The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3335 / Live: 615 / Archived: 2720
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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24 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

Pre-war Warsaw Catedral.

Most of Warsaw as it was, no longer exists,russian installed communist government avoided rebuilding what represented anti-communist church or elites which meant the rebuilt structures were often nothing like the old ones.
24 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

I have some pictures of pre-war Poznań, i've asked a few friends to send me over their family photos from the country around it, once i'll get the i'll post them in bulk with pre-war Poznań pics.

Now for some more more pictures, Lwów.

The ironic tragedy of Lwów was that it was, apart from Kraków the only two great old Polish cities surviving the war intact and as the hostilities ended it was given away to the Ukrainians, by American president and Stalin no less.

Lwów, Hetmans Walls, the great theatre and statue of king Sobieski.

Lwów - Town hall.

Lwów - Ossolińscy Library, one of the oldest and largest book collection in Poland.

A rather sad picture, Akademicka street in Lwów 1937, above it a sign on the picture saying "tu mieszkam" which translates "i live here" after the war Soviets would exile the woman who sent this card along with most Polish citizens.

Dominican Church in Lwów.

University in Lwów.

Scottish Cafe - a cafe in Lwów where some of the greatest Polish matematicians and simoultenously some of the greatest minds of pre-war Europe would meet they discussed and argued over mathematical problems by beer or coffee, writing them down in what would later become known as a Scottish Book, a document of significant mathematical value , more then half of them would be murdered by Germans a few years after this picture was taken.

A few random ones.

Poznań Town hall.

Philharmonia - £ódż.

Town square in Zamość.
24 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

Just wondering: did they ever rebuild any of the buildings in these pics back into their former glory

No, some were rebuilt but very few to their exact former looks.

I'm asking this because in Ypres, Belgium, a larger city that was completely flattened in 1918, they completely rebuild the entire city centre to it's pre-WW1 glory in the 1920's.

Ypres had 35.000 inhabitants, Warsaw had 1.300000 inhabitants, we're talking about a city thats something like 35 times bigger then Ypres.

There were several reasons why Warsaw was not rebuilt to its former splendor, one was that virtually all major cities in Poland were destroyed to a great degree, there was not enough building material, the priority was to shelter people not to rebuild structures.

Second we had a communist goverment enforced on us by Russians, said goverment was doing everything to distance itself from the anti-communist pre-war Poland, this included not rebuilding the city in the pre-war fashion, only major landmarks were rebuilt and even then not brick for brick.
24 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

en I see the people I wonder how they fared in the days that soon came.

Most of them did not, Warsaw before the war numbered some 1.300000 people, directly after the war it was less then half a milion, out of every three people on these pictures two were killed by Germans.
24 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

Warsaw taxis (non-motorised type)

Dorożka carriage.

Warsaw riksza.

Two guys carrying that fellow who critisized this thread.

St Alexanders church on the Three Crosses square.

John the Baptists catedral.

Karowa street.

Warsaw night life, the lady is hot but needs a push up, cant do a belly dance without proper boobs IMHO.

No idea which street is that, the building with the eagles is a corner of the now gone bank.

Warsaw Philharmonia (or is it spelled Philharmony?)

Moniuszki street, balcony view.
23 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

Indeed it is.

A different view on Marszałkowska street.

Ogród Saski (Saxon garden).

Plac Teatralny (Theatre Square.)

Ulica Długa (Long Street).

Krakowskie Przedmieście (krakowian subburb).

Entrance to the Warsaw University.

Speaking of prudential, one of the first skyscrapers in Poland (it was considered as such at the time though nowdays it would be classified only as a highrise).

Built in art deco early modern style the prudential was a sign of the city modernizing.

Prudential in 1938.

Prudential in 1945 after Germans moonscaped Warsaw.

Zielna Street.

The back streets and alleys behind the hustle and bustle of the city.

Saxon Garden entrance from the Iron Gate.

Krakovian Suburb.

Warsaw Old Town - market day.

A young boy selling newspapers.

Cars parked on a Warsaw street.

Waiting for a tram on a tram stop.

Warsaw Town Hall.

There were many ways to get around in pre war Warsaw, one of them was to take a Riksza.

And visit one of the many shopping centres.

And before i go, New World Street in the 30s.
23 Oct 2009
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

Poland as it no longer exists, destroyed by Germans and Russians within a violent 5 years period, its traditions forgotten during half a century of enforced communism,Polish Atlantis preserved on pictures.

Pictures of Polish pre-war cities and life, first a taste of pre-war Warsaw.

Palace of Zamoyski family.

Lubelska Union square.

