The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Vlad1234  

Joined: 25 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Apr 2022
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5 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Typical Mongolian haplogroups such as C,O,L,P were not even mentioned during detailed breakdown of Eastern Slavic haplogroups.
5 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

And 70% of them look Eastern European or Asian?You definitely make "praise" to them.
And what is difference between Western and Eastern European look?
5 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

There's body language, for one thing, there's glance and eye contact for another, there's response to facial gazing etc,, not to mention the way certain ethnicities move around.

So, do you want to tell any of these features makes vast majority of Poles remarkeably close to Germanics?

There is also a "strange" (I don't mean to offend) facial structure amongst some east Russians and Ukrainians that almost appears to be Mongoloid (take a look at Putin), with very high and pronounced cheekbones and a very east-Asian look to them.

Putin look Mongoloid?That's news for me.I've thought he could be compared to Nothern European of Finnish guy.One of the most prominent features of Mongoloids is jet black thick and coarse hair.And black hair is dominant.While Putin is blond and blue-eyed.

Most of non-Indo-European influence in Russians and Ukrainians (which is not too large) is coming not from Mongols but from Finno-Hungarian and Turic people.Rather it is West Asian than East Asian.Also on territory of Ukraine and Southern Russia lived Scithians and Sarmatians who believed to be Iranian speaking Indo-European people.Huns crossed these lands before Slavs lived there.But most of mixing happened during times of USSR when people from Central Asia and Caucasus region came to live in Ukraine and Russia.Quite interesting Ukraine is claimed to have plenty of people with J2 haplogroup which is claimed to be "Greco-Roman,Anatolian,Mesopotamian".This haplogroup is practically absent in Poles.Anceint Greeks had extensive colonies in Southern Ukraine and Russian along Black Sea coast since 7-th century BC.

In google: black see greek colonies

Kievan Rus' and Moscow principality had extensive connections with Bizantium Empire and married Greek people.For example Ioann the Terrible was once married on Sofia Paleologina.
5 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

What are the typical facial features of Polish men/women and how do they compare to those of other Slavic people?

It's quite difficult to do since head form among Russians,Ukrainians,Poles etc, could be of different types,there is plenty of people
among these nations who have either rounded and elongated head and face form,pronounced or less pronunced cheekbones etc.
So its rather subtle features which makes most of difference and its hard to explain.In pseudo-scientific terms Poles have more commonly
West Baltid and Cromagnoid type while Ukrainians have more Gorid,Baltid Proper and North Pontid types.Russians have more East Baltid
types.I think that on average Ukraine and Russia have slightly more West Asian and Asian influence.Poles are very homogenous people by
European standards.Ukrainian woman have smoother features than Polish on average.But still there is plenty of similar types.

"The other approximately 30 percent of Poles have mostly the R1b and I1 haplogroups. R1b is very common among other European populations including Western Europeans like Welsh, Scots, French, Spaniards, northern Italians, etc. I1 is also found in Germany where its frequencies range from 38 to 45 percent, compared to 18 to 25 percent in Poland."

I think it is strongly exagerated.There is no so much visible Germanic/Celtic influence in Poles.They are one of the "purest" Slavic nations.

There is already have been many similar genetic "researches" conducted in Ukraine, for example, with quite strangely "results".So if you looking at genetic researches look for the source and proves.Haplogroup I1 divides in I1a and I1b.Poles have more I1b than I1a (similar to Russians).
There is no truthful genetic research conducted by independent Western researches based on thousands of samples which would make statement that Poles are way more closer to Germanics then Eastern Slavic nations.Even contra majority of such researches proves their relatively close proximity.

So take in account in some "researches" it could be exagerated.
28 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Roots and a language could be two different things. Also even if tribes 2000 years were close knitted they went their own ways and developed for the most part their own distinctive culture.

Which exactly tribes do you mean?If you talk about Slavic tribes there was no any mention of them before 6-th century AD.And based on language proximity and other data I think that predecessors of modern Poles and modern Ukrainians completely separated no more then 1200 years ago.What is not terribly long term.But even after that significant parts of Ukraine were under Polish rule for 500 years, there was lot of intermixing,cultural exchange,etc.

Distinct culture is a good thing.When people develope their distinct cultures it allows to make cultural exchange later and benefit each other.
Many Poles claim that they admire with some Russian writers,composers.And contra.
28 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

It's imortant to know for a people where their roots stem from.And not to be ignorant.

English - Polish - Ukrainian - Slovak

Skin - Skóra - Szkira - Kože
Joke - żart - żart - vtip, žart
Powerfull - Potężny - Potużnyj - Výkonný
Step - Krok - Krok - Krok
Duck - Kaczka - Kaczka - Kaèica
Flooring - Podłoga - Pidloga - Podlaha
Hour - Godzina - Godyna - Hodina
Time - Czas - Czas - èas
Account - Rachunek - Rachunok - úèet
Movement - Ruch - Ruch - Pohyb
Amber - Bursztyn - Bursztyn
Emarald - Szmaragd - Smaragd - Smaragd
Patch - łata - latka - škvrna
Puddle - Kałuża - Kaliuża - Kaluże
Shave - Golić - Golyty - Oholit'
Watermelon - Arbuz, kawon - Kawun - Vodný melón
27 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Trees in Slavic languages have gender for a certain.And willow as you guessed it correct is of femenine gender.
Dub and Kl'on in Russian are on contrary masculine.
Genders are present in other European languages as well.French is one more example.German has three genders
as well.So English is rather exception.Six cases?Possibly.But Polish and Ukrainian have seven.
26 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

How about structural similarities, while we're on the subject

Polish,Ukrainian and Russian all have tree genders: male,female and neuter.Three tenses: future,past and present.Polish and Ukrainian have seven cases: Nominative,Genitive,Dative,Accusative,Instrumental,Locative and Vocative.Russian regularly have six main cases: Nominative,Genitive,Dative,Accusative,Instrumental and Prepositional, though some additional cases including Locative,Partitive and Vocative are mentioned.Some of them are rarely used or incomplete.But particular word ending in cases between those languages are often different though there is some similarities.For example word beer in dative case will sound the same in three languages: Szklanka piwa (pol.), Bokal pywa (ukr.), Bokal Piwa (rus.)
26 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

English - Polish - Ukrainian - Slovak

Mister - Pan - Pan - Pán
Skirt - Spódnica - Spidnycia - Sukne
Boots - Buty - (Czoboty, czerevyki, butsy) - Topánky
Red - Czerwony - Czerwonyj - èervený
Bed - łóżko - liżko - posteľ, lôžko
Cloud - Chmura - Chmara - Oblak
Seed - Nasienie - Nasinnia - Semienko
Sickness - Choroba - Chvoroba - Choroba
Wait - czekać - czekaty - èaka»
Respect - szanować, poważać - poważaty, szanuwaty - rešpektova»
Authority - Władza - Wlada - Autorita, úrad
Mill - Młyn - Mlyn - Mlyn
Frog - żaba - żaba - žaba
Roof - Dach - Dach - Strecha
Taste - Smak - Smak - Chu», vkus
Flee - Uciec - Tikaty - Utiekt', uteka»
Launder - Prać - Praty - Prat'
Gate - Brama, wrota - Worota, bramy - Brána, vráta
25 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

the normal word in Russian for horse is łoszad' and for dog -- sobaka.

