The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Just as you forget that the reason there was no Polish government collaborating with the Nazis is that the Nazis had no interest in there being any Polish government.

Oh they had but, none of those Poles wanted to co-operate. Even a right winged anti-Semitic organization which I can't recall the name of right now had a member whom was bribed by the Nazis (or forced idk) and he got a bullet in his head for the very idea.

Also there is a story about Goebbels wanting to make the Górale have their own mini state and saying that THEY were the original Poles and the Poles predecessors which stayed by their culture but you know what they did to that newly made mini states leader?? They got him and hanged him. Then Goebbels put that idea into the trash. (I wish I remember the links sorry but if you look hardly enough I bet you will find one)

Also Hitler and his crew had vassal states all over Europe even one they had invaded (France, Nazi-Norway etc)

So why not try to make those Poles whom a lot earlier won against the Soviet Union their ally or partner?

I bet they tried all they could!

They even had Russian troops... (a small faction considering the numbers of course)
But still a faction, while the closest time of co-operation between Poles and the Germans (Nazis) was in the eastern border when the German withdraw and they "forgot" some of their arms so that nearby AK forces could pick em up after they had told them their "forgetting" some stuff.

And that was only a single event! I can't recall that it happened quiet a lot. But it did happen, once...

Name me a nation/country which was occupied by the Nazis and the Nazis had a tougher time being there!
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010

did you know that kajzerki with 4 cuts are sold in Krakow, and with 5 cuts in Warszawa? interesting...

Didn't know :o

no worries, i have a job and an apt... ;)


For those who want this in the UK, you can get it in Morrisons, It's called "Windmill" bread ;)

Scottish bakeries also produce all sorts. I've seen most of the things here back home too :)

You lucky bas*****

Also, here you can buy polish bread but it tastes so different than the one which u can buy in Poland. Pre-packed bread is just a crime imho.

Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010

No problem admin, so again what's the origin of Kaizerki? I really wonder it's sooo good. Impossible to be crappy! And if you want them to last longer you should freeze them geez...
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

Well I guess Sasha went through those same books but I don't call him "Ruski" or "Kacap" I can't recall doing so atleast. While I wouldn't been shocked if I did so with ConstantineK. I generally don't like Prussian lovers and Russian imperialists (BB is an exception)
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010

the best is to go to a butcher and get a nicely cut piece of meat of your choice...

Ahhh if I only found one in Norway! The paaaain! I wish I knew about a local butcher! :/

no more posts about meat
thank you.

Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010

I guess 80% of poles have a breadmaker at home, because when its another public holiday

You know that real quality food lasts very short, and crap food lasts very long because they put chemicals in it so it lasts longer... So if you buy crap food=lasts longer

If you buy quality food = lasts shorter

Same goes with milk, Polish milk is sooo good :D
Quite often I eat everything I buy before the end has gone in Poland so I never have problems with it when im there for vacations :D

I love Kaizerki <3
(They have Austrian/German past right?)
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Another mystery cleared up.

I always thought they said Amen, like "Amen" and not "Umain" or "Omain" thanks for the info :D
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

Yes, I am, why I cannot?

Somebody asked why Poles get so "attacking" here, I answered because it was created&continued by an RUssian Imperialist what ever his (yours) motives are they would look at it as "Russian propaganda trying to put down Poland"

So if it was an stupid-non knowing Westerner (probably an American , talking out of experience not stereotype) most wouldn't been that attacking, but more explaining on why it is happening and etc.

It's like when a cat steals a dog's fish (he can rightly do so right? Because fish is typical cat's food right? but the fish is still the dog's)

So when after the 1000 time the cat tried to steal the dog's fish and asks how is the fish tasting out of pure curiosity you shouldn't be so surprised that the dog thinks "Oh he tries to steal my fish again"

Still a Cat can be a Cat and a Dog can be a Dog
and the Cat has all the right to get himself some food it's just about "how" he/she does it :)
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Yet we have nearly as much ppl in Yad Vashem as PL has.

My question earlier was about how many Poles do you think there are that weren't written down cause of time of war. Not everyone had a little piece of paper with him that was written "executed because he/she tried to save a Jew"

My point is, yes there were many Dutch people trying to save Jews, but those who re regarded as saviors of Jews in Poland aren't that much in Yad Vashem because there were fronts going through that place 3 times and not everybody had a piece of paper that said they helped a Jew, and everybody knows that dead can't speak among the livings.

