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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Many Poles are unable to appreciate the advantages of this and look to violence as the answer to their problem

True but its a temporary state caused by losses in Polish elites due to WW2 and communism, in US its deliberate brainwashing in order to create a nation of indoctrinated cretins easily manipulated and governed.
25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Randal here's food for thought, how about instead of forcing people to become efficient simply teach them, create an educated self aware society rather than militarize a nation.

People say that most Americans are stupid and thats absolutely true but you're not stupid by default, you were made stupid so you would not appreciate what you have and would not resist it being taken away, your comments are testament to how deeply indoctrinated people in US are.
25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Please, you're trying to show that America's military preparedness is compromised and this is simply not the case. That is little more than anti-Bush Democrat propaganda.

I'm trying to show you that certain forces in U.S are compromising your military preparadness in order to justify further militarisation of USA and eventual limitation of freedoms.

Eventually they'll say "hey look we dont have enough soldiers to fight all those terrorists, lets start a draft".
25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Are you saying that the Taliban don't terrorise?

Yes they do but thats because they're backwater barbarians rolling in their own shit and moaning to Allah rather than some great evil terrorist organization, if we just kept out of Pakistan and Afganistan and let them rot in their own crap they'd leave us alone as well.

I think it's good that soldiers get practice but you have tripped yourself up. Why send soldiers into a 'non-existent' war?

Oh the war very much exists, its just that we fight to fuel agendas of certain groups rather than to actually combat international terror.

What if the US just wanted combat practice too? You can't have double standards.

Its not enough to invade country just for practice but since it already invaded and in a total mess why not join in?

For what cause are they fighting? You know, you can defend troops in court in wartime, but sending soldiers to kill for no stated reason is just murder.

For nothing, i'll be cynical and go out of the limb saying i'm completely willing to get some random afganistan folks get shot up so my army gets experienced personnel, i know i'm in the wrong and so on but i simply dont care, as for war in Afganistan its not completely for nothing.

One of its purposes is to destabilise Pakistan for example, Pakistan which is a prospective nuclear ally to China, but thats US and UK, we're not big enough to even have a presence in such large scale plans, yet.
25 Mar 2009
Love / How to show a polish Guy I like him [56]

Just do the same thing as you would with anyone else. Flirtation first, if that doesn't work then be more direct. My ex tried flirting with me and it didn't work and she had to literally invite me to join her in bed one night before i realised she was interested.

Wow... Just wow. I would not neccesarily admit it in the future though.
25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Actually i like the idea of sending units to Afganistan, screw supporting US, screw the non-existant war on terror, its important to have soldiers who fought in a war.

With 138,000 in Iraq, that’s still only about 10% of our total active duty personnel.

US army has one of the highest support-fighting rations in the world which means that for over a milion men you have something like 300-400thousand people doing the actuall fighting, out of them at least 90 thousand people are all engaged, whats left home is national guard and reserve, do not look at total numbers because even with hudreds of thousands of servicemen back home US is still with pants down at the moment.
24 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

So our troops in Iraq really only account for about 10% of our total personnel.

You currently have 138 thousands in Iraq, your regular army has approximately 580 thousand men, National Guard some 320 thousand, of these some 350 thousand are fighting men, combine them with the army reserve and you have about 20% of your total active fighting men in Iraq, add to this approximately 30 thousand in Afganistan and you have about 1/4th of the total active strength of U.S army engaged in conflict.
24 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

That’s how it is here. You have to register but active service is voluntary.

How many personnel in the Polish Military?

100 thousand professional soldiers, 20 thousand active reserve (something like US national guard)

12700 navy personnel.

34000 airforce personnel.

The reserve will probably get larger once the equipment is modernized but till 2018 the land forces stay at 120 thousand.
24 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

So they don’t have anything to defend against even like Scuds?

There's 2K12, SA2, ships defend with lighter missiles, the problem is that all Polish SAMs are either medium or short ranged and many of those are older slower models which makes interception difficult, one way or the other we would have to buy Patriots, now we we have them for free.

Also these other systems are used to protect troops, they're tactical defense systems so yes we could defend against scuds but we were defensless against more modern ballistic missiles.

Any missile cruisers, aircraft carriers or nuke subs?

Aircraft carriers or cruisers on Baltic? You get across that sea in something like 2 days.

