The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
16 Jul 2010
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

There are few chances left, as CEE don't have any ambitions what so ever over going into an adventure in the coldest places on earth which had a lot of visitors through ages :)

I invite ConstantineK as a representant for the Russian federation to discuss politics over Eastern Europe on my thread "CEE - Central European Empire" /2/
Mr Grunwald   
10 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Stereotyp Polaka brutala, gbura, antysemity? [67]

*feels left out*

biedaczysko się nudzi :p

A co do "topiku" to Polaka brutala to jakoś rozumiem ale gbura, antysemite to już zupełnie nie na miejscu
Mr Grunwald   
1 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / Poles in America: How do you pronounce your Polish surname? [128]

Depends on the language I am using, in Norwegian I say it with Norwegian (u) not Polish (u,ó)
While in Polish I say it like Poles do :)
Of course it's origins are German so wth ^^

(I hate it when they write down Grundvall, or Grundtval or something close)
Mr Grunwald   
28 Jun 2010

You see, we - white people

tsk tsk, how disappointed I am

I would said we Polish people

or Latin Civilization, but starting to think like an Western racist, oh dear

Good point. And who in hell dares to chase women, especially sunbathing, but pervs from some jungles? Anti-sunbathing-women freaks should be imprisoned and deported immediately, no questions ask. They are danger to the environment and its beauty. These people should live on Mars and wear astronaut suits all day long. Freaks.

I love that comment <3

Wow, what an embarrassing thread, even by PF standards. Some of you really have no decency or humility.

Give us a cookie and we will join the dark side!
Mr Grunwald   
28 Jun 2010

Yeah, but later on it wasn't all just one. And I can't remember it getting removed :)

I just really have problems of remembering pogroms or much itch hunt before the partitions really. (Except when that Sas guy started it filthy Saxon!)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

absolutely none of this stuff has been proven to be linked to DNA

Have I ever said it's about DNA? I call someone a father because he acted like a father for me, not if his DNA is same same as me...
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

So everything your parents are teaching you, or what the School teaches all generations is all BS?

I wasn't saying it's logical, emotions aren't logical mate
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Polish and Russian DNA? [52]

Not germans!! we are not close to german.

Ey! There are many Poles with German heritage mind you!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Thats why we should feel the repsonsibility for March'68

Oh please I will never feel responsible for that! Even so I will still apologize to every Czech I meet, you know why? Because I wouldn't have anything against a Swede saying sorry for Potop or German for the holocaust or a Soviet for Katyń!

It is illogical but there are people's feelings to consider and the main thing is
If I ever did it I wouldn't done it with a smile
AND that is the info your giving to others by saying so!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

Opponent of the reforms of the Great Sejm (1788-1792), supporter of the Targowica Confederation. Sentenced to death in absentia by the Supreme Criminal Court during the Kościuszko Uprising (1794).

I would have dueled him with pleasure ;)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2010
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

yes, yes


Well at some point from my grandparents I come from the family of Grunwald and Pacewicz (both noble family's)

Reason I said Polish-German is because they have always felt Polish but with Lithuanian ancestry so it's irrelevant if I say I am half Lithuanian really. (Pacewicz-Pacevicius)

From the Grunwald side there is the family of Schultz (later Szulc), although from the Grunwald side there was pretty many Emil's and one of them took part in a Polish uprising either in Listopadowe or Styczniowe (Polish months). Either how the GRUNWALD family got their nobility status from either the battle of Grunwald OR from one of those uprisings for taking part of it. (I am not sure)

Although one of the reasons why my granddad's father wasn't jailed was because during ww2 the Germans said, "Oh your family come from the family Schultz, you German!"

then he responded "No Sir, I am Polish"

That way he didn't become Volksdeutsche, also considering he took part in the Warsaw uprising and got wounded and sent to a Concentration camp in Western Germany. He got liberated by the Americans later on but out of need to know how his family is doing and that he was responsible for taking care of his own family he returned back to Poland. The family had always a tough time during the commie times in Poland, on Pacewicz side they lost all their estate and had to move to Warsaw. (the estate was in Lublin)

Since my family had noble ties they didn't get to have it easy in commie Poland. But they weren't "hunted" since they didn't go much into politics or underground parties or something. Until Solidarity movement in 1980's.

