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Posts by jarnowa  

Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

And just out of curiosity, do you think they include Poland when they talk about Eastern Europeans?

Now this is ridiculous. Every time i mentioned the ugly facts about some groups, you denied it and accused me of racism or you're asked for links.

Now that i've given reliable evidence, you see that you failed and instead of admitting and apologizing, all you can do is start talking about the only white group that is mentioned in this report.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

You haven't shown that.

By googling just 1 minute i already found a very interesting result. This one is for Netherlands but the situation for Belgium and other countries in Western Europe is very similar:

Based on the overall number of Antilleans residing in the Netherlands, Antilleans appear to have the highest crime rates for all types of crime.


Moroccans, who have the highest overall crime rates after the Antilleans


Apart from the immigrant groups mentioned above also Sub-Saharan Africans, people coming from Arab countries, East Europeans, South Asians and Latin Americans are suspected of crimes considerably above average.

What especially catches the eye is the relatively high rate of property crimes committed by East Europeans, the high sex-offence rate of Sub-Saharan Africans, immigrants from Arab Countries and South Asians and the high drugs crime rate of Latin Americans.

Western immigrants, South-East Asians, East Asians and native Dutch people have crime rates below the Dutch average.

source: tion-ethnicity-and-types-of-crime.aspx?cp=35&cs=1578&action=0

How would a poor person, with little education know about STDs?

In Africa, thanks to Western aid, condoms are free or very cheap and everyone is educated about STD's. So i'm sure it's not the education or the lack of condoms, it's choosing to do risky things like having unprotected (anal) sex, cheating on their partners, animal sex.

you are not even Slavic.

Unfortunately not, but i'm European so i have more rights to live in Europe than any person from ME or Africa.
21 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Maybe you can answer the same question that i asked your black brotha paulinska:

even if the facts show that some groups are more criminal (see W-Europe crime statistics) or have looser sexual values and more std's (source: UN reports) you still point the finger to people who don't want to welcome these people in their territory?

21 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

people in Europe who have to suffer the problems caused by 3rd world immigrants.

It's more interesting why you always behave like an ostrich when we are talking about 3rd world immigrants. You really don't see that crime, sexual harrassment, misuse of social securirty, violence etc. have increased in every country that was so stupid to let in more than a few 3rd world immigrants?


You know i'm telling the truth, so i don't see a point in googling them.
21 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Thats why there's a criteria for getting into parliament or even becoming a Minister - these people are more sensible and reasonable than the ordinary - que jarnowa. Thats why they're entrusted with decision making and policy implementations.

Now we all know what the UN stands for.
We all have dreams, there's nothing wrong with having this dream Jarnowa, unfortunately a dream is what it is - just a dream. Reality does bite though, does it?

It's not a neutral organisation, it's a socialist pro-immigration institute. When EU would close the borders for muslims or 3rd world people in general, the UN will cry about a violation of human rights, not giving a sh#t about people in Europe who have to suffer the problems caused by 3rd world immigrants. I can't take them seriously.

Thats the whole point - People are here legitimately - Study, work, settle etc! I see your planes leaving for Africa full of tourists and expats!

I was talking about those who are illegal even according to the current left-wing immigration laws. It says a lot about you that you don't want these illegals to be deported to their own countries.

This i have answered too, you have problems reading due to your low IQ or what?

I really dont give a rat's ass what your reasons were - you're a foreigner and i repeat NOT POLISH! You would stand a chance to be listened to if you protested in your OWN country. Now you're being so mouthy abt foreigners and yet you're just one of them. Low IQ? thats very irrelevant! i know who i am, the question is, Do you know who you're?

Migrating between EU countries is completely different because inner EU borders are open which is supported by a large majority of European people, unlike 3rd world migration to EU.

This is a social issue - Why do you expect your neighbour to sort out your household problems. If you're man enough then this shouldnt happen really. If and if you Looked after your missus properly, i doubt she would go looking over your neighbours' fences. And again your personal failure is always going to be someone else's fault. very typical!

So even if the facts show that some groups are more criminal (see W-Europe crime statistics) or have looser sexual values and more std's (source: UN reports) you still point the finger to people who don't want to welcome these people in their territory? You clown! :D
20 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

People who come over and bust their ass and integrate, I'd be happy to call them neighbor.

Even if they are integrated, they are still a major problem. Welfare benefits, stealing jobs, stealing women, etc.

I posted a un report about Cameroonese of which 90% are unfaithfull to their partner. You want such a guy as your neighbour when you are working and your wife is at home?
20 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Thats just the beginning, you'll see more and more until u cant bear it anymore..

I heard this threat before from other blacks. It proves that you are fully aware you offend people by invading their territory.

There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

The only reason you say this is because you want whites to think resistance is futile. It isn't. More and more people see that multiculturalism is terrible and they want politicians to close the borders for non-Europeans.

