History /
What do Poles think about Turks? [761]
I am Greek
No way.The opinions you express are not expressed by Greeks of whatever party.
I find it stupid that you talk so much about IQ. when we don't look good in this statistics.
Why?I am also not glad about statistics but this is the truth.These are the genes.We have to recognize our weaknesses.
I find it stupid that you talk about Slavic nations as about one nation when we see that there are enormous differences between them. Look on this table Poles Serbs and Russians...
Slavic nations are close linguistically,culturally etc.Let's say western Slavs are more Europeanized,eastern Slavs have an Asiatic influence and south Slavs have Mediterranean temperament.
The differences in IQ can be explained.
Poles as the purest Slavs have the highest IQ among them.
Russian IQ is lowered due to tartaric mix which came from folks with lower IQ.
Serbian IQ is lowered due to same reasons working out in Greece,that is
1.Albanian mix
2.Negative natural selection for centuries during Turkish occupation.
3.The Serbs have also the disadvantage that the old folks living there were not so developed as the ancient Greeks were,so illyrian,dardanian etc IQ was definitely lower than ancient Greek IQ,since many Serbs have originn from the people who lived there before the Slavs came,their IQ is influenced accordingly.
However culturally the Serbs belong to Slavs and by separating from Albanians,overthrowing Turkish occupation,their IQ has started to get up as well.