We have a coat of arms but it's at my grandmother's place, as she lives in Poland and I live in Norway I can't show it at the moment. But if anyone would be interested I can ask her to take a photo and mail it to me.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Jun 2010
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

do you have some info on any existing Polish nobility?

You mean like nobilty, Aristocrats, or family's with rich titles?

My family come from a Polish/German poor noble family
Mr Grunwald   
10 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

What are you talking about? The Poles hate Russia.

Some do, some doesn't care, and some others are Russophiles

Ahh how cruel can the world be? It would been so much easier if we were all just... humans? (pff how boring would that be)
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Territory issues make troubles... :(

Not unless your Norwegian ;)

I can't even recall hardcore Norwegian nationalists wanting Iceland, several Islands and Jamtland back to Norway...
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

We can think historically and add Macedonia to Greece, then you will have your dream come true ;p
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

I have been to both and I would understand Turkish reception that is for sure.
Unless their traditionalists and need them to talk to each other and ignore their customers. But of course they will think their just anti-Greek that way maybe? IF that happened of course :)
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

It has the same sense of "Why Greeks love Turks?"
Is it because of their superior looks? :)
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
Language / Nice Polish words to say to a girl [147]

Jesteś czarująca!
Don't mix it with Czarownica/czarownicą
It may lead to the opposite of what you intended to get
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Now you have been drinking Russian Vodka and your affected by that, that's why your having such thoughts. ;p
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]


Shh you didn't hear it from me ;p

PS: The handwritten original of our anthem by Fallersleben is also part of the Berlinka!

Taken care of/hidden it
compare it with Destroying

Like what Americans did with the monastery at Monte Cassino...
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Art moved by Germans into occupied Poland during ww2, and which stayed there (the Polish gov. tried to keep it secret and that it was repayment for all the art Germans destroyed)

Seems fair really, it's worse with the Sweeds ;)

So...what to do now? Invading another time (or two) back so to balance the sheet better?

Neeh, sabotaging their nuclear reactor one more time ;p
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Poland produced some a$$holes as well.

Thank you for your compliment
*bows for imaginary crowd*
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Over the generations Poles have had countless reasons to love Russia.

Tsk tsk

Poles over generations had countless reasons to love holy mother great imperium = Russia
Since Mighty Russia annexed Poland's eastern borders in 18ths century the Polish people had all the time to develope love affections for their strong will to important anything tropical. For their further benefit they transferred these tropical fruits to places such as Siberia.

Also the Russians tried to share their Orthodox (great) religion (Christian mind YOU!) with the Polish people, somehow that pedo-phile molesting Church had a too strong grasp upon those Poles. How didn't they notice the greatness of Orthodoxy?

Also the Great Revolution of which we tried to spread to Poland (and rest of the world mind YOU!) but you halted it even if it would been to the best benefit for everyone! Our glorious (great) ideology was halted for a bit (of course by bad luck, pff Poles right?) But then in 1939 we could continue the increase of lands to the motherland (great mind you!) also tricking Hitler to feel safe (haha we are brilliant!)!

Also breaching any agreement with Poland was necessary for her own good and the good of the people! (How can you compare a few years of hell with long period of "Marvelous Greatness at the side of GREAT Russia! (Soviet Union)"

Also Poles love us for not trying to destabilize the relationship with Poland and the polish people! How disastrous would it been if we said we are not better then Hitler and his Crew? What a terrible idea!

Anyway what happened we love all polish people and we forgive them their crimes! We are Christians right?

This was a satiric show performed by Mr Grunwald on how Polonius3 should have done it
Mr Grunwald   
4 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

No, I cannot name another country where the Nazis actually left their weapons voluntarily to a resistance army. That resistance army must've been their favourite then, if you catch my drift.


Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Ever heard of it?

Do you honestly think those Poles would leave all that equipment and not take it at all? It wa deliberately so that it would "force" the AK forces to prolong the soviet advance, although they prioritized fighting other partisan units instead.

You're the one who was claiming that the Nazis had a tougher time in Poland than in any other country.

No, that was me ehrkhm *cough*

However, as to your question: I name Yugoslavia, a nation which fielded more than twice as many freedom fighters as Poland and which was the only nation in WWII to (largely) free itself.

That could be one of the options for sure, I will ask Crow if he knows more on the subject about the hardship of German soldaten am Jugoslavien :)