Currently Polish navy constitutes 2 Oliver Hazard frigates, 4 corvettes, 3 fast attack rocket ships, 4 attack submarines, 18 de-mining ships, 5 landing ships,1 logistic support ship and about 50 smaller support vessels. Subs are not nuclear, not even Germany uses nuclear subs, its not worth it on such a small and shallow sea.

Is Polish military service volunteer or compulsory?

It was compulsory till this year, like i said we're undergoing huge modernisation which includes the armed forces going completely professional effective from this year onwards.
24 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

They are accustomed to communism so why not tone it down a fraction?

Because they cant afford it, few people realise that Russia has NO economy, zip, nothing, they're operating as a state almost entirely due to their resources and its still not enough.

There's also a problem of Russia having no national or political elites who would trigger such changes, basically all of goverment are either old commies, military personnel or mafia, none of these people are ready or willing to do anything that could even remotely lessen their power.

Anyway, Patriot missiles is the topic. Poland doesn't need these to be honest. It is equipped enough to deal with modern contingencies.

Militarily we need them and while initially i was against the shield once its decided we should roll with it to simply defy Russia otherwise they will think their "veto" still has political leverage here and use it more often.

No one here has much spoken of Poland's military capabilities...

Well our military needs patriots, currently Polish airforce is relatively small but modern and trained to a point where our pilots are arguably the best in Europe but we do not have anti-ballistic sams, thats a pretty big defense gap and if we did not get them for free we would have to buy them and since our military is in the process of gigantic modernisation we have enough stuff to spend money on without additional expensive assets to buy.
24 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

That's interesting because from what I see in the media it paints a different picture. It really helps to hear that much of what we read is false. Thanks for sharing this insight.

Nostalgia, Russia was great back then, its no longer great, everyone likes to have a chat and give it a praise but no one really wants it back, victory at Kursk was fun, Gulags were not, when not pressed Russians remember the good stuff but when they do remember the bad stuff too.

Currently Russians are going through an identity crysis, they dont want Stalinism or communism, democracy western style is out of the question and the nation is not ready for democracy as such.
18 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

What an assumption, Sokrates. I was zeroing in on the Baltic States and not even addressing the bigger picture. I am well aware of Russia's imperialistic ambitions but you are secong guessing them. Which war would that be, remind me?

However the Baltic States are a part of the big picture, to surrender them to Russia is to trigger a chain of events that leads of a confronation as for the conflict i meant the cold war.
16 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Sean you lose the big picture, Russia is interested in continued expansion which does not end with Ukraine, Batlics or even Poland and ultimately leads to war, cold or hot one but a conflict so EU and NATO should budge and pull.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Poles fight together and for a gov which made the rapes and the massacre of Haditha and Abu Ghraib all polish soldier suck now?

Is there any comparison between Haditha and WW2? If your noble troopers would win i wouldnt even be here because most Poles would be dead/germanized/on Syberia in work camps.

Wittmann only said that there are still wounded russians on the field and asked for medical help for them...

Did he ask for medical help for the victims of Treblinka? Belżec? Sorry but one noble act does not erase the fact that Wittman worked towards extending biological extermination of whole peoples, you want to respect him fine, everyone's entitled to an opinion but i sure as hell am not going to respect any Nazi trooper from WW2.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

You just don't get it.....

I get it, you're basically saying that we owe brave and skilled soldiers respect irrelevant of their alliegiance while i claim that soldiers who defend and make possible stuff like concentration camps and generalplan ost do not deserve respect.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Maybe it's really a polish thing...being unable to pay respect to a worthy adversary...

BB i can tell you here and now, German army of WW2 was an awesome fighting machine, from commanders all the way down to a common soldier but i cannot and will not consider them respectable because they fougt for the Third Reich and because they commited to its temporary success they, each and every one of them share responsibility for every single horror visited upon the Europe by Hitler.

As for West? First of all they did not experience the rough side of Nazi Regime in the way East did and second there's the whole cold war thing which affected history down to the books and modern perception.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

It's mean because they're so brainwashed it's almost sad to see the things they spew.

How the flying fudge am i brainwashed? I've read dozens of books, perhaps even hundreds, accounts of Germans included, Keitel, Zimmerman, Bernstein, i've enough knowledge to have an educated opinion beyond a moronic redneck like Randal.

If i'm not civil its because you assign the privelige of respect to men who fought for an evil regime, there's difference between fighting for Germany and fighting for Nazi Germany, everyone who defended her was guilty.

