The BEST Guide to POLAND
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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14 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

The church has a divine right to evangelise, meaning performing missionary work, especially where it's lacking.

No, you are wrong. Anything can be vulgarized. Brainwashing by the communism, liberalism, nazism or religion lead to same result. War and hate.

Vatican`s manipulation with religion goes behind level of bestiality. Such a behavior endangers Christianity.

Why do you even bother about what the church is doing?

I am merely a Christian. In attempt at least. I arising my voice against aggressive nature of Vatican that killing innocent and therefore stand against God, Christ and His Mother.

Many time on many places Vatican committed crimes against humanity. Its maybe time to be put on a trial.
14 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

You are despicable

And you are not despicable but rather fanatical.

To put it simple. No, Vatican didn`t have right to penetrate into Ukraine where already lived Orthodox believers and jurisdiction of Orthodox Church. Why not? Because penetration inevitable meant conflict. Vatican knew this, so Vatican is responsible for conflict. Plain and simple. Vatican`s missionary work have nothing to do with the God and Christ but with very material things. Its manipulation with religion motivated by the greed. Usual Vatican`t methods, from all over the Europe and world, Balkans, Ukraine, etc.

Papacy is nothing but another Comintern. No, worse then Comintern. Rich people, absolutely devoid from humanity, sit and contemplate what to do to make this world more controllable by them with aim to be even more rich.
13 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Poland and Russia interestingly are the opposite ends (culturally I mean) of Slavs, also with the most animosity.

Historically papacy had biggest interest in it. With its missionary work. If Serbian Nemanjic dynasty didn`t refused dictate of the Pope and opted for Orthodoxy at the moment when Byzantine was weak (what enabled our autonomous Church), Balkan Serbs would like the Poles become enemies of Russians. Or, Russians would themselves subjugate to the Pope by following Serbs. Then all Slavs would be germanized. Germanization was inevitable tool of papacy because resources were on the East of Europe and Russia and elitistic societies on the West of Europe. Only germanization provided loyalty of the populace. After all, pro-Germanic agenda set papacy on the course of collision with the Anglos, too.

Missionary work of the papacy created problem in Ukraine, too, inventing Greco-Catholics. By same recipe as on Balkan.

See, it was not problem to have Catholicism and Orthodoxy. It could coexists. Look Polish-Serbian relations. Problem was missionary work and disturbance created by the papacy. It pushed Slavs onto Slavs, Serbs vs Serbs, Russians vs Russians. All with final aim to germanize us all. Spot Croat nazis, Ukrainian nazis, Baltic nazis. See? Always hint of germanization. Well, after all, think of Teutonic order. Papal invention.
12 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

The Austrian Empire was dismantled ......

The Ottoman Empire was dismantled .......

Let me add: British Empire was dismantled, Frankish (Germanic) Empire and later forms of it (EU form included) was dismantled, USA Empire in its NATO form was dismantled, Japan Empire was dismantled, Roman Empire was dismantled, Western Roman Empire was dismantled, Eastern Roman Empire was dismantled, etc.

Russia's turn.

Well, you may desire for it but, Russian Empire can`t be compare to above mentioned.

Why? Because Empires in Europe, above mentioned, were primarily formed to conquer Slavs and spread onto Slavic lands for colonial reason, as I said. Forming Rus idea was different.

First you equals Huge with Empire. That`s mistake. Then, Russia was founded as the desperate act of Slavic Rus and other tribes to merge having seen how Slavs suffer and retreat due to Drang Nach Osten since the Roman era. So they merged. Then they bordered with Germanized (so previously Slavic) regions which were hostile to Slavs. So they defeated oppressors and merged with those lands, too. Then they continued to spread on the wild wastelands of Siberia, etc where they encountered small tribes on a gigantic territories. Having state organization they merged those tribes, too.

Similarly how we comprehend China and India.