If you don't like being around people of different races, then may be you shouldnt be amongst people! Afterall, Hate is at heart, who knows what you'll hate next after the blacks and the arabs??......may be blue eyed white people!

I said i a million times before, i have nothing against blacks and arabs who stay in their own territories. I only have problems with them if they come to Europe because it is Kaukasian territory.

I'm starting to think this hate of yours steams from some horrible past experiences. Why did u leave your country to come to Poland in the first place?!

This i have answered too, you have problems reading due to your low IQ or what?

YOU CANT FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM - get a grip before you totally lose it!

Of course you can. If you come in boats to Europe we can welcome you with a torpedo. If you are found illegal in Europe we can put you in a freight plane to Africa, no problem.

So it can be stopped as soon as there is a right-wing majority in EU parliament.
19 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

For how long have you been living in Poland? How old are you?

It's quite offtopic. :)
More ontopic is how to stop 3rd world students from misusing their temporary visa. I mean by marrying a Polish woman to get permanent access to Poland/Europe.

I think they should made a law that student and business visa can never be followed up/changed to a permanent visa. So even if this "temporary" immigrant marries a Polish woman, he will still have to leave Poland when his temp. visa expires.

Poland should really be tough to people who misuse the system. Many of them just apply for a student/business visa because it's easier and faster than by seeking asylum.

These days i see more and more blacks in my city and i really don't like. I used to see 2 per week, now i see 2 per day. :(

What you say about multiculturalism, you seem to have more critic to people warning against it than to people who want to destroy slavic culture by promoting multiculturalsim, so i thought i knew which side you are on. Maybe i was wrong. :)
18 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Neither do we feel that we're owed anything!!

Someone coming to Poland for studies pays full dues as an international student, money which the Government uses to keep those trams running before u can get on them!!

Can't you read, the money from a few hundred African students is nothing compared to the money from millions of Polish students and taxpayers and from working Europeans like me.

Oh, Out of curiosity, would you know why the Polish government has over 15 embassies in Africa, let alone the rest of the world????

So what? Does it mean Poland should allow any African to live here apart from a few embassy workers? Of course not.

Poland needs foreigners - White or Black!! It's all about the Benjamins (Zloty)!!!!

Poland doesn't need Africans or Arabs. There's more than enough high educated people from European countries who like to work in Poland. If not from EU, there are thousands of people waiting in former Sovjet Republics.

And i'm sure Kaukasian people are far more welcome than Africans, Indians or Arabs.

So Poland and Europe don't need you. Of course i understand why you like to spread this socialist lie. You want Europeans to give up their natural drift to defend their territory by pretending there's no threat. But Western and Northern Europe (that already have suffered from 3rd world immigration) prove that mass immigration is a big threat. And to prevent mass immigration it's a smart thing to stop it when immigration is still relatively low. The longer Poland waits, the more difficult it will become to prevent another multicultural disaster.
17 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

There are 2 sides 2 every coin. Poles benefitted from the opening up of the EU so why can't Africans do likewise? I do hear what jarnowa is saying too but largely as a cautionary tale of what could be.

Simple, because Africans didn't create the EU. So why let Africans benefit?

Remember, no European living now has something to do with slavery, so we owe them nothing.
17 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

I live in Toronto- a multicultural fairyland- and I can say it sucks. Therefore I don't want too many n'iggas in Warsaw.

i lived many years in multicultural Antwerp, then a few years in multicultural Rotterdam and i agree it sucks. the biggest reason that i stay in PL after losing my Polish gf is that i had more than enough of sharing my living space with 3rd world immigrants.

to my disgust, i see more and more of them coming eastwards. :(
17 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Jarnowa, U're full of it..U're just a pile of crap! If u're a racist, then be it but dont ignorantly post your own sentiments on behalf of the whole Country.

Another lowlife that deliberately uses the r-word to try and stop anti-immigration opinions.
Sorry, you failed like the rest of your brothas.

I lived in Krakow for a year and the only racist fiasco i ever counted was when two pissed polish boys called me names!! It's fair to say this was 4 o'clock in the morning and It must have been one of those demonic moments that take over the Poles after countless rounds of vodka!! - B'se i didnt react to them, believe it or not; 5 minutes down the road, they were fighting each other.

You are naive if you think that something doesn't exist because you don't see it. I met more than enough Polish people who don't like blacks that come to Poland.

Allowing foreign students/businessmen into Poland is very beneficial to the Economy.

That's utter crap. Poland has millions of students and business men/women, they don't need the money of a few hundred of African students and workers. You make yourself ridiculous. Most 3rd world people in Poland can be missed like a toothache.

Jarnowa, the immigration thing is far much bigger than you. Poland needs it to sustain growth. Look at how many international corporate companies availing jobs to the poles.
Wake up man - Be civilised!!!