Russian doesn't use ł sound. Only L. But kon' and pios are still regulary used in Russian.
They were not displaced.
25 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

There's "no connection to polish" so it's going to be like a damn Chinese

Yeah,I really wonder how could you understand such words as: Somár,Jelša,Jazvec,Jar,š»ava,Kmeň etc.
Could you explain it?
24 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

An intriguing thread, guys, by all means keep it going! How about structural similarities, while we're on the subject:-)

Could you explain what do you mean under startural similarities?What is your native language and why you are interested
in Slavic languages?If you want you could write a personal message to me.Will see how I could help to you.

Language Studies have proven that Slovak is more closely related to Polish than Russian. It's no surprise that all these words and similarities to each other.

I didn't say it's definitive.Though take as example such seemingly ancient words as:

English - Polish - Russian - Slovak

Donkey - Osioł - Osiol - Somár
Alder - Olcha - Olcha - Jelša
Badger - Borsuk - Barsuk - Jazvec
Spring - Wiosna - Wiesna - Jar

"The Slovak language arises from the language of the Slovene (i.e. the Slavic inhabitants of Great Moravia, present-day Hungary, Slovenia and Slavonia) in the form of several Slovak dialects, after the Magyars (Hungarians) have destroyed Great Moravia (c.907), settled in present-day Hungary, separated the West from the South Slavs, and temporarily subjugated southern parts of Slovakia (most of the remaining Slovakia will become part of Hungary until the end of the 11th century). In the 10th century, the Slovak dialects are already divided in the three present-day groups (Western, Central and Eastern Slovak dialects)."
No connection to Polish is mentioned.
23 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

The list would be much longer if between Polish and Slovak only

This is what I expect to post by somebody here.If Polish and Slovak are so close and many
Poles listened to Slovak and understand quite a lot then it should be easy to do...
22 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

You don't have to give us huge lists. a link will do fine, thank you.
or simply..... shorter lists

I do not know link to such comparisons.If I would provide short list then someone on this forum would claim there is
few similarities.
22 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Don't need fancy studies, just listen to Slovak. When I do, I understand it, when I listen to Russian I don't understand it, simples. The OP doesn't understand that the language similarity very much depends on syntax, grammar, pronunciation as well as vocabulary.

Or you could post similarities between Polish and Slovak grammar,syntax,pronounciation etc.Of course I listened to Slovak.I could understand quite a lot of Polish but quite a little of Slovak.Even though I could understand lot of Polish trough Ukrainian it doesn't help me to understand lot of Slovak.There exist much of difference exactly in pronounciation and grammar.Even between Polish and Slovak.
22 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Could somebody post here words similarities between Polish and Slovak?
Based on many hundreds of basic words comparison I could rather make conclusion that Polish and Slovak are more
originally distant than Polish and Russian.

Here is more important similarities between Slavic languages to continue discussion.

