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Posts by Jed  

Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2010
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Posts: 165
From: Moscow, Russia
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: science

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16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

"Davaj gnata" is heard being yelled one of the Ruseks immediately before shots begin. "Gnat" is slang for pistol.

In what language "Gnat" is slang for pistol? And who are "Ruseks" - a new nation from your imagination? Are they really cruel guys and ready for everything? Where they live? Not on our pure Earth I hope?
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I just listened to the video through headphones and at exactly 50 seconds in the video, you can clearly hear "Davai gnata, kurva!" VERY CLEARLY.

Wrong. See Velund post above - you should hear "stvol", "dulo", "dryn" or "volyna".

Learn it and hear again. Drink some vodka - it will help you to hear what you need.
17 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

"Давай гната курва!"
Translation: "Let's get out of here, fu*k!"

Progress? But it is still not sounds Russian.

Russian close analogue to your English translation is: Davai otsuda, suka! A word "kurva" you can rarely meet in modern Russian, just in books.

If you prefer something sounding like "gnata" it is "gnat' " or "prognat' " (soft "t' "). - Means "put someone go outhere" or "drive away".

In the example as above it could be: "Davai gnat' ih otsuda" - "let's drive them away from here.

Just a lesson of Russian.
17 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I wonder if you can make it out.

I wonder too - because in this meaning it is in line with sounds behind the scene I heard on this video: officials trying to put public away from the site and showing direction to car drivers (emergency, I suppose - sounds of fire trucks sirena support it).

I can't comment about shots - from my experience it's unlikely that someone firing shots in this situation - even to drive public away. But who knows? It is also easy to check with numerous witnesses.
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

They knew the plane was coming in but seemed to be underprepared.

Already discussed several times here:
(1) Noone may expect safe landing on the abandoned military airbase with one civil flight a week in the bright weather.
(2) Tusk visited it together with Putin. There is information in Russian newspapers that Russian security service bring mobile CLS before it and remove it after.

(3) Who put your President for landing in fog to the not prepared airbase? Russian Il-76 with security officials turned back to Moscow after landing attempt just before Polish TU-154.

Who is responsible for playing roulette with VIPs flight? Somebody ever prepared this visit?
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Who would choose to go to that airport in the first place, having been warned not to?

That's pilots responsibility but let's don't blame them - they just did their best, I'm sure.
The preparation of the VIPs visit started not with landing attempts decision, but days earlier.
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

the antenna was like 50 or 30 meters high, the trees like 20 mt.

Take a look on photos from the site (made and placed to the net by local Smolensk guy):

All (or almost all) trees which were touched by plane are there - with some additionall guesses about trajectory changes.
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Never trust the source- follow the money, then you will peel back the many layers of the onion and find the reason behind it.

Good idea. There is a problem for reverse modelling also - different groups will anyway exploit this event for their interests - was it an accident or not.

I'm interested to have a good weather tomorrow = doesn't mean I influense it if it will be really good...
18 Apr 2010

Germans, Russians, and EU are the external enemy...

So, thanks Germans and Russians you were able to keep Poles in tonus? :)

In the past (without EU) it didn't help much...
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

This "fact" is one of the most stupid things I've heard yet on this forum.

This time it came from Russian newspapers. They wrote about mobile system.

If such thing is really existing it would be good to keep it there for sometime - even we, bloody Russians, don't like foreign Presidents falling on our heads
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Jed, is the Russian press united on what happened? I guess so as Putin has an iron grip.

You may find any bull sh't you want here - Internet is free. TV is rather accurate (I personally like it - slightly less space for idiots to play).

Do they suspect foul play or that air traffic control was at fault in any way? It was a Russian who said "we are all at fault". What do you think he meant by that?

The situation is complex: everybody knows that your President and ours were not the best friends. Nobody believes that "Putin" (as general term) did something to put the plane down (again - in i-net Olga would find a lot of "friends" and "enemies" of different sorts - but it is not common).

At the beginning our officials tried to prevent this visit just by ignoring application. Then, they could not ignore it but didn't prepared it as necessary. And at the end - they didn't close this airport for landing because it woud cause diplomatic scandal on the previous background. This last airport dispetchers called "common responsibility = we are all fault". They could close it for weather - they usually do it for internal flights - insted of it they leave decision for pilots.
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Any news on the next black box findings?

It is unlikely that any information will appear before official investigation closed.

Unofficial information and desinformation is the same like circulating in Western media. The only difference - most of us don't think that "you may expect everything from Russians" by definition - but may find this point in our media anyway.
19 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Some information has already come out,

Yes, I know.
And somebody heard last 20 minutes of voice recorder in a "closed cabinet with high rank official" - and conluded that pilots were ready for landing in any case - no way back. It is not information yet even if it is true.

The whole situation looks and smells like a trap for both sides.