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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]
Who said they voted for PO?
Who is who ;P Anyway, I didn't know you are Julien's gossip girl and, as you can see, I wrote about the whole opposition being fekked by PO. And thats exactly what will happen if all that screaming about deadly postal elections ends up in changing of their candidate. Btw, they are screwed because Hołownia, Kosiniak together with Kamysz and Biedron divided their voters between themselves. Hołownia is doing very well because PO is not doing so well... so go figure.
Hey numnut, the thread is about presidential elections, but if you prefer to discuss bastards in a given party, tell me something about your old/new friends,Lukasz-M-i-Piotr-Z-Kim-sa-byli-politycy-PO-skazani-za-pedofilie