English - Polish - Russian - Slovak

Quail - Przepiórka - Perepiolka - Prepelica
Thaw - Tajanie - Tajanie - Topenia
Storm - Burza - Buria - Búrka
Dismantling - Rozbiórka - Razborka - Demontáž
Praise - Pochwała, chwała - Pochwala, chwala - (Chvála, pochvala)
Sunrise - wschód słońca - woschod sonca - východ slnka
Deeply - Głęboko - Gluboko - Hlboko
Fiber - Włókno - Wolokno - Vlákno
Bast - £yko - Lub, lyko - Lyko
Robbery - Rozbój - Razboj - Lúpež
Mixing - Mieszanie - Smiesziwanie - Miešanie
Sorrel - Szczaw - Szczawel' - š»aveľ
Manhole - Właz - Laz - Prielez
Sunset - zachód słońca - zachod solnca - západ slnka
Hidden - Ukryty - Skrytyj, ukrytyj - Skrytý
Cone - Szyszka - Szyszka - šuška
Mind - Rozum - Razum - Mysel', rozum
Reason - Powód - Powod - Dôvod
Prop - Podpierać - Podpierat' - Podporiet'
Deluge - Potop - Potop - Potopa
Plant - Sadzić - Sadit' - Zasadi»
Belt - Pas - Pojas - Pás
Spider - Pająk - Pauk - Pavúk
Person - Osoba - Osoba - Osoba
Pass - Przechodzić - Prochodzit' - (Prejs», prechádza»)
Moth - Mól - Mol' - Mol'
Butterfly - Motyl - Babochka, motyliok - Motýľ
Patch - £atać - Latat' - Zapláta»
Willow - Wierzba - Iva, wierba - Vŕba
About - O - O - O
Messenger - Posłaniec - Poslannik, poslaniec - Posol
Conduct - Przewodzić - Prowodzit' - Vodit'
Inhale - Wdychać - Wdychat' - Vdýchnu»
Beard - Broda - Boroda - Fúzy, brada
Crucian - Karaś - Karas' - Karas
Copper - Miedź - Miedz - Meï
Blink - Migać - Migat' - Blika» 600
Whisper - Szeptać - Szeptat' - šepka»
Thrush - Drozd - Drozd - Drozd
Glutonny - Obżarstwo - Obżorstwo - (žravos», obžerstvo)
Askew - Krzywo, skośne - Kriwo, koso - Nakrivo
Eyelid - Powieka - Wieko - Oèné vieèko
Lynx - Ryś - Rys' - Rys
Plump - Pulchny - Puchlyj - Bbucľatý
Extinguish - Gasić - Gasit', tuszyt' - Uhasi»
Hoop - Obręcz - Obrucz - Obruè
Ivy - Bluszcz - Pluszcz - Breètan
Warehouse - Magazin, skład - Sklad - Sklad
Before - Przed - Pered - Pred
Firewood - Drwa - Drowa - Palivové drevo
Estuary - Ujście - Ustje - ústie
Guest - Gość - Gost' - Host
Gammer - Baba, staruszka - Baba, staruszka - (stará žena, babka)
Male - Samiec - Samiec - Samec
Female - Samica, żeński - Samka, żenskij - (Samica, ženský)
Crumb - Miękisz - Miakisz - Drobèek
Heron - Czapla - Caplia - Volavka
Furrow - Bruzda - Borozda - Brázda
Harrow - Brona - Borona - Brány
Ringing - Dzwonienie, dzwon - Zwon - Zvoniaci
Millet - Proso, jagla - Proso, pszeno - Proso, pšeno
Rub - Trzeć - Teriet' - Triet'
Porrige - Kasza - Kasza - Kaša
Tell fortunes- Wróżyć - Worożyt' - Vešti»
Drawing - Rysunek - Risunok - Kreslenie
Yeast - Drożdże - Drożży - Kvasnice
Dugout - Zemianka - Zemlianka - Zákop
Suspicion - Podejzrenie - Podozrenije - Podozrenie
Sieve - Sito - Sito - Sito
Sponge - Gąbka - Gubka - Peèivo
Obvious - Oczywisty - Ocziewidnyj - (Zrejmý, oèividný)
Candle - świeca, świeczka - swiecza, swieczka - Svieèka
Pillow - Poduszka - Poduszka - Vankúš, poduška
Sticky - Lepki, kleisty - Lipkij, klejkij - Lepkavý
Stuffy - Duszny - Dusznyj - Nevetraný
Tear - Rozerwać - Rwat', razrywat' - Roztrhnú», trha»
Shuttle - Czółenko - Czelnok - (kyvadlová doprava, èlnok)
Burrow - Nora - Nora - Nora
Den - Legowisko - Logowo - Doupě
Rut - Ruja, koleina - Koleja - Ruje
Custom - Zwyczaj, obyczaj - Obyczaj - Zvyk
Tongs - Szczypce, kleszcze - Szczipcy, kleszczi - Kliešte
Dergree - Stopień - Stiepień - Stupeň
Spawn - Ikra - Ikra - Poter, podhubie, ikra
Both - Obie, oboje - Oba, obie - Obaja
Difficulty - Trudność - Trudnost' - Otiažnos»
Roundish - Okrągławy - Okruglyj - Gľovitý
Severely - Surowo, strogo - Surowo, strogo - Vážne
Handfull - Garstka - Gorst', gorstka - Hŕstka
Ferry - Prom - Parom - Trajekt
Access - Dostęp - Dostup - (Prístup, doustupnost')
Gust - Poryw - Poryw - Poryv
Cure - Lekarstwo - Lekarstwo - Liek
Bathing - Kąpanie się - Kupanie - Kúpanie
Udder - Wymię - Wymia - Vemeno
Imagination - Wyobraźnia - Woobrażenije - Predstavivos»
Pad - Podkładka - Podkladka - Podložka
Turbid - Mętny - Mutnyj - Zakalený
Stake - Stawka - Stawka - Stávka
Supervision - Nadzór - Nadzor - Dozor
Dismissal - Zwolnienie - Uwol'nienije - Prepustenie
Debtor - Dłużnik - Dolżnik - Dlžník
Wealth - Bogactwo - Bogactwo - Bohatstvo
Confirmation - Potwierdzenie - Podtwierżdzenije - Potvrdenie
Stun - Oszołomić, ogłuszać - Oszelomit', ogluszat' - Omráèi»
Booth - Budka - Budka - Búda
Bookmark - Zakładka - Zakladka - Záložka
Smallpox - Ospa - Ospa - Kiahne
Bran - Otręby - Otrubi - Otruby
Cautious - Ostrożny - Ostorożnyj - Opatrný
Hope - Nadzieja - Nadzieżda - Nádeje
Brush - Szczotka - Szcziotka - Kefa
Memories - Wspomnienia - Wospominanija - Spomienky
Fidelity - Wierność - Wiernost' - Vernost'

English - Polish - Russian archaic

Breast - Pierś - Piersi
Bench - £awka - Lawka
Forehead - Czoło - Czelo
Lips - Usta - Usta
Eye - Oko - Oko
Riverbank - Brzieg - Brieg
Know - Wiedzieć - Wiedziet'
Mite - Grocz - Grocz
Father - Tata - Tiatia
Punishment - Kara - Kara
Died - Zginel - Sginul
Hero - Bohater - Bogatyr'
Nice - ładny - ladnyj
Better - Lepszy - Lepszyj
Pupil - -renica - Zenica
Because - Bo - Ibo
As - Jak - Jako
Toung - Mowa - Molwa
Red - Czerwony - Czerwonnyj
Fount - Krynica - Krynica

English - Czech - Russian

Island - Ostrov - Ostrov
Tender - Nezhnij - Nezhnyj
Hand - Ruka - Ruka
Sound - Zvuk - Zvuk
Many - Mnogo - Mnogo
Door - Dvere - Dver`
Hope - Nadeje - Nadezhda
Forehead - Chelo - Chelo (archaic)
Jaw - Chelest – Chel'ust'
Cheese - Syr - Syr
Speech - Rech - Rech
Circle - Kruh - Krug
All - Vshe - Vse
Against - Proti - Protiv
Pipe - Trubka - Trubka, truba
Flour - Muka - Muka
Father - Otets - Ot'ets
Light - Svetlo - Svet
Do - Delat - Delat`
Book - Kniha - Kniga
Wave - Vlna - Volna
Conversation - Rozgovor, beseda - Razgovor, beseda
Bear – Medved – Medved'
Level – Uroven' – Uroven'
West – Zapad – Zapad
North – Sever – Sever
South – Juh – Jug
Cloud – Oblak – Oblako
Month – Mesits – Mes'ats
Moon – Mesits – Mes'ats
Tomorow – Zitra – Zavtra
Yesterday – Vchera – Vchera
Burn – Horet – Goret'
Rat - Krysa - Krysa
Thunder - Hrom - Grom
Buy - Koupit - Kupit'
Seeds - Semena - Semena
Low - Nizkij - Nizkij
Wall - Stena - Stena
Miracle - Div - Divo
Grass Snake - Uzhovka - Uzh
Sour - Kyselyj - Kislyj
Help - Pomots - Pomosch
Greeting - Pozdrav - Pozdravlenije
Wing - Kridlo - Krylo
Pour - Lit - Lit'
Proud - Hrdy - Gordyj
Rude - Hrubi - Grubyj
Shallow - Melkij - Melkij
Tar - Deget - D'ogot'
Growth - Rust - Rost
Peace - Mir, pokoj - Mir, pokoj
Carry - Nest, nosit - N'esti, nosit'
Row - R'adek - R'ad, r'adok
Breathe - Dykhat - Dyshat'
Age - Vek - Vek
Place - Misto - Mesto
Region - Kraj, oblast - Oblast', kraj
Copper - Med' - Med'
Orache - Lebeda - Lebeda
Sell - Prodavat, prod'at - Prodavat', prodat'
Hole - Dira - Dyra
Volume - Objem - Objom
Space - Prostor - Prostranstvo
Worm - Cherv - Ch'erv'
Bite - Kousat - Kusat'
Cut - řezat - rezat'
Nettle - kopřiva - krapiva
Transition - Přechod - Perechod
Blunt - Tupy - Tupoj
Hold - Drzhet - Derzhat'
Scroll - Svitek - Svitok
Chisel - Dlato - Dolato
Brag - Chvástat se - Chvastat's'a
Law - Zakon - Zakon
Burdock - Lopuch - Lopuch
Glow - Záře - Zarevo
Boil - Vařit se - Varit'
Paring - Rozlouèení - Rozluka
Dinner - Oběd - Oběd
Oar - Veslo - Veslo
Ash - Popel - Pepel
Last - Poslední - Poslednij
Long Ago - Davno - Davno