Lets rephrase this, every German man and woman who fought in or supported German armed services during WW 2 is guilty of mass executions, concentration camps and all the horrors Hitler brought, they're guilty and responsible because they helped to defend, support and extend them, as such no German pilot, soldier or navyman who defended Hitlers vision can be considered worthy of respect regardless of his military achievements.

IF my argument is not coherent please point it out.
12 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

THAT is respect for an enemy!

He was a Nazi this nullifies any and all his other achievements, be glad people who took Germany were either Stalin with his political agenda or Allies with their whorish approach to the entire matter, if it was up to me i'd respect all those noble SS, Gestapo and Wehrmacht soldiers with summary executions while your children and women would hear about them through loudspeakers digging graves for concentration camp victims with bare heands.

Responsibility through participation, never been truer than in case of Germany, every German soldier who fought for the 3rd Reich fought to defend concentration camps, death camps and einsatzgruppen, these people deserve no respect, ever.
12 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Sure, as long as it's a Pole doing the crime he is still a you see now how useless
any discussion about this is?

Everyone who fought against Nazi Germany was a hero, everyone who killed Germans who served Nazi Germany was a hero, everyone who worked to stop this unbelievably evil regime regardless of nationality was a hero, even Stauffenberg.

And how worthless your judgement about german soldiers is for me and most others?

Most others who? Erica Steinbach or other expelees trying to rewrite history.

A war crime is a war crime, regardless which sides does it!

I do not consider executing concentration camp guards a war crime.

Some Poles have a long way to go still...

Some Germans never moved at all.
12 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Yes, he was a German...not a mean of him!

No he was a member of SS, i believe that all veteran SS members need a boot to the face, regardless of nationality, Volksdeutches included if that makes you feel better.

But don't tell me...the polish flyers who shot down bailed out german flyers helpless hanging in their ropes are for sure great a Pole it comes as a birthright, right?

Yes they were heroes, not because they're Poles but because Germans fought to defend and further the single most evil regime this earth ever knew which is why killing Germans who defended the 3rd Reich was the right thing to do, if they prevailed hundreds of milions would be killed.

And of course ALL polish flyers are criminal bastards because of those fews, aren't they?
They were after all all members...

Not at all, killing German soldiers was the right thing to do since they worked to defend and extend the Third Reich, killing people who defended their freedom and biological existence was wrong.

Therefore everyone killing German militant members was morally sound whereas Germans fighting for the Third Reich were not, dont focus on nationality it has nothing to do with the matter.
12 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Alright well I'm done talking to you two. You can't even remain civil.

Whats there to be civil about? You're romanticizing members of the single most evil organisation in human history and saying we owe them respect? For what? They've been murderers and barbarians, SS veterans do not deserve any positive sentiments whatsoever.

I don't wish you any harm or ill-will, only that one day you'll wake up...or read a book. One of the two.

I read a LOT of books, thats exactly why i'm saying people who were SS members deserve nothing short of being spat in the face.

Sokrates. Continue the circle of violence if it makes you feel better. I can't even really bother to respond to your comment.

Well it was a theoretical question not meant for an answer. He didn't kill civilians and it has nothing to do with avenging your family's death.

I'm not avenging anything, for what SS did the very participation in this unit is an act of utter dishonor that can NEVER be washed away, it does not matter if the guy did not kill anyone what does matter is that he was a member.

Its like arguing that its ok if i'm a member of a pedophile circle because i didnt rape any child i just helped transport them.

Following that, not a single German soldier from WW 2 deserves respect becuase of what they were fighting for and what they were defending, SS is something special though.

As for Wittman? He deserved to be summarily executed for being a Nazi enthusiast, he was an ace tanker i give him that but i'm not going to respect him, he could be a ten times nobel winneer and being a Nazi supporter makes all other aspects of him or any other human being in such position irrelevant.

Also we're not being drummed into our heads "evil, evil, evil" SS was evil, very.
12 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Just have a little respect...they're already dead.

Mr K98 let me tell you what would i do to an elderly SS veteran if i could get away wwith it, i'd drag him out in the open and keep kicking untill the old bastard stops moving, if allies would ever cared about justice every member of SS regardless of age or gender would have been executed post war.

These people do not deserve respect, for what they've been part of they deserve to be spat upon throught all history (and will be) old, senile or dead they're still RESPONSIBLE for their participation and deserve only our utter disrespect and dislike.
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

It's not a war. I just don't like amount of bullshit that BratwurstBoy use to deliver.