Most of these international companies are not founded in 3rd world, so again you are telling lies.
12 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

I'm not thinking you want to scare me, I am thinking you're a depraved racist.

Just because i want Europe to stay European?

I wrote before, i only have a problem with blacks if they are criminal or if they choose to live in white territories.

Many parts of the world are for 99.9 homogenous. Sub-saharan Africa is for 99.9% black, India is for 99.9% Indian, China is for 99.9% Chinese. And none of them want their population to become 10% white.

And you call people like me racist just because i want Europe to stay for 99.9% European = Kaukasian?
12 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

If they are working / willing to work, integrate and aren't criminal they are welcome. If not, kick them out.

Thanks for welcoming me, i'm integrated and i am not a criminal.
Where can i meet you to receive the keys of your house?

Doesn't mean they're all staying there.

I even saw a negroe with young children, so they start raising their kids here because they expect that Polish cities will soon be flooded with hundreds if not thousands extra blacks, comparable to the Paris, London, Amsterdam.

For those who think i just want to scare people, no left-wing EU is actively trying to divert more 3rd world goldseekers to Central/Eastern Europe. They want the rest of Europe to accept the same amount of asylum seekers as the west. They won't stop until every country has 10-20% non-Europeans.
7 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

Nope, they are not welcomed, and they will never be

What about European citizens. They usually have something to offer that benefits Polish economy, e.g. teaching of English and some specific skills that are hard to find in Poland.

The useless immigrants are people from Africa and Middle East. Most of them have very little to offer and only take jobs that leaves Polish people jobless.
2 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Dude, you don't speak Polish and you started 2 racist threads on this forum and now suddenly you're concerned about the well-being of black people and Arabs?

He/she asks about the safety situation. I am more than happy to tell this student that anti-immigration sentiments are on the rise, like in most European countries. :)

And Miguel, of course i live in a Polish city. Otherwise i wouldn't write about safety situation in Poland.

You are living in Bogota i suppose?
2 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

i have seen White Pride written on a few walls in my city :) and at least a third of the Poles i know have serious problems with blacks and arab invasion of their country.

and i'm sure opposition against 3rd world people invading Poland will only get stronger.

soon i expect Polish cities to be unsafe for 3rd world people, just like Moscow.
so be warned or find yourself in a Polish hospital one day.
24 Mar 2010
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Are you a neonazi Jarnowa?


but i don't judge a website based on the fact that it has some neonazi members.

So if they are against multiculturalism and not against neonazis, that's okay?

It doesn't matter whether mods of stormfront are neonazi's or not. what counts is the actual contents of the website. if they post shocking things about multicultural Europe, it's worth linking to them. whether you like it or not.
22 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

Every time i visit Krakow i see more non-Europeans, especially negroes and turks. :(

So yes, foreigners feel very welcome in Poland. Too welcome.
15 Feb 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

haha, in essence

in Krakow you will hear a song like 'living on a prayer' so many times that you almost start thinking that it was just released instead of 1980 something!
15 Feb 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

i like Poland very much, but 3 things that i don't like:

-in most supermarkets you won't find nice Asian food.
-many clubs play the same music all the time.
-not enough people see the dangers of 3rd world immigration.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

You really are an idiot of the highest order, I am actually impressed how stupid you are.

i would like to see your face if your dream job was DJ and the job was given to some caribean immigrant because some idiot thinks it's more cool to have a black DJ.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

So how do you stop racism? Stop importing people

I fully agree.

Especially if they have things that Polish people don't have.

Look at wildlife.
Predators usually have a territory. If another animal is invading their territory, the predator often won't accept this. The invader will be treated hostile, especially if the invader is of the same species (and thus a competitor) or if the invader might be a safety threat, or both.

Immigrants coming to Europe do the same thing: invading the territory of others. And they also want the same money, jobs, houses, rights, women as the native Europeans. And some groups also have a lot of criminals among them. Just like in the animal world, that's asking for trouble.

The so-called "racists" are the Europeans who see that their interests/way of life/culture is getting compromised by these invaders and thus want them to get them out of their country. Nothing wrong with this, it's all natural. :)
19 Jan 2010
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

It's perfectly normal.


and above that, don't forget that in many cases of "racism" it's the immigrant who caused the problem.

for example, i've seen a black DJ in Poland.
i can imagine some white guys will not like him because he has a popular job whilst not even being Polish!
29 Dec 2009
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

I heard big cities are more racist than towns

who told you this crap?

They don't necessarily think that all negroes are bad people (=racism), you only know that they don't like negroes coming to Poland. Maybe they also don't like Russians coming to Poland.

So you should apologize for calling so many Poles racists.

My husband went to Sweden and absolutely loved it. He didn't observe any "giraffe syndrome" there -in contrary to Poland.

That's because the Swedish government brainwashes everyone from school age that being critical towards negroes or arabs is "racist".