English - Slovenian - Russian

Mister - Gospod - Gospodin
Star - Zvezda - Zvezda
Glass - Steklo - Steklo
Skin - Kozha - Kozha
Speak - Govorimo - Govorit`
Propose - Predlagati - Predlagat`
Search - Iskanje - Iskat`
Street - Ulitsa – Ulitsa
Work - Delo - Delo
Flower - Tsvet - Tsvetok
Sense - Smisl - Smysl
Bird - Ptitsa - Ptitsa
Debt - Dolg - Dolg
How - Kako - Kak
Pike - Schuka - Schuka
Trader - Trgovec - Torgovec
Toad - Žaba - Žaba

English – Czech – Ukrainian

White – Bilyj – Bilyj
Banner – Prapor – Prapor
Beast – Zvire – Zvir
Thank you – Dekuje – D'akuju
Roof – Strekha – Strikha
Sand – Pisek – Pisok
Wind – Vitre – Viter,vitre
Will be – Bude – Bude
Sing – Spivat – Spivaty
Beauty – Krasa – Krasa
Crime – Zlochin – Zlochin
Glass – Sklo – Sklo
Silver – Striblo - Sriblo
Emarald - Smaragd - Smaragd
Age - Doba - Doba
Now - Nyni - Nyni
Proof - Důkaz - Dokaz
Stem - Stéblo - Steblo
21 May 2013
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Could we tell on basis of this words comparison that Slovak is definitely closer to Polish than Russian?