He's one of the most impartial and objective posters here, next to Seanus, could it be because he is *gasp* German?:)
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Imminent decline???

Socialist economy with a growing financial hole, a massive demographic issue (by the time Poland shrinks to 37mil Germany is estimated to lose over six milion people and have a massive economic problem becuase so much of your population will be at retirement age it will threaten your economy) which brings us to illegal immigrants.

While Polish internal policies hamper family due to economic issues and as such are temporary German ones are social and are far longer lasting which means that at some point in the next 2 or 3 decades Poland will have a population surplus while Germany will be an aging nation needing people to work for the retired so you might see repeat of U.K Polish migration on a far bigger scale, this time to Eastern Germany, by the time its done German Neo-Nazi groups might find themselves ... outnumbered:)

Did i mention how heavily socialist you are while we are not?:) Then there's Turks who's family model currently is 2+5.

If you want proof check the registries of the German border towns, some of them have as much as 50% Polish populations and growing.

So i should rephrase, imminent VISIBLE decline because for now its still relatively low key.
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

But then our Bundeswehr isn't for fighting...not really...

Whats it for then? You've got one of the finest armies in the world and it sure as hell is for fighting however you're making a mistake of judging the Polish military by WW2 when the technological and conceptual gap between our militaries was HUGE, half of the time Poles did not know what hit them, today this gap is relatively small and i doubt even on war footing Germany could just roll over september style.

Incidentally thats another symptom of German imminent decline and fall but thats a subject for a whole thread:)
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

...but we could invade and occupy you again if that makes you feel better...

With Bundeswehr?? You've been getting your asses kicked since 2003 in every single joint excersize where we served as OPFOR, you might want to read gen. Harald Kujats opinion about Polish army and airforce, i'm not big on german language but when he critisized German military he said something along the lines "they have an airforce four times smaller, an army ten years behind us but their capability is at least equal" :)
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Look Sokrates, I hope I'm not ruining any dreams of yours here. But there are certain, shall we say, cultural, social, ethnic whatever you want to call it, differences which would have nullified any attempts at your glorious alliance.

What differences were that?

what if, can you just realize that it is highly doubtful that such a pact could have been made, when Hitler had already tried to make similar ones years earlier? It was not Hitler who rebuffed this alliance, it was the Poles themselves.

Correct but they did it not because of hatred or distrust towards Germany but because they were certain the West would help, there was a significant pro-German faction which sadly was silenced by the majority after the West offered us this worthless alliance.

I'm no idealist, either, but there are huge, huge barriers which would have to be crossed in order for an alliance to work.

Again you're looking from the perspective of year 2009 when we have concentration camps, bombing of Warsaw and all the stuff that made sure we're not gonna be buddies with Germans, behind us, in 1930s these huge barriers did not exist.

With the Poles. You think 1 million men would be suited up, and ready for direct action against the Russians?

Wrong, by 1812 most Poles had no illusions as to Napoleons priorities which is why instead of expected additional 100 thousand troops he got only an additional few thousand, also Duchy of Warsaw was a relatively small and weak country whereas Poland of the 30s was a medium power capable of commanding respectable resources, its looked down today mainly because it was overrun in a month, but it took two powers and no small effort by the Germans to do that.

So we can dream all we want, Sokrates. What has been done, is done.

Of course, this is simply a "what if" discussion:)
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Yeah, sure, thats all well and good. But tell me.. do you actually think Poland would have made that big of a difference,

Definitely, over one milion good soldiers, a military orders of magnitude more effective than for example Italian one, Poland could have provided the skilled troops that Germany lacked in the critical moment.

Would Germany have taken all of Europe, and been able to hold onto it?

Once Soviet Union fell who would be there to stop them? England would be out-produced by a factor of what? 10 to 1? And even if US would enter the war the Western Allies were never capable of defeating Germany alone, just look at the heavy fighting in Normandy and Italy, and the forces there constituted less than 20% of the total German strength.

I don't think the Soviets would be too happy as they make their way through Poland back to Germany. You'd encounter devestation, not to the same extent perhaps, but devestation nonetheless. So now you are forever seen as Nazi collaborators, instead of freedom fighters. What in your mind, is the better legacy?

I would like to remind you that our freedom fighters ended up murdered by the Soviets and helping Germany would give Germans a much better shot at conquering Russia, as for legacies?

