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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

"He could kill you... but he didn't!" What a great guy! lol ;P

What's "lol" about it? Rarely made ONE MAN alone such a difference in history...because "he didn't"!

I doubt that was his intention.

Probably not, that would had made him a "white" guy....and then nothing of this would had happened at all.

I don't know, BB, that's speculation, I think.

Buth thought worthy....

But that's not enough for Lithuanians to build statues of him and sing songs about him,

Nobody demands that, but seeing the big picture is necessary to make a good judgement!

Without Gorbatschov the Sovietunion would still exist, many Russians hate him for this. Uprisings and independence fights would had beaten down bloodily....we all here wouldn't had met and know each other....PF wouldn't exist....our all lives changed for the better because of him! Yes also the lives of the baltic republics!

How he did that, how it came to that, if he was saintly or devilish doesn't matter at all in hindsight...just try to imagine some hardcore nutter in his place.

Anything else is denial!

Cut down on your quotes please
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Perestroika and glasnost ring a bell? he rose through the ranks! Imagine the nomenklatura would had known he would dissolve the way!

but also from the perspective of Lithuanians, Estonians, Latvians, etc. This is called empathy.

Without him even they would have it much worse today! The Sovietunion would (probably) still exist and they would be still part of it. They shouldn't forget that! NOT infatuated!!!! 😲
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Not black, not white either, but gray...

Just imagine for a minute someone else in his position, at this time, someone "black"...Europe would today look much different, much worse!

Alone for that, "grayish" or not, he deserves eternal respect! And maybe it needed to be a grayish character to get into this place at this time....someone "white" would never had made it up so high in the party and in the Kremlin!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Well....and because of that we should forget what he did for Germany?

There is no way one judgement would be right for everything....but calling him a bad guy would be totally wrong!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Gorbachev was not one of the good huys.

He could have supported the East-Berlin regime as they asked for help, but he didn't! He could had send the soviet panzer rolling as in 1953 or Hungary 1956, but he didn't! And he must have known what that would mean for the soviet colony GDR...the End!

That makes him for Germans a good guy forever....
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

From a day one that PiS came to power in Poland there was issue after issue.

...and from that you conclude it's Germany's fault? Not maybe PiS???

Like forcing LGBT ideology, Green nonsense and so on..

....and that is a reason to start a war again???? What makes K different to Putin? His followers use the same arguments actually....

All those are about to end and that is a problem for Germany.

And K cares so much about it to demand reparations???

See what will happend will German fat cats make their people suffer or they will take a lose and give up on 'green' course.

.....and this is a good reason to....for what actually?

You still have to explain to me what all this has to do with K's insane reparation demands, really!

Cut down on the number of quotes please
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

they are usually poorly adopted to Russian climate conditions

....then it's for the better they will be used mainly in some central european climate! ;)

No, Germany needs to contribute some of its soldiers too - preferably more from the Northeast, and less from the Southwest :))

I'm sure we can scrape something together...

Do you accept women too? The Bundeswehr has them now....
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

There is no guarantee that that issue would be used whenever it will suits Germans to put some pressure on Poland or just becasue.

Well....YOU started it....again!

It's YOUR nutters who keep brining that up again and again whenever it fits them...for Germany that case is truly closed!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

are you really that dumb? the germans still feel too guilty about ww2

That little essay in a german news outlet might then interest's from 2019 as this came up again:

Reparations for Poland - then the eastern territories should also be on the table

...80 years after the beginning of the war, I think it is far exaggerated and inappropriate to make demands on the post-war generations again. Around 1/3 of the Polish territory was once Germany. The value of the real estate of the private and public properties according to today's standards as well as the exploited mineral resources such as the Silesian coal would already constitute an overcompensation of the damage. In addition, there are industrial plants and residential buildings on a considerable scale, which were occupied by Poles without compensation. Germany is the wrong contact person. Poland should turn here to Belarus and the Ukraine, which, as successor states to the Soviet Union, incorporated large areas of Poland and took Silesian coal in the post-war period. For Russia/Belarus/Ukraine, the Hitler-Stalin Pact continues to exist as far as their own territorial claims are concerned. In this respect, it is appropriate for the Federal Government to make a corresponding announcement once and for all. .

