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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
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19 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

Well today Michigan presented a bill to adopted the "AR-15" as their State gun.

Open carry is allowed in more places than concealed carry...What a great state...
19 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / Better being female in UK or Poland? [28]

...and at 30, they hit the wall...

Men discovered that there is no upside to getting married - only arguments and financial ruin after she filed for divorce because she got bored. Today, only a moron would date a "modern Western woman". Hence, passports and a quick trip to Russia or Asia... anything other than a loud Western woke bit*ch...

BTW, 80% of divorces are initiated by women. "He abused me" is a lie made unnecessary after no-fault divorce became the norm.

That's what women wanted so that is what they got - and no men willing to take the bait...
19 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

Any time soon?

Very soon...after Poles realize what Swedes already know...Migrants are a disaster - now and forever.

Only Nazi-type guys can solve the problem. Not professors. I like Nazi-type guys more than professors.
19 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [329]

[login to read]
19 Jun 2024
News / How will Poland do in Euro 2024 [661]

Go Scotland! :)

Are you serious? The most unfree and woke part of Europe? Is this what Americans died for? A 1984 gulag...
19 Jun 2024
UK, Ireland / Better being female in UK or Poland? [28]

No. They divorce to look for a better deal or because they already found it ....They call them "high-value men".

What they overlook is that only 1% of men meet their specs and that they are already taken.

If still available, the last thing these men want is a 35-year-old woman with two or three kids and custody issues.

I am a crime show addict. Women lie about "abuse" all the time. Actually, women are more often violent with their husbands than the other way...It's just that men don't report it...

Also, women never apologize, never admit fault, never say sorry, and always want to have the last word.
19 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

If we're talking about civilisations, that tends to exclude r*SSia

What an idiot...Bombing Belgrade was your kind of civilization...Just like invading Iraq along with your pimp.
19 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

What is sicker...Being a transgender freak who kills his parents or a Daily Mail editor who refers to this POS as "she"?


Dramatic moment transgender 'killer' is arrested by swarm of Utah cops for brutal murder of her parents

Bailey is in the process of transitioning from male to female, with no motive given for her alleged crimes

No, morons, nobody ever "transitioned" from male to female. Some freaks claim to be women, not females. Even LGBT freaks know the difference between "woman" and "female".

They won't say it out loud but they know...
19 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

And in the current illegal war,

What makes war legal?
A: If they are started or supported by Western democracies they are legal - with no limits on the number of deaths. See Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

All were legal because they were for freedom and democracy. Nobody knows what the fvck it is but it sounds good to morons with the IQ of 80 or lower...
19 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

The fire now covers almost 7 sqkm.

...and Russia will win anyway because it absolutely and positively cannot afford to lose.

To the US, many wars are just feel-good games, and winning is optional.

To Russia, this one is existential. If Russia loses it, Russia will be Yugoslavia - the Western plan from the very beginning...The bidding for the best chunks has already started...
19 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

Serbs don't matter!

...but I still like Crow. He is the only one here who paints the big picture. Russia-haters go...oh. look, Russian something is on fire...Who gives a fvck...

The USSR was on fire for four long years. Eventually, it was that beautiful Soviet flag that the Red Army stuck into Germans' butts in 1945.

BTW, considering how cruel female Auschwitz guards were, they were treated too nicely by the Russian troops in Berlin. Rape is still better than a bullet or a gas chamber.

Long live Russia - the only country that can give the middle finger to NATO...How sweet is that...

19 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

By the time I was finished reading your post I had this grin...
The bad part: they didn't kill that POS. This will come later...Even the worst American scum knows what is right and what is wrong. He will soon find out that raping a kid was very wrong.

I hope they will make you suffer before they kill him.

Hey, Euro azholes, would you kill a POS caught raping your daughter if your rulers gave you the go-ahead and full immunity?

As I said before, I would pay to be an executioner in a case like this...slowly...from the groin to the head kill shot...