Germany commited one of the most horrible crimes in the living history and the West elevated their economy to the status of regional power while Poland was brave, noble, true to its ideals and got sold, fucked red raw and will take decades to recover so screw legacies, go with whats profitable the most, legacies wont rebuild our economy or culture.
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Ok. Well, Sokrates, I hope you are not mistaking me as anti-Polish, and trying to play down the skill of the individual Polish soldier.

The skill of the individual soldier was inferior to Wehrmacht soldier but then again everyone's was, German army was at the time the only truly professional force worldwide.

France fell, mainly because she had underestimated the German's, and their speed, and had over relied on infantry, rather than motorized vehicles. France, after seeing Polands large army fall, probably did not feel very confident that her own army could withstand the Nazis.

Uh no, France fell because of the complete lack of discipline within its troops, officers were leaving their units as they pleased, so did the soldiers, the personnel was underfed and underpaid plus the goverment made the increasingly complacent army firmly believe that there will be no war, this coupled with nepotic assigment of officer status to people who had connections rather than skill resulted in what we can simplify as an army of cowards led by incompetents.

Strategic issues were not so relevant in the face of the fact that the army was not prepared to fight a war and put it simply preferred to surrender, there were dozens of instances where firm opposition would have stopped Germans dead in their tracks but the french army was so horribly demoralized and incompetent that it was destined to lose regardless of equipment or strategic outlook.

So you would not call retreating all the armies to the capital, a desperation move? Large supply columns, artillery, all being hurried back for a last stand.

If you have a choice to witdhdraw or lose an army to encirclement you withdraw, Warsaw would not be taken any time soon which was proven when significant German forces tried to take it from the move and got firmly spanked, the situation was definitely desperate but without Russia the war was still a few months from over.

Germany had suffered massive losses in vehicles and most of the armies would soon face winter and assaulting the so called "Romanian triangle" which would drag the war well into the winter, Germany would win regardless but instead of 30 days you would have 2-4 months of heavy fighting.

First of all you're looking from our modern point of view, in 1939 no one knew of holocaust, no one knew of plans for Poland, no one believed the rumors, so no the Polish soldiers were not fighting against the devil himself, they defended Poland with the usual determination the Polish armed forces presented ( see 1920).

German army was far weaker than many believe, the chief component that made them so strong was the human element which is today intentionally omitted in favor of equipment.

I think you are missing the point though. The point is, that Hitler never had any intentions on keeping a promise, and actually respecting an alliance, AFTER, it had already given him what he wanted. Poland would have been eventually invaded, and taken over, as soon as Russia would have fallen. And then what? You are hated by the Germans, and you are hated by the Allies. Not a great position to be in, certainly.

Probably yes but we would end up as a junior ally with less priveliges rather than **** end of the food chain, Warsaw and a hundred other cities would be intact, our elites would not be messed up by Soviets, like i said Jews would most likely had to go but in retrospection seeing how they behaved in 1939 when Soviets came i would be unhappy but willing to make such a sacrifice for the greater good of Poland.
9 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

lol, domination of Europe by Germany, AIDED by Poland?

More or less.

Poland was the most effective opponent that the Germans faced up to, simply because they relied on sheer grit and determination.

Uneducated rubbish, Russia relied on grit and determination in 41 see how that ended up, Polish conscript of 1939 has a very high standard of training, the professional soldier and low/med ranking officers have been on the level of the best Wehrmacht units in tactical planning.

Polish army lacked good strategic command, modern equipment and an effective defensive planning, it put up such a fight because despite all these shortcomings it was one of the best fighting forces of Europe at that time with skilled determined personnel who performed miracles with what they had at the time, the very fact that the war would drag into 2 or 3 months without Russians is testament to this skill it had nothing to do with the desperation you imply because:

Do you think that the Polish army would have been as effective in slowing the German advance down, IF they had no knowledge of the brutal occupation the Germans had in store for them?

In 1939 no one had ANY idea whatsoever as to what Germans were up to, everyone expected Prussian occupation at the worst, which was a lawfull and disciplined affair without genocide or racism, Polish army was disciplined and determined as such, there was no outside factor affecting them simply because they were clueless as to what Germany has in store for Poland.

Freedom is one thing, as in France's case. When one still has the memory of being enslaved, freedom will never be taken for granted.

If Poland had France's equipment the war might have ended in Berlin, France of WW 2 was like Russia a behemoth on clay legs for various reasons, Poles fougth hard because they were awesome soldiers with very good training and rock hard discipline and morale, not out of desperation.