The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
9 Jul 2024
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

What is your decision, General Grunwald?

Evacuate as many civilians as possible out of Warsaw, stealthily in small numbers at a time. But in many places, have heavily armed strike teams where possible to delay or eliminate any reaction from the local garrison that is assigned to each street.

After red army has crushed Nazi Germany, prepare for liberation of Poland from the red army and especially NKVD.

Is that a good enough answer for you?

Aaand you keep lying.
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jul 2024
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Thank goodness you are not a decision maker, and have no sway of anything important. You are still blaming the victim, Poles were not able to decide their fate much. Yet you seem to behave like Poland had a standing army in Poland a collaboration government with Germany, which is pure fiction.

Whatever Germany decided on those lands, there was very little that could been done.

When somebody comes you with an option of working to death or be killed, you can't be taken seriously if you say everyone should chose working to death. Because they have cookies!! You are not making any sense with your arguments and come off more naive then a child
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jul 2024
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Help the Red Army liberate Poland ASAP

Are you being serious? This on the level of: «Polish should had just surrendered in 1939 to the Germans and accept them as their overlords to let them do whatever they please» You are nuts!

Besides it was the Soviet Union who riled up to do a uprising via radio and Polish underground army attacked the Wehrmacht AND sides the red army on the frontline outside of Warsaw in various locations only to cheer with red army soldiers before AK soldiers being transferred to People's Army while officers shot or arrested at best by the NKVD.

It was the Soviet Union that stopped broadcasting about liberation and rising up against the Germans when the rising began. It was your «favorite country» that goaded the most to start the uprising...

Any more nonsense?

Not to mention that when Soviets talked about liberation of Poland it was within Marxist terms, of looting shops, killing shopowners and capitalists (big and small), aristocrats, beaurocrats and clergy to "liberate the opressed people"
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jul 2024
Life / Clothes and Fashion Polish style - then, now whenever! [25]

Both clothes in middle seem mediocre at best and nothing of interest really. Would been secretly horried if a women in my circles bought AND wore them. On right and left seem to be proper lengte, but I am not a fan of dots on dresses and not sure what to say about the dresses armslength either, but passable. Nothing «Wow!» about them tho.

Solo picture further down however reminds of certain fashion during 1920's and looks almost shining without glitter. Clearly best
Mr Grunwald   
5 Jul 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]

@Bratwurst Boy
With same tone and words I presume, I wouldn't be surprised if he just vents his frustrations.
Mr Grunwald   
5 Jul 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]

@Bratwurst Boy
Probably all posters who: Who know German, likes to speak German or is Germanophilic or has any forms of big and small connections with German language, culture or German state.

Germany (Just as Austria and Russia) is symbolically understood as black crows due to their double headed eagles or Prussia's later Germany single headed black eagle. Hence why use of nest, with double connotation and mixed meaning of "den of thieves, nest of thieves" in English. This despite the stereotypical view of Poles as criminals, especially as car thieves in Germany.

One of the reasons Polish criminals feel free or even legitimate for such actions is the small or meagre measures of punishments caused by general view of Germans and Germany, which contrasts and sabotages financial sectors and productive sectors in Poland who try to have economical fair deals with Germany.

Why criminal elements or ordinary people feel like it's no biggie to do crime if reward is big enough and risk is low enough? Due to historical animosities that is not seen as settled.

There was a lot of art, treasures and valuables that were taken out of Poland at end of ww1, but also later on in greater scale during ww2. A lot of it ended up in U.S.A. But not all, this approach of trying to put it under the carpet does not work and me myself feel it when anything unfair happens towards Germans or Germany (but also Swedes and Sweden) I tend to think" Well they deserve it, asked for it by continuing to behave like that.

It's easier to steal from a thief, since you expect the thief to steal from you regardless.

KO tries to avoid conflict so they don't want to take up this taboo really. While it creates frustration and irritation for PiS and just wants it fixed and done with (but also win political support, duh they are a political party)

Hence use of word "nest" in my opinion
Mr Grunwald   
4 Jul 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]

+Moldavia, Latvia, Estonia and parts of Russia (Smolensk should ring a bell)

I would say it was more downsides then utsides to it from a historic point of view. It stopped Lithuanian pagans from raiding Poland. What we got in exchange however? Time will tell
Mr Grunwald   
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
Mr Grunwald   
2 Jul 2024
News / Low Priced Ukraine Blueberries have exporters routing around Poland [17]

Would you vote to embargo goods from Croatia just cause they prefer «Germanics?»

Would you not give or trade bread with your cousin if he roots for your football clubs rival?

Regardless of your answer, please answer me. Is your answer from a place of hate in your heart, or from a place of love for your slavic brothers?