As a member of the post-war generation, I don't see it being liable for the misdeeds of my ancestors with the tax money we earned. If Poland doesn't accept that, then Poland and Russia should give us back our territory. Then you can talk about compensation. But not like this. Incidentally, Poland occupied far more than the areas beyond the Oder and Neisse. For example, the areas west of the Oder around the cities of Stettin and Pölitz and the eastern part of the island of Usedom with the city of Swinemünde. If Poland wants to unpack the package, everything has to be put on the table and included. Then the balance for Poland would probably be very bad. It would be better for Poland: keep quiet. ...


So...I wouldn't be so sure to count on the war guilt of the Germans whereas you keep on to behave like a nutter, an arsehole....just saying!

Putin did invade Ukraine for unresolved territorial questions...Poland to open this can of worms now on it's other side is just plain insane!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

There was no closure, not any real closure! That's the point!

You subscribe to closure treaties aka become a member of the EU (and with that get a gazillion on support monies / alot of that german monies!) and that case ist well and truly closed for good!

You do all that but still come around with some new claims every few years nonetheless is just bad, disingenuous behaviour....
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

closure is never likely to occur unless both sides resolve somehow to accept a realistic truce agreeable to all parties.

We already had peace and closure...and a common EU membership forbids such claims....but then came K. who just gives a sh*t!

It's not much difference to bad apple in power can rot the whole basket!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]


....I'm not gonna miss him, that's for sure!

And I still think that Kaczynski should demand something like $100 trillion.

He is so bad for german-polish Twitter they are asking already for the #Ostgebiete back or nutters are calculating that the worth of the territories is so high that Germany could demand monies from Poland back instead etc....

*big heartfelt sigh*
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

but we must let this drama play itself out

....again! *sighs* (That isn't the first time)

One could expect a Union to stand together in times of crisis....or not!

....but maybe that is the payback for Germany's now quite stupid hanging on that "Wandel durch Handel" idea?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

That's asinine....that will go nowhere and everybody and their grandmom knows that....can we please end it here?

...Germany, on the other hand, sees no basis for Polish claims for reparations. "The position of the federal government is unchanged. The question of reparations is closed," said a spokesman for the Foreign Office on Thursday in Berlin. Poland had already waived further reparations in 1953 and confirmed this waiver several times. »This is an essential basis for the current order in Europe. Politically and morally, Germany stands by its responsibility for the Second World War," the spokesman continued.

This waiving is one of the foundations of the European Union....or otherwise that just wouldn't work. Every country could start going for old grudges and borders...
Bratwurst Boy   
31 Aug 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

He was a true communist who DID try to save communism from collapse.

People can change....there had always been the hardcore believers and the opportunists.....Gorbatschow was never hardcore. He made career through the means available to him in this place and time.

But as he had to decide he chose the people, not the ideology and not the power...his biggest achievement!

Russia can't be destroyed from the outside, it has to be from the inside...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Aug 2022
History / Communist memorials in Poland [50]

There is some precedent for it in PL; the German cemetery in Tarnowo Podgórne had the stones removed....

When was that? Do you know?
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

They talk about algae now too:

Poison from golden algae detected in the Oder

Analyzes confirm the suspicion that the poison of an algal species widespread in the Oder is behind the fish and mussel deaths. The golden alga is a natural phenomenon, but not in a freshwater river. ....

Now it is clear what was fatal to the animals in the Oder: a species of algae that is native to brackish water, which consists of salt and fresh water. The assumptions about the suspected cause of the mass death of fish, mussels and snails have thus been confirmed the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) on Friday in Berlin. The algae species Prymnesium parvum do not occur in large numbers under natural conditions on the affected river sections. To do this, they need a salt content that can only be caused by industrial discharges. ....

Bratwurst Boy   
19 Aug 2022
Feedback / The birthday of Polish Forums [31]

Joined 2 Apr 2007

...and always the same username....BEAT THAT!!!! 😎
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

In Silesia

Mystery of the poisoned Or solved? Mining group discharged salt water

German and Polish authorities are still puzzling over the reason for the mass deaths of fish in the Oder. Now a Polish politician announces: A Silesian mining company is the possible cause of the ecological catastrophe!

The mining group KGHM has piped huge amounts of salt water into the Oder near Glogau (Silesia), MP Piotr Borys from the liberal opposition alliance KO reported on Thursday in the Polish daily newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza".

KGHM mines copper, silver, but also rock salt. Waste water is produced during processing.

After an inspection visit, politician Borys explained: Between July 29 and August 10, large quantities of salt water flowed from the KGHM mines via the Zelazny Most reservoir into the Oder. ...