Yes Novi, where I live here in Michigan,

One more reason why I love Michigan...its lakeshore dunes, little towns, and the rest...just cruising at speed or below...priceless...
19 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

Yes Novi, where I live here in Michigan,

One more reason why I love Michigan...its lakeshore dunes, little towns, and the rest...just cruising at speed or below...priceless...

you can walk in public places with a loaded gun without a gun license.

You must have a funeral home at every corner...That's what Euro gun-hating freaks believe...You know...guns are evil...until they desperately need one...
20 Jun 2024
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [228]

The difference between right-wingers and the leftist scum is very simple.

Right-wingers need police protection when they speak at US unis. They like leftist morons during Q&A sessions so much that they let them ask first and ahead of right-wingers.

Leftist scum never needs police protection. They avoid Q&A like the plague because the scum knows they can't answer the first question - on their own fvcking subjects!!!!

I am still waiting for the definition of "a woman" here...

Hey, Lyzko, how about it...Did you look it up?
20 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

His bloody head was swollen up to the size of a basketball

He will be begging to be deported.
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

Ukraine will never join NATO - Moscow
The US-led bloc has set unrealistic preconditions for Kiev, according to Russia's deputy foreign minister

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated last week that "there is no membership issue to be discussed" unless Kiev defeats Moscow on the battlefield. "We need to ensure that Ukraine prevails, that's an absolute minimum for Ukraine to become a member of the alliance," he said.

"This means this will never happen," Ryabkov told TASS news agency on Tuesday.

That's what I said just recently... I am glad Russia follows my advice...
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

Crow is right. Poland needs tanks that a 1000-dollar drone can kill as much as Lichtenstein needs ICBMs. Paranoia is as bad as believing that a man can be a woman.

BTW, why the US needs tanks and artillery is still the best-kept secret. Are we afraid of Venezuela?

you are selling your counties' wealth for cheap to China.

Hey, Nazitus, ask why the US moved its manufacturing to China and forced US factory workers into poverty of flipping burgers...
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

BTW, did you figure out how many defenseless Soviets Germany executed after they surrendered?

As I said, you can round it off to the nearest million so it shouldn't take that much time...
20 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

This country is in a sad state and adults need to start acting like real adults i

The word adults here forgot is "No!!!". Without No, we don't have a country anymore. We have a matriarchal feel-good mental sewer with some broads in see-through "dresses" and nobody saying a thing.

Today, everything is Yes - no matter how stupid, perverted, and criminal.

When a boy who thinks he is a cat gets a sandbox in his classroom instead of a quick STFU, the end is near. No, I didn't make it up.
20 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [325]

...or when driving alone...

Or a quick trip for a psychiatric evaluation.

A mother took her little son who wouldn't stop crying to a shrink. The shrink whispered something to the boy and the boy stopped crying.

On the way out, the mother asked the boy: What did he say? He said that if I don't stop crying he will rip my legs out of my ass.
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

Of nearly six million that were captured, around three million died during their imprisonment.

Assuming a 10 to 1 kill ratio, the Red Army should have executed 30 million Germans after the war.

Nothing we can do about anymore.

Yes, you can. Stop killing Russians.

Just like the Civil War in the US, this one is an internal conflict between two ex-Soviet republics and none of your fvcking business. But I guess the old habits of siding with fascists and against Russia die hard so enjoy the mayhem while it's going on. That Stalingrad is still in your memory...You were so close to the Red Square...damn...
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

they should go back home

The Russian army is at home. It's the UA that's the aggressor.

Yes, sweetie, CDL is now Russia. If you don't belive me, check whose visa you will need to visit...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
20 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [547]

As far as Russians...They are home...If you don't belive me, check whose visa you will need to visit.CDL....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

If you want to be really funny, tell them that they should change the RF Constitution to make you happy.
20 Jun 2024
News / Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2 [73]

Better to happen in a clinic than in someone's bathroom.

Better to deliver and donate than to stick a wire hanger up the vagina and risk death. Duh!

One day, that child might tell her that he loves her...and ask if she would like to see her first granddaughter...

It's amazing how the death cult scum - LGBTs and abortion lovers - tend to cling together...