spinster or not?
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

The point is to have right hierarchy of values, so that the choices we make are also right.

I think that is the main point- you judge it as right vs wrong while I marelely observe certain phenomenon and try to see the reason behind it.

More than that, I would urge everybody not to make that decision lightly as it is a huge responsibility.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I thought it was rather evident from your posts

Just because someone understands the challenges doesn't mean they are in the same boat.

you consider things like "career" and "ambitions" to be more important than having children

And that wouldn't be surprising. A women can have dreams beside raising a family. Maybe if man were more willing to put their ambition aside to raise the kids women wouldn't have to make such choices?
20 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

However, let me just take this opportunity to say that I wish that one day both of you will have lovely, beautiful and smart kids

Who said we don't?
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

You were given your childhood, your life, your education, warmth and love, and you are not going to return that

If anything one should return it to their parents. And you have better chances of doing that while not having kids.

I know many of them, they all sound like the same broken record.

And did it ever cross your mind that that in fact may be why they made such decision?
Many people told me why the did it so they must be laying.

Look, I know well enough what women say.

You just say they are lying or ignore it.
I am sure it will help increase the birth rate :)

If not why this brup?

Just to distinguish. Even if suddenly all man where able to support family comfortably on their own a lot of women would still want to work.

Where I have meation women or men?

"Women have to work?"

Women carry a baby before it is born, and then si more suitable to take care of it -- BS and bias?

Yes, BS- man are as capable at caring for a child. Saw it many times.
And yes bias- to create a child both are neede and as such man play equal role in the birth rate

Cut down on your quotes please
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

the process had indeed required the use of testicles but it still doesn't explain the phenomenon

No, but as the gender is decided by the semen and not the egg it's the testicles that would have to make the pact.

soothe one's guilty conscience.

Why would one feel guilty for not having kids? The only guilt should be if you DO have kids while not suitable for the role

As for 1-9... excuses, excuses.

Tell yourself that if it helps. Ignoring what women say about the matter will sure make them want to have kids...

women have to work

And quite often want to

But again it is funny how everything is how women don't want kids and not a word about the man.

Here is one more reason::
If sh*t hits the fan it's usually the women that ends up qith all the care for the kids.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

How do wombs all around Poland synchronize and say to each other. Nature truly is amazing

More testicles. But yes, such phenomenons are amazing.

As to birth rate. Let's start qith the fact that not even one of you tried to put a man in it. It takes two to tango.

But as to women:

1- the miracles of quite reliable contraception

2- the possibilities open to women

3- the stability- in Poland if something goes wrong you are f***Ed In UK (where the birth rate among Polish women is higher) you do have a safety net e.g. a women was 4 months pregnant with a second kid, lost her job; a month earlier her partner lost his job. UK gov helped.

4- tools that help raise the kids- nurseries, affordable activities e.t.c.

5- pregnancy and after birth care- while medically top notch the treatment is a different matter and scares women like hell

6- very unequal division of work in running a family

7- higher expectations when raising a kid and less of a support network

8- Less women care what people think and ignore the 'she's single/ childless because she's ugly/nasty etc ' and live their life as they really want to

9- people are more picky in choosing a partner which can make it hard to still have kids
14 Jun 2022
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

It is not set in stone.

But it is still an agreement and serious partners don't turn around after few minutes and say 'I don't like an I will do as suits me'.

The Good Friday Agreement takes legal precedence over any other,

That is something British government should have thought about. EU is not a side to that agreement.

The people of Northern Ireland wasn't to change it.

Then why the party that doesn't think it's necessary got the most seats?

Not to mention that their will is not some magic word that makes it ok not to be a serious partner in agreement.
14 Jun 2022
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

The whole Brexit negotiations on Brexit were a big joke and this is just another act.

Boris signed it himself but because the NI elections he now wants to change it. Does anyone believe that something that couldn't be sorted by months of negotiations can be solved by Boris Johnson's government alone? Pure joke
12 Jun 2022
Food / Poland-Tea or coffee land? [119]

I don't drink much nowadays. Although when I was in Kraków in October I drunk few beers and felt awful the next day
12 Jun 2022
Food / Poland-Tea or coffee land? [119]

teas, judicious use of lemon - two cups of - back to work.

I was having On hot tea, one ice tea, one hot, one ice...and so on. My hangovers are a whole day affair :D