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Videos of Travelling Throughout Poland [30]
Dangerous driving occurs on all roads in Poland
As anybody who has traveled in Poland (i.e. not Jimmy Poorhouse) knows, the worst of the dangerous driving here is on the very best roads. On the motorways and expressways many drivers drive far too close to the car in front, meaning they have absolutely no chance of avoiding a collision if the bloke in front brakes unexpectedly. It's as if they think the laws of physics don't apply to them. Or possibly they are, like Jimmy, so stupid that they can't count to 20 (top tip: it doesn't go 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20) and so can't understand that at higher speeds braking distances are longer.
Such roads exist all over the world as do dangerous drivers.
Yes, but driving here is more dangerous. The death rate here per 100,000 people is double what it is in the UK!
That you have a weird obsession with forum members and try to track and spy on them.... yeah I knew that.
We all know that. But of course Jimmy Poorhouse is also stupid, so he knows nothing about Withdrawal Agreement beneficiary status guaranteeing pension rights regarding annual upgrading under the triple lock compared with the 'frozen pensions' paid in Canada, Australia, etc. But it must be hard for him to get his head round the idea that some people can choose the nationalities which are best for them, given that he's never had a passport or left the USA.