If we can imagine huge Slavic country from Eastern Germany to the Balkans and Kamchatka it shouldn't be considered Empire in pejorative sense. We can name it Russia, Poland or Serbia but we are still within borders of Slavic civilization.

See, that is one of reasons why was Slavic history always falsified by many above mentioned dismantled Empires. Keep people without information and then spread propaganda. Slavic Empire from Europe to Eurasia would be always natural thing to environment, and not something superimposed on others for colonial reasons. Slavic Empire is just merging of Slavs and dealing with hostiles. Evolution. Other Empires in Europe, above mentioned, were primarily formed to conquer Slavs, as I said.

Slavic Rus state no matter how huge wasn`t formed to conquer Frankish Empire. But Frankish Empire was formed to conquer Slavs.
12 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

There won`t be imperialism in Multi-Polar world of global civilizations. Or at least there would be much less of it then in any past time in human history. There would be International order. And Russia fight for Multi-Polar world. Let us thank Russia for that.
12 Jul 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Serbia, Belgrade, yesterday

Spectacular welcome back to Novak Djokovic after victory at Wimbledon >


12 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

disgusting , he accurately represent view of most poles here. shame

Dobri brate.

Lech Walesa isn`t Poland. Neither he represent Poles here. Actually, as you see yourself, how Walesa speaks he absolutely don`t care for Poland. He is simple paid to work for certain circles, obviously outside of Poland.

We have a joke going around that the dead, the Anglo-Saxons and the Poles have no shame. ;)

Anglos are people with no shame, that is truth. But Poles are people with dignity. Don`t judge on them by the words of that corrupted Walesa. After all, who knows what Anglos did him on London airport. Story says they were very invasive.

So, speaking of Poles you better spot that Polish FM and The OSCE Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau today visited Serbia. It was extraordinary positive meeting with our FM Selakovic and President Vucic. In joint statement about Kosovo brat Zbigniew and our Selakovic agreed that OSCE has two offices in Serbia, one in Belgrade and the other one on Kosovo. See? That is Poland, dobri brate. Poland that would never betray Racowie. Walesa isn`t Poland. He is corrupted, cold calculated evil man that maybe even hate Poland. Hand on heart, he is actually traitor of Poland. And what would you expect from him about Russia? To Love you? Please, dobri brate.

Spot more how brat Zbinjew Rau speaks of Serbia. Where EU criticize, Poland kissing Serbia >

OSCE head praises Serbia for stability, security



"We appreciate (Serbia's - PAP) efforts to uphold stability and security, and that it has continued to strengthen its democratic institutions,"

At the same time brat Zbignjew have understanding for stance of Serbia on Russia >

Selakovic to OSCE's Rau: Serbia won't impose sanctions on Russia


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told OSCE Chairman in Office Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau on Tuesday that Belgrade will not impose sanctions on Russia.

Plus, never forget that without cooperation with Poland, Serbia wouldn`t be able to import most heavy armament from Russia in several last years.

We can work with Poland. And we work. From long ago. On unfathomably ancient Balkan-Baltic line.
11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Lech has just proved his determination to fight for certain circles till the last Pole and till the end of Poland. Only that he proved.

In other words, Lech Walesa don`t care if Poland is turned into the bloody battlefield just like Ukraine.
11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Google search > Wikipedia > Lech Walesa

While working at the Lenin Shipyard (now Gdańsk Shipyard), Wałęsa, an electrician, became a trade-union activist, .......... He co-founded the Solidarity trade-union

How it worked? Certain circles placed Walesa in position to advance in his political carrier. To influence people. That he tries to do even now. But, key words are `Certain circles`. That telling us man is in the zone of corruption. In other words, works for somebody. Say he had progressive ideas or no progressive, value him as you want but, he works for somebody. He is employed by some circles.

So what is his job now? Job of Lech Walesa?