Its like with medals for soldiers, not everyone who did something "heroic" got a medal.

that was my point thank you

what you are about? Who deny bad sides? well, maybe same are not aware about Polish bad sides during the WWII but only because there were minor in no way comparable to really heroic deeds.
I mean Poles didn't have SS-division or government collaborating with Germans, action of individuals it minor and unimportant detail and you trying to make it big, I suppose for philosophical reason.

That is actually a good point

So what was the task of the Blue Police? Are you absolutely sure that PL-people at that time didn't rat on their Jewish neighbours, maybe because they were scared to death that the Nazis would kill THEIR family?

Also some wouldn't have the courage of walking outside among Poles after reporting Jews to the Nazis? You know the Polish underground wasn't "inactive"
Mr Grunwald   
1 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

were originally based on the Italian/Spanish/Portugese model.

Which used Hungary? (just curious)

There you go, this is plain out bragging. And the line "resisted them somewhat" fits in that bragging perfectly.

I would say adding a perfect statement about the topic?

Remember M-G that there are many unknown heroes from Poland ww2, many lie dead under that times Warsaw ruins. Those who tried to help Jews and got killed themselves with the Jews they were saving aren't numbered up right? How many dead Poles was there that tried to help Jews but failed and died by doing it? While nobody had any record of it and family members maybe thought he/she died because of underground movement fights (during Warsaw uprising)

You gotta admit that in reality I think it is a lot more Poles who helped Jews then somebody knows, just that nobody saw them or heard them? I guess there were some in Netherlands too but, not at the same scale?

Out of pure logic the Nazi German must have captured a lot of "savers" since they changed their directives when it came to punishment of those who helped Jews right?

(anyhow how many Jews Dutch ppl saved, it won't change the immage I have of the Dutch I mean come on allow drugs? what have they been smoking? :))
Mr Grunwald   
29 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

next invasion won`t come from direction of Russia

It would come from behind, from Eurabia

It is a weapon which would come in handy in war, any war. It's just that Russia doesn't like the idea of arming up and starting the race again (mostly because THEY KNOW they will lose)

Russki's see it as danger to their protection while Poles thinks of it as a bonus to their protection

Mr Grunwald   
26 May 2010
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Religiously = Western

Culturally = Western (when we think of the times when art and everything was coming from Italy and France? Also today fashion and food types don't come in a main stream from Russia...)

militarily = Western with eastern past

geographically = Central/Eastern (just a slightly bit of east when you consider Poland's historical borders)

politically in general it's = Polish ;)
Mr Grunwald   
21 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

but the members of any fascist party present in the country would do that.

That was exactly the problem in Poland, the most anti-not so merciful Poles were the fascist-right wing nut jobs towards Germans. (any enemy really)

Now back to the thread.
Ive heard there were plenty Jews siding with Poles during uprisings is this true?
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2010
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

"Though the Poles were anti-semitic, they were usually satisfied with random pogroms."

/2010-05-01/news/sfl-rpcol-newcolumn-5 110_1_president-lech-kaczynski-poland-katyn


wrong, peak of polish anti semitism was between 2 world wars

Nope, the peak was after ww2

Before the war it was only some line on how many Jews could get to study since the percentage was higher then the Polish population. Also later on, can't remember if it was 1938 or 1939 that at Universities there were Jewish section and non-Jewish section or something.

I can't recall pogroms in pre-war Poland
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

One German American friend of mine said that it was no accident that the Darth Vader helmet looked like a Nazi German helmet lol

Finally I found my source of admiration of German helmets! :o
I never though of it! (/&)(=!/)?(=`")?¤!
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

"Are foreigners welcome in Poland?"
No, they are hunted. There are always wanted posters on criminal foreigners everywhere every time!
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Later on, the Germans would become being portrayed also as the villains. Just try and count those post-war movies that contain some crazed up super evil professor who talks with a heavy German accent that he wants to rule the world. :)

I thought he was French with a non-French accent ;)?
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

I'm sorry. I made a mistake here. In Sophie's Choice(Oscar winner), Sophie visits the ghetto in 1938?!

Ohh, fuew

and her Jew hating father hints the Poles had plans to exterminate the Jews before Hitler, some secret document existing to prove this extreme lie. Definitely Oscar material.


Only the other countries don't whine as much about it as the Poles do.

Because Poland WANTS or thinks of herself as the eternal ally of the west, but that is changing dear friend! ;)
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

We would be satisfied if they only wouldn't put Polish flags waving in a concentration camp. I think that was is Sophie's Choice.

?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?

Would joining them not be the same as high treason against your country?

