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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]
Thats why there's a criteria for getting into parliament or even becoming a Minister - these people are more sensible and reasonable than the ordinary - que jarnowa. Thats why they're entrusted with decision making and policy implementations.
Now we all know what the UN stands for.
We all have dreams, there's nothing wrong with having this dream Jarnowa, unfortunately a dream is what it is - just a dream. Reality does bite though, does it?
It's not a neutral organisation, it's a socialist pro-immigration institute. When EU would close the borders for muslims or 3rd world people in general, the UN will cry about a violation of human rights, not giving a sh#t about people in Europe who have to suffer the problems caused by 3rd world immigrants. I can't take them seriously.
Thats the whole point - People are here legitimately - Study, work, settle etc! I see your planes leaving for Africa full of tourists and expats!
I was talking about those who are illegal even according to the current left-wing immigration laws. It says a lot about you that you don't want these illegals to be deported to their own countries.
This i have answered too, you have problems reading due to your low IQ or what?
I really dont give a rat's ass what your reasons were - you're a foreigner and i repeat NOT POLISH! You would stand a chance to be listened to if you protested in your OWN country. Now you're being so mouthy abt foreigners and yet you're just one of them. Low IQ? thats very irrelevant! i know who i am, the question is, Do you know who you're?
Migrating between EU countries is completely different because inner EU borders are open which is supported by a large majority of European people, unlike 3rd world migration to EU.
This is a social issue - Why do you expect your neighbour to sort out your household problems. If you're man enough then this shouldnt happen really. If and if you Looked after your missus properly, i doubt she would go looking over your neighbours' fences. And again your personal failure is always going to be someone else's fault. very typical!
So even if the facts show that some groups are more criminal (see W-Europe crime statistics) or have looser sexual values and more std's (source: UN reports) you still point the finger to people who don't want to welcome these people in their territory? You clown! :D