Real Estate /
House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]
What I meant was that high end central places are more sell able because richer Poles can afford to buy without a mortgage.
How many rich poles are there that can afford to buy a house without taking a loan, a few I might suggest. the notion of buying a investment property was to take out a loan, negatively gear it to avoid taxation and as was the case some years ago sell it at a handsome profit. This is what caused the current meltdown in the US.
I believe that property investment in Poland at this particular moment is risky, however some specific pockets of real estate may be worth while.
Keep in mind that prices of homes in the US are cheaper than that in Poland.
The average gross wages in Poland is about 3200zl a month. Food, gas, water electricity is expensive. I know too well of the huge cost of heating during winter.
How much do you think a bank is going to loan these people for a house??? This means that anything over say 400,000zl will be out of the reach of most people, I don't think people from GB or the US will be flooding the gates to buy Polish Real Estate.
We live in a global economy and every country will be effected by this current crisis.
There has been a lot of talk from governments in GB and the US suggesting that jobs should be offered to US nationals in there countries I could imagine the procession of
poles returning home only to be greeted by unemployment and poverty.
Lets face it a lot of people who purchased investment properties have lost and will loose more, and that includes me.