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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 2 - AA
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 8343

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

What did we do to deserve the pain of having some bi-racial scum tell the US Supreme and other courts that they are wrong?

I finally have proof of how dishonest foreign leftists are...

If they sincerely believe that Trump will make the US into a tyrannical dictatorship, they would be urging every American to get an AR-15 as the only way to preserve our democracy.

They don't. Their message is: The US will be a dictatorship but don't do anything to prevent it. Be like us: obedient bootlicking pussified subjects.
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Probably true, but so what?

Simple. Victory must include this message: Don't even think about it again.

The USSR did it its way. The US used nukes. Message sent. Message received.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

Am I right?

Yes, because Western-style "democracy" is a fake. Also, a one-party system eliminates finger-pointing.

Political parties should be illegal since they always demand loyalty to them and ahead of loyalty to the country.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Protecting stupid women who act recklessly and put themselves in danger is hard work.

Iron, your post is beyond brilliant.

I prepared a presentation on this subject and went everywhere with it - to high schools, colleges, and universities. No takers. They asked me about my credentials.

WTF... Do we now need a degree to tell our daughters not to be morons and hop into the first car at 3 am?
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

we want rapist do their time.

In this respect, women fail four times:

1. They act like stupid sheep before rape.
2. They don't act logically after the rape.
3. They are against the death penalty.
4. They wear and act like total morons with that look-at-me attitude.

Please spare me that crap that women are free to go naked if they want...Yes, they are just as I am free to lick a socket on the wall.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

Biden is a senile old man and they dont want to admit it.

They actually like it. Easier to wind him up or insert new batteries and he is good to go while the ruling mob is doing its daily routine of running the country.

To the other azhole: What would you ideal president to do in the first year?
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

to antagonize women and men and set them against each other.

In response to this adversarial relationship, men don't want to date and marry. When they do, that engagement ring comes with a prenup...hahahahahahahahaha...
Stupid women didn't foresee this one...To them, marriage is what you earn I keep, what I earn is mine. And when I am bored and file, I keep alimony...Life is so sweet...
2 days ago
News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants. [95]

The gravity of migrants is worse than with invading armies. An invading army can be killed and forced to retreat. Not so with migrants.
We owe them the best of hotels, med care, food, education...this list is endless ... or we are xenophobes...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

Without gerrymandering voting districts you clowns wouldn't even come close to the WH.

...said a leftist imbecile who forgot that voting for presidents is state-wide.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

Without Congress the president is nothing.

..but can be a "dictator"?

Why every leftist here is a moron...
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

physical resistance

Lack of physical resistance can be excused easily. Failure to report immediately cannot be.

A woman who reports rape 30 years later or not at all should be charged with obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, and being an enabler of all future rapes that could be prevented by throwing the POS into prison for life after the first case.

What should be the penalty for aggravated rape of a 10-year-old girl?

As above plus murder?

1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [760]

Does Putin think he has big enough balls to attack a NATO country while biden is in office ?

Eastern Europe has been free since 1990. Russia didn't threaten anybody as they were joining NATO until Ukraine included joining NATO in its constitution as one of the objectives.

If Mexico started talking about joining Russia in a military alliance, the US army would be in Mexico City next Monday. The US invaded Iraq for a lot less...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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1 day ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Wouldn't be able to do that idiot

Anybody can report anything 30 years after the fact, moron.

What would stop a woman from falsely reporting rape?
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [533]

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1 day ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Women lie all the time - from 2 till they die.

Any man who believes a woman who says her husband has been abusing her for years is the dumbest moron walking on this earth.

Or repeatedly raped by her boyfriend...

Memo to stupid broads: Men and women are not meant to be friends. They are supposed to fvck for fun or to make a baby. So if a guy says let's meet at your place and watch a movie he means let's fvck.

If you accept the invitation and refuse the fvck part, you will die because men can't handle rejections and get violent when they are turned down.
1 day ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Her problem with this? Now she thinks he is gay.

Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Women are game-playing psychos...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

Disaster relief fund? You're on your own, Florida, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana...

Those states could on their own they didn't have to pay federal income tax, stupid.
They are just getting their own money back minus what the DC parasites clip off.
1 day ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

By the time they are 30 they have total attitude (listen to me growl, listen to me roar, I am woman) for another cat...
By the time they are 21 they are big mouthy b!tches.

Spot on. Every time I see somebody acting like a total woke moron, it's a woman or some freak who would like to be one. Or a non-binary azhole ...

BTW, could somebody here please explain what non-binary means? Does it mean they are not sure or won't tell?
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [760]


Trump talks big. What he apparently doesn't realize is that there are very powerful forces in NATO and especially the US who are having an orgasm over a long war in Ukraine with Russia. As misguided as those forces are it'll be interesting to see the battle between them and Trump.
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [760]

Hey, m0r0nito, is thought that Putin is democratically elected by the vast majority of Russian citizens is too big...

Yes, it is. Especially when they suffer from an incurable Russia-hating mental disorder.

When 50 million Russians vote for Putin it's only proof that he is a despot, tyrant, and dictator.

There are many kinds of morons. The Polish variety is one of a kind...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

as national defense,

Hey, stupid, the US is spending 12 times more than Russia and 4 times more than China.

Now pay attention: Not a single dollar of the 1 trillion we spend every fvcking year goes to the defense of the US. Not even one because nobody is attacking the US. We actually invite terrorists to kill Americans. See 9/11 and Boston.

That trillion is spent on the defense of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine, and Western Europe, and just being the dumbest world cop.

Is the US army defending the US from the invasion by criminals, rapists, murderers, spies, and terrorists entering the US by the thousands every damn day? Nope...They are too busy doing charitable work all over the globe...

What a moron...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [729]

Could you two clowns debate "capitalism" in the Who Gives a Fvck thread?