That's why many Poles don't look at commie-Poles as Poles but more of as poles :)
(or just komuch they are their own "nationality")

You surely mean they purged themselves...

You are all crazy you know that?

For the last time... THE WERE SOVIETS!!! They had Jewish roots but they were SOVIETS!!!
Or some even Stalinists which is worse

But given the responses here one can conclude that it must be all the Jews' own fault what happened to them, at least according to the Polish participants.

I think it was the Dutch, their behind everything! I must have read somewhere that Hitler had an Dutch assistant. It's the Dutch fault!!!! (sarcasm off)

Huge impact of "Jewish" commies were transferred to Poland right after ww2 because
1. They wanted to get rid of them (theory not fact)
2. There were not many Polish commies left to give them the control because of the purges (even at that they were most unreliable if they didn't go through the Moscow "training") (Fact)

3. The communists in prewar Poland weren't even noticed so to speak, 1 of the reasons why "Nazi's" didn't occur in Poland or hard hated commies weren't that catching was because communists were in a tiny tiny tiny tiny little fraction

"Yet the party only managed to win 130,000 votes and two seats in the November 1922 elections."

"Despite that the KPP was now to be swept into the maelstrom of paranoia and suspicion that culminated in the Moscow trials and purges. First a number of its members were accused of being agents of the Polish regime, now led by The Colonels since Pilsudski's death in 1935, and liquidated as a result. Next almost the entire leading cadre of the party were enveloped by the Purges and murdered. Among those killed were: Albert Bronkowski, Krajewski, Józef Unszlicht, Adolf Warski, Maria Koszutska, Henryk Walecki, Lenski, Stanisław Bobiński, Ryng, Józef Feliks Ciszewski, Henrykowski, Sztande, Bruno Jasieński and Witold Wandurski. And still Stalin could not trust the Polish Communists and so finally the leaderless party was declared dissolved as a hotbed of Trotskyite agents. Most of the activists perished in the Great Purge, but some - particularly lower level - remained. During Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939 they were instrumental in organizing local population in Kresy to welcome the "liberators" of the Red Army.[2]"


Even the workers weren't that into this party because they opposed the new Polish state and was pro-Soviet Union during the Polish-Soviet war

This party had very little influence what so ever, later on "it" suddenly had great power after the war and many of the top leaders in the party had Jewish clinging names or looked Jewish or spoke kinda like Jews would speak when they tried to speak Polish. They were noticed, it still doesn't mean that the majority of Jews were commies in Poland (thank god ^^)

There were some Jewish parties during interwar Poland
Many of the Jews voted on Bund so I've heard from an former Isreali ambassador


Mr Grunwald   
8 May 2010
Genealogy / IS SWAROVSKI POLISH? [19]

I can remember my mom telling my about his glass or something and that's what she likes about Poland for instance, having a lot of his glass. No idea if he has any Polish ancestry or not but. His glass is here no? :)
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

What does that say about the state of your minds...

Reminds me of Sweden
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

And Volksdeutsche not to forget...

Indeed indeed

Everywhere there were groups in the population that welcomed the German troops as they marched in.

I wonder if there were any Jews in Poland giving flowers to the Wehrmacht hoping for a better future like the times of when Prussia was ruling, right BB? ;p
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I think the [quote=MareGaea]hose are the ones you've seen.

Let's hope so :)

Were you there?

Nope, neither was any of my grandparents but they were in Warsaw and I can't remember them telling me they were killing Jews and that they were doing it with a smile or anything really

Nazism only has a chance when things go bad economically.

Extremists in general I would say. People get desperate (my teacher from history and philosophy said that after a time they would seek a strong man like Napoleon, Hitler etc)

now, be a good boy and get me some nice red wine, grin

Ive got some in the cellar but I am not allowed to touch them sorry
(I also hate wine so now you know)

after the war these ppl were duly punished, some by death, others by imprisonment.

Yeah I guess so
(even "prostitutes" got their hair done in a bold fashion in Band of Brothers)
biggest hamper for Poland in this matter is the lack of documentation among Western historians.[/quote]
I completely agree with that one

Now how do we find our way back to the thread topic...*scratches head*

Look at what people have written and respond? ;)
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [169]

me too... calm down... it's gonna be available soon...

BUT I WANT TO SEE IT!!! :(((((((((((((((((

Me too :)))


"Pshek" can be used as derogatory term ;)

But I don't think Sasha is anti-polish :)

Anti-Polish buah? Hhahahahaha that's a good one Sasha anti-Polish lalalala funny
That's like calling me Germanophob lol