Then you find the answer you need, but not the one you want to hear
Mr Grunwald   
1 Jul 2024
History / Poland's January Uprisings of 1863 [86]

So to me it was a question

Also it was a question of legitimacy, if the Szlachta had not resisted. It would be proof of accepting Tsars position as head of state, not only as a reality on tve ground. Him having a larger army, but also the silent support of the Aristocracy. It can be compared to Catholic Church position in Bohemia while under Austrian rule. It was considered Austrian influenced and not Czech.

The antagonism and hostility between Szlachta, peasents, middle class, intelligentsia would have only increased and created a far larger split for the German Kaiser, Austrian Kaiser and Russian Tsar to use as they saw fit. It would have much larger breeding ground for communism later on too.

The failure of the uprising was also a hard lesson that was learned from, with a new pragmatic approach later on that bore fruit at the end of ww1 and knowledge learned being used during interwar period.

It's a part of a chain of events that was one of the worst and more painful to bare for those involved
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jun 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]

owe you , you fatherfaking slutt, lets send you off to the german land.

I would have shipped you on a North Atlantic trade route 200 years ago simply for your choice on how you use your tongue. Even if I would agree with you politically.

Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2024
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

Then there is no choice! If they won't be afraid of you, then they will laugh at you. Just as it was written! No other choice! Uprising it is! All to arms! Lord, peasant and worker alike!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2024
History / Karol Wojtyla, the man who become a pope (video) [58]

Then you weren't part of the combatant part of solidarity then! I simply expect responsibility regarding the safety and security of the are that the Polish states main responsibility is and should be the sole purpose of! You and your gang are dismantling the Polish state infront of everybody's eyes! Good job huh? "Great Catherine" would been VERY proud of you!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2024
History / Karol Wojtyla, the man who become a pope (video) [58]

A shepherd is responsible for his sheep! I have a hard time imagining him advocating to not strike at wolves to protect his flock!

Unless one thinks of one's own soldiers as wolves! Admit it! You think badly of Polish soldiers and policemen cause of the 80's in Poland and their support of PiS! It's all just politics for you!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2024
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

You wrote it here yourself criticising for shooting! You crazy!


Belarussian oppositionist informs of migrants being trained by Belarusians on how to attack with lethal weapons and how safe it is. Since the migrants won't be shot at!
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jun 2024
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

They are just disarming soldiers and hoping for them to get stabbed to death? It clearly shows who's side they are on... How many soldiers need to Get MURDERED before you get it? High horse «pacifist»
Mr Grunwald   
11 Jun 2024
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

And anyone in knowledge of the EU know that the EU parlament has very little power of influence at all, so if it's full of rightists, leftists, greenies or what it is irrelevant regarding anything important. Cause the decisionmakers are sent by national governments (preferably those one wants to Get rid out of the political landscape) and chosen among themselves, not by voters.

EU has some democratic elements but, is not democratic at all.
Mr Grunwald   
10 Jun 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [314]

There is nothing to buy in Belarus

There used to be digital entertainment (World of Tanks) that I boycotted until they threw them out of their own country. Now I feel no guilt over paying for any tank driving entertainment if I wished for it.

If you search hard enough there is something to buy, but on individual level. State actors don't have much to buy from Belarus, and that's where the big money is after all. Must be driving Lukashenka nuts, especially as he is throwing away his very few small golden eggs he had at the Polish border...
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jun 2024
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]


And you call them victories to avoid consciously understand that you lose, cause you cannot handle it like an adult. More like a toddler
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jun 2024
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

Please, don't act like a typical Polak

I have no need to make a "point" out of anything. I am here to practice my english. Preferably not American version and learn in general, you on the other hand seem to ONLY want to rile up people, leading to verbal fights instead of debate and learning. If you have such a "need" to win fights, only proves you are a loser

I rather discuss in a civil manner how D-Day was significant for Poland. Yet we can't cause you are here with your troll brigade
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2024
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

So if I "Liberate your house, and do whatever I please to your family and lil island" You will also call it liberation as I take all your materials as well? "Liberated" of all the weight that you would otherwise carry? Please grow a brain cell or two, you are just being nasuating
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2024
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

The one who got killed was a soldier - private Mateusz Sitek from 1st Warsaw Armoured Brigade. He was only 21:

Well that makes it personal for me. A lot of people got reshuffled from category of: "Stupid, but doesn't know they actually need help and are being fooled" to "Blacklisted and enemies"
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2024
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

No, moron, NKVD never reopened Auschwitz

Just proving yourself ignorant and a Biden copy! Auschwitz was indeed reopened and used by NKVD+SB to torture and interrogate.

Not my fault you got a problem with FACTS and unable to think logically
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jun 2024
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

The Red Army closed Auschwitz

Then NKVD reopened it. No thank you. American GI's and British Fusiliers would be certainly a better choice since it would then remain closed

But yeah ignore reality