The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by richasis  

Joined: 25 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Dec 2019
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20 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Maybe they "had to get married" if you know what I mean? :)

I know exactly what you mean. And to think, it was all about 'me' :)
20 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I am sure there will be instances of Jews marrying non-Jews and vice versa, love knows after all no religion

I am living proof of this. I can't say it was necessarily 'love', but it was perhaps 'convenience'.
20 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

So me as a white guy could go to South Africa and start a company and run it myself?

Perhaps if you could stay alive long enough to do so.

South Africa has a very high level of crime. Crime is the primary security threat for travellers.

Violent crimes, including rape and murder, routinely occur and have involved foreigners. Muggings, armed assaults and theft are also frequent and are often high in areas popular with tourists. Carjackings and cases of robbery and assault have been reported as well.

Armed robberies at shopping malls increase in the lead-up to and during the Christmas period. Should you be confronted by an armed individual, immediately comply, avoid making sudden movements, and do not offer any form of resistance.

The South African Police Service does not have "Tourist Police." Criminals, however, have posed as "Tourist Police" to extort and rob tourists, including by stopping tourist buses to check proof of identity and search luggage.

Internet Source: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (

Fans pass on World Cup. Safety fears...behind reluctance to visit S. Africa
Internet Source:

Nelson Mandela sings about killing Whites
19 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Wrong. I know about people that travel to Poland just to have fun with the girls and that's all they want to do there.

When I was in Poland, I spoke to some 'tourists' (from Cameroon) at a nightclub in Warsaw and when I asked them the purpose of their visit, they said (and I'm quoting) "to f**k some Polish b****es."

The two later left arm-in-arm with three (rather attractive) Polish girls (presumably) for this intended purpose of their visit. Just Sayin'...
19 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Might I suggest you refrain from commenting on the immigration situation in the Netherlands, cause obviously you know preciously little about it

And, I couldn't care less...just because.

(but probably you know preciously little about anything anyway - the only thing I generally read from you are simple platitudes)

As always, I'm happy to help.

I guess you haven't reached this IQ of 107 yet, but got stuck at 10 (best case scenario).

You say "best case scenario", I say "best-case scenario"...
15 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Richasis, Ahmadinejad is not an Arab. He is Iranian. Iran is not an Arab country.

Of course...hence my response to Zbyszko (you may want to read back/up a bit):

Ahmedinajad and you!

What...more humor? Neither one of us is 'Arab'.

Neither one of us, as in Ahmedinajad and myself, is 'Arab'.

Yes, Ahmadinejad is a Persian (Indo-Aryan / Indo-Iranian).

Richasis knows that I'm sure.

Thanks, Seanus. Yes, I was responding to Zbyszko's "Arabs did 9/11".

He retorted with the above comment, hence implying the correlation.
14 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

America didnt ask the nasty towelheads from far away arab lands to start all the BS in OUR front yards i.e. 9/11

Thanks for that bit of humor. Funnier yet, some actually believe this. Too funny!
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

there are Arabs in NL that want to see the end of Israël

Methinks it is not only Arabs - and not only in NL

Let's just call this a wild guess of mine, shall we?
26 Apr 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish coffee? [75]

Shame, that. Although, if DD's coffee in Poland was anything like that in Bulgaria, I can see why.

Janusz Waldez

LOL :)
26 Apr 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish coffee? [75]

I just hope Dunkin' Donuts finally gets to Poland by the time I move there.

Ah, the aroma and taste of their freshly-brewed java; one can only dream.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [159]

Don't engage in political discussions like Iraq, Bush, missile shields or global warming.

I'm doomed. Besides, what kind of vacation would it be without THAT? :)

the US Marines acted like they owned the place and, well, they got 'owned' by the Japanese yakuza.

I saw the same thing in South Korea - only it was a like-bunch of US Army Soldiers
19 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?! [250]

Have you been attacked or discriminated against?

Both. As a Polish-American in... America.

Precious few deserve to be a victim of guilty by association.

I absolutely agree - regardless of who(m) one is.
18 Apr 2010
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

this topic is like a headache... you can't get rid of it easily... and it's back all the time...

Kinda like 'the Ex' :)
18 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Indeed. Agreed. :)
12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

The Polish people I have spoken to are especially impressed by the reaction from Russia, there appears to be genuine concern and sympathy from both the Russian people and their Government.

This is indeed encouraging and, for me, welcome.

And although there are many people who didn't vote for President Kaczyński, his death has brought people closer together.

As well it should. Again, for me, this is good news.

Thank you for your thoughts and observations...