Let us take a look.... Let us exclude environment. Let us just focus on the words of man. See, his words are hostile. He wants people in Poland to become hostile on Russia. Then what are to be results? Then only spark is needed to put Poland on the harms way and to put Poland in situation to harm. For what? For certain circles, same circles that employed Lech Walesa. But if this happen many would die in Poland. Never mind. Poland would be devastated. Never mind. Walesa don`t care. Walesa have priorities and that is his job that must be done.

See, that is Lech Walesa. His true face. Have no illusion if you ever had.
10 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

an article

Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people



ex-president Poland and the founder of the Solidarity party, Lech Walesa, proposed to "reduce Russia» to 50 million people, reports Le Figaro.

10 Jul 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

NATO tried to kill Serbia but instead only awakened Dragon. Serbia! No to Greeks. No to Rome. No to NATO. No to EU. Only Sarmatia! Only FREEDOM!



Novak Djokovic - A monster ᴴᴰ >

10 Jul 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Nikola Jokic to play for Serbia at EuroBasket!



Center Denver Nuggets Nikola Jokic will be able to play for the Serbian national team at the European Championship 2022, as Serbian NBA star confirmed

Novak Djokovic Meets British Royals | Wimbledon 2022

10 Jul 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Well, George and his wife cheered for Joker Nole



Brits seams to be nice people with clear perspective.
9 Jul 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

Ha! Poland is lucky! Poland would opt to military neutrality!

Balkan and Lusatian Serbs decides Poland and Russia to have good relations. Non would die in their mutual conflict! Not anymore

spot video on 21:35. John Bosnic speaks >
4 Jul 2022
Law / I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen [44]

Don`t know. Masters of manipulation would anyway at one moment awake nazism so hunt will began. Then they will de-nazify society and so on in turn.

Tensions. Point is that people always has something to do. Like when dog run for his own tail.

Some even deeper agenda, too? Sure. What you think on deeper motives?
3 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

Serbia would also be a target for NATO.

Pray its not the case.

Be afraid, be very afraid and use what little influence Belgrade has on Moscow to

If you are wise you would be very afraid. You very well know what would happen if NATO now move on Serbia. That instant its the end of NATO. And that for starter.
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

soon Russia is really encircled.

Exactly. Hence action in Ukraine. Among other reasons.

Just look at NATO.....never been bigger....never been more unified.....soon never be more ready to go to war

NATO is already in war with Russia in Ukraine. We all know that.

So, its not the news. News is that NATO as derelict organization and NATO countries facing war with rest of the world.
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

unending bad pictures for Russia in the global news.....a never ending resource draining,

Exactly because of this Ukraine as it is will cease to exist. It functioned that way in Ukraine prior to Russian intervention and it didn`t work. Never will work for Russia.

Take Chechnya. Changes came.

Malorossian federal district within Russia with wide autonomy will be form of Ukraine existence.

Most probably.
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

Considering development in Ukraine, everything seams possible. So what would western Europe and the USA if Ukraine lose war and disappears from the map? In my opinion they will face deep crisis. Not just material but also moral. Would seek their purpose. All that in environment of Multi-Polar world, where they won`t dominate but exist among many other civilizations, equal at best. As for Poland, I expect consolidation of internal and foreign politics. Simple, pressure on Poland from the western Europe will cease and Poland would turn to itself. Finally, Poland isn`t just European country but also Slavic country. Country would seek balance. In that, Visegrad would become more important for Poland.
1 Jul 2022
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

Dobri brate, I have problem to reduce myself on that level. I giving my best but I see its too hard.

Take this. See, from all African countries only 2 (two) accepted initiative of EU and USA about Zelenski visit African countries and talk in their parliaments. So only 2 African countries accepted. Tell me brate i prijatelju, how one needs to be stupid not to see that entire so called west losing its position in the world when even African countries shows resistance.

Then also, only BRICS is 42 % of humanity. Those who refused sanctions to Russia are 80 % of humanity in total. What else needs to be said. What else, dobri moj.

But haters still coming. They simple refuse to think.