Hotel Polonia Palace.

Lord Saviors Square.

Rymarska street, the ministry of treasure and chamber of treasury buildings.

Świętokrzyska street.

Apelation court.

I have to split pictures into 10-15 picture posts or less otherwise it just wont load.

Marszałkowska (Marshalls street).

And here we have Marshalls street clogged by cars and trams, seems we were driving like true Poles do even before the war :)

Polish Bank on Bielańska Street.

Świętokrzyska Street (for some reason reminds me of New York in the early 20s).

Main Post office in Warsaw.

Catedhral Sobór in Warsaw.

Warsaw University library.
20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

since, I have Manufactured Firearm

The only thing you manufactured is kitted socks, the only way i'm associated with firearms were a few times on a firing range and my 10 months in the army and i still was able to point out your basic mistakes.

As for Poles who made advancements in computing science - Stanisław Ułam, Stefan Banach, Stanisław Mazur, Karol Borsuk and Antonii £omnicki, many of the computing processes used today have been perfected by Banach and Ułam.

By the way we kept the tradition, we're one of the top computing developers even today :)
20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

what 50?. so, you say?, 50 Prototype's?, show me one in person, did you ever shoot one?, mister know it all!.

The link i showed you and every other source you can find, they were used in combat, they were issued to soldiers.

it's hard to see something in person, when there are only two or three of the Prototype's of the SMG left in the world!.

The gun was being at an early stage of issue.

that's not enough to be anything more then just emergency issue of Prototype's!, gezzs!, get a life!.

A prototype is an original type, form, or instance of something serving as a typical example, basis, or standard for other things of the same category.

Thats according to wikipedia, just because both of the weapons have not been around long enough for larger numbers to be issued doesnt mean they're prototypes, both entered production and were issued, small numbers stem from the fact that they entered production stage respectively months and days before the war.

what on god's green earth are you talking about here?, the U.S. M-1 Garand Service Rilfe was in 30/06 (7.62 x 63 mm), which is almost the same as 8mm Mauser (7.92x57mm), the MP-44 was in 8mm Kurz (7.92x33mm), which the Russian's Copied for the AKM-47, AK-47, Type 56 and the SKS's 7.62x39mm (which is a .303bore, not a .308 bore by the way!).

So by your logic rifles are similar because they use a similar caliber? Thats a pretty silly thing to say :)

You know, only a very rude, demeaning and very, very condescending person, uses terms and words the way you do toward other member of "PF", Sokrates!.

I'm sorry i just cope badly with stupidity, notice that i agreed with you when you finally (after five or six attempts) produced a Polish design based on American one but you're trying to attach this to every other design.

The fact is Poles designed both personal weapons and armor/mechanized vehicles that were head and shoulders above the contemporary German and Western design and matched only by the Russians, that Poland was pyss poor and had barely any factories to produce that stuff is another matter.

20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

I looked at that link, which takes you to the Prototype Polish SMG, it was never Issued,

Yawn, yet another lie on your part, yes it was issued :)

have to say, that The Barrel, Bolt, Upper Receiver / Receiver Tube, Cocking Handle, Magazine Housing all look like the Emma EMP-35's

Ah so your entire post was based on that it looked like, right that explains a lot right there :)

it was never "Issued!".

Again wrong, 50 were issued, further 400 were produced but not distributed, stop grasping at straws, when we copied something we did but our lmgs, smgs and automatic rifles were completely domestic produce (except for the BARS of course).

what make and model?, Not the Prototype's!,

Yup, both the automatic wz30 and Mors smg were issued, 50 Mors and several hundred to a one thousand wz 38

Only three companies took part in the competition: the American Browning company with the Browning M1917, a Czechoslovakian-built copy of Schwarzlose M.7/12

You need to decide, first you're talking about a BAR which was copied legally because US failed to secure its license in Poland and was a light machinegun and now you're talking about the purchase of the heavy machinegun license which conversly was also legal.

Its not our fault that you failed to secure patent laws in Poland, we're not charity to pay for something we dont legaly have to and everything was done completely legally.
20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

what Model's are you talking about?, that were "Issued", not Just Prototype's, but, "Issued" Military Weapon's??.


The design was generally modelled after the German ERMA EMP-35

Wow so you werent ignorant all that time, you simply resort to lying, can i ask for a source?
Mors had nothing to do with EMP-35, thats your fifth post in which you are cought lying, the design was fully indigenous.

And you know, what Really makes me Sick to think, when the Polish Army gave-up to the Germans and the Russians, they give them BAR's, they (the Polish Army) should have Destroyed the BAR's before Giving-up!, Gezzs!.