English - Polish - Russian - Slovak
I - Ja - Ja - Ja
You - Ty - Ty - Ty
You (plural) - Wy - Wy - Wy
We - My - My - My
He - On - On - On
She - Ona - Ona - Ona
They - Oni - Oni - Oni
It - Ono - Ono - Ono
Them - Im, Ich - Im, Ich - (Je, im, ich)
Me - Mnie - Mnie - Ma
Who - Kto - Kto - Kto
What - Co - Czto - èo
On - Na - Na - Na
Under - Pod - Pod - Pod
Behind - Za - Za - Za
From - Z - (Iz, S) - Z
For - Dla - Dla - Pre
There - Tam - Tam - Tam
Here - Tutaj - Tut, Zdies - Tu
People - Ludzie, naród - Ludzi, narod - L'udia
God - Bóg - Bog - Boh
Heart - Serce - S'erce - Srdce
Soul - Dusza - Dusza - (Duše, duša)
Spirit - Duch - Duch - Duch
Head - Głowa - Golowa - Hlava
Leg - Noga - Noga - Noha
Eye - Oko - Glaz, Oko (archaic) - Oko
Ear - Ucho - Ucho - Ucho
Neck - Szyja - Szeja - (Krk, hrdlo)
Nose - Nos - Nos - Nos
Cow - Krowa - Korowa - Krava
Horse - Koń - Koń - Kôň
Dog - Pies - Pios - Pes
Tree - Drzewo - Derewo - Strom
Sky - Niebo - Niebo - Neba, nebo
Heavens - Niebiosa - Niebiesa - Nebesá
Paradise - Raj - Raj - Raj
Grass - Trawa - Trawa - Tráva
Man - Człowiek - Czieloviek - èlovek
Male - Mężczyzna - Mużczina - Muž
Little girl - Dziewczynka - Dziewoczka - Dievèatko
Lad - Chłopak, chłopiec - Chlopiec - Clapec
Eagle - Orzeł - Oriol - Orol
Falcon - Sokół - Sokol - Sokol
Flame - Płomień - Plamia - Plameň
Fire - Pożar, Ogień - Pożar, Ogoń - Oheň, požiar
Rebellion - Bunt - Bunt - Povstanie
Side - Strona, bok - Storona, bok - (Strana, bok)
River - Rzeka - Rieka - Rieka
Sun - Słońce - Sonce - Slnko
Earth - Ziemia - Ziemlia - Zem 50
Road - Droga - Doroga - Cesty
Stone - Kamień - Kamień - Kameň
Our - Nasz - Nasz - Náš
Beat - Bić - Bit' - (Porazit', bit')
Leaf - Liść - List - List
Friendship - Drużba - Drużba - Drużba
Day - Dzień - Dzień - Deň
Night - Noc - Nocz - Noc
Evening - Wieczór - Wieczier - Veèer
Field - Pole - Pole - Pole
Snow - śnieg - snieg - sneh
Finger - Palec - Palec - (Prst, palec)
Green - Zielony - Zielonyj - Zelený
House - Dom - Dom - Dom
Castle - Zamek - Zamok - (Hrad, zámok)
Forest - Las - Les - Les
Is - Jest - Jest` - Je
Swim - Pływać - Plawat` - Pláva»
Fly - Latać - Letat` - Lietat'
Light - świetlny - swietlyj - svetelný
Broad - Szeroki - Szyrokij - široký
High - Wysoki - Wysokij - Vysoký
Hail - Grad - Grad - Krupobitie
Hair - Włosy - Wolosy - Vlasy
Freedom - Wolność, swoboda - Swoboda, wolnost` - Sloboda
Children - Dzieci - Dzieti - Deti
Language - Język - Jazyk - Jazyk
Cherry - Wiśnia - Wiśnia - èerešňa
Apple - Jabłko - Jabloko - Jablko
Berry - Jagoda - Jagoda - Bobule
Sweet - Słodki - Sladkij - Sladký
Better - Lepsze - Luczsze - Lepšie
Corn - Kukurydza - Kukuruza - Kukurica
Wheat - Pszenica - Pszenica - Pšenica
Bread - Chleb - Chleb - Chlieb
Mouse - Mysz - Mysz - Myš
Sleep - Spać - Spat` - Spat'
Bitter - Gorzki - Gorkij - Horký
Fame - Słava - Slava - Sláva
Rock - Skała - Skala - Skala
Wind - Wiatr - Wietier - Vietor
Yellow - żółty - żoltyj - žltý
White - Biały - Bielyj - Biely
Nail - Gwóźdź - Gwoźd` - (Klinec, neht)
Ax - Topór - Topor - Sekera
Sea - Morze - More - More
Window - Okno - Okno - Okno
Milk - Mleko - Moloko - Mlieko
Pigeon - Gołąb - Golub' - Holub
Fox - Lis - Lis - Líška
Wolf - Wilk - Wolk - Vlk
Square - Kwadrat - Kwadrat - Kvadrát
Honey - Miód - Miod - Med
Wasp - Osa - Osa - Osa
Bee - Pszczoła - Pcziela - Vèela
Ring - Pierścień - Pierstień - Prsteň
Mountain - Góra - Gora - Hora
Plate - Płyta - Plita - Doska
Clothing - Odież - Odieżda - Obleèenie, odev
Merry - Wesoły - Wesolyj - Veselý
Image - Obraz - Obraz - Obraz
Iron - żelazo - żelezo - železo
Water - Woda - Woda - Voda
Droplet - Kropelka - Kapelka - Kvapôèka
Arrow - Strzałka, strzała - Strelka, strela - šípka
Clean - Chysty - Chistyj - èistý
Sinner - Grzesznik - Gresznik - Hriešnik
Cabbage - Kapusta - Kapusta - Kapusta
Carrot - Marchew – Morkow' - Mrkva
See - Widzieć - Widiet' - Vidiet'
Grandson - Wnuk - Wnuk - Vnuk
Brain - Mózg - Mozg - Mozog
Meat - Mięso - Miaso - Mäso
Butter - Masło - Maslo - Maslo
If - Jeśli - Jesli - Ak
Venom - Jad - Jad - Jed
Mushroom - Grzyb, grzybek - Grib, gribok - Hrib, huba
Ore - Ruda - Ruda - Ruda
Force - Siła - Sila - Sila
War - Wojna - Wojna - Vojna, boj
Battle - Bój, bitwa - Boj, bitwa - Bitka
Eggs - Jajka - Jajca - Vajcia
Plum - śliwka - sliwa - slivka
Tooth - Ząb - Zub - Zub
Pine - Sosna - Sosna - (Borovica, sosna)
Linden - Lipa - Lipa - Lipa
Sword - Miecz - Mieć - Meè
Wall - ściana - stiena - Múr, stena
Donkey - Osioł - Osiol - Somár
Goat - Koza,kozioł - Koza,koziol - Koza
Pain - Ból - Bol - Bolest'
Bull - Byk, buhaj - Byk, bugaj - Býk
Teach - Uczyć - Uczit` - Uèi»
Fly (insect) - Mucha - Mucha - Mucha
Beer - Piwo - Piwo - Pivo
Raspberry - Malina - Malina - Malina
Where - Gdzie - Gdzie - Kde
Young - Młody - Molodoj - Mladý
Old - Stary - Staryj - Starý 150
Good - Dobro - Dobro - Dobro
Evil - Zło - Zlo - Zlo
Right - Prawo - Prawo - Právo
Left - Lewo - Lewo - Vľavo
Truth - Prawda - Prawda - Pravda
Plane - Samolot - Samolot - Rovina
Drink - Pić - Pit' - Pit'
Write - Pisać - Pisat` - Napisat', pisat'
Eat - Jeść - Jest' - Jest'
Word - Słowo - Slowo - Slovo
Justice - Sprawiedliwość - Sprawiedliwost` - Spravodlivost'
Unemployment - Bezrobocie - Bezrabotica - Nezamestnanos»
Clay - Glina - Glina - Il, hlina
Glue - Klej - Klej - Lepidlo
Know - Wiedzieć, znać - Znat`, wiedat' - Vedie»
Blood - Krew - Krow` - Krv
Poplar - Topola - Topol' - Topol'
Viburnum - Kalina - Kalina - Kalina
Such - Taki - Takoj - Taký
Which - Który - Kotoryj - Ktorý
In - W - W - V
Grain - Ziarno - Zierno - Obilie, zrno
Village - Sioło, chutor - Sielo, chutor - Obec
Garden - Ogród - Ogorod - Záhrada
Army - Wojsko - Wojsko - Vojsko
Witch - Wiedźma - Wiedzma - èarodejnice
Sorcerer - Czarodziej - Czarodziej - èarodejník
**** - Gówno - Gowno - Hovno
Deaf - Głuchy - Gluchoj - Hluchý
Mute - Niemy - Niemoj - Nemý
Asp - żmija - zmij - Okuliarnik
Fog - Mgła - Mgla - Hmla
Want - Chcieć - Chotiet' - Chcie»
Beast - Zwierz - Zwier` - Zviera
Tomato - Pomidor - Pomidor - Paradajka
Couple - Para - Para - Pár
Bow - £uk - Luk - Lúk
Knife - Nóż - Noż - Nôž
Spoon - £yżka - Lożka - Lyžice
Urine - Mocz - Mocza - Moè
***** - Suka - Suka - (Fena, suka)
Shoot - Strzelać - Strel'at' - Strieľa»
Oak - Dąb - Dub - Dub
Aspen - Osika - Osina - Osika
Saddle – Siodło - Siedlo - Sedlo
Chestnut - Kasztan - Kasztan - Gaštan
Winter - Zima - Zima - Zima
Spring – Wiosna - Wiesna - Jar
Summer - Lato - Leto - Leto
Autumn - Jesień - Osień - Jeseň 200
Deer- Jeleń - Oleń - Jeleň
Lake - Jezioro - Oziero - Jazero
Juice - Sok - Sok - š»ava
Ride - Jazda - Jezda - Jazda
Crow - Wrona - Worona - Vrana
Kernel - Jądro - Jadro - Jadro
