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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 4 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11663 / Live: 3918 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

Don't panic, BB. are right of course....and who knows, the AfD will develop in time and with responsibilities and become more european! :)

*goes making dinner*
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

....our AfD is very pro-Russia.....what then??? Alot rightist parties in Europe are....okay, that would be the stuff for a totally wholly different thread, so stopping here!

(And could someone shoot my typos?)
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

let's call it the middle generation, shall we?

Of course!!!! :)

It's the different visions of Poland and Germany/EU of what the future of Europe should look like. We are more for tradition, independence, co-operation of free countries, protecting our soil and heritage, limiting immigration important point! And I ask you just to have some more patience with Germany a bit longer....more and more Germans are against the current quite leftist stronghold here too and you will see proof of it in every actual and upcoming election.

Most Germans are socially quite more conservative as our gov lets you think and especially the whole immigration desaster is a tipping point for the mood in Germany!

And yes...since more and more former rather left leaning countries (Sweden!!!) are moving to the right the EU will in the end also move to the right, so will Germany...

As nice as this looks the problem I see will be with the future AfD, the most open proponent of this move to the right. As right/conservative also means nationalist it could very well be that our AfD will butt heads with polish nationalists as from PiS even more than with the current quite leftist german gov....that promises not exactly easier times for our both peoples!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

Makes you think, doesn't it?


It's the timing! This war could have been a great reason for reconciliation between our both peoples....together fighting a common know....

But it seems now it could become rather again a source for disagreements and strife and's mindboggling....sometimes it seems Poles and Germans are just like cats and dogs....they just rub each other the wrong way, no matter the's useless!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

.....and that at a moment when "latecomer" Germany, long condemned for its foot-dragging, decided to put all of its weight behind Ukraine! 🙄
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144] there a mood-change in Poland? In the polish gov? Will Poland continue to support Ukraine in this war?

That could be an explanation for the tank-mystery.....
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

- the transit of Ukrainian grain through Poland to the EU continues uniterrupted as it has always been

That is an interesting thread with much needed info, Torqi!

This whole grain business is very confusing here, I can tell you.....nobody in Germany wants to see starving Ukrainians! And yes, because of lacking info Poland doesn't look good in this (even if nobody in the german media, as far as I know is blaming Poland...I guess most german Journos are also confused about that).
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2023
Travel / What do people think about German people in Poland? [25]

Such accounts are always haunting....

I read in the german news about that polish hero that recently died with 109 years (HUNDREDNINE!!!). Born at WW1...fighted during WW2...made it through the Warsaw Uprising....what a life! I can't imagine living through what he had...RIP
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2023
Travel / What do people think about German people in Poland? [25]

Yeah.... I have to wonder about that too....usually we Germans LOVE our Italians....and Italy for the holidays....and italian food....and italian pop music....and the italian language...and and and....! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Poland - The U.S.A. of Europe [20]

it happens in Germany too (probably where it began,

Germans always loved their Indians....Karl May is a famous hero here....the "edlen Wilden"....we just love them! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Poland - The U.S.A. of Europe [20]

Uh Oh!

Looks like Pepper Peanut ate that page...

.....damn! I wanted to see that....
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77] our both languages seem to have two special features

Polish - to few vowels
German - to long words

Guys and could be so much worse....long words without vowels! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77]

.....good know, as new research shows the Ur-Europeans (out of Africa) got the blue eyes and lighter skin/hair only quite recently, an evolutionary means to survive alot better in this colder and less sunny region.

So....just maybe....someone being more fair was more attractive to the girls back then and more sought to father their children because of better chances of survival???

Another theory is about the fair hair, eyes, skin and white clothes just stands for the "good", "clearness", the "light"...and dark means "night", mysterious, dangerous, murky...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77] ja....there is this "Siegfried" - Gold.....with his blond curls whereas his adversary Hagen von Tronje (the much more interesting character of the two) was written as dark and

It seems rather a european thing to do to make the "heroes" blond....not only a german thing....most Germans are brunettes, I believe...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77]

After all, the textbooks/comics that we read reflected pretty accurately the events from our history.

The Pole the blond hero and the German the dark Mongol???

Now I too believe a common history book of our both peoples would met difficulties... :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77]


It just can it not....with so many a song! :)

But I agree....since our words can be stacked together there are some real long ones possible, like Lego.... heh:)

That's to beat:


stacked words:


Every word is fully functional on its own....but together they got famous (and still working efficiently)....that's GERMAN! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Probably true....the Baltics and their russian minorities could be a pointer....there are problems but most of them stayed after all...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Language / Will Germans be able to understand Polish enough? [77]

Oh pleeeaaaase.....german is like the softest music.....and it has vowels! :)

I mean....seriously:

SZCZYZ - yeah thats a crazy polish male name, and it sounds as crazy as it looks.

How do you think THAT sounds on foreign ears, heh:)

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

....out of Ukraine of course and negotiations about russian partake on the rebuilding....of course.

About the inner russian affairs not so much...Russia wouldn't be defeated and occupied after all.

More concerning will be the future about the pro-russian enclaves in Ukraine like Crimea. Kiev probably will take it all back and Russia has no longer the means or the will to stop anything.

Will there be unrest? Uprising? Big movements?