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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 55 mins ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11662 / Live: 3917 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

stench and mysterious discoloration: on the Oder with the "carcass fishermen"

South of Szczecin, the mysterious death of fish in the Oder is getting worse. Volunteer firefighters pull hundreds of kilos of dead zander, pike and whitefish out of the river. Now they also report strange discolorations on the dead fish; and no one can explain them.

Discolorations? Isn't that a sign of poisoning?
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

Poland rules out heavy metals as cause of fish kills

....However, the analyzes indicated increased salt levels in the water and thus agreed with the findings of the German authorities, Moskwa told the PAP news agency. »The high salinity of the Oder may have activated other toxic substances in the water or in the bottom sediment. The toxicological analysis of the fish will help identify any contaminants that may have contributed to the deaths of the animals." .....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

Poor fishies...I don't wanna know what they had to go through in their last moments! 😔

I really hope they get the culprits! 😠

Poland is offering high rewards for clarifying the fish deaths

The Polish government promises more than 200,000 euros for information on the perpetrators. German authorities warn that polluted water is reaching the Baltic Sea. ....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88] seems Germany installed restrictions as recently as 2020....

Germany: amendment to the Fertilizer Regulation approved

...Among the new restrictions on fertilizing in zones declared nitrate vulnerable, (the entry into force of which is postponed until January 1, 2021) are a 20% reduction in the average amount of fertilizer required --> [allowed?] per farm, a limit of 170 kg/hectare and per plot for applying nitrogen from organic fertilizers, the extension of rest periods, as well as a ban on autumn fertilization.....

I don't know about Poland.....but it seems to late for the Oder now anyhow....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

By the way the Baltic is done for

....seems like it! :(

Fish kills in the Oder could affect the Baltic Sea

The investigations into fish kills in the Oder are ongoing. Authorities have found a high amount of salts dissolved in the water and warn of the impact on the Baltic Sea. ....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

Massive deaths of fish in the Oder

Poland is offering a reward for information about the perpetrator

Because of the fish in the Oder , Poland has offered a high reward for information leading to the arrest of a perpetrator. The police have offered a sum of the equivalent of 210,000 euros, said Deputy Interior Minister Marcin Wasik on Saturday in Gorzow Wielkopolski. ....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

"Environmental catastrophe of unprecedented proportions"

Fish kills could spread to the Baltic Sea

It is still unclear why masses of fish are dying in the Oder. However, the burdens are apparently spreading further: they could reach the Szczecin Lagoon as early as Saturday evening.

Oh boy..... :(
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]


That with mercury was just a guess made by one german politician....nobody knows anything right now, we all wait for that polish institute


In Germany, there had previously been speculation about mercury contamination of the Oder. The Brandenburg Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) confirmed reports that mercury pollution had been found in the Oder. "But at the moment we can't say that mercury is responsible for the death of the fish," Vogel said.

We don't know at the moment how they really died.


... So far, the State Research Institute in Pulawy has not received any fish, head Krzysztof Niemczuk told the PAP news agency.

There are so many substances that could have caused fish kills that at this point we cannot say what could be the cause.

..... will take YEARS for our river to recover from that, that's for sure!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2022
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

remove any minority status of Germans in Poland ja....the Danes for example got their minority status because of shifting borders....they stayed where they were only that now new borders made them Germans.

The Germans in what is now Poland (I'm talking Schlesien and Ostpreußen here) deserve their minority status the same. That happens when people find themselves as foreigners in another country without their doing.

Poland expanded westwards mightily...many Germans fled, some stayed.

Poles during the partitions living in the German Reich would had definitely deserved minority status, if such thing had existed back then. Poles after the annexations after WWII surely not. The Poles now in Germany moved there, immigrated...they chose actively to live in another country (or their parents did).

If modern Poles should get minority status, which immigrant wouldn't. Any arab/african muslim immigrant could demand the same....
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2022
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

There is still the little question of the "Berlinka".....

+ Germany's refusal of accepting any Pole as a minority status in Germany.

Why should they? Sorbs in the Lausitz and Danes in Schleswig have it, because they are kinda Natives....Turks and other don't, they are immigrated. Diaspora is a better name....
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

Russia: (estimated) 1,412,425 Ukrainian refugees recorded.

Interesting info about that:

The mouth of a bear': Ukrainian refugees sent to Russia

...Nearly 2 million Ukrainians refugees have been sent to Russia, according to both Ukrainian and Russian officials. Ukraine portrays these journeys as forced transfers to enemy soil, which is considered a war crime. Russia calls them humanitarian evacuations of war victims who already speak Russian and are grateful for a new home. ...

I wondered myself why Ukrainians would choose it seems it's not at all so clear a choice....
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jul 2022
News / Chances that Visegrad countries move out of NATO and EU if security situation in Europe further aggravate ? [26]

Judging by the behave of Hungary and considering Visegrad countries are mostly Slavic,

Crowie, I fear Putin sh'its on his slavic brethren....I think that common heritage means nothing to him at all.

Don't waste your enthusiasm on him, he is damaging your cause. He is for Slavs what Hitler was for Germanics, he throws it all in the bin, gives all of it a bad name!
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jul 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Bayern didn't treat him right.....
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Jul 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [167]

Merkel was okey.

Merkel was so not okay.....but she had the support of most of the media.....that's why all her catastrophical misjudgements were glossed over and she was voted into office again and again.

catstrophic failure of the German political class big parts of the media!

There is not much difference between Putin's media and Germany's media.....only one is censored forcefully, the other are voluntarily boot lickers of the rulers.

I know what's worse!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Monuments for stupidly spent resources. goes that saying.....who laughs last laughs best? Loudest? Longest?

Right now you are laughing.....partly because of our own stupidity....but don' count us out....NEVER!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

So, upcoming winter will be great experiment, how long white man can survive on a dollar porridge prepared on a dollar bills fire.

The upcoming winter will show everybody how important our own renewable energy supply is....the upcomping hardships willl prove once and for all that our dependence on countries like Russia and China is a no go and needs to be stopped and reversed.

The upcoming winter will have consequences for decades to come, it will change our economical and energetically outlook....

But one thing will not happen, that we afterwards go back to how things have been done before....for countries desperate to sell their natural resources because they lack everything else it will be long term catastrophically when their services and goods are not needed nor wanted anymore.

It's the same as with NATO, Putin only strenghtened this alliance with his invasion...made NATO bigger, and more important than ever before, also with matters of oil and gas and other natural resources it will be an own goal of epic proportions.

The worse the upcoming winter becomes the sooner that happens!

...but somehow Russians lack the foresight to plan and think beyond the next year....
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

With Russia, it would mean no more looting of resources in exchange for banker' mouse clicks

You mean "selling"? Selling natural resources you didn't earn, you just posess? For hard money you then use to buy stuff you yourself can't produce?

You mean TRADE?

What's wrong with you.....keep your resources to yourself and do without all the western money and stuff, let's see how far you will come in a few years!

We don't need almost anything.


You want to look like North Korea? You will also need to build a huge wall to keep all those Russians in who would rather prefer to relocate to somewhere else....
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

and Russians have come to take their fair share from them.

Excuse me?

Russia is such a huge country, full of resources.....what do you need from anybody else? China likewise....and Africa is a frickin continent!

Do you mean tinies like Germany? Or Israel??? Do you need THEIR resources too? What are you talking about?
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

So...Sweden was some kind of role model but no polish King dared to emulate it? Interesting!

But I dunno if that explains what later happened, after all most other european Crowns didn't follow the swedish model and still kept their empires together....hmmm....