Both armies had better designs then the BAR by that time, in fact Poles had a better indigenous automatic rifle as well (see previous pictures and comments).

During the Polish Defensive War of 1939, the rkm wz. 1928

Yet another lie on your part, by 1939 Poles had a domestic design far superior to BAR (wz 38) which has again been posted in this topic, a fully domestic design, lighter, more accurate and with a faster firing rate then BAR, before you try to humiliate yourself with another unbased claim, no it was not based off BAR or any other rifle :))

Any other lies and misconsceptions of yours you wish to to have debunked?:)

is that why?, the Copied Browning Model of 1917 was an unlicensed copy??, I bet no Royalty's were paid to John Browning or the U.S. Government, were they??.

Everything was legal, no patent was done in Poland therefore no license was needed but of course you fails to mention it since the truth would not fit your biased prejudiced view :)
20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

the Karabin wz.98a (Kb wz.98a) - (pl. rifle model 98a), Polish bolt-action rifle based on the German Gewehr 98. GERMAN!, not Polish!.

Of course, Poles used American hmgs, German bolt action rifles and American pistoles, however these were not copied because indigenous designs did not exist but because full replacement was unfeasable due to financial issues.

On the other hand there's an automatic rifle, a smg, an lmg, artillery, heavy and light tranport trucks, self propelled artillery, tanks and planes all indigenous Polish production (you can find their pictueres here) and all designs superior to what was used in America at the time :)
20 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

But, was just another copy!, The design was generally based on American firearms inventor John Browning's Colt M1911A1,

Thats the only post in which you are right buddy, in virtually every other post you managed to post what amounts to loads of made up bollocks, but ViS was indeed based on Browning, though again not copied.

I'm not trying to glorify Poland but we've had enough of our own inventions, our own tanks, our own autocannons, our own computers (which were copied by US, in the 30s Poland was THE most advanced in computing science, everything you use today in a computer was at one point invented perfected or dabbled in by a Pole, we managed to advance computing science farther then anyone :) ) our own machineguns, automatic rifles, scopes, but yeah ViS was based on a Browning, good job you got something right for the first time in how many posts?:)
15 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

aye,so fast they made the romanian border in days.....

Still slower then French:) z

Your right,copied from the Finnish saumi....muppet.

Its spelled Suomi and Suomi KP-31 was a submachinegun, Stg44 was an assault rifle, smgs and automatic rifles use completely different parts, there's no physical way for a rifle to be a copy of smg but hey you didnt even know the name :)))

Face it,if "you" were that fookin good you wouldnt have been occupied until 1989 ...muppet....

Oh if you wouldnt betray us in 1939 its unlikely anyone would have been occupied.

Now get the fock out you little prick :)

Please refrain from insulting members, they are allowed to have their point of view in this discussion as well as you. If you can't discuss without using derogatory language, your best bet would be to give the thread a miss.
14 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]


Mets before you post any more ignorant bull, the only, only technical or conceptual similarity between German Stg44 and M1 was that they used an intermiediate bullet, and even that concept is not taken from US since German army postulated the need for an intermiadiete bullet as early as 1923.
14 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

44? ( at the same time) the Op-Rod, Gas Tube, and the Rotating Bolt are all pretty much copies of John Garand's Design, which remember, Garand's work on the T-1's Rifle's started back in the early/mid 1920's, which pre'date's anything the German's were working on.

Also to be specific as to how much you lie and what kind of bullsh*t you serve here.

Stg44 does not use a rotating bolt at all, what you posted here is a fat lie, the Stg44 uses a tilting bolt thats one, two, it uses a short stroke piston while the M1 uses a long one.

Completely different parts, completely different design, any other chauvinist lie you wish to serve us? Both the semi and fully automatic guns were domestic products of Germany, superior to and developed independently of the American product.
14 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

the Op-Rod, Gas Tube, and the Rotating Bolt are all pretty much copies of John Garand's Design,

No they are not:)

and for the Record, the Most important people in Post 1850 Firearm's Design, are Sam Colt, Benjamin Herny, John Browning, John Thompson, Hiram Maxim, Dr. Richard J. Gatling, Carl Walther and John Garand, and neither Walther or Garand were American's!.

Sure they are :)

Basically i cant be bugged to respond to Americans who think they know what makes the world tick and what makes the world tick is US.

Stg 43 and Stg 44 use different parts, non of them them borrow from M1 or any US design, period.
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Wow! Limiting the Germans to advances of only 40km a day, that's really holding them at the border!