Nut - Nakrętka, orzech - Orech - Orech
Pear - Gruszka - Grusza - Hruška
Wheel - Koło - Koleso - Koleso
Border - Granica - Granica - Hranica
Rich - Bogaty - Bogatyj - Bohatý
Poor - Biedny - Biednyj - Chudobný, úbohý, biedny
Hip - Biodro - Biedro - Bedro
Street - Ulica - Ulica - Ulice
Late - Późno - Pozno - Neskoro
Far - Daleko - Daleko - D'aleko
Near - Blisko - Blizko - Blizko
Dust - Pył - Pyl' - Prach
Choice - Wybór - Wybor - (Vol'ba, výber)
Health - Zdrowie - Zdorow'je - Zdravie
Nest – Gniazdo - Gniezdo - Hniezdo
Cucumber - Ogórek - Ogurec - Uhorka
Feather - Pióro - Piero - Perie
Thought - Myśl - Mysl` - Myšlienka
Hunger - Głód - Golod - Hlad
Voice - Głós - Golos - Hlas
Heat - Ciepło, żar - Tieplo, żar - Teplo
Wife - żona - żena - žena
Husbend - Mąż - Muż - Manžel
Honor - Cześć - Czest' - èes»
Badger - Borsuk - Barsuk - Jazvec
Although – Chociaż – Chotia - Hoci
Long - Długo, długi - Dolgo, dolgij - Dlho, dlhý
Small - Mały - Malyj - Malý
Few - Mało - Malo - Málo
Laugh - śmiech - smiech - smiech
Bones - Kości - Kosti - Kost'
Desert - Pustynia - Pustynia - Púš»
Needle - Igła - Igla - Ihla
Create - Tworzyć - Tworit` - Vytvorit', tvorit'
Whom - Kogo - Kogo - Koho
Tribe - Plemię - Plemia - Kmeň
Widow - Wdowa - Wdowa - Vdova
Read - Czytać - Czitat` - èíta»
Goods - Towary - Towary - Tovar
Ready - Gotowy - Gotowyj - Pripravený, hotový
Fear - (Strach, bojaźń, trwoga) - (Strach, bojazń, trewoga) - Strach
Elk - £oś - Los' - Los
Important - Ważny - Ważnyj - Dôležitý
Yours - Twój - Tvoj - Tvoj
Weak - Słaby -Slabyj - Slabý
Guilt - Wina - Wina - Vina
Sheep - Owca, baran - Owca, baran - (Ovce, ovca, baránok)
Quiet - Cichy - Tichij - Tichý
Watermelon - Arbuz - Arbuz - Vodný melón, dyňa
Flax - Len - Lion - L'an
Soap - Mydło - Mylo - Mydlo
Valley - Dolina - Dolina - (údolie, dolina)
Draw - Rysować - Risowat` - Kreslit'
Shoes - Obuwie - Obuw' - Obuv
Cancer - Rak - Rak - (Rakovina, rak)
Half - Pół - Pol - (Spolovice, pol)
Bottom - Dno - Dno - Dno
Shadow - Cień - Tień - Tieň
Dark - Ciemny - Tiomnyj - Tmavý, temný
Short - Krótki - Korotkij - Krátky
Often - Często - Czasto - èasto
Price - Cena - Cena - Cena
Fish - Ryba - Ryba - Ryba
Wound - Rana - Rana - Rana
Owl - Sowa - Sowa - Sova
My - Mój - Moj - Môj
Pig – świnia – swińja - (Prasa, ošípaná, sviňa)
Game - Gra - Igra - Hra
Mare - Kobyła, klacz - Kobyla, klacza - Kobyla
Only - Tylko - Tolko - (Iba, len)
Elbow - £okieć - Lokot' - (Koleno, laket')
Knee - Kolano - Koleno - Koleno
Spade - £opata - Lopata - (Rýľ, rydlo)
Prayer - Modlitwa - Molitwa - Modlitba
Wild - Dziki - Dzikij - Divoký
Descendant - Potomek - Potomok - Potomok
Ancestor - Przodek - Predok - Predok
End - Koniec - Koniec - Koniec
Secret - Tajny - Tajnyj - Tajný
Each - Każdy - Każdyj - Každý
Pay - Płacić - Platit` - Platit'
Reward - Nagroda - Nagrada - Odmena
Enemy - Wróg - Wrag - Nepriatel'
Perch - Okoń - Okuń - Okúň
Hoof - Kopyto - Kopyto - Kopyto
Sew - Szyć - Szyt` - ši»
Root - Korzeń - Koreń - Koreň
Paw - £apa - Lapa - (Packa, labka, laba)
Without - Bez - Bez - Bez
Spark - Iskra - Iskra - Iskra
Repeat - Powtarzać - Powtariat` - Opakovat'
Dough - Ciasto - Tiesto - Cesto
Odor - Zapach - Zapach - Zápach
Mole - Kret - Krot - Krtek 300
Chin - Podbródek - Podborodok - Brada
Horseshoe - Podkowa - Podkowa - Podkova
Joy - Radość - Radost' - Radost'
Cap - Czapka - Szapka - èiapka
Weather - Pogoda - Pogoda - Poèasie
Senior - Starszy - Starszyj - Starší
Bridge - Most - Most - Most
Meaning - Znaczenie - Znaczenije - Význam
Otherwise - Inaczej - Inaczie - Inak
Market - Rynek - Rynok - Trh
Threshold - Próg - Porog - Prah
Expression - Wyrażenie -Wyrażenije - Výraz
Eternity - Wieczność - Wiecznost` - Veènos»
Garlic - Czosnek - Czesnok - Cesnak
Divide - Dzielić - Dzielit` - (Rozdelit', delit')
Servant - Sługa -Sluga - Sluha
Swarm - Rój - Roj - Roj
Aunt – Ciotka - Tiotka - Teta
Listen - Słuchać - Sluszat` - Poèúva»
Bakery – Piekarnia – Piekarnia - Pekáreň
Shelf - Półka - Polka - Police
Bark - Kora - Kora - Kôra
Show - Pokazać - Pokazat', pokazywat' - Ukáza»
Capital city - Stolica - Stolica - Hlavné mesto
Sickle - Sierp - Sierp - (Aug, kosák)
Dispute - Spór – Spor - Spor
Take – Brać, wziąć – Brat', wziat' - (Vziat', brat')
Lazy - Leniwy - Leniwyj - Lenivý
Hummer - Młotek - Molot, molotok - Kladivo
Dig - Kopać - Kopat' - Kopat'
Sharp - Ostry - Ostryj - Ostrý
Steal - Ukraść, kraść - Ukrast', krast' - Kradnú»
Hard - Twardy - Twiordyj - Tvrdý
Slightly - Lekko - Legko - Trochu
Marvel - Cud, cudo, dziwo - Czudo, dziwo - (Zázrak, div, èudo)
Yet - Jeszcze - Jescho - Ešte
Sly - Chytry - Chitryj - Mazaný
Ice - Lód - Liod - L'ad
Fool - Głupi, głupiec - Glupyj, glupiec - Blázon
Stupid - Durny - Durnoj - Hlúpy
New - Nowy - Nowyj - Nový
Vein - żyła - żyla - žila
Orchard - Sad - Sad - Ovocný sad
Run - Biegać - Biegat' - Behat'
Sweep - Zamiatać - Zamietat' - (Zamiest', zametat')
Saw - Piła - Pila - Pila
Follow - śledzić - sledit' - Sledova»
Kiss - Całować - Celowat' - Pobozka»
Vapour - Para - Par - Para
Tar - Smoła - Smola - (Decht, smola)
Acorn - żołądź - żolud' - žaluï
Hop - Chmiel - Chmiel' - Chmel'
Manner - Sposób - Sposob - Spôsob
Fall - Spadać, padać - Padat' - (Klesat', spadat')
Full - Pełny - Polnyj - Plný
Growth - Wzrost - Rost - Rast
Weave - Tkać, pleść - Tkat', plesti - (Tkat', pliest')
Modest - Skromny - Skromnyj - Skromný
Sober - Trzeźwy - Triezwyj - Triezvy
Drunk - Pijany - Pijanyj - Opitý
Naked - Nagi, goły - Golyj, nagoj - (Nahý, holý)
Smooth - Gładki, równy - Gladkij, rownyj - (Plynulý, hladký)
Net - Sieć, siatka - Siet', sietka - (Siet', sietka)
Defence - Obrona - Oborona - Obrana
Anger - Złość, gniew - Zlost', gniew - (Hnev, zlost')
Motherland - Ojczyzna - Otczizna - (Domovia, vlast')
Empty - Pusty - Pustoj - Prázdny
Fresh - świeży - swieżyj - èerstvý
Jam - Powidło - Powidlo - Džem
Target - Cel - Cel' - Cieľ
Sneeze - Kichać - Chichat' - Kýcha»
Could - Może - Możet - By
Fun - Zabawa - Zabawa - Zábava
Name - Nazwa, imię - Nazwanije, imia - Názov, meno
Covering - Pokrycie - Pokrytie - Krytina
Let - Pozwolić - Pozwolit' - Dovolit'
Sleep - Spać - Spat' - Spat'
Dream - Sen - Son - Sen
Have - Mieć - Imiet' - Mat'
Poppy - Mak - Mak - Mak
Bucket - Wiadro, czerpak - Wiedro, czerpak - Vedro
Barrel - Beczka - Boczka - Sud
Ambush - Zasadzka - Zasada - (Nástraha, pasca)
Nostril - Nozdrze - Nozdria - Nozdra
Reserve - Zapas - Zapas - Reserva
Around - Około - Okolo - Okolo
Nature - Przyroda - Priroda - Priroda
Quickly - Szybko, bystro, żywo - Bystro, skoro, żywo - Rýchlo
Throat - Gardło - Gorlo - Pstruh
Pleasant - Przyjemny, miły - Prijatnyj, milyj - Príjemný
