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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
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Posts: 8224

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

black supremacists on every corner,

Here is the difference.
White supremacists are ashamed when called that way despite the fact that they are superior.

Black supremacists are not capable of shame and demand affirmative action, reparations for never being slaves, and segregated dorms while claiming they are equal.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Look at a list of registered Republicans

What is a supremacist other than a conversation-ending mental fart - like racist, homophobe, and xenophobe...

Proper use: When you are too stupid to debate any further you pull one of those out of your ass and feel like a hero.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Deepak cargo pants [130]

he does deserve mercy and compassion.

That's why I forgave him all his posts about my immigrant white socks...
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

his predecessor was certainly the worse 'president' in their history.

Learn English, azhole...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

How do you get to be president if you are in prison?

Seriously, what will that Dem judge do with Trump...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Pelosi, who was in charge of the Capitol, denied the offer and didn't increase security.

Because, like Hillary, she didn't want to miss the opportunity to have a riot by the people she hated.
2) prior to the rally Trump recommended increased security and offered thousands of national guardsmen

This revealed again how weak US presidents actually are.

Trump should be giving orders, not recommendations. In this case, he should order the feds with guns to go and protect the Capitol regardless of what some bit*ch says. This was not a case of separation of powers. It was about the abdication of authority.

What if that mob was Muslim terrorists?

How would a dozen overweight Capitol cops be able to protect the single most important building in the entire country? There should be a shoot-to-kill zone around it as well as the White House. You step into it without permission, and you die...The same at the border...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

A good thing, since it brings people together.

So did Auschwitz...Poles, Russians, Jews, Germans, French, Dutch, fagots...The biggest multicultural event ever...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Stunning moment Jill Biden congratulates husband Joe 'like a child' after his Trump debate disaster - sparking calls from panicked Democrats for him to step aside
Jill Biden has been accused of treating her husband like a toddler after she praised him for 'answering all the questions' during his disastrous CNN debate with Donald Trump last night.

The brainless elder abuser forgot to give him a participation trophy and a cookie.

But the scariest part was the chanting morons.

If Joe is like this today, can you imagine him two years from now? Once you are on that steep slope, it's really over but the morons don't mind because they are women, pussified men, and LGBTs so it's all about feeeeelings.

Facts and reason, as in the UK gulag, are hateful, racist, or both.
Then watch what happens should Little Adolf

Who is Little Adolf? Are you referring to your multicultural penis?
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

when your opponent does that, don't get in the way.

Perfect. Just let him and watch...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

He's certainly fitter than his opponent trumpet.

...and neither is a fagot with AIDS! What a relief...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

US presidents are at best motivational speakers who are allowed to start wars as the MICC needs them. That's it.

On the day the newly elected guy (God, if you love this country, please make sure it's not a transgender freak) is sworn in, three suits walk into the Oval Office to explain what his agenda will be starting today.

From then on, an AI impersonator could take over and all would be according to the script written and approved by the swamp years before.

Those who ignore the visit get shot. See Kennedy.

If you think I am too cynical...Trump wanted the Wall. Trump got the middle finger. Trump wanted the US troops out of Syria. Trump was told to GFH and the US troops are still there...
2 days ago
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

When people get together they kill, rape, steal, vandalize, and start world wars.

I hate mindless mobs where two guys with an IQ of 120 each can quickly turn into two violent morons with an IQ of 60. See soccer matches in Europe and gangs in the US.

Individually, people are fairly harmless.
2 days ago
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

Auschwitz Day is celebrated every year.

Hey, stupid, we don't "celebrate" deaths and death camps. We remember the dead.

If there is anything to celebrate about Auschwitz, it is the liberation of it by the Red Army.

Memo to the Red Army: I will never forget you, guys, and will always cherish this sight:

2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

putting the Bible back in the Public Schools to be taught again.

This is so cool...

If the ACLU Jews take it to the Supreme Court and win...I wonder what would happen if the state police gave them the middle finger, ignored the ruling, and protected the schools.

What then? A civil war?
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

You have a strange obsession with male genitalia.

Only when I see a dick like you.
They will replace Biden. Someone else will be a candidate for the presidency.

The ultimate irony...
Trump goes to prison. Biden wins.
That's why Biden will not quit before the sentencing day.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

Alien, drop that used condom. Get a gun if you want a gunfight.

A 12-year-old girl would be better at it...