Look at the map Harriet, by 3rd September most German forces advanced between 40 and 60km into Poland and only one army advanced that deep in what was a breaktrough.

your statements about the battle of Krasnobród are: a) plain wrong; and b) anti-Polish.

Yes i do, you lie.

Polish cavalry did not charge but was charged, you basically got the entire order of battle wrong.

Also Żubrówka, Stalowa Wola and others are places where Poles and Germans showed each other courtesy, its in various memoirs including Guderians so by your statement that no one showed anyone courtesy in cavalry battles is utterly false.

I knew you'd resort to lying and assaults at Poles but i hoped you got a bit less trollish, you did not, i'm done reading your posts again, just wanted to straight up your lies:))
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Because you don't know the border which Sokrates refers to. He is not talking about the internation border as it was on 31 August 1939 between Poland and Germany, he is talking about one which Poland held German troops all along (i.e. the one which exists only in his head).

map Poland

2-5 September, the farthest they are in 120km into Poland by 3rd, hardly first hours deep penetration, now get the fvck out you anti-Polish cvnt.
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Agread,to a point,but,I think you'l find without British and french chari...

Without a British or French chassis we still had the modified Christie chassis with which we produced the fastest tank in the world and maybe instead of making a good TP7 we'd made a much better TP10 and TP14.

Also Poland didnt use French chassis, Polish military was interested only in Somuas but since French couldnt sell us any we bought 100 R-35s in what in 39 was an act of desperation.

Thats just bollox mate and you know it. If it held the "entire border" how come german units were deep inside poland within hours?

Can you tell me what units were deep inside Poland within hours?

Again bollox,official Polish response to the soviet invasion was do not fire unless fired upon.

Which doesnt change the fact that Soviets invaded fortified regions with ammunition dumps where Polish reserve divisions have been organising thus destroying the entire Polish rear logistics at a stroke.

By September 14 Poland still had 720.000 men, by September 21 only some 320.000 thats how decisive the Soviet invasion was.

Ive already said in my first post that the western allies were weak in 1940,

So you're arguing that the Allies who had 3300~ tanks and 3.5 milion men were weak? Could you elaborate?

but,big surprise chauvanist Pole gets all uppity and boo hoo " we are the best at everything but the world just doesnt see it..."

Oh we're definitely better in WW2 and the world sees it, the reaction from Western supremacists is well... like yours.

Germany lost approximately 230 tanks in Poland and 740~ in France.

Poland destroyed 32% of the French destroyed tanks while having only 9% tanks the West had, only 11% AT guns etc, and its important to remember in what unfavorable conditions Poland fought as compared to the West, encircled from all sides, with rear echelons destroyed by Russian invasion.

Lets compare aircraft losses, Poles destroyed around 300 German airplanes having about 400 airplanes themselves. West destroyed around 1200 airplanes having 3000 airplanes themselves.

So Poland having around 12% of Western allied airpower destroyed about 25% of what the allies did.

And Isthatu i'm using conservative figures here, not counting all German losses ie armored cars (counted as tanks well into 1940 by both Poles and Allies) and not counting destroyed German scout planes etc, then the losses incurred by Poland would reach up to 50% of those in France in airplanes.

We can go on and keep comparing, there's no chauvinism, Poland had a capable war machine and if the West didnt put Poland in an untenable position and kept to its promises the war would be over by the time Germany was supposed to invade France, except it would be over in Berlin.

Its nothing about heroism and everything about people like you selling Poland as weak when dry figures show it did better with sharp sticks then the West did with nukes.
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

come on, that's (Polish automatic rifle) a copy of the Browning A-5 Shotgun type action or a 1918 BAR

Its an original design it has nothing in common with BAR, Gewehr-43 is based in Gewehr-40 which might or might not have been copied from the Polish design but neither of them have anything to do with BAR or M1 internally or externally.

You may confuse it with wz1937 which was an aircraft gun but its nice to see good old American "everything came from us" redneck spirit again :)
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Only Czechs had some serious tanks at that period

7TP, 10TP, Pz III, PzIV R-35,D-2, BT-7, T-34, KV-1 and more.

There's quite a lot of countries, Poland included that had better tanks than the Czechs.
8 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

What you keep on repeating clearly shows you much prefer to form your opinions on the basis of Nazi propaganda. No surprise here. Most people hating Poles and Poland would.

Actually there were multiple examples where cavalry units showed each other such courtesy initially.

The Poles charged German troops and then German cavalry counter-charged.