Mercy - Miłosierdzie - Miloserdije, milost' - Milosrdenstvo
Meanness - Podłość - Podlost' - Podlost'
Hate - Nienawiść - Nienawist' - Nenávis»
Bullet - Kula - Pula - Gul'ka
Flat - Płaski, równe - Ploskij, rownyj - Plochý, rovný
Learning - Poznanie - Poznanije - štúdium
Science - Nauka - Nauka - Veda
Size - Rozmiar - Rozmier - Veľkos»
Horn - Róg - Rog - Roh
Herd - Stado, tabun - Stado, tabun - Stádo
Shin - Goleń - Goleń - Holeň 400
String - Struna, sznur - Struna, sznur - Struna
Shame - Wstyd, sromota - Styd, sramota - Hanba, stud
Mite (money) - Grosz - Grosz - Groš
Coward - Tchórz - Trus - Zbabelec
Curd - Twaróg - Twarog - Tvaroh
Bald - £ysy - Lysyj - Plešatý
Ox - Wół - Wol - Vôl
Fork - Widły - Wily - Vidly
Hay - Siano - Sieno - Seno
Straw - Słoma - Soloma - Slama
Discovery - Odkrycie - Otkrytie - Objav
Hornet - Szerszeń - Szersheń - Sršeň
Pea - Groch - Goroch, goroszek - (Hrášok, hrach)
Smithy - Kużnia - Kuznica - Kováreň
Merchant - Kupiec - Kupiec - (Obchodnik, kupec)
Pimple - Pryszcz - Pryszcz - Pupienok
Riverside - Brzeg - Bereg - Breh rieki
Companion - Towarzysz - Tovariszcz - Spoloèník
Need - Potrzeba - Potriebnost' - Potreba
Daring - śmiałość, odwaga - smielost', otwaga - Odvaha, smelost'
Threaten - Grozić - Grozit' - Ošetrované
Bowl - Miska, czasza - Miska, czasza - (Misa, miska, èaša)
Simple - Prosty - Prostoj - (Jednoduchý, prostý)
Break - Złamać - Lamat' - Zlomit'
Sole - Podeszwa - Podoszwa - Podošva
Foot - Stopa - Stopa, stupnia - Chodilo
Pinch - Szczypać - Szczipat' - štiepa»
Treat - Leczyć - Lieczit' - Lieèi»
Caterpillar - Gąsienica - Gusienica - Húsenica
Soot - Sadza - Saża - Sadze
Change - Zmieniać - Izmieniat' - Zmenit'
Alder - Olcha - Olcha - Jelša
Veal - Cielęcina - Tieliatina (Cieliatina ?) - Tel'acina
Lard - Smalec - Smalec - Sadlo
Huge - Ogromny - Ogromnyj - Obrovský, ohromný
Manure - Nawóz - Nawoz - Hnoj
Alike - Podobny - Podobnyj, pochożyj - Podobný
Plough - Pług - Plug - Pluh
Precipitate - Osad - Osadok - Zrazenina
Task - Zadanie - Zadaća, zadanije - úloha
View - Widok - Wid - Výhľad
Moss - Mech - Moch - Mach
Mane - Grzywa - Griwa - Hriva
Crest - Grzebień - Grebień - Hrebeň
Rib - żebro - rebro - rebro
Whole - Cały - Celyj - Celý
Hedgehog - Jeż - Joż - Ježko
Yoke - Jarzmo - Jarmo - Jarmo
Foam - Piana - Piena - Pena
Turnip - Rzepa - Repa - (Kvaka, repa)
Sunflower - Słonecznik - Podsolnecznik - Slneènica
Eclipse - Zaćmienie - Zatmienije - Zatmenie
Hut - Chata, chałupa - Chata, chalupa - Chata
Midday - Południe - Poldień - Obedňajšiu, poludnie
Hoe - Motyka - Motyga - Motyka
Rake - Grabie - Grabli - Hrable
Confession - Spowiedź - Ispowied' - Spoved'
Himself - Sam, siebie - Sam, siebie - Sám, sebe
Patience - Cierpliwość - Terpenie, terpeliwost' - Trpezlivos»
Squeak - Pisk - Pisk - Zapiš»anie
Shine - Blask - Blesk - Lesk
Oat - Owies - Owios - Ovos
Feed - Karmić - Kormit' - Kŕmi»
Stamp - Pieczęć - Pieczat' - Peèiatka
Clear - Jasny - Jasnyj - Jasný
Wet - Mokry - Mokryj - Mokrý
Moisten - Zmoczyć, moczyć - Smoczit', moczit' - Navlhèi»
Ford - Bród - Brod - Brod
Hare - Zając - Zajac - Zajac
Beans - Fasola - Fasol' - Fazuľa
Try - Próbować - Probowat' - Vyskúša»
Milkmaid - Dojarka - Dojarka - Dojièka
Turnovers - Obroty - Oboroty - Obraty
Maple - Klon - Klon - Javor
Ruddy - Rumiany - Rumianyj - Nevzdelaný
Trough - Koryto - Koryto - Koryto
Axle - Oś - Os' - Náprava, os
Rear - Tył - Tyl - Zadná èas»
Mace - Buława - Bulawa - Muškátový kvet
Sour - Kwaśny - Kislyj, kwaśenyj - Kyslý
Lick - Lizać - Lizat' - Líza»
Lizard - Jaszczurka - Jaszczerica - Jašterica
Rick - Stóg - Stog - Stoh
Cloak - Płaszcz - Plaszcz - Pláš»
Otter - Wydra - Wydra - Vydra
Beaver - Bóbr - Bobr - Bobor
Convex - Wypukły - Wypuklyj - Vypuklý
Wash - Umyć, myć - Myt', umyt' - Umyt'
Till - Do - Do - Až do
Riddle - Zagadka - Zagadka - (Hádanka, záhada)
Awl - Szydło - Szylo - šidlo
Sled - Sanki - Sanki, sani - (Sane, sánky)
Bream - Leszcz - Leszcz - Peskáè
Great - Wielki - Wielikij - Veľký
Crane - żuraw - żurawl' - žeriav
Siskin - Czyżyk - Cziż - Pinka
Mosquito - Komar - Komar - Komár
Nightmare - Koszmar - Koszmar - Noèná mora
Cause - Przyczyna - Priczina - Príèina
Was - Było, Była, Był - Bylo, Byla, Byl - Bol 500
Flint - Krzemień - Kremień - (Pazúrik, kremeň)
Thimble - Naparstek - Napiorstok - Náprstok
Mitten - Rękawica - Rukawica - Rukavice
Carcass - Tusza - Tusza - Zdochlina
Shepherd - Pasterz, pastuch - Pastuch, pastyr' - Pastier
Peace - Pokoj, mir - Pokoj, mir - (Mier, pokoj)
Ask - Prosić - Prosit' - (žiada», pýta», prosit')
Cloth - Tkanina, płótno - Tkań, polotno - Plátno
Sense - Zmysł - Smysl - Zmysel
Kin - Ród - Rod - Rod
Dry - Suchy - Suchoj - Suchý
Regiment - Pułk - Polk - Pluk
Colonel - Pułkownik - Polkownik - Plukovník
Frost - Mróz - Moroz - Mráz
Other - Inny, drugi - Inoj, drugoj - (Iný, druhé)
Talent - Dar - Dar - Nadanie
Infantry - Piechota - Piechota - Pechota
Puppy - Szczeniak - Szczenok - šteňa
Will - Wola - Wola - Vôľa
Bake - Piec - Pieć - Piect'
Stove - Piec - Pieć - Sporák, pec
Guardianship - Opieka - Opieka - Poruèníctvo
Protection - Ochrona - Ochrana - Ochrana
Cartload - Wóz - Woz - Fúra
Bellows - Miechy - Miechi - Mechy
Evaluation - Ocena - Ocenka - Ohodnotenie
Scythe - Kosa - Kosa - Kosa
Mow - Kosić - Kosit' - Kosit'
Reaper - żniwiarz, żeniec - żniec - kosaèka, žnec
Dignity - godność, dostojeństwo - dostoinstwo - dôstojnos»
Unity - Jedność - Jedinstwo - Jednota
Rack - Stojak - Stojka - Stojan
Mean - Oznaczać, znaczyć - Oznaczat', znaczit' - Znamenat'
Average - średni - srednij - (Priemerný, stredný)
Fluff - Puch - Puch - Páperie
Sweat - Pot - Pot - Pot
Broom - Miotła - Mietla - Metlu
Constipation - Zaparcie - Zapor - Zápcha
Magpie - Sroka - Soroka - Straka
Cuckoo - Kukułka - Kukuszka - Kukuèka
Gloom - Mrok - Mrak - Deprimovanie
Holy - święty - swiatoj - Svätý
Fern - Paproć - Paporotnik - Paprad'
Glade - Polana, przesieka - Polana, prosieka - (Paseka, rúbanisko)
Expensive - Drogi - Dorogoj - drahý
Dew - Rosa - Rosa - Rosa
Skipping rope - Skakanka - Skakalka - švihadlo
Powder - Proszek - Poroszok - Prášok
Sprinkle - Posypać - Posypat' - Posypat'
Paunch - Brzucho - Brucho - Brucho
Signature - Podpis - Podpis' - Podpis
Key - Klucz - Kluć - Kľúè
Familiar - Znajomy - Znakomyj - Povedomý
Sign - Znak - Znak - Znak
Alive - żywy - żywoj - žijúci
Happy - Szczęśliwy - Sczasliwyj - š»astný
Salt - Sól - Sol' - Sol'
Prey - Zdobycz - Dobycza - Korist'
Trench - Okop, rów - Okop, row - Priekopa
Shaft - Wał - Wal - šachta
Eggshell - Skorup - Skorlupa - škrupina
Hawk - Jastrząb - Jastreb - Jastrab
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