Normally i ignore your posts all together but you seem determined to infest my thread, Poles did not charge German troops, they were charged downhill by what was probably a reinforced squadron of Siebzehnte Reiter Regiment or 17th Bamberg Reiter regiment, after the German commander was killed his unit was routed, during pursuit however Poles got into a crossfire from concealed machinegun nests and the squadron was almost destroyed.

Nobody gave anybody the courtesy of forming up,

Quite the opposite, Hildebrand makes mention of such things, Guderian scornuflly remarks about "ridiculous concessions" a dragoon unit under him made, Major Rożniak mentiones it in his memoirs, there are at least several documented cases where Polish and German cavalry not only allowed time to form up but didnt collect prisoners and allowed the defeated to witdhraw in peace.
8 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Ie,a licensed copy,with some mods,of the british vickers.

Different turret, different gun, modified hull, completely differnt optics - Poles took a very poor tank and made a Panzer III equivalent (from Hildebrands own words) it had very little of the original british crapbox left in it.

Well,lets face it,it was weak

Was it? It fought a week longer then the French, British and Low Countries, it made Germans fight the first massive battle of WW2 where 650.000 soldiers fought on both sides.

Also Blitzkrieg is a myth, unlike in Russia, France and everywhere else Poles actually stopped Wehrmacht all across their 2000km border for 3 days.

Turns out Polish army with its outdated equipment performed better then the combined armies of the entire Western Europe.

In 39 the Poles in places put up some of the most heroic defensive AND offfensive actions

And some of the most succesfull ones, before Russia and Normandy Poland was the site of the largest armored battle, largest aerial battle and largest land battles (multiple) which cost Germans a grand total of 1/5th of their materiel.

that doesnt detract from its overall weakness,ie,it lost,just as the french and british did 6 months later.....

On the contrary it did not lose like the French and British, it managed hold Germans along the entire border, it managed to win a number of massive battles, Polish army outperformed the West.

In addition Poland was forced to fight over half a milion Soviets and 50.000 Slovaks and unlike France it did not have allies, fortification lines or buffer states (low countries).

So if you state that Polish Army was weak then how do you describe the French/British/Low Countries performance which having much greater resources and superior strategic situation performed that much worse then Poles?

I've been told of a skirmish in the first few days of WW2 where a small squadron of Polish cavalry met an equal sized squad of German cavalry on an opposing hill. They both eyed each other off and allowed each other the courtesy to form up. They then charged each other with sabres

Village of Żubrówka i believe.
7 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

This is a rare one, from a friend who sent this to me i got the description, Polish infantry turning their gun on a Pz35T (seen in a distance) thats speeding towards their position.

A Pz II tank after a direct hit with a 100mm artillery shell, an engine, a piece of hull and a turret.

Mors smg, one of the few surviving pictures.

Polish sharpshooter, probably from the Hel naval base.

A section of a heavy armored train.

Polish 23TP medium tank with a single turret(artist rendition).
4 Oct 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

They enter the "old hag" period of their life, 50+ is the "mother in law" thats when we should be allowed by law to put them down.

Unless its Monica Belucci, she's always 16 in my book.
4 Oct 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Come on sokky a couple of beers down yah and you would straight in there :-)

I'd get alcohol poisoning before i am ever this drunk.

sure when they were born they were totaly fine !

But when they were born they were a genderless filthy diaper generating machine, we're talking about the period when women become soulless items for our pleasure and benefit (16-35yrs)

and by the way if you are not fine with this , for sure someone is :)

Yeah there's people who're fine with skullfvcking dead puppies, doesnt mean its normal.
4 Oct 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

i think all men and women are most beautifull as they have been created by God.
God is beautifull so His all creation is beautifull as well.

So you're fine with f*cking this?
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Before i roll on a beer, Polish army motorised component just prior to the war.

Motorised infantry squad (from the Polish motorised-armored brigade).

C2P medium artillery tractor towing what looks like a 155mm howitzer (sorry thats actually a 75mm AT gun)


More of the C2P medium tractor.

Domestically built truck for motorised units, 200 entered the ranks before the war.

C4P medium tractors towing 37mm Bofors AA guns and searchlights.

Motorised company.

C4P medium tractor/troop transport.

Citroen halftrack towing a 75mm howitzer manned by an artillery section.

An infantry unit mounted on lorries.

Citroen halftrack with a 75mm gun.

Polish mechanized unit parked outside a manor.

Sokól-1000 bike.

Polish motorised recon on campaign (soldiers wear German Stahlelms, some of the old German helmets were in use in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and Hungary.)

C2P towing a 120mm mortar.

Partially motorised cavalry unit.

Light engineering tractor.

All terrain recon/light duty transport.