As the British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted in his 1963 foreword "Second Thoughts" to his 1961 book The Origins of the Second World War:

It is equally obvious that Lebensraum always appeared as one element in these blueprints. This was not an original idea of Hitler's. It was commonplace at the time. Volk ohne Raum (People Without Space) for instance, by Hans Grimm sold much better than Mein Kampf when it was published in 1928. For that matter, plans for acquiring new territory were much aired in Germany during the First World War. It used to be thought that these were the plans of a few crack-pot theorisers or of extremist organisations. Now we know better. In 1961 a German professor [Fritz Fischer] reported the results of his investigations into German war aims. These were indeed a "blueprint for aggression" or as the professor called them "a grasp at world power": Belgium under German control, the French iron fields annexed to Germany, and, what is more, Poland and the Ukraine to be cleared of their inhabitants and resettled with Germans. These plans were not merely the work of the German General Staff. They were endorsed by the German Foreign Office and by the "good German", Bethmann Hollweg.[14]
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Could you give any reliable link where it is stated that Hitler provided Poland any posibility to join him (on favorable conditions)?
To a larger extent Hitler didn't need Poland as an ally since he easily captured it (as he planned) and effectively used
Poles as a slaves.In any case Nazies regarded Poland as one of the primary target for lebensraun - a place to be
populated by Germans.Poland in 1939 was father to the East than now and was backward country with little power they
could propose Hitler.But there was all the same no lack in those Poles who served in Wehrmacht.At least 250.000 